Posts Tagged ‘Wise Man’

A Wealthy bit of Knowledge for Mother’s Day

Friday, May 10th, 2013

Early this morning my friend from Hawaii sent me a
picture of images-4, the famous Hindu elephant God
of wealth and wished me the best in health, wealth
and happiness.

I have seen the picture on t-shirts, little
statues and large woodcarvings for years and know
that Ganesh is the representation of Wealth.

I never really explored the true meaning of what
it symbolizes.

It’s always a good idea to open up to new things
and open up your mind beyond your comfort zone.
So I went to the web to look it up and here is
what I found out.

Ganesh the Elephant symbol of Wealth

When we look at the picture of a Hindu deity it
doesn’t mean a whole lot to us at all in the
western world, but to millions of people all over
the planet it has great spiritual symbolism.

1. The meaning of the elephant trunk- The strength
to uproot a tree as well as the finesse to pick up
a needle. Ganesh’s trunk symbolizes the fact that
the wise person has both immense strength and fine

2. The Large ears- The wise person hears all and
talks less.

3. The four hands- In one hand he holds a lotus,
the symbol of enlightenment. In the other hand he
holds a hatchet that severs old Karma. The third
hand holds a bowl of sweets the rewards of a wise
life, although the wise man is not attached to his
good deeds. His fourth hand sends blessings to

4.The broken tusk symbolizes the wise person is
beyond duality. The self and other duality is the
curtain keeping us from realizing our real Self,
beyond body and mind.

5. Sitting with one foot on the ground and the
other resting on his knee- Live on this earth, yet
not entirely of this Earth.

6. Seated on a rat- The wise person rides on his
senses and keeps them under control.

Ganesh governs life force and the Earth mother.

The Hindu mantra or prayer for Ganesh is “Aum
Ganeshaaya Namah

(Let wisdom be our guide).

This is usually chanted 108 times before starting
any important work or travel.

This week I’ll be traveling up north to visit my
93-year-old mother for Mother’s day. It’s a real
blessing to have my Mom around for all these
years. She is quite a character, well versed on
many subjects and well read. Mom is also quite a
conversationalist. She is up on the latest news
events, movies, and very social. She’s liked by
most, if you piss her off, you will just hear her
just saying, “that’s Charming” and walk away.

She used to tell us a story that before she was
sent to charm school she used to say “Bullshit” to
people when they pissed her off or they would go
on and on with their story. At charm school she
learned to say “Charming”. To this day she still
will always stop and listen to everyone’s story
with a smile on her face and often when she walks
away you often hear her say “that was just

I wish all the mothers a very happy mother’s day
and safe trips to all of you who are traveling and
remember when someone pisses you off let them know
how charming they really are.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


We always want to push ourselves beyond our
comfort zones and learn something new. No matter
if it’s a new language, reading a new book or
learning a new way to exercise the body and mind.
Pick up a copy of the Flying Crane Qi Gong and
start retraining your brain.

How to change your fate and become a star

Friday, March 29th, 2013

Around 5:30 this morning I woke up and headed down
to the beach for my morning training. It’s been
cooler than usual in South Florida, somewhere
between 45 and 55 degrees all week. To tell you
the truth it’s quite refreshing. The waves were
roaring in and the tide was way out. As I walked
along I noticed the beach was full of large
starfish. I have been in Florida for close to 20
years. I train every morning and this is the first
time I have ever seen them, the beach was filled
with stars. How cool is that?!

I started putting them back in the sea and then
met up with a group of students to practice for a
few hours — what a great way to start the day!

A Qi Gong workout energizes the entire body, mind
and spirit. When I got home I looked up starfish
on the Internet and came across this story.

Once upon a time, there was a wise man that used
to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a
habit of walking on the beach before he began his

One day, as he was walking along the shore, he
looked down the beach and saw a human figure
moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the
thought of someone who would dance to the day, so
he walked faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was
that of a young man, and that what he was doing
was not dancing at all. The young man was reaching
down to the shore, picking up small objects and
throwing them into the ocean.

He came closer and called out, “Good morning! May
I ask what it is that you are doing?”

The young man paused, looked up and replied,
“Throwing starfish into the ocean!”

“I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish
into the ocean?” asked the somewhat startled wise

To this, the young man replied, “The sun is up and
the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them in,
they’ll die.”

Upon hearing this, the wise man commented, “But,
young man, do you not realize that there are miles
and miles of beach and there are starfish all
along every mile? You can’t possibly make a

As if he hadn’t heard, the young man bent down,
picked up yet another starfish and threw it into
the ocean. As it met the water, he turned, smiled
and said, “It made a difference to that one!”

Train every day! Practice is the key to your

I have been coaching 6 students from different
walks of life since the beginning of the year. We
spent a few days’ together working on health
issues, stress reduction and learning the internal
practices and now we meet via Skype every month to
go over goals, problem solving and the meditations
and exercises. All of them are making a difference
in their own lives and the lives of their
patients, clients and family. It’s a pleasure to
see people transform and grow so quickly.

If you are ready to transform yourself, fill out
the form and we can explore some new possibilities
together that will make all the difference in your

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS When you work with a personal coach you are
able to work from outside of the box and your
success will come much quicker than you ever

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Story of Fire

Friday, August 24th, 2012

Once upon a time a man was contemplating the ways
in which nature operates and he discovered,
because of his concentration and application, how
fire could be made.

This man was called Nour.
He decided to travel from one community to
another, showing people his discovery.

Nour passed the secret to many groups of people.
Some took advantage of the knowledge. Others
drove him away, thinking that he must be
dangerous, before they had time to understand how
valuable the discovery could be to them. Finally
a tribe before which he demonstrated became so
panic stricken that they set about and killed him,
being convinced that he was a demon.

Centuries passed. The first tribe that had
learned about fire reserved the secret for their
priests, who remained in affluence and power while
the people froze.

The second tribe forgot the art and worshiped
instead the instruments. The third worshiped a
likeness of Nour himself, because it was he who
taught them.

The forth retained the story of the making of fire
in their legends; some believed them, some did
The fifth community really did use fire, and this
enabled them to be warmed, to cook their food, and
to manufacture all kinds of useful articles.

After many, many years, a wise man and a small
band of his disciples were traveling through the
lands of these tribes. The disciples were amazed
at the variety of rituals which they encountered;
and one and all said to their teacher; ”But all of
these procedures are in fact related to the making
of fire, nothing else. We should reform these
The teacher said: “Very well then. We shall
restart or journey. By the end of it, those who
survive will know the real problems and how to
approach them.”

When they reached the first tribe, the band was
hospitably received. The priests invited the
travelers to attend their religious ceremony, the
making of fire. When it was over, and the tribe
was in a state of excitement at the event that
they had witnessed, the master said: “Does anyone
wish to speak?”
The first disciple said: “In the cause of Truth I
feel myself constrained to say something to these
“If you will do so at your own risk you may do
so,” said the master.
Now the disciple stepped forward in the presence
of the tribal chief and his priests and said: “I
can perform the miracle which you take to be a
special manifestation of deity. If I do so, will
you accept that you have been in error for so many
But the priests cried: “Seize him!” so the man
was taken away and was never seen again.

The travelers went to the next territory where the
second tribe was worshiping the instruments of
fire making. Again a disciple volunteered to try
to bring reason to the community.

With the permission of the master, he said: “I beg
permission to speak to you as reasonable people.
You are worshiping the means whereby something may
be done, not even the thing itself. Thus you are
suspending the advent of its usefulness. I know
the reality that lies at the basis of this

This tribe was composed of more reasonable people.
But they said to the disciple: “You are welcome
as a traveler and a stranger in our midst. But,
as a stranger, foreign to our history and customs,
you cannot understand what we are doing. You make
a mistake. Perhaps, even, you are trying to take
away or alter our religion. We therefore decline
to listen to you.”

The travelers moved on. When they arrived in the
land of the third tribe, they found before every
dwelling an idol representing Nour, the original
fire-maker. The third disciple addressed the
chiefs of the tribe: “This idol represents a man,
who represents a capacity, which can be used.”

“That may be so,” answered the Nour worshipers,
“but the penetration of the real secret is only
for the few.”
“It is only for the few who will understand, not
for those who refuse to face certain facts” said
the third disciple.
“This is rank heresy, and from a man who does not
even speak our language correctly, and is not a
priest ordained in our faith.” muttered the
priests. And he could make no headway.

The band continued their journey, and arrived in
the land of the fourth tribe. Now a forth
disciple stepped forward in the assembly of the
people. “The story of making fire is true, and I
know how it may be done,” he said.

Confusion broke out within the tribe, which split
into various factions.
Some said: “This may be true, and if it is we
want to find out how to make fire.”

When these people was examined by the master and
his followers, however, it was found that most of
them were anxious to use fire-making for personal
advantage, and did not realize that it was
something for human progress. So deep had the
distorted legends penetrated into the minds of
most people that those who thought they might in
fact represent truth were often unbalanced ones
who could not have made fire, even if they had
been shown how.
There was another faction, who said: “Of course
the legends are not true. This man is just trying
to fool us, to make a place for himself here.”

And a further faction said: “We prefer the
legends as they are, for they are the very mortar
of our cohesion. If we abandon them, and we find
that this new interpretation is useless, what will
become of our community then?”

And there were other points of view as well.

So the party traveled on until they reached the
lands of the fifth community, where fire making
was a commonplace, and where other preoccupations
faced them.
The master said to his disciples:
“You have to learn how to teach, for man does not
want to be taught. First of all, you will have to
teach people how to learn. And before that you
will have to teach them that there is still
something to be learned. They imagine that they
are ready to learn. But they want to learn what
they imagine to be learned, not what they have
first to learn. When you have learned all this
then you can devise the way to teach. Knowledge
without special capacity to teach is not the same
as knowledge and capacity.”

Learning to learn takes special skills and a
certin openness. The Lama on the Mountain often
talked about the six willingness’s of learning to

1. Willingness to Learn
2. Willingness to Change
3. Willingness to Ask
4. Willingness to Listen
5. Willingness to Act
6. Willingness to Reflect on the Results of

As we open and ask inside to learn the lessons
that we need to learn in this life time the
universe will support you.

The key is in the asking.
The different stories that I share with you are
all about learning, opening and discovering more
about yourself.

When I first started practicing Qi Gong I
discovered a new way of learning.

My body first learned the movements, then my mind
opened to new possibilities and then the true
magic happened! My spirit or soul began to change.

Life became easier; things that bothered me in the
past seemed to vanish. My stresses disappeared and
I was different person. Stronger, softer in
nature, more flexible in body and mind and what
happened? Spirit opened.

The reason I practice and encourage you to
practice is I know that if you do you will without
a doubt open and your life will keep getting
better. Start with the Recharging Qi Gong
exercises or the Flying Crane Qi Gong

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi