Posts Tagged ‘Mind And Spirit’

How to change your fate and become a star

Friday, March 29th, 2013

Around 5:30 this morning I woke up and headed down
to the beach for my morning training. It’s been
cooler than usual in South Florida, somewhere
between 45 and 55 degrees all week. To tell you
the truth it’s quite refreshing. The waves were
roaring in and the tide was way out. As I walked
along I noticed the beach was full of large
starfish. I have been in Florida for close to 20
years. I train every morning and this is the first
time I have ever seen them, the beach was filled
with stars. How cool is that?!

I started putting them back in the sea and then
met up with a group of students to practice for a
few hours — what a great way to start the day!

A Qi Gong workout energizes the entire body, mind
and spirit. When I got home I looked up starfish
on the Internet and came across this story.

Once upon a time, there was a wise man that used
to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a
habit of walking on the beach before he began his

One day, as he was walking along the shore, he
looked down the beach and saw a human figure
moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the
thought of someone who would dance to the day, so
he walked faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was
that of a young man, and that what he was doing
was not dancing at all. The young man was reaching
down to the shore, picking up small objects and
throwing them into the ocean.

He came closer and called out, “Good morning! May
I ask what it is that you are doing?”

The young man paused, looked up and replied,
“Throwing starfish into the ocean!”

“I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish
into the ocean?” asked the somewhat startled wise

To this, the young man replied, “The sun is up and
the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them in,
they’ll die.”

Upon hearing this, the wise man commented, “But,
young man, do you not realize that there are miles
and miles of beach and there are starfish all
along every mile? You can’t possibly make a

As if he hadn’t heard, the young man bent down,
picked up yet another starfish and threw it into
the ocean. As it met the water, he turned, smiled
and said, “It made a difference to that one!”

Train every day! Practice is the key to your

I have been coaching 6 students from different
walks of life since the beginning of the year. We
spent a few days’ together working on health
issues, stress reduction and learning the internal
practices and now we meet via Skype every month to
go over goals, problem solving and the meditations
and exercises. All of them are making a difference
in their own lives and the lives of their
patients, clients and family. It’s a pleasure to
see people transform and grow so quickly.

If you are ready to transform yourself, fill out
the form and we can explore some new possibilities
together that will make all the difference in your

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS When you work with a personal coach you are
able to work from outside of the box and your
success will come much quicker than you ever

Dr. Wu Dhi

When was the last time you were at an enchanted baseball game?

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

The game started out with a run in the first
inning and it got more exciting as it went on. The
pitchers were throwing fastballs, curve balls and
other pitches I never even herd of. I usually
don’t pick up all the subtleties but this game was
special, I have known the pitcher and his family
since 2006.

The team was from Tampa, Florida, the PTI Maniacs.
The pitcher, a 12 year old, Frank Furey he’s a kid
to keep your eyes on.

He is focused, strong and I wouldn’t be surprised
if he makes it to the majors in a few years.

I was sitting with his dad who pointed out how
many pitches he threw to get each batter out,
where the ball was going and a lot more.

I hardly go to ball games and I can’t remember
the last time I went to a little league type game, if ever. It
brought me back to when I was a boy playing ball
in Detroit with friends. We had one bat, a few
balls and a glove that was it.

Today’s leagues are very different! They have
custom bats, some costing up to $450, fancy
spikes, a slew of different gloves and protective
gear not including the uniforms. These up coming pro’s
looked and played like pro’s.

They train hard and long and it shows in the game
they play.
They were doing more than just playing baseball
with friends.This was a focused team of young
athletes who brought an enchantment to the old
ball game.

To be on top in your game no mater if it’s balls or
business, it takes internal and external skills.

Most people lack .
They lack concentration.
They lack stillness.

Their cage is easily rattled.
Their forces are scattered.
And they have no techniques or training
on how to harness the power of
their body, mind and spirit to be successful.

Hitting home runs is a whole lot easier when you
know how to balance, harmonize and strengthen your internal
forces. If you know what pitches to swing at – and which pitches
to leave alone.

The same is true for anything you do.

You can tell that Frank is being trained in energy
exercises, meditations as well as strength
training. In order to focus and stay focused for
long periods of time and be consistent it takes
time, energy and calmness that most never achieve.

Our minds jump from one task to another like
monkeys jumping from tree to tree.
The human mind is always active like a room filled
with drunken monkeys, jumping around, screeching,
chattering, and carrying on endlessly.
We all have , clamoring for attention.
Fear especially, is a loud monkey, sounding the
alarm incessantly, pointing out all the things we
should be cautious of and everything that could go
Learning and practicing to meditate in order to
tame the drunken monkey can change your entire
life. It’s useless to fight with the monkeys or to
try to banish them from your mind because, that
which you resist persists.

Spend some time each day in quiet meditation —
simply calm your mind by focusing on your
breathing or a simple mantra — you can, over
time, tame the monkeys. I recommend a teaching to
all my students to become more calm and focused.

“The imagesprogram” will lead you
through the use of the secret mantra and the
teaching of the Six realms.
The How too’s of practicing and understanding this
ancient teaching to free you from the chattering
monkey mind.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS.The program will teach you the secrets behind
the meditation, as well as the practice and a
special subliminal program to embody the practice.
Order it today and stop monkeying around.

Every Wednesday night I teach a meditation class
at my office in Aventura, Florida. I invite you be
my guest and learn how to bring out your natural
skills of focus and calmness. We start at 7:00PM
the class goes for about an hour.
For more information give me a call 786-271-0325

Dr. Wu Dhi

Increase your Power and Energy

Monday, January 28th, 2013

We have all heard of the placebo effect.
“It is the measurable, observable, or felt
improvement in health or behavior not attributable
to a medication or invasive treatment that has
been administered. The placebo effect is not mind
over matter; it is not mind-body medicine. ‘The
placebo effect’ has become a catchall term for a
positive change in health.”

In a medical study, researchers will give half of
the group real medicine and the other half a sugar
pill. The sugar pill is considered to be placebo
and more than half of the time the person
receiving the sugar pill gets better, thats more
than just the power of suggestion. It is believing
that something will work, so it works! This is
true in many medical studies but when it comes to
Qi Gong, you need to practice.

I have been doing Qi Gong for the last 30 years
and I have no illness, no sore muscles, no
digestive problems and my sexual activity is as
good as ever. The other day I went on a film shoot
to demonstrate some Qi Gong and mediation
exercises with 2 professional photographers. They
are both 1/3 my age. I did exercises, stretches,
meditations and much more. We shot all day at
to 5 different locations all over South Beach and
we finally ended up in the Wynnewood area, one of
the hot spots for lifestyles, art and cool
restaurants in Miami.

Even though they are much younger than me, the 2
photographers were exhausted! Yet my energy was
still peaking! They said, “we had enough!” and my
energy was buzzing for hours. Went I returned home I wrote a blog, took a sauna, meditated and got to bed around 11
My usual day starts at 6 a.m. with
meditation, exercise and breakfast. I’m in the
office till 7 at night and I am full of energy all
the time! It’s no placebo and it’s not in my head
but it’s the nature of what the internal exercises
can do for you if you practice daily. Internal exercises,
stimulates the body, mind and spirit. It opens up
the meridians, the chakras and strengthens your
sexual energy.

In 2006 I put together a program of 36 of the most
powerful exercises to rewire our systems. It’s
called the Recharging Qi Gong. It consists of a
book, a guided practice DVD, an instructional
training DVD,
5 CD’s on:
1. Sexual Vitality
2. Internal secrets of Qi Gong
3. Compassion, the path to Mental Well-being
4. The Spiritual keys to Qi Gong
5. The 5 Elements of Transformational Power

This program is a must do program yo activate
the internal channels. Order today and rewire your internal

….. Be more Powerful
……… more Dynamic
………… more Energetic
……………… Stronger

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS The Recharging Qi Gong Program will change your mental,
physical and spiritual bodies in a matter of 90 days or sooner.

click on the link to order Now and I’ll send it out today.

How a Cold can make you Feel Better

Friday, December 7th, 2012

Last week was a rough one for me. I had a
cold/flu/fonk thing that knocked my socks off and
put me in bed for 4 days, I haven’t had a cold in
the last 6 to 10 years and this one hit me like a
ton of bricks. Sometimes when one gets sick it all
starts when you’re pushing your self too hard or
get off your program- that’s when we are the most
I am a doer and sometimes I am so into my doing no
matter what it is.
I forget to just STOP and Recharge.

These last few days were out of control, I wanted
to keep on going but the universe took over and
stopped me, if I liked it or not…..

A special friend sent me this You Tube link to
remind me to relax and enjoy.

It’s a good reminder to open up, be more flexible,
(not as ridged), understanding and loving.
Although it’s just a little cartoon it has a big
message for all of us who get so focused on this
or that and forget to give more love to oneself
and others and to be flexible in body mind and

I am back to full power again a lesson well
learned. I thank all of you for cards and emails
wishing me well.
Thank you,
Thank You,
Thank you!

Although I was knocked down for a few days, it
allowed me to reflect relax, rest, sleep and to go
deeper in my meditations.
The down time started with a day of TV which was a
big brain suck, so I turned that sucker off and
went back to the basics.

• Meditation
• Relaxing
• Centering
• Grounding
• Soft music

The basics brought it all back together and what
emerged was a healthier stronger me. I am back to
training practicing, writing, teaching and sharing
this increasable work with you again.
It is a pleasure to give to others as we receive
more every time we give. It’s a universal law
“What ever you give, whether it’s money, time,
donations, labor or anything else within your
life, including love, you will receive the same
back multiplied 10 times.” I am not sure who wrote
that one but it works.
I encourage you to stop everything right now. Take
a deep breath and be thankful for your health and
all you have.
You can change your stress into power by just
opening up to it.
In the Turn Stress into Power program, I show you
techniques to transform stress into useable

Practices to get on top of the wave of life and
feel great.
Order the program today and transform your stress
into POWER!
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr Wu Dhi

Embarrassing Stories that we remember forever

Monday, October 29th, 2012

Every family has a story that their parents and
grandparents tell them when they are kids and they
remember it word for word. I remember my dad
telling me that he always wears underpants and the
reason why is… When he first started to date my
mother when he was 20 years old living in Detroit
in the cold winter there was lots of snow on the
ground and he was outside with his friends and his
girlfriend, who eventually became my mother. They
were having a snowball fight and when my father
bent down to make a snowball, his pants split open
and all his junk was exposed to god and country.
From that day on he always wore underpants.

I was telling one of my patients this story and
she told me a story about her father…

It seemed that when her father was young he
started to lose his hair and one of his friends
told him that if he would take newspaper, and rub
his head everyday with newspaper the ink from the
newspaper would stimulate hair growth. He said to
the fellow with the fine advice, “In that case I
should have a lot of hair on my ass because I wipe
with toilet paper everyday!” She said her bother
and sisters remember this story to this day and
when they see the newspaper they think of dad.

We all have things that stick to our memory from
childhood and in some cases this is a very
positive thing. That’s why I started teaching my
children Qi Gong meditation and internal exercises
at a young age. They remember things that are
funny, shocking, or have a great impact in their
lives. As long as you make it fun, have a great
story around it, are consistent in your teachings
and practice you will remember it in body, mind
and spirit.

What you’re actually doing is I started
my children on Flying Crane Qi Gong when they were
very young and they still practice. This builds
internal power, focus, and peace of mind and keeps
the body young.

If you don’t have this program and you are not
practicing by all means get one today! It comes
with a CD on Qi Gong Meditation and two DVD’s; one
with the practical application, and the other
instructional. Flying crane Qi Gong has five major
moves, and the secret automatic move. This Qi Gong
has been used to heal the body and bring you back
to optimal health in the least amount of time.

I wish you the best in you Health, Wealth and

Dr. WuDhi

Detoxify for the Fall season!

Friday, September 21st, 2012

I have a good friend who has been involved in
the military for years. He fought in the Korean War
when Douglas MacArthurthe was the president.
He actually did battle on the
front line to defend our country and has the
battle scars to prove it.

He has been retired from active duty for years now
and seldom talks about his war experiences, but
whenever he does he says it was heavy.

He has been seeing a doctor at the Veterans
administration (VA ) for his health care and up
until the last year everything has been OK– just
the usual aches and pains but nothing else.
But as time goes on unless you are actively
involved in keeping your body, mind and spirit in
tip top shape systems can fail.

Last week he went to the VA for a problem that he
was having with his digestive system, the dreaded
constipation syndrome that led to a painful
It seems that he wasn’t moving his bowls for 4 or
5 days in a roll. You can imagine
the toxins that back-up, ferment and rot when
there is no release. It affects the liver and
causes problems with the kidneys and even the
brain is effected.
In his
unfocused state he plowed into a can in the
parking lot of the VA. He not only totaled his
car, the air bag opened with an explosion crushed
his chest, fractured his hand and sprained his
neck. He lost his hearing in the left ear and
broke his new glasses.
What a mess!
All of this could have been avoided if only he had
followed the simple rules of detoxing the body.
1. Drink a minimum of 4 glasses of pure water
a day and not more that 8
2. Eat 2 heaps of fruit a day and the same
with veggies
3. Exercise daily it helps massage your
internal organs and keeps the Qi and blood moving
4. Don’t wait for the pain to come before you
do something about your health
5. Detox at least 4 times a year

I have been keeping my body and mind in great
shape by doing exercises that keep my internal
organs healthy to balance my Ph and detoxing my
body every season change.

As we move into fall the detox, it is more
important than ever to keep you healthy all
winter. You can avoid the cold and flu season and
stay fit as a fiddle!

Get on the program today and order the Core detox!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. He’s doing much better, still some pain in the chest
He is doing the detox program and he reports that everything is
along moving.

Is your Energy Flowing or Not?

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm, I teach a
meditation class in my office.
It’s based on Internal exercises practices
They are the
opposite of external exercises like swimming,
boxing, wrestling, tennis, weight lifting, etc.
While external exercises may produce an attractive
body, they often do so by depleting the energy of
the heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys and liver. That
causes a number of illnesses and ages you quicker
than you would think. Internal exercises like Qi
Gong are designed to energize the entire body,
balance all of the energy levels and heal as well
as strengthen our internal organs. Internal organs
are designed to correct posture, keep you more
grounded and are based on the five element theory;
fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

One thing that I always emphasize and work on in
the meditation classes is the breathing and the
pathways of energy in the body known as the
meridians. Once a person gets proficient in the
micro cosmic orbit (the spiritual digestive
system)– they’ll easily be able to feel the
energy in the meridians and along the pathways to
balance the body, mind and spirit. When I do an
acupuncture treatment, I am always working with
the meridians, they are like a series of energy
rivers running through the body. There is one for
the lungs, large intestines, stomach, spleen,
heart, small intestines, bladder, kidneys,
pericardium, triple heater, liver and gallbladder
– plus more.

These rivers of energy carry the Qi or energy all
through our bodies. If there is a blockage
mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually or
psychologically, the rivers of energy get blocked
and the next thing you know you have some form of

When we work with the Qi Gong exercises,
meditations and breathing, we open up those
blockages and the Qi flows properly, balancing
body, mind and spirit.

Personally I practice these types of exercises
daily. I teach my patients and students these
exercises. I make videos about them like the
Flying Crane Qi Gong and Recharging Qi Gong and
much more to the Qi Gong Inner Circle.

If you are ready to turn your health around 360
degrees get on the program!

Join up and get the big three:

Flying Crane Qi Gong

Recharging Qi Gong

Qi Gong Inner Circle

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Most Powerful Day of the Year

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

The summer Solstice happened a few
days ago, the longest day of the year.
There is now an abundant amount of energy
and lots of sunshine!

It’s in the nineties in South Florida
and that’s why I start my training at
5:30 in the morning. It’s still cool at
that time and there is a nice breeze
coming from the ocean. Summer is about
growth, creativity, expansion and staying active.

This is the time when our bodies go
through maximum activities, so expect
lots of heat inside and out.
To stay healthy this summer, keep your
priorities in maintaining your heart, mind
and spirit in top shape, which are all part
of the fire element.

If the heart is in harmony, the taste buds in
our tongue work efficiently. It’s important to
have tongue cleaning as part of your hygiene
regiment, if you aren’t doing tongue scraping
start today.

You may be asking yourself what’s
The Purpose of Tongue Cleaning?

By removing the soft plaque from the tongue
you are
 removing most of the bacteria and other
garbage which is the primary source of bad breath,
hard plaque (tartar) and tooth decay. You can pick
up a tongue scraper at the health
 food store or a
spoon will work just fine.

“The supernatural forces of summer create heat
in the Heavens and fire on Earth; they create the
heart and the pulse within the body, the red color,
the tongue, and the ability to express laughter.
They create the bitter flavor and the emotions of
happiness and joy.”


The Summer Solstice is when the sun reaches
its highest point, the day with the greatest
number of daylight hours
 and the shortest
night of the year. Soon after, the days will
get shorter.

In Chinese medicine, summer is associated
with the Fire element and with heat.
The heart is the fire element of the body
and if there is too much heat in the heart,
the heat will rise and eventually disrupt the mind.
To have a balanced mind, do more Yin type
 like the Qi Gong Yin Set.

These exercises will keep you cool all
summer and benefit the heart.

When the change of the season happens,
especially during
 the winter and summer
solstice, this is an opportunity to reset
your internal clock. The summer solstice is
called the
 Midsummer because it’s around the
middle of the growing season, a period of
abundant growth. So wake up early and seek
the sun for nourishment to thrive just as
the plants and trees do.

I’m staying quite busy these days, working,
writing and training every day early morning.
I’ll have some more exciting programs in the
next 30 days, keep an eye out for them.

Wishing you Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you don’t have a copy of the Yin Set, get
it today! No shipping costs and you can get
wherever you have internet access.

Mayan Healer

Friday, May 4th, 2012

In 2007 I was working as Matt Furrey’s
personal doctor.
I attended every seminar that he taught and I
met a group of astonishing people from all walks
of life, some were high- powered business people
worth millions of dollars and some were amazing healers.
I still stay I touch with many of these people and we share
many techniques with each other, some on marketing,
some on healing and others on internal meditations.

I must say that being in a master mind group and
working with high-powered people can change your life.
I know that it has changed mine for the better. Our world
is changing quickly and right now there is a lot of information
on the Internet and on television about December 21, 2012,
the end of the Mayan calendar.

Patricia and Dan have been working and
studying with the Mayans for years, studying their
traditions and learning their healing techniques.
They are a very interesting couple indeed.
Dan practices Western psychiatry in the world and
is a Mayan priest. Patricia is a well- trained nurse
and is a healer and a priestess.

I had a healing session with Patricia the other day.
She contacted me through Skype and the results
were amazing. If you are tired, drained of
energy, vitality and
enjoyment of life? Wonder what
happened to the energy, strength
and power
you used to have?

I have good news!

Your body still possesses your energy, strength
and power. But it has become inaccessible
because of the layers of emotional, physical and
mental pain you have suffered in this life!

Patricia Morris Cardona, APRN, BC is a
personal friend of mine, a colleague
in healing, and best news of all she can help
you release negative emotion and past
negative trauma from your body, mind and
spirit and from your life!

Once the negative energy is removed from
your body, mind and spirit, healing energy
is infused in its place and you naturally regain
your energy, vitality and enjoyment of life!

Patricia graduated from the University of Michigan
and has been working in alternative health care for
over 30 years along with working as a Nurse
Practitioner and Therapist in Psychiatry.

Patricia has studied alternative healing and
spirituality with teachers in the United States,
Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru
in order to enhance her natural abilities, which she
uses to assist clients with their healing and growth.

Patricia studied with the Mayans for years.
Patricia works with
client’s energy fields to remove negative
energies, enliven, realign, and refresh the field.

She teaches the client various methods that
can be used to work with their own energy fields,
to continue to stabilize and heal on a daily basis.

For more information about her services visit the
Healing page at:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

If You Really want it You can Get It.

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

When I was just 17 years old
I met a girl and I fell head-over-
heals for her. At that time she was
just 15 and I couldn’t wait to take
her out on a date. So I borrowed my
Dads car and headed over to see
her and meet the parents. I guess
it was no surprise when her mother
said she wasn’t going anywhere with a
teenager with a car and raging hormones.
I was disappointed but there was no way
I was giving up.

It turned out that her mother was a Yoga
instructor and taught classes every week.
Although I didn’t have a clue what yoga
was at that time, I went to her classes and
said I loved it and wanted to come to more
classes. It was great! I sat as close to my
sweetie as I could possibility get and rolled,
stretched, bent over and laid with my eyes
closed and my heart beating for the entire class.
After I became a regular Yogie fan her
mother trusted us to go out and pick up
some dessert and bring it back to the family.
At last we had an hour alone.
I drove to the
restaurant as fast as I could go, pick up
the order, park in a dark street and make
out for ½ hour and drive back to her
parents’ house as quick as possible.
That was it! I was hooked on Yoga and
never missed a class. In fact I often
stopped over to ask her mother questions
about the practices and got to spend some
more time with my sweetie.

My entire body mind and spirit was focused
on being at their house and the yoga was
the key to unlocking what I wanted.
Doing a practice has rewards way beyond
our imagination. When I was a youngen it
didn’t matter what the motivation was.
I had a goal and nothing was going to
stand in my way.

That was a long time ago but the lesson
learned still applies today. If you want
something no matter how impossible it
may seem, if you are motivated in body,
mind and spirit- YOU WILL GET IT!
Over the last 40 or 50 years I have studied
many aspects of health, both Eastern and Western.
They include internal and external exercises,
many systems of yoga, meditation, Qi Gong,
Shen Gong and Nei Gong and many longevity
practices you may not be aware of that are
still practiced in Europe today.
These practices involve living life in a
responsible way and living life to its fullest
but integrating the reality of the world you
live in by taking a mindful look around you.
In Buddhism they have a formula to live life
to it’s fullest, it’s called:

The Noble Eightfold Path
1. Right View
2. Right Intention
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration

It is a practical guideline to ethical and
mental development with the goal of freeing
the individual from attachments and
delusions; and it finally leads to
understanding the truth about all things.
Great emphasis is put on the practical aspect,
because it is only through practice that one
can attain a higher level of being and
reach Enlightenment.

1. Right View
To see and to understand things as they
really are. Right view is the intellectual aspect
of wisdom. It means to see things through,
to grasp the impermanent and imperfect
nature of worldly objects and ideas, and to
understand the law of karma.

2. Right Intention
The mental energy that controls our actions,
it can be described best as commitment to
ethical and mental self-improvement.

3. Right Speech
Proper conduct is viewed as a guideline to
proper control of your life. The importance
of speech is obvious: words can break or
save lives, make enemies or friends,
start war or create peace.

4. Right Action
Healthy actions lead to sound states of mind.
Again, the principle is explained in terms of
abstinence: right action means

A. To abstain from harming any living being,
especially to abstain from taking life
(including suicide) and doing harm
intentionally or delinquently.

B. To abstain from taking what is not given,
which includes stealing, robbery, fraud,
deceitfulness, and dishonesty.

C. To abstain from sexual misconduct.
Positively formulated, right action means
to act kindly and compassionately, to be
honest, to respect the belongings of others,
and to keep sexual relationships harmless to others.

5. Right Livelihood
Right livelihood means that one should
earn one’s living in a righteous way and
that wealth should be gained legally and peacefully.

6. Right Effort
Without effort, which is in itself an act of
will, nothing can be achieved. Mental
energy is the force behind right effort.
The same type of energy that fuels desire,
envy, aggression, and violence can on the
other side fuel self-discipline, honesty,
benevolence, and kindness.

7. Right Mindfulness
It is the mental ability to see things as
they are, with clear consciousness.
Right mindfulness is anchored in clear
perception and it penetrates impressions
without getting carried away.

8. Right Concentration
Right Concentration on wholesome
thoughts and actions to develop the
right concentration is through the
practice of meditation. The meditating
mind focuses on a selected object, then
sustains concentration, and finally intensifies
concentration step by step.
Through this practice it becomes natural
to apply raised levels of concentration in
everyday situations.

In The Qi Gong Inner Circle –
you CAN get access to me and
teachings, get answers to your
health and spiritual practices
both mentally, physically and
spiritually as well as
encouragement to support
your drive toward a more
successful and healthy living.

I can assure you, as a member
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle,
I will go the extra mile for you.
Addressing the personal and
individual needs you have that
cannot be addressed in a
manuscript or set of CD’s or DVDs.
What you’re getting is an
“interactive experience.”

Believe me, one piece of advice
from me as well as the many
fabulous members already in the
QGIC – can put you on the
FAST TRACK to Anti- Aging,
Longevity and Internal practices
in a New York second.

Get On the Program
today, my friend. You got everything to gain.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Make sure you click the
link below to enroll.

P.P.S. We will notify you in
24-72 hours to let you know
your username and password
for the Qi Gong Inner Circle.
Some people, unfortunately,
will not make it in because
they’re too slow to act.
Don’t be one of them.