Posts Tagged ‘longevity’

A Note from the Master

Monday, March 26th, 2012

The other day I wrote about the
ALARMING problem we are all having
with our health and the health system.
Grandmaster CP wrote back to me this
morning and here is what he said:

“I must say I agree with you, but this is
nothing new, this all started way back in
the 60’s when things really started to take
off with the supplement industry.
Now the same supplements don’t seem
as strong; in fact they do not do what
they used to do at all.

You see, it is more than the Government
raising the prices and lowering the quality,
they just do not care if the people of this
country can afford to be healthy or not.”
-Universal Blessings and
May Your Chi Flow Abundantly

-Grandmaster CP

Master CP, thanks for writing and getting
back to me so quickly. I want you to
know I appreciate your feedback and
all of you who take the time to write.

Most of the Baby boomers are going through
similar problems and if you are younger get
ready because here it comes.

The reason I am constantly reminding you to
practice, train and practice more is that training
will pay you over and over with big dividends.

As we age our bodies, mind and
emotional state go on automatic more
and more. We are creatures of habit and
basically don’t like change unless it is
changing to something we like better.
So drill, practice and train those positive
health habits in your body and mind.
At least when your robot goes on
auto-pilot you will be doing healthy
longevity practices

If you aren’t taking supplements start, they
Help and make
sure you are eating organic as much
as possible- grow sprouts, plant a garden,
use fresh herbs and make sure you wash all
of your fruits and vegetables.
This time of the year in Florida, it is
harvest time and every night I pull handfuls
of fresh vegetables out of the garden and I
am eating them within five minutes of
picking them.

I also use an amazing vegetable wash
(Miracle soap II) it’s not expensive,
works great and helps pull poisons and
toxins out of conventional fruits and produce
and gets the bugs off of organic foods as well.

If you can’t or just don’t have time to get
the Miracle soap you can use the Food Cleansing Bath.
It is a definite option for produce as well
as poultry, fish, meat and eggs.

Food Cleansing Bath can get rid of
pesticides, parasites, bacteria and other
contaminants can be removed from food
with a simple soak. The active ingredient in
‘Bleach’-sodium hypochlorite, breaks down
into salt and water.

The bath has been around for years and decades!
Military families stationed overseas in southwest
Asia, China and Turkey have used it through the
recommendation of our state department.

People have reported that foods lasts up to two
weeks longer in the refrigerator, there is no
metallic aftertaste with store bought fruits and
veggies, meats are tenderized and the natural
flavors enhanced.

Here is how to do the bath:
Use only the highest quality bleach.
Take a 1-teaspoon to 1 gallon of purified water.

Place the foods to be treated into the bath for
the designated length of time according to the
following chart.
Remove the food from the bath; place them in
clean water for ten minutes, and Dry all
foods thoroughly and store.

Leafy vegetables—–15 minutes

Root, thick-skinned, or fibrous veggies—-30 minutes

Thin-skinned fruits, such as veggies, plums, peaches—30 minutes

Thick-skinned fruit, such as citrus, bananas and apples—30 minutes

Poultry, fish, meat and eggs—-20 minutes

If you start washing your foods they will stay
fresher and be much healthier for you and your family.

Whenever I can, I eat organic. I plant a garden
every year and take supplements and train everyday.
These are all part of the longevity practices
–Healthy Body, Health Mind and Healthy Spirit.

I know you hear me say this all the time.
In order to stay healthy you must take care of all
three- Body, Mind and Spirit. In Chinese medicine
they call it the Three Treasures. Whatever system
you study and practice it all comes back to you taking
responsibility for YOU.

I am here as a coach, a guide and a teacher so we
can all get through the lessons by learning and growing
into all that we can be.

The supplements that I take are research tested
and proven to be the highest of quality. Qi Essentials
“Multi -4” they give me the best bang for the buck.
Take a good look and if I were you ‘I’d try um out!’

I am sure you will be well pleased.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Best Answer to Cancer

Friday, March 9th, 2012

I drove up to Boca Raton
the other night to see Gracie.
She invited me to have dinner
with her and her boy friend.
It’s about 45 minutes from Miami
on I95 and with no traffic at all it
was a pleasure to take a cruise in the Lincoln.

When I saw her she was smiling from
ear to ear and for good reasons.
Two years ago, the circumstances
were a lot different. She was diagnosed
with Cancer and was going through both
chemo and radiation and she was defiantly
not smiling. She opted to do both conventional
medicine and alternative at the same time and
was happy she did. Sometimes you just
have to bite the bullet and deal with a
situation even if you don’t want to.

Sometimes, cancer can be stopped with
conventional medicine if you are strong
enough to live through it.
You may be wondering what she did to
beat the exterminator, “Cancer.”

Well, she came into my office three times
a week and we did acupuncture to
alleviate the pain, herbal therapy for the
nausea and vomiting, medical Qi gong to
balance her energy and disrupt the blue print
of the cancer and I pumped her up with
vitamins and homeopathic medicine.

When I saw her today, I asked her how she
was feeling and she told me, “I just feel great
and I am thankful every day that I am alive!”
Then she told me, “when you worked on me, it
felt like you dropped into my body, grabbed the
Cancer and pulled it out and I have been cancer
free for two years and I feel great, THANK YOU!”

Gracie is Cancer Free.
Gracie is stress free and her
life is filled with gratitude.

Every day, Gracie has been practicing the
Recharging Qi Gong, 36 exercises as
well as meditations in the
Turn Stress into Power program and I
do the same and let me tell you why.

These exercises and meditations have
been drawn from the Tibetan Buddhist
system and esoteric Taoism.

They are ancient longevity and anti-aging
practices that will keep you healthy and strong.
Don’t delay and don’t wait for something
negative to happen. Start today and keep
yourself healthy, wealthy and happy.

Recharging Qi Gong program

Turn Stress into Power

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

My advice to all my cancer patients is to do everything you can.
1. Diet
2. Qi Gong
3. Homeopathic medicine
3. Medical Qi Gong
4. IV Vitamin C
5. Infrared Sauna
6. Work with both your Oncologist and Alternative practitioner, LIKE ME

Building the New You

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Did you set your New Year’s Resolutions?

I set mine a few days before
the New Year and now that we
are in 2012, several of us are
looking for a better life, with better
health, wealth and happiness in all
aspects of our lives.

Many of us have set our New Year’s
resolutions, but will you keep them?
It has been said that nearly four out of
five people will not keep their New Year’s resolutions.
More than thirty percent of all resolutions
never make it to the end of January
before being broken.

Why can’t people keep their New Year’s resolutions?
Maybe they were too drunk when they made them?
Or just have a lack of commitment?
People in general just have way too much
on their plate and although they want more,
better and easier life, change is always a changeling.

“Change is never loss-
It is change only.”
-Vernon Howard
From the Mystic Path to Cosmic Power

The number one resolution for the most
part is to make some positive changes.
It could be to lose weight, stop smoking
or give up something that has us hooked.

We are all habitual in nature
and that’s why it is so hard to
make the changes; we do the
same things day in and day out
-that’s because our human
design is robotic in nature.

It makes no difference if your habits
are good or bad– we are on automatic!
The critical key is how to change your
destructive habits to positive productive ones?

When a patient comes into my office
and needs to shift something in their life,
I start them off on small projects, easy to
do- exercises to help them build in a
foundation for more consistence. This will
establish a new habit pattern and once the
internal robot is programmed to do something
it will go on autopilot.

Even changing small things can
create big changes.
The Recharging Qi Gong Program was
designed to keep you on track with
your physical goals. The program has
build-in longevity practices to enhance
all of your internal organs and open up
the meridian flow. Those are the obvious
benefits that are built-into the program.
It is a system to keep you going and will
reestablish your regular training.

I’ve been using these techniques for
years to re-engineer many aspects of my life.
That includes overhauling my diet, regular
practice, eliminating energy sucking distractions,
and building my work routines.

Order your program today

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Opening the Three Treasures

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

One of the most important holidays of
the year is about to happen.
The holiday of Giving Thanks for what we have!

I make Thanksgiving a special time for my own internal
Soul searching. To be Thankful for all of you, all of
my friends and family.
Christmas is for giving; New Year’s is for partying and new starts,
Easter is a time for renewal of the spirit,
4thof July is a time for barbeque and fireworks and
Birthdays are time for celebration.
Thanksgiving is the time to show our Thankfulness for what
we have and what we can do for others.

I am especially Thankful for all the great education
I have received, and all of the people that I am able to coach,
educate, and facilitate with their health and longevity.

To show my gratefulness I want to give all of you an
opportunity for a very special treat.

A 36% discount off my premier program The Three Treasures-
* The Recharging Qi Gong,
*Flying Crane Qi Gong
*Turn Stress into Power

These programs will transform your life!
They have transformed people’s lives all over the planet.
Students on 7 continents are practicing daily
and write me about their success and questions
regarding their Qi gong , anti aging and meditation practice.

I am especially grateful that I have affected so many people’s
lives in such a positive way.

For this special holiday, “Thanksgiving”, I encourage
you to join me and thousands of people in changing
your life for the better. First there is health, than wealth and this
will give you freedom this = Happiness.

Order all 3 programs now
and transform you health, wealth and happiness forever.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Sex and Longevity Magic

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

“Oh yes, wait a minute Mister Postman, Wait Mister Postman
Please Mister Postman, look and see
 (Oh yeah) 

If there’s a letter in your bag for me Please Mister Postman) 

Why’s it takin’ such a long time
 (Oh yeah)”

These are THE MARVELETTES lyrics – to a song of my childhood
‘Please Mr. Postman.’

I receive a ton of letters every day and
here is what a student wrote me yesterday.

“Dear Dr. Wu Dhi,
I was very pleased to find
this web-site. I wanted to thank you
for your time for this wonderful read!!
I am definitely enjoying every little bit
of it and I have you bookmarked to
check out new stuff you blog post”.

I really like hearing from all of you and I welcome your questions
On health, meditations and longevity practices.
This week I got a slew of letters
and emails asking for my secrets to longevity
and how to increase sexual energy. Maybe it was the full moon
that sparked the love vibe.

Gerald a 68 year old male from Las Vegas, Nevada wrote me and said:
“Dr. Wu,
I am suffering from low libido and
I just can’t seem to get it up when necessary.
So I always have a pocket of pills for those special moments.
My question is,
Do you think I can improve my
sexual health by taking these little helpers?

Dear Gerald,
The hard-on pills that are on the market are a Scam!
You heard me right -a Scam!
All they do is temporally increase the blood flow to
your love tool and if you don’t get a heart attack and
die- you are just pretending you’re a superman for a moment.

Your hard-on pill isn’t a cure and in fact can be a curse.
It certainly will not make you a
better lover. You may be able to slam it for a while
but you’re just fooling yourself.

Tere can be real magic in your bedroom if you
know how to use Qi the correct way to strengthen
your internal organs.
Let me tell you the real secret and how I learned it.

I found out that the Chinese would practice internal
Exercises to strengthen their kidneys –this is one of the secrets
To staying young, sexually strong and healthy.
You can keep your prostate healthy and your sex tool
working strong way into your seventies and maybe even to the eighties,
If you can keep the kidneys strong and healthy.

In the Recharging Qi gong program I teach the secrets
of strengthening the kidneys, keeping you strong and
sexually alive without any pills, medicine or creams.
Want to stay on top of your game for years?

Get the Recharging Qi gong program now and be all you can be.

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The 7 Keys to Longevity

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

I am off to the Florida Keys for a
few days to meet up with a group of
writers and mystics. They are old friends
from Detroit and I want to have my astrology
chart looked at by one of the best
astrologers in the nation.
My birthday is coming up soon and I always
have an astrologer look at my chart to decide
where I should spend my birthday for my solar return.

Everyone experiences a Solar Return every year
around their birthday. It’s when the Sun comes to
the exact degree it was at the moment we were born.
It is a “return” to its original position. The significance
of the Solar Return is a chart for the coming year and
will help guide you. One of the most important aspects
of the chart is where you are on the planet at the time
of your solar return. Last year I was in Lake Havsue, Arizona
and I am excited to find out where I should go this year
to enhance my year in 2012.

The Keys are quiet and peaceful, a good place for
inner completion. The word Key comes from the
Spanish word cayo, which means little island.
Ponce de Leon first arrived here in the early sixteenth
century; these explorers were looking for the Fountain of Youth
but instead found money to be made in logging the great old
Mahogany trees that grew here. The Florida Keys will always
be an exotic world of tropical adventure to those who visit,
and a special tropical paradise to those who are lucky enough to stay.

You all know that I train every day and
practice what I preach. If you want to increase
your changes for a long and healthy life there
are rules that must be followed.

These are the keys to longevity:

1. Diet
2. Exercise
3. Sleep
4. Right thinking
5. Attitude
6. Service to others
7. Staying well hydrated

When I was young I was training in
wing Chun Kung Fu, aikido and hitting the
gym 5 or 6 times a week and this was long
before the exercise craze in the USA. I can
remember my brother saying to his friends
“Some talk their walk, but my brother Walks His Talk!”

Then something happened!
When I turned “33” I changed most of my
exercise from external to internal. Qi gong,
Shen Gong and Nei Gong and what happened???
I became much more powerful. My brain functioned
better, I became more flexible and even my virility
was function to its peak performance.
Students and Patients always as, “Dr. Wu,
where do you get all this energy from?”
It’s all in the Internal practices!
Of course you have to follow the Seven Rules.
Don’t delay another moment and order the
Recharging Qi Gong program now:

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Change your Stops to Steps

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

When a person is feeling down he or she
feels as if they can’t get any
worse – It’s time to think again.

Things can always get much worse.

At the same time, things can always get better.

Even if you think everything is
perfect – it’s not.

It’s just a lot better than anything
else you have
ever seen – or done.

When I first started learning about internal
exercises and Qi Gong —
as soon as I left the class I would get one of
those large yellow legal pads and I would write
down everything I learned that day and any questions
I had for my teacher.

Then I wrote:

The “5 Things I Can Improve”

Let me tell you, I improved by leaps and
bounds in my practice,
my energy levels and by aliveness.

Even now, I still carry a yellow pad and
look for five
things to improve after my workouts, when
I teach or when I go to any class.

In the beginning of The Recharging Qi Gong book,
I tell the story of people who want to increase their
longevity, conquer the weight monster, improve their
flexibility thereby lowering their risk of injury and
enhance their quality of life in years to come.

The story takes place in ancient China, in a rural
area where people are working in the scorching rice
fields for the entire day. Burnt out and tired, they
would return home to enjoy the cool nights. It was
then that they became aware of something moving
inside their bodies. This strange, yet wonderful
feeling would move up or down all over their body.
They realized that it was somehow connected to their
mind and their breathing. This center was located right
below their navel and was called the
“Dantian, Energy pool.”

As we move through our daily lives we have a
tendency to accumulate negative emotions and
tension from the world around us.
Eventually, these tensions begin to drain us from
our energy and instead of feeling good, we feel
tired and these tensions begin to drain us of our energy
and instead of feeling bright and refreshed, we feel
tired and run down.
In my healing practice, the number one complaint from
my patients is that they feel their energy is OFF or they
just feel burnt out. When I started to prescribe the
Recharging Qi Gong Exercises to my patients, they got
immediate results and I always insist that both students
and patients carry around a note pad and write down all
of the questions that they have on how they can
improve their life.

Order NOW and you’ll be astounded at
how much better you will feel.

I wish you the Best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Order your copy today

The Loss Son

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

“A young widower, who loved his five year old
son very much, was away on business when bandits
came and burned down the whole village and took his
son away. When the man returned, he saw the ruins and
panicked. He took the burnt corpse of an infant and cried
uncontrollably. He organized a cremation ceremony,
collected the ashes and put them in a beautiful little bag
that he always kept with him. 

Soon afterwards, his real son escaped from the bandits
and found his way home. He arrived at his father’s new
cottage at midnight and knocked at the door.

The father, still grieving asked: “Who is it?”
The child answered, it is me Papa, open the door!”
But in his agitated state of mind, convinced his son
was dead, the father thought that some young boy was
making fun of him. He shouted: “Go away” and
continued to cry. After some time, the child left.
Father and son never saw each other again.

After this story, the Buddha said, “Sometime,
somewhere, you take something to be the truth.
If you cling to it so much, even when the truth comes
in person and knocks on your door, you will not open it.”
I gave a lecture last week to a group of people at the gym;
most of them work out 5 days a week and look good on the
outside, but are starting to get health problems like heartburn,
aches, diabetes and sexual dysfunctions.

I explained the longevity benefits of doing Qi Gong to
them, and how it would balance out their workout,
improve their sexual power health, and slow down the
aging process.

Arthur stood up and said,” I don’t get it? I workout
everyday at the gym, run 4 miles a day 5 days a week
and do 10 miles on the weekend, I eat well and I feel great!
What will Qi gong do for me– I am in great shape?”

Well Artthur, I did the same program for years
with my friend Gary. He was my workout partner
and never learned the internal arts of Qi Gong or
meditation. He said it was too slow for him and he
needs the adrenal rush of a heavy workout.
Gary wishes he had followed my example and
learned the softer style of Qi Gong years ago.
Although the physical workout of running and
weight training is good you need a balance.

There is an old Taoist saying:
“If you do External Exercises, you need to do
Internal Exercises, but if you do Internal Exercises
you don’t have to do External Exercises.”

When we only do sports, aerobic and weight training,
we create too much heat in our bodies and overheat
the internal organs. After awhile, the organs start to
dry out and later feel like a plum that was left in the
sun for weeks– it turns into a prune!
The same thing happens to us with constant overheating
and aging, you can see it on a person’s face –the wrinkles
are the pruning effect. You can delay the aging process and
re-dehydrate the organs by doing Qi Gong.

I told Arthur it’s time to get on a program because the
universe is knocking on your door. I know he heard
what I said and acted on it.
He placed an order for both Flying Crane Qi Gong
and the Recharging Qi Gong program that night.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

How to Fire your Boss

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Chances are strong there’s a major part of
your life which is sapping your energy
and dumping negativity over you and
your family.
And this economy is only making things hurt worse.

I’m talking about slaving away at a 9 to 5 job.
If you’re happy with your work life,
I am happy for you and this unusual message isn’t for you.

If you DO feel like your job is slowly killing you,
let me reveal a little about myself:
I’ve been a practioner of Chinese Medicine for over
30 years, almost always working with my patients
But in the past few years, I’ve been able to open
a “clinic without walls” by sending my healing
messages straight to you with the power of the internet.

This is no accident.

I’ve been expanding my horizons and opening myself
up to new ways to increase my abundance by helping
people worldwide even if I can’t look you in the
eye and shake your hand.

And this has been possible because of a
friend of mine who builds these certain
kinds of websites.
With his help, I can communicate my message with
emails like this one, and have websites like
(his website) where I offer my life-changing
products and services.

Recently my friend stepped up to the plate to
share his story, and it might be eerily similar
to yours. He used to slave away in the corporate
world as an IT whipping boy before firing his boss
and selling his own products and services.

He just put up a free video telling his
inspiring story here:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth, and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. I realize this may not seem to be related
to health and longevity, but I’m enjoying helping
spread my friend’s message and I realize if
you feel at all beaten down and depressed about
your job, this video just might be that first
little step which turns everything around:

Dr. Wu Dhi

Befriend me on Facebook:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel:

Dr. Wu Dhi was born Sherwood Swartz but mostly known as ‘Woody’ to friends and family. As a student of various traditions he as received various names and titles over the years as is appropriate in those schools. Among these names was Wu Di, very similar to the pronunciation of Woody, in China the name means ‘has no enemies’. Wu Di was later renamed by a Tibetan Lama to Wu Dhi with an ‘h’. Although this may not seem like that much of a change from Wu Di or even Woody for that matter, it is in fact a high honor to receive such a name directly from a Lama. Dhi in this case is the Sanskrit seed syllable ‘Dhi’ and associated with the great wisdom holder Manjurshri.

Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R.China.

Golden Skies Productions (

1120 98th. Street
Bay Harbor Fl.33154

Consistency! Could that be the key to your Health?

Monday, July 18th, 2011

All day Saturday I was with a group
of 50 doctors at an exciting seminar
on nutrition. You may be asking
yourself, what’s so exciting
about nutrition anyway?

Food is our medicine or it should be,
but in today’s world there is so much
pollution in our water, soil and air that
we can no longer get the proper nutrition
from the food we eat. We need to
supplement our diets to stay in shape
and to have the energy we need to run
our lives as healthy and stress free as we can.

The type of food and the quality of your food
makes all the difference in our health and our
chances of longevity. Our food isn’t nearly
as clean as it was 30 to 50 years ago.

My mother who is 91 years old said,
“There was no such thing as organic
food when I was growing up, because
it was all organic.”
No, GMO’s, No poison sprays and
the fertilizers were all from the
compose pile, a real recycling system.
She went on to say,
“Your grandmother always had a garden
because food was expensive and that’s
how she helped feed the family.
I don’t know why people don’t grow
vegetable gardens today. If they
did they would have better food,
save money and give the children a
chance to see how things grow.”

As long as I can remember we always
had a vegetable garden, and my family
passed that knowledge down from
generation to generation. I always
plant a garden and my children
always have one too.
Gardening can help you with your
meditation and Qi Gong rooting
and grounding practices.

“The greatest gift of the garden is
the restoration of the five senses.”
~Hanna Rion

Unfortunately, for all of us the nutrients
in the soil have been depleted, and
food grown in soil has fewer nutrients.
Chemicals are used in raising both
plants and animals, particularly on
huge industrial farms. What they are
producing surely isn’t about your
health or mine, you can mark my words.

Our Diet lacks nutrients and relies heavily
on processed foods that include artificial
color, additives, flavorings, and
chemically altered fats and sweeteners.
There are many reasons why we might
want to pay attention to what we eat.
We especially need to pay attention when
we are sick so we can help our bodies
get the nutrients we need to heal.
There are many health benefits if
we look at food as medicine.

“Let your food be your medicine,
and your medicine be your food.”
~ Hippocrates

Getting the right nutrients into our
bodies are keys to optimum long-term health.
That’s why we need to supplement our
diet along with the right foods.
A multivitamin is the best starting
point for everybody and every BODY.

To put it in simple terms, you
wouldn’t supercharge your car if
the spark plugs were fouled out, would you?

I have tried many different vitamins
and supplements with thousands of
patients in the last 30 years. There are
many products on the market today
that aren’t worth a dime. You are literally
flushing your money down the toilet.

We have researched over 75 different
companies, and have found that
pharmaceutical grade dietary
supplements and vitamins are
the most valuable for long term health.

There is a difference between
something that is expensive and
something that is valuable to your health.
This formula will give you the most value
for the buck.
I have been working with a
team of researchers, nutritionist
and doctors to formulate the top
of the line in a full spectrum Multivitamin.

Qi Essentials “Multi-Four” is a combination
of three targeted nutritional formulas
packaged together to provide
convenience and comprehensive
nutritional support.

Don’t put your health on the back burner.
get on a consistent program to keep yourself
healthy. Order can order today at

“If you don’t have your health,
you don’t have anything.”

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi