Posts Tagged ‘longevity’

Auto-pilot training to build in muscle memory

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

When we are young and somewhat
immature, health is not a big concern.
I know in my younger days I thought
I was somewhat invincible and although
I have been training and working-out
since I was a teenager, I never put
much attention on health, sickness or wellness.
Probably because I never had any sickness
or death in my family until I was well
into my twenties.

By that time my training and daily workouts
were on my autopilot well ingrained into my
muscle memory and habit body.

The reason I always encourage you to train is,
if you keep it going you will build
in a habit body & muscle memory, that will
last a life time.
It will keep you younger and healthier.

That is one of the keys to Longevity.

As you mature, you hopefully become
more aware of not only your own situation
but others as well. As we move through
the different stages of life,
things around us
will constantly be changing–
they are all lesions to be learned.

When you experience any dis-ease,
no matter if it’s a common cold, an
emotional upset or a serious disease
it effects everyone around you as well.

If it’s a family member you will notice
it right away. If it’s a co-worker
and you are in the same office you are
going to notice their situation within a
few days or within a week for sure.

Why? Because it will effect you personally.
Maybe you’ll have to pick up the slack in
the office and do more work, or you may
catch what they have.
Just having someone around with
problems will effect you energetically.

But let us say it is someone thousands
of miles away, it can still affect us.
Take for example someone in Africa who
has Aids and comes into our country and
spreads the disease. It affects all of us.

“Getting well and feeling well
is a comprehensive growth process
that encompasses our entire humanity.”
-Dr. Reimar Banis

We only become healthy if everybody
is healthy. Getting well and staying
well is one of the most important tasks
in each person’s life.
Most people only notice their health
after they lose it or when they recovery
from a dis-ease.

All good Healers, no matter if they
are MD’s, Chiropractors, Massage
Therapists, Acupuncturists or Energy
Workers, promote self-healing by
providing profound stimulation for
the self-knowledge.

Help never really comes from the outside;
it is only to be reawakened within us to
bring a person back to true health and
We can therefore rightly say nature heals.

Getting well and feeling well is a
comprehensive growth process that
encompasses our entire humanity.

When you make the conscious effort to
change your health, you will change the
health of everyone around you.

The programs that I teach
are all about becoming healthier mentally,
physically and spiritually.
It makes no difference if you
begin with

The Recharging Qi Gong program,

The Flying Crane Qi Gong program
The Program on Mantra

or any of the other programs and health products
because they are all about
your Health and Happiness.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Don’t let the London Bridge fall down on you

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

In 1962, London Bridge was falling
down in Jolly old England.
Built in 1831, the bridge couldn’t
handle the ever-increasing
flow of traffic across the Thames River.
The British government decided to put
the bridgeup for sale.
Lake Havasu City, Arizona, and
Chairman of McCulloch Oil Corporation
submitted the winning bid of $2,460,000
and bought it.
That’s where I was for the last week.
But as good luck goes it was 80 degrees
all week and I missed the Florida freeze.

They dismantled the entire bridge,
each stone was numbered and everything
was shipped 10,000 miles to Long Beach,
California, and then trucked to
Lake Havasu.
Where the entire bridge was reconstructed.
Now,the London Bridge crosses a narrow
boating channel that connects with
Thompson Bay on the Arizona side.

Prior to the arrival of London Bridge,
the land upon which the bridge was
placed was a peninsula.
A large dredge was used to carve a
one-mile channel,removing over two
million cubic yards of rock and earth.
Water was then deverted from the lake,
under the bridge and then back into
the lake ,what an incredible project.

I met an old friend there, who I
haven’t seen in years.
It’s always good to connect with old
friends, and it’s a good way to check
in on your own growth.
On this retreat I did some
soul-searching and ask some questions
of myself.

1. Are you acting and living the same
way you were 10,20 or 30 years ago?
What can change to be?
2. Have you made some positive changes
in your life? Name them.
3. How is your Health?
4. Have you cleared out old habits that
don’t serve you any more?
5. What are you doing for the community
and the world??
6. Are you happy?

I know I eat a lot healthier now than
I did when in my younger years.
I eat organic, no soda, no fast food,
only coconut oil and olive oil to name
just a few.

Go to the blog at
for more good tips on health and longevity

As I look back on the years I can see that
my life style has improved in many ways.
What I eat and drink,who I spend my time
with and how productive I am.

I once heard a master say,
“We are somewhat like a plants-
We are either growing or dyeing.

Choose Life!”

I Choose Life! Choose life every day.
Root out anything that steals your
If it isn’t giving you energy,
it’s zapping your energy.

The study and practice of Qi Gong,
Yoga, Meditation and Internal Exercises
will improve the quality of life,
increase your brainpower, enhance
your sex life and change you into
a more powerful Person.

The Recharging Qi Gong program is
designed to make you more powerful
in body, mind and spirit.

Get the Program and start practicing
today. It will change your life for
the better,Guaranteed!

It has been said by great teachers
masters and Guru’s,that we only have
two things at the end of our life.
1.The amount of love you have given
2.The amount of energy you have stored.

Don’t be complacent with what you have.
You can always strive for more.

Energy = more Time=more Life.
Don’t waist one second of your life.

Don’t let your London Bridge fall down.

Train, Practice and be Thankful for
what you have.

Love and whenever you can enhance
others lives.

The more you give the more you’ll get.
Your growth
and your Time = Your Life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

Playing Russian Roulette with your own Health?

Monday, November 8th, 2010

Eddy been a patient for years, but not a really good one.
I only see him if he gets sick or he’s a afraid of getting sick.
He is a smart guy, the CEO of a large Corporation, travels
all over the world, and stays in the best hotels.
He only eats in the finest restaurants wherever he goes.
I really like the way he dresses, very casual loafers, no socks
and always the latest European style.
He lives the American Dream and works hard for it.

You would think he would be on top of his health game

The problem with Ed is he is so busy running the show that
he doesn’t take care of his own health.

Years ago I suggested that when he travels and arrives at the
hotel the first thing that he does is go into the gym and
exercise for ½ hour, take a shower and then start his day.

But he said he is too busy.

Another suggestion I made was that he stops smoking cigarettes,

But he said it’s too hard to stop and he really enjoys them.
I suggested that he stops eating meat every day.

But he claims that that’s the only thing that gives him energy.

I told him as his doctor he should give
up drinking Scotch whisky before bed, but he said that’s the
only thing that really relaxes him enough so he can sleep.
If you noticed, Eddy has a lot of ‘

Buts’ in the way of his health.

Last week Ed called my office and said he was coughing blood
and had blood in his stool.
He was rushed to the hospital and spent a week there.
He was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs that has
metastasized to his colon.

In Chinese medicine the lungs and the large intestine are ruled
by the Metal element: Let me tell you a little about the metal

* The color is white
* The sound of the voice is weeping
* The Odor is a rotten
* The emotion is grief and sadness
* Season is autumn
* The organs that it rules are Lung and Large intestine.

Organs are always paired male (yang) female (yin) and if
one is affected so is the other. In Eddy’s case, that would
account for the blood in his stool as well as the coughing.

Much to my pleasant surprise Eddy opted to not take Chemotherapy.
He left for Switzerland as soon as he heard the diagnosis from his
doctor. He is now at the Paracelsus Klinik for three weeks
getting treatments.

I heard from him this morning and he is doing great.
He said.”Dr Wu Dhi thank you -I am going to beat this,
I’ll be at your office in a week and I am going to do
everything to stay healthy”.

Eddy is finally taking responsibility for his own health.
He changed his diet, he’s building his immune system and
he’s taking a proactive approach to his recovery.

We have an appointment to start doing medical Qi gong,
and to follow up on Dr. Rau’s treatments, diet and

Ed is strong but he needs to build his immune system if he
wants to pull out of this one.

The very first thing I’ll teach him is the Recharging Qi gong
set that will give him more energy and he’ll building him
immune health at the same time.

I try to get my patients, students and friends on a program
while they are healthy.
If you wait until something goes wrong it’s a lot harder
to pull out of it.
I have all of them doing the Recharging Qi gong

While we are discussing about topics relevant to Playing Russian Roulette with your own Health? |
Consuming a healthy, balanced diet provides nutrients for your physique.
These nutrients give you energy and keep your heart beating,
your brain active, along with your muscles working.


I don’t want you to wait either start practicing today stay
healthy and vibrant.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

PS. The magic square workshop is this coming weekend
NOV. 13,2010 I have only 3 spaces left. If you are thinking
of coming Contact me at or
call 786-271-0325
We will start at 10:00 sharp

Dr. Wu Dhi

Befriend me on Facebook:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel:

Dr. Wu Dhi was born Sherwood Swartz but mostly known as ‘Woody’ to friends and family. As a student of various traditions he as received various names and titles over the years as is appropriate in those schools. Among these names was Wu Di, very similar to the pronunciation of Woody, in China the name means ‘has no enemies’. Wu Di was later renamed by a Tibetan Lama to Wu Dhi with an ‘h’. Although this may not seem like that much of a change from Wu Di or even Woody for that matter, it is in fact a high honor to receive such a name directly from a Lama. Dhi in this case is the Sanskrit seed syllable ‘Dhi’ and associated with the great wisdom holder Manjurshri.

Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R.China.

What Kind of Fuel are You Using?

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

I just returning from Mo-Town, if I didn’t know better I
would have thought I was back in the Sixties, or the

I couldn’t have been in Detroit at a better time; the city
was filled with energy more than I’ve seen in years.
People were everywhere! The restaurants were full and
getting parking was nearly impossible.

The annual “Dream Cruise” was going on, there were
millions of people on the streets. You are probably
wondering what kind of cruise could possibly be
happening in Detroit?
A boat ride up and down the Detroit River, or maybe
something to do with the Great Lakes?

No, none of those.

It was the 15th annual Woodward Dream Cruise.
The “Dream Cruise” is an annual event where 40,000 classic
cars from around the globe converge on the “Motor City”
and cruise up and down the main thoroughfare
“Woodward Avenue, America’s first highway.

Although the event is officially only one day, the entire
weekend was filled with cool muscle cars and hotrods
on all the main streets.

It was really the “Motor City.”

I got right into it the festivities; the slick super cars
were really spectacular.
Hot rods with flames shooting out of the rear ends,
muscle cars, custom Corvettes,Lamborghinis,
old motel-Ts,over sized trucks that you needed a
ladder to get into the cab, and even the Bat Mobile was
cursing the streets.
This was the crème de la crème of cool cars.

You could imagine the amount of work that people
put into their rides. Thousands of dollars, maybe
hundreds of thousands are pored into thosecars, and
hundreds of hours of work.

Do you think that if you owned a car worth a few
hundred grand that you would put the cheapest gas
and oil in it?

I don’t think you would, I wouldn’t.

I’d look for the best fuel I could get my hands on and
the best motor oil I could find.
 I want my ride to last
as long as it could and run smooooth.

When I lived in Detroit, I would hear expressions like

“That’s a clear ride.”

Meaning your car is in the best shape, it looks really
good and it’s top of the line. It didn’t make a difference
if it was a 59 Chevy, a Porch or a custom hot rod.
As long as it was taken care to the optimum it was

“A Clean Ride.”

People put more time, energy and money into their cars
and trucks than they do to their own bodies.

While I was cruising around in my automobile, I couldn’t
help but notice how much extra weight people were
carrying around on their front and back ends.

The junk food stand had long lines that didn’t seem to end.
People were chowing down on the worst fuel they could
possibly run their systems on.
 Sugar and Grease.

I am a physician who spends a great deal of time studying
holistic healing as well as western medicine and let me tell
you, if you are eating a bad diet you will have health
problems sooner or later. 

I was wondering what people were thinking.
I asked my friend who is also a holistic doctor and
healer and he said,

“The’re not.”

Most people don’t have a clue that food can be their
medicine or their poison.
They don’t exercise and if they do, they are doing the
wrong kind of exercise and are suffering with health

If you’re sick of being normal, and want to be out of
the norm, avoid what normal people get.

Older, Weaker and Sick

You can take control and change that, step out of
the norm and start making the changes now.

No matter what your age

No matter what your lifestyle

No matter what kind of shape you are currently in

No matter how you’ve been injured or what ailments
you have

And no matter what you’ve been told in the past

You can always increase the flow of Qi and become healthy,
stronger and younger.

I can show you how to increase the flow of Qi until it courses
through you like a mighty river.

The best treatment of all is the Prescriptive Qi Gong Exercises
I teach called,
“The Recharging Qi Gong”.

These exercises literally heal and strengthen you from the
inside out.

Check it out to day. You will be glad you did.

I Wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Befriend me on Facebook:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel:

Dr. Wu Dhi was born Sherwood Swartz but mostly known as ‘Woody’ to friends and family. As a student of various traditions he as received various names and titles over the years as is appropriate in those schools. Among these names was Wu Di, very similar to the pronunciation of Woody, in China the name means ‘has no enemies’. Wu Di was later renamed by a Tibetan Lama to Wu Dhi with an ‘h’. Although this may not seem like that much of a change from Wu Di or even Woody for that matter, it is in fact a high honor to receive such a name directly from a Lama. Dhi in this case is the Sanskrit seed syllable ‘Dhi’ and associated with the great wisdom holder Manjurshri.

Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R.China.

Will Brain Qi gong training increase your longevity

Monday, August 16th, 2010

All day Friday, Saturday and Sunday I threw myself into a Brain Qi Gong training. I stretched, pushed, pulled, squeezed and twisted every part of my brain. It wasn’t comfortable and it wasn’t that easy, but it was necessary to my training. I have been serious about anti-aging practices for more than ½ of my life. Anti-aging Brain Qi Gong is a BIG part of longevity.

When you truly practice longevity exercises, it takes more than working your body. Both diet and nutrition are important, you have to work all the systems all the time, if you want the results of a long healthy life, and the Brain is the master of them all.

The knowledge I acquired in the three day seminar will surely help my patients and although the subject matter was challenging, that’s exactly what I was looking for, a brain challenge.

“Mastering the Thyroid” a subject that I knew very little about, but I know the importance of the thyroid. In Chinese medicine we think of it as being associated with the triple heater meridian, I’ll go into that at another time.

We have an epidemic of thyroid disease and it’s hardly understood by traditional doctors or the alternative ones, thyroid disease can have an autoimmune component to it and that’s barely addressed in thyroid disorders- usually you’re just put on meds for the rest of your life. But wait! There is still hope. There were over a hundred doctors in the workshop learning these advanced methods of diagnostic and treatment, but there were very few that took the workshop for the reasons I did.

If you want to stay young, there are multi tasks that one has to do. Yes, physical exercise both external and internal is a big part of anti-aging, so is diet and our social activities are all part of it. To stay young you have to work all systems- “Use it or Lose it.” The brain has to be stretched, feed and worked to keep it functioning at peak performance. That’s the big reason why I take seminars and workshops on un-familiar subject, to give myself a brain workout.

The doctor who taught us is a master in Endocrinology, Blood Chemistry, Immunology and Neurology. We studied Hashimotos disease, Graves disease, thyroid replacement, hormones, hypothyroidism and hyperactive, the cells and all the chemistry. Hour after hour with no breaks, no stories and no jokes it was all science and chemistry.

If you could have been watched me in the workshop you would have said that I was sitting and taking notes. That was true from the outside. My internal practice was quite different. I was observing both the teacher and myself keeping a second attention, that’s part of the Tibetan Buddhist meditation practices that allows your entire being to gather information and make it part of you in the least amount of time. You actually embody the information. Being able to hold a second attention allows you to be the observer of the class, the teacher, and the teachings and to monitor yourself all at the same time. That is a special teaching that is only taught one-on-one in the coaching program
and by DVD to the Qi Gong Inner Circle members.

If you want keep your brain and body years younger, join me and create your own Longevity.
You will receive the tools that will build a solid foundation, keep you disease free and strengthen your body, mind and spirit.

Make yourself uncomfortable. The comfortable ones will be in their grave long before you.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

PS. Private coaching sessions will be offered again in Mid September

Juicy and Hard

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Energy a little sluggish lately?
Maybe you’re getting tired after lunch-
you just don’t seem to have the punch you
used to and that bounce in your step isn’t bouncing.

Your “Un-balanced” Hormones could be the culprit.

It makes no difference male or female,
if your Hormone levels drop you could be pooped out
by mid-day.

Looking at our normal level of testosterone; they should
be between 350 and 1,000.
When we reach the age of 40 our levels start to drop,
you can lose about one percent a year-
a harmless decline in the short term, but there is a chance
you’ll be getting a fat belly, have weak bones, lose muscle
mass and your sex life may only bea fond memory by the
time you reach your early fifties.
When Testosterone levels are in the low- range this could
even increase your chances of dying of some
cardio-vascular disease.

You may be thinking that’s just for the sick and elderly.

Well wake up!

Both guys and gals in there thirties and forties are
reporting the same problems…

They can’t get a hard-on to save their lives,
and the woman’s vajayjay is dried out.
That desire for sex has gone bye, bye.

That’s when they run to my office all “Freaked out.”
Their adrenals are blown-out.

These things usually aren’t diagnosed until it’s too late.
Your hairy bagpipe is out of air and
your sexual desire is gone.
If you want to bring that Fire breathing dragon back to
life, the first thing to do is “Hightail” it to the doctor and
get your hormone level tested.

You can replenish your testosterone stores with injections,
creams, pills or patches, but if you’re supplying your body
with testosterone replacement, chances are your body will
shut down your natural production of the hormone.
Sounds like double- bind.
The side effects of testosterone replacement can be worse
than the original problem.

The ancient Chinese and Tibetans used a totally different
approach to keep vital, they were full of energy and were
ableto stay far younger than their years.
Armed with the knowledge of ancient internal exercises,
diets and meditations they have managed to stay young
and healthy throughout the ages.

These guarded secrets of longevity increase the
testosterone levels naturally.

It was back in the late seventies when I was invited by
my Master to a retreat center in the Catskills to learn
these formulas of sexual power, longevity and
internal spirit awareness.

I have been practicing and teaching these practices to my
students ever since.
If you have a burning desire to stay young, sexually strong
and vibrant in all aspects of your life,
I offer these teachings to a few selected students.

If you’re up for the adventure you can write me for more
details on the private coaching

Below are some hot tips designed to get juicy Lucy back online
andyour lazy joystick working well.

1. Lose that Jelly Belly

Carrying excess body fat elevates your estrogen levels.
That will cause your testosterone levels to drop.

2. The Best Sex is Morning Sex

Morning stimulation causes your circulating testosterone
to rise significantly.

3. Work your Legs

Working your butt and legs will increas testosterone.
If you are on that vitamin “Noassatall,”
it’s time to work your hindend.

4. Your Nuts

Nuts are good for your nuts. Make them your snack to
increase testosterone levels.

5. Hill Sprints

Run full out for 30 seconds to one minute.
Walk- for a full minute between sprints,
so you can regain enough strength to continue.
This will produce the greatest boosts in testosterone
Do at least two sets. Walk–sprint-walk-sprint walk.

6. Rest Hard

Six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep before midnight
will repair, replenish and boost your testosterone levels.
If you’re a party animal, don’t be surprised if you stop
craving sex and are just too tired.

7. Don’t over Train

If you over train -you don’t allow your body to recuperate
adequately between training sessions -your circulating
testosterone levels willplunge by as much as 40 percent.

8. Moderation & Balance

Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are the keys to turn
that lock.

9. Eat regularly

Eat five meals a day, low in sugars -balance between
protein, carbs, oils and fiber.

Incorporate these valuable tips into your daily routine
and they will help to balance your levels of energy and
increase your sexual appetite.

In China a healthy sexual appetite is the source of
anti-aging practices.

I wish you the best in your Health Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Private coaching is a one-on-one training that can be at
my office in Miami or at your location

Write me for more details and we can set up a phone meeting.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Full Moon Shamanic 
”Fire Ceremony”

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

The Moon was full; it was around dusk when I met up with the thirty people who gathered in the traditional healing circle in the park. The Ecuadorian Shamanic 
”Fire Ceremony was about to begun.

I have been to many of these events through out the years, but this was a first in Florida for me and the first

with a shaman from South America

I know the importance of Fire Ceremonies and no matter what tradition they come from they open a new

path way for my growth.  The purpose of this ceremony was to let go of old belief structures.

The Shaman blessed the space and welcomed in the Spirit of the sky, earth and the four directions.

We circled the fire and everyone there was getting ready for something  to happen, which would hopefully change his or her life for the better.

The Tibetan Lamas, Daoism Priests and Shamans that I studied with all use fire rituals of some kind.

In fact most native peoples, as well as the Taoist and Buddhist shamans invoke  the Fire element in there secrete rituals.

This  Fire Ceremony was no exception, the Shaman  invoke the four directions, ancestors,

the Earth energies, the universe and the spirit of the fire. This ceremony offers a cleansing of energy

field and patterns of long pending issues.

The goal is re-connecting with our true nature of pure heart-centered consciousness, each one of us  received a shamanic cleansing. This ancient ceremony promoted healing on all levels.

When  coming to the fire circle it is customary to create an offering out of a small stick. Using my breath,

blow this intention or prayer into the offering several times.

One additional offering is then placed in the fire for the Mother Earth.

Each person in the circle will blow their prayers for the planet into the offering

before it is placed into the fire.”

The four main  ritual that use  fire offerings in the Tibetan system called fire puja :

1.The Peaceful harmonizing  Fire  it  to pacify the results of the three poisons, (worry , struggle and blame) ,

or to clear away obstacles and defilements. It may also be done to avoid  difficulties and illnesses.

2.  Increasing Ritual Fire Offerings can be performed for both one’s own and other’s benefit.

To increase wealth health and happiness

3. A decrease fire can be performed to get ride of obstacles on the path or even pests like rodents,

bugs or snakes. Also  to subdue forces that is harming other sentient beings.

4. A Strong and forceful  puji fire  are performed against harmful forces. In Tibet rituals these were used

to dispel or subdue local disturbances,

All rituals no matter what system or tradition  they come from involve keeping yourself centered and

grounded at all times. I have found that Qi Gong exercises are number one in keeping you grounded

centered and focused. That’s why I encourage all of my students who are interested in spiritual work,

marshal arts or healing to learn and practice internal exercises, like the ones offered in

the Recharging Qi Gong for those of you that have the

Recharging Qi Gong Program there will be a class on June 12 th . in Miami to go over the finer  points  in the program

call 78-271-0325.

If you don’t have the program as yet go to and order today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS sign up now

Sherwood (Woody) Swartz AP,MMQ
AKA Dr. Wu Dhi

Disgustingly Healthy makes other sick

Monday, June 1st, 2009

I got a letter to day from a Guy who just turned 41 years old

He said.” I am in fairly good shape but I need something to keep my vital organ youthful and strong… And of course strength my sexual energy as well.  Does the Recharging Qi Gong program cover things like that?”

I’ve had the same concerns that you have now when I was younger, but didn’t sit on my duff. I went at it full force and trained when ever I could.

I learned as much as I could about internal health and studied Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Shen Gong.
In fact I spent every summer for years in retreats and went to workshops every time I could to gather more knowledge. I did meditation and trained daily to embody this internal energy work. “Qi Gong.”

 It wasn’t the same for many of my friends and business associated; they called me the fitness freak, health nut, health freak and I remember someone telling me that I looked “Disgustingly Healthy”. Well let me tell ya it all paid off

Those old and I mean old friends are all on some kind of medicine, their sex life only works with a pill and the all of them have some kind of pain and a dis- ease running through their body.
 Thank God I had the insight to train all these years. You ask if the Recharging Qi Gong program will work for you.  It depends if you do the program and establish a regular routine.

The Recharging Qi Gong Program works 100% and keeps you younger than your years.

My suggestion is you grab it while the sale is still on.

You will be thanking yourself for years and those years will be healthy ones.



Keep up your training and Practice, Practice, Practice!

This is Fun?

Saturday, October 27th, 2007

When I was a small boy growing up in Detroit my father would come home every day and entertain my brother and me before doing anything else.

We would beg him to stand on his head and my father would always do as we asked.

He loved to stand on his head like a yogi right in the middle of the living room.

Every time he did this coins would fall from his pockets.

My brother and I would scurry around and grab as much loose change as we could while my father pretended to protest from his inverted position.

In truth it was as much fun for him as it was for us.

My father was the youngest of a family of eight and being the baby of that family was always cared for by his siblings even into adulthood.

Life for him was about play and having fun.

My father successfully passed this view of life on to me and my brother.

Even when we would go with him to work at the pawn shop downtown we had fun, maybe even the most fun of all.

The word work and the drudgery that goes along with it never made any sense to me or my brother because of this.

People hate to work but they use this word for stuff that isn’t even work. And did you ever notice  that everywhere it does get used people are really serious.

Serious people in the gym are Working Out.
For serious training you go to a Workshop.
When your serious about beauty you call it a Work of art.
If your serious about your Work they say you have Work ethic.
Some even practice Spiritual Work.

I’ve done my best to work and be serious over the years, I really have, but most of the time I can’t help but consider how much fun I’m having.

If I’m not having fun or moving to a higher level of “fun” in the sense of being able to share with others, help others or overcome some adversity, I ain’t interested.

What I’ve learned is that you can’t other peoples work away from them but you can often make it fun.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of reminding ourselves that we’re having fun.

Try it.

The are many situations that are supposed to be fun that we often add tension to and they instantly become serious situations or work.

At these times simply say aloud “This is fun”.

You’ll either break the tension in the room or you’ll actually change the orientation of yourself and others from one of seriousness to one of fun.

If you saw me doing Recharging Qi Gong with my students on the beach I doubt you’d say that looks like a lot of work. It’s actually a lot of fun and it looks like fun too.

Big smiles on everyones face and some occasional laughter is normal.

This is not your usual “Workout” and so far it’s been producing unusual results in those that have gotten the program and started to use it.

If you want more vitality and pep in your step I encourage you to make a change.

Go to and find out how you can use these simple and gentle movements every day to pump up you Qi power and invigorate your innards.

Wishing you Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi