Posts Tagged ‘Physical Goals’

Building the New You

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Did you set your New Year’s Resolutions?

I set mine a few days before
the New Year and now that we
are in 2012, several of us are
looking for a better life, with better
health, wealth and happiness in all
aspects of our lives.

Many of us have set our New Year’s
resolutions, but will you keep them?
It has been said that nearly four out of
five people will not keep their New Year’s resolutions.
More than thirty percent of all resolutions
never make it to the end of January
before being broken.

Why can’t people keep their New Year’s resolutions?
Maybe they were too drunk when they made them?
Or just have a lack of commitment?
People in general just have way too much
on their plate and although they want more,
better and easier life, change is always a changeling.

“Change is never loss-
It is change only.”
-Vernon Howard
From the Mystic Path to Cosmic Power

The number one resolution for the most
part is to make some positive changes.
It could be to lose weight, stop smoking
or give up something that has us hooked.

We are all habitual in nature
and that’s why it is so hard to
make the changes; we do the
same things day in and day out
-that’s because our human
design is robotic in nature.

It makes no difference if your habits
are good or bad– we are on automatic!
The critical key is how to change your
destructive habits to positive productive ones?

When a patient comes into my office
and needs to shift something in their life,
I start them off on small projects, easy to
do- exercises to help them build in a
foundation for more consistence. This will
establish a new habit pattern and once the
internal robot is programmed to do something
it will go on autopilot.

Even changing small things can
create big changes.
The Recharging Qi Gong Program was
designed to keep you on track with
your physical goals. The program has
build-in longevity practices to enhance
all of your internal organs and open up
the meridian flow. Those are the obvious
benefits that are built-into the program.
It is a system to keep you going and will
reestablish your regular training.

I’ve been using these techniques for
years to re-engineer many aspects of my life.
That includes overhauling my diet, regular
practice, eliminating energy sucking distractions,
and building my work routines.

Order your program today

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness