Posts Tagged ‘Time Donations’

How a Cold can make you Feel Better

Friday, December 7th, 2012

Last week was a rough one for me. I had a
cold/flu/fonk thing that knocked my socks off and
put me in bed for 4 days, I haven’t had a cold in
the last 6 to 10 years and this one hit me like a
ton of bricks. Sometimes when one gets sick it all
starts when you’re pushing your self too hard or
get off your program- that’s when we are the most
I am a doer and sometimes I am so into my doing no
matter what it is.
I forget to just STOP and Recharge.

These last few days were out of control, I wanted
to keep on going but the universe took over and
stopped me, if I liked it or not…..

A special friend sent me this You Tube link to
remind me to relax and enjoy.

It’s a good reminder to open up, be more flexible,
(not as ridged), understanding and loving.
Although it’s just a little cartoon it has a big
message for all of us who get so focused on this
or that and forget to give more love to oneself
and others and to be flexible in body mind and

I am back to full power again a lesson well
learned. I thank all of you for cards and emails
wishing me well.
Thank you,
Thank You,
Thank you!

Although I was knocked down for a few days, it
allowed me to reflect relax, rest, sleep and to go
deeper in my meditations.
The down time started with a day of TV which was a
big brain suck, so I turned that sucker off and
went back to the basics.

• Meditation
• Relaxing
• Centering
• Grounding
• Soft music

The basics brought it all back together and what
emerged was a healthier stronger me. I am back to
training practicing, writing, teaching and sharing
this increasable work with you again.
It is a pleasure to give to others as we receive
more every time we give. It’s a universal law
“What ever you give, whether it’s money, time,
donations, labor or anything else within your
life, including love, you will receive the same
back multiplied 10 times.” I am not sure who wrote
that one but it works.
I encourage you to stop everything right now. Take
a deep breath and be thankful for your health and
all you have.
You can change your stress into power by just
opening up to it.
In the Turn Stress into Power program, I show you
techniques to transform stress into useable

Practices to get on top of the wave of life and
feel great.
Order the program today and transform your stress
into POWER!
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr Wu Dhi