Posts Tagged ‘Diabetes’

End Your Pain and Suffering Now!

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Depressed and hurting, Daren came into
the office today suffering, and I mean
really suffering.
He had swollen ankles, diabetes, is
depressed all the time, a host of allergies
and he is at least 60 pounds over weight.


Although he has a college education and
all of the advantages of being successful,
he is not working and has applied for Medicare.
He is stressed about his health, his money,
his family and relationships.
He is a shipwreck and going down fast and
is crying out for help with life rafts and other
ships all around him that he just can’t see.

One of my teachers once said to me,
“when taking birth in human form, pain is
mandatory, but suffering is optional.”

I suggested that he makes just one positive
change in his life to see what happens.
When you do that it’s just like pulling out the
Key stone of a building. Everything will shift.

It could be taking a favorite food out of his
diet, waking up an hour early, starting an
exercise program or only allowing yourself
to open the refrigerator 5 or 6 times a day.

Any change will work to start to unravel
the problems. You just need to start.

The first thing out of his mouth was,
“this is going to be really hard to do! You
know I live to eat, I am in too much pain to
exercise, and I have a hard time wakening up
in the morning.”
Daren has an excuse for everything, like many people do.
They suffer, worry, struggle and blame others
for their problems.

He asked me why he had to limit anything in
his life to make a change and asked for some
medicine, a pill, a shot or cream that would
help his situation.
Well Daren guess what? Until you decide to
take responsibility for your own health no
medicine will work.
You are just covering up your problems.

I gave him a universal secret to health, wealth and
happiness that I will share with you.
You don’t have to change a thing.
You can go on doing exactly what you have been
doing and every thing will move along as nature
has intended.

But we all come to planet earth to grow and learn lessons.
We can choose what lessons we want to learn by
choosing what we want to do and we will grow or
we can just sit there and the universe will choose the lesson for us.

We can exercise or get fat and put more strain on
our heart and maybe get a heart attach.
You can eat right and restrict unhealthy foods or
you can let the universe supply you with a
dis-ease to learn the lesson. We all have a choice and
we all get tests and lesions.

I suggested he repeats these simple words
when he wakes up and before he goes to sleep:

* I choose health over sickness
* I choose prosperity over poverty
* I choose happiness over depression
* I choose friendship over loneliness
* I choose service over disservice

Isn’t it time to change your worry, struggle and
blame into – Aim, Contribution and Participation?

Over the last 35 years I have worked to make
changes in my life and to change my old habits
and old negative programming into a positive healthy
and a very productive life. You can do the same in
much less time with better results by following the
exercises and meditations I have spelled out for you in
the Turn Stress Into Power program.
Get it now before the holidays, share it with your
friends and family and rid yourself of useless suffering,
pain and stress.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Loss Son

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

“A young widower, who loved his five year old
son very much, was away on business when bandits
came and burned down the whole village and took his
son away. When the man returned, he saw the ruins and
panicked. He took the burnt corpse of an infant and cried
uncontrollably. He organized a cremation ceremony,
collected the ashes and put them in a beautiful little bag
that he always kept with him. 

Soon afterwards, his real son escaped from the bandits
and found his way home. He arrived at his father’s new
cottage at midnight and knocked at the door.

The father, still grieving asked: “Who is it?”
The child answered, it is me Papa, open the door!”
But in his agitated state of mind, convinced his son
was dead, the father thought that some young boy was
making fun of him. He shouted: “Go away” and
continued to cry. After some time, the child left.
Father and son never saw each other again.

After this story, the Buddha said, “Sometime,
somewhere, you take something to be the truth.
If you cling to it so much, even when the truth comes
in person and knocks on your door, you will not open it.”
I gave a lecture last week to a group of people at the gym;
most of them work out 5 days a week and look good on the
outside, but are starting to get health problems like heartburn,
aches, diabetes and sexual dysfunctions.

I explained the longevity benefits of doing Qi Gong to
them, and how it would balance out their workout,
improve their sexual power health, and slow down the
aging process.

Arthur stood up and said,” I don’t get it? I workout
everyday at the gym, run 4 miles a day 5 days a week
and do 10 miles on the weekend, I eat well and I feel great!
What will Qi gong do for me– I am in great shape?”

Well Artthur, I did the same program for years
with my friend Gary. He was my workout partner
and never learned the internal arts of Qi Gong or
meditation. He said it was too slow for him and he
needs the adrenal rush of a heavy workout.
Gary wishes he had followed my example and
learned the softer style of Qi Gong years ago.
Although the physical workout of running and
weight training is good you need a balance.

There is an old Taoist saying:
“If you do External Exercises, you need to do
Internal Exercises, but if you do Internal Exercises
you don’t have to do External Exercises.”

When we only do sports, aerobic and weight training,
we create too much heat in our bodies and overheat
the internal organs. After awhile, the organs start to
dry out and later feel like a plum that was left in the
sun for weeks– it turns into a prune!
The same thing happens to us with constant overheating
and aging, you can see it on a person’s face –the wrinkles
are the pruning effect. You can delay the aging process and
re-dehydrate the organs by doing Qi Gong.

I told Arthur it’s time to get on a program because the
universe is knocking on your door. I know he heard
what I said and acted on it.
He placed an order for both Flying Crane Qi Gong
and the Recharging Qi Gong program that night.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi