Posts Tagged ‘Knee Pain’

Longevity Walking Add Years to Your Life

Monday, August 19th, 2013

My early morning training involves walking; in
fact I walk every day for at least 30 minutes.
Sometimes it’s fast other times it’s a slow
meditation walk and I always include at least 250
steps backwards. You may be asking yourself, why

When you walk backwards it brakes up different
patterns in your body and mind. The more different
possibilities you add to your body and or mind
makes you more flexible, improves your balance and
gives you a new way of looking at the world.

When I was in China I would see people walking
every morning in the parks and many of them were
walking backwards. I asked my Master, “Why are
they walking backwards? Was it a meditation, some
kind of Chinese exercise or what?” He laughed and
explained in his best English, “It’s for many
things, walking backwards not only improves your
balance, but it opens up your vision and
strengthens the kidneys and relieves back and knee
pain.” I tried it and was amazed at how well it

Try it !

You will be surprised how fast your body will heal
and how much sharper your mind will become.
Walking no matter how you do it can make a big
difference in your health picture. Even just
taking a short walk for 30 minutes a day cuts the
chances of becoming diabetic by more than half.

The Benefits of Walking:
• Cuts the risk of stroke by more than 25 %
• Reduces hypertension
• Walk ing cuts the risk of cancer
• Women who walk have a 20 % lower possibility of
getting breast cancer
•Improves the immune system
• Men who walk 30 minutes a day have a
significantly lower level of prostate cancer
• Strengthens the heart
• Strengthens bones
• Improves the circulatory system
• Generates positive neuro chemicals
• When you walk every day, your body is healthier
and stronger. A single 30-minute walk can reduce
your blood pressure by five points for over 20
• Reduces the risk of blood clots in your legs
• Walking helps the body heal quicker. It keeps
the body healthy. It improves our biological
health, our physical health, our psychosocial
health, and helps with our emotional health.
Walking will add year’s to your life and a smile
to your entire being.

Walking is just one of the ways I stay young and
healthy, add the Qi Gong, meditation and proper
diet and your chances of a long healthy life will
increase by 50% or more.
I’ll teach my students how to do, what to do, and
why we do it in the Qi Gong Inner Circle

Join us today and get on with it ASAP.
Hurry, your time is running out!
Find out more here

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Chinese Healing Technique

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

images-2Saturday morning I drove to Fort Lauderdale,
Florida which is about an hour from my house to
learn the “Ba Gui Fa” system of healing and pick
up some CEU’s for my acupuncture license.

Although the first part of the day was all theory
it laid the foundation for practice and

After lunch is when the fun started. We used a
combination of cupping and Gua Sha to relieve pain
and correct imbalances and clear the facial

Although the cupping and Gua Sha (scraping of the
skin) shows up as redness and temporary marks,
they dissipate within a few days and for the most
part take care of the pain and stagnation action
in the muscle. If you look at someone’s back after
treatment you would think they got in a fight or
had road rush up and down their back. A few years
ago I worked on 2 children to clear up a lingering
cough. When they went back to school the teacher
called childhood services because she thought
there was some abusiveness going on at home.

When I was in China you would see people walking
with red round marks and red spots all over their
bodies. The treatments usually removes blood
stagnation considered pathogenic, promoting normal
circulation and metabolic processes. The patient
experiences immediate relief from pain, stiffness,
fever, chill, cough, nausea and so on. Gua Sha is
valuable in the prevention and treatment of acute
infectious illness, upper respiratory and
digestive problems, and many other acute or
chronic disorders.

I have been doing both cupping and Gua Sha in my
office for the last 20 years with great success.
When I was studying with Jerry Alan Johnson he
showed us how to combine the treatment with
medical Qi Gong and now I have discovered how
effective it is with Gua Sha as well.

I use it to clear up stubborn coughs, colds, pain,
and asthma. It even works well for knee pain, sore
shoulders and neck pain as well as stomach
problems. Treatments like this have no side
effects and work like magic to clear up stubborn
problems in no time at all.
Once the problem is resolved I teach the person
how to keep the Qi and blood flowing so the
problem doesn’t return. I always know if the
person is practicing or not by the amount of
treatments they need. If I am working on them and
the patients isn’t the healing process takes twice
as long.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Want to learn these techniques? I share them with
the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle
I’ll send you a DVD with a technique
to increase your chances of living a longer life
with less pain more energy and a lot of fun. Join

Sexual Power is Power

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

I know a group of guys who are years younger than
me and work hard and also have an active family
life. One is in his mid 50’s, two in their mid
40’s and a younger guy who just turned 26. They
golf, lift weights, Ski and play sports. But, for some
reason all of their blood work came back showing
low testosterone (LOW -T). They are now
all on supplements and some of them are even
injecting themselves with testosterone to try and
bring their levels up to normal. I find this very
unusual. Could it be their diet? Their stress
level? Or the wrong type of exercises?

When you start artificially feeding your body with
testosterone, what happens is your body actually
becomes lazy and stops producing it. This causes
the old ‘No Led in you pencil” syndrome. Although,
I am years older I have been focusing on internal
exercises that stimulate and strengthen the
kidneys, move the energy and keep the led sharpened.

It’s highly unusual for the 26 year old but he has
been losing too much Jing. In Chinese Medicine,
the Jing feeds your sexual energy, your internal
fluids, your vitality and keeps you young! If you
do the correct exercises, you can strengthen your
internal organs but if you are not paying
attention, losing vital fluids every time you make
love, believe it or not you are draining yourself,
aging yourself and you can end up with low back
pain, hair loss, knee pain, tinnitus and sexually

, order this
program today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS Sexual vitality is the secret to a long life
and an exciting one as well. Learn and practice
click on the link and learn more.

It’s worth 1,000 flu shots!

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

It’s starting to get cold up north and the
snow birds are flocking up to Florida once again.
Today I was busy with colds, flu’s, back aches,
sinus congestion, knee pain, and allergies.
When people come down to South Florida for the
first few weeks, no matter if they’re coming from
Europe or the northern states, when they get down
here they change their diet, their dress, and they are
exposed to all of the flowering plants and trees of
South Florida. That’s what keeps me busy all day.

My office is busy all day with people from all
over the world trying to balance their health issues.
The type of medicine that I practice is far different
than the traditional doctors. I never try to kill a disease,
a germ, or a virus. My practice is based on strengthening
the immune system. If you have a strong immune system,
you don’t get sick – you stay young, strong and vibrant!

Western medicine is built around the germ theory.
Trying to kill that germ, trying to kill the cancer,
trying to kill the bacteria or whatever the disease is.
To me there is really no logic in that medicine.
We’ve all been exposed to colds and flu’s before
and if we are emotionally upset, stressed out, or not
in balance, we end up with a disease. If you’re happy,
in love and filled with joy, even if you’re exposed to
the worst colds and flu’s, you usually don’t get it!

When you’re stressed out – that’s the time that
Dis-ease hits you. You’re not yourself.
You don’t have your usual strengths and power
that you usually have -you’re just out of balance!
And the slightest breeze or an unwanted sneeze can
make you sick. I have had patients report to me that
by doing the exercises and the meditations in the
Turn Stress into Power program, they eliminated
all of their colds, flu’s and fevers the entire winter!

This information is worth 1,000 flu shots!
Stay healthy all winter and order the
Turn Stress into Power program today!

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi