Posts Tagged ‘Grandmother’

Holiday Fun or Foe?

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Over the river and through the woods to
Grandmother’s house I go.

Tomorrow morning,
I’ll be going up north and it’s going to be cold.
I have my winter clothes ready and packed, my
boots, gloves, scarf and hats. They told me that
they are expecting snow, It’s not often that I see snow!

But here I go—I’ll be spending this Thanksgiving
with my Kids, Grandkids, my Mother and some Good Friends.

I’m really thankful to still have my mother around.
She is going to be 92 in February and she has every
bit of her facility. Mom is well read she reads two novels
every week, and she breezes through at least a dozen
or so magazines.
She knows what’s happening politically and really has her
options on what the government is doing, social issues
and she is a Detroit Lion and Detroit Tigers fan.
I talk to her every day and our conversations are always
Stimulating and built on love and respect for each other.

I’m going to be there for the Thanksgiving joy and
that’s the reason I am sharing my joy with all of you
the 3 Treasures programs !

For your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Keep on Practicing!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Consistency! Could that be the key to your Health?

Monday, July 18th, 2011

All day Saturday I was with a group
of 50 doctors at an exciting seminar
on nutrition. You may be asking
yourself, what’s so exciting
about nutrition anyway?

Food is our medicine or it should be,
but in today’s world there is so much
pollution in our water, soil and air that
we can no longer get the proper nutrition
from the food we eat. We need to
supplement our diets to stay in shape
and to have the energy we need to run
our lives as healthy and stress free as we can.

The type of food and the quality of your food
makes all the difference in our health and our
chances of longevity. Our food isn’t nearly
as clean as it was 30 to 50 years ago.

My mother who is 91 years old said,
“There was no such thing as organic
food when I was growing up, because
it was all organic.”
No, GMO’s, No poison sprays and
the fertilizers were all from the
compose pile, a real recycling system.
She went on to say,
“Your grandmother always had a garden
because food was expensive and that’s
how she helped feed the family.
I don’t know why people don’t grow
vegetable gardens today. If they
did they would have better food,
save money and give the children a
chance to see how things grow.”

As long as I can remember we always
had a vegetable garden, and my family
passed that knowledge down from
generation to generation. I always
plant a garden and my children
always have one too.
Gardening can help you with your
meditation and Qi Gong rooting
and grounding practices.

“The greatest gift of the garden is
the restoration of the five senses.”
~Hanna Rion

Unfortunately, for all of us the nutrients
in the soil have been depleted, and
food grown in soil has fewer nutrients.
Chemicals are used in raising both
plants and animals, particularly on
huge industrial farms. What they are
producing surely isn’t about your
health or mine, you can mark my words.

Our Diet lacks nutrients and relies heavily
on processed foods that include artificial
color, additives, flavorings, and
chemically altered fats and sweeteners.
There are many reasons why we might
want to pay attention to what we eat.
We especially need to pay attention when
we are sick so we can help our bodies
get the nutrients we need to heal.
There are many health benefits if
we look at food as medicine.

“Let your food be your medicine,
and your medicine be your food.”
~ Hippocrates

Getting the right nutrients into our
bodies are keys to optimum long-term health.
That’s why we need to supplement our
diet along with the right foods.
A multivitamin is the best starting
point for everybody and every BODY.

To put it in simple terms, you
wouldn’t supercharge your car if
the spark plugs were fouled out, would you?

I have tried many different vitamins
and supplements with thousands of
patients in the last 30 years. There are
many products on the market today
that aren’t worth a dime. You are literally
flushing your money down the toilet.

We have researched over 75 different
companies, and have found that
pharmaceutical grade dietary
supplements and vitamins are
the most valuable for long term health.

There is a difference between
something that is expensive and
something that is valuable to your health.
This formula will give you the most value
for the buck.
I have been working with a
team of researchers, nutritionist
and doctors to formulate the top
of the line in a full spectrum Multivitamin.

Qi Essentials “Multi-Four” is a combination
of three targeted nutritional formulas
packaged together to provide
convenience and comprehensive
nutritional support.

Don’t put your health on the back burner.
get on a consistent program to keep yourself
healthy. Order can order today at

“If you don’t have your health,
you don’t have anything.”

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi