Posts Tagged ‘buddha’

Got lemons make lemonade

Friday, July 27th, 2012

“Honorable Sir,
In thanking you for this opportunity, I herewith
take the liberty of contacting your Good Self with
my questions regarding this subject:
Born 27.07.1936, 5 children, I spent the last 30
years with concentration on the Path of Spirit (20
yrs. India) but I do feel more and more
handicapped by an overall fatigue, especially
after a hip joint replacement (right side, 2002)
plus the medical finding of being
subject to
Arthritis, Osteoporosis & Sclerosis in advanced
stages, with multiple pains involved. Being
actively involved in spreading spiritual
truths, I wonder if you have any advice. “

Sincerely –


Dear friend,

Throughout our life we are presented by changes
and lessons.
Some of these are easy to learn and others are
more changeling.
As a child, Siddhartha the Buddha was troubled by
some of the same thoughts that we have today. We
wonder about birth and death, why we get sick and
why people suffer and die.

We wonder why our wishes do not come true.
The Buddha knew what was in the hearts of
humankind; he taught everyone how to live a happy
and peaceful life. Life’s lessons show us how to
understand ourselves and how to cope with our
daily problems.


One day, the Buddha sat down in the shade of a
tree and noticed how beautiful the countryside
was. Flowers were blooming and trees were putting
on bright new leaves, but among all this beauty,
he saw much unhappiness. A farmer beat his ox in
the field. A bird pecked at an earthworm, and then
an eagle swooped down on the bird. Deeply
troubled, he asked, “Why does the farmer beat his
ox? Why must one creature eat another to live?”
During his enlightenment, the Buddha found the
answer to these questions. He discovered three
great truths. He explained these truths in a
simple way so that everyone could understand them.

1. Nothing is lost in the universe
Matter turns into energy, energy turns into
matter. A dead leaf turns into soil. A seed
sprouts and becomes a new plant. Old solar systems
disintegrate and turn into cosmic rays. We are
born of our parents; our children are born of us.
We are the same as plants, as trees, as other
people, as the rain that falls. We consist of that
which is around us; we are the same as everything.
If we destroy something around us, we destroy
ourselves. If we cheat another, we cheat
ourselves. Understanding this truth, the Buddha
and his disciples never killed any animal.

2. Everything Changes
The second universal truth of the Buddha is that
everything is continuously changing. Life is like
a river flowing on and on, ever changing.
Sometimes it flows slowly and sometimes swiftly.
It is smooth and gentle in some places, but later
on snags and rocks crop up out of nowhere. As soon
as we think we are safe, something unexpected

3. Law of Cause and Effect
The third universal truth explained by the Buddha
is that there are continuous changes due to the
law of cause and effect. This is the same law of
cause and effect found in every modern science
textbook. In this way, science and Buddhism are

The law of cause and effect is known as karma.
Nothing ever happens to us unless we deserve it.
We receive exactly what we earn, whether it is
good or bad. We are the way we are now due to the
things we have done in the past. Our thoughts and
actions determine the kind of life we can have. If
we do good things, in the future good things will
happen to us. If we do bad things, in the future
bad things will happen to us. Every moment we
create new karma by what we say, do, and think. If
we understand this, we do not need to fear karma.
It becomes our friend. It teaches us to create a
bright future.

The Buddha said,
“The kind of seed sown will produce that kind of
fruit. Those who do good will reap good results.
Those who do evil will reap evil results. If you
carefully plant a good seed, you will joyfully
gather good fruit.”

On the medical side I would start detoxing your
body from all toxins .Eliminate sugars and
chemicals. Maybe even wheat products and even eggs
and see what happens.
Personally I do all of those things and spend time
in meditation and practice Qi Gong. If you were
unable to do the movements physically I would
practice them in your minds eye. See if you’re
self-going through all the movements a few times a
day until you have it etched into your memory.

I have taught the Flying Crane Qi Gong
to a group of seniors that for one reason or
another were unable to do the movements but as we
went over it, they visualized themselves doing the
exercises over and over.

Guess what happened?
More than 50% of them can now go through the 6
sets of exercise physically.
Sometimes we get challenging lessons that will
bring us a new opportunity to learn and grow.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

I can tell you this for sure get the program
and learn it, visualize doing it, embody the
teachings and your body mind and sprit will work
better than you ever thought possible!

How to Clean your Spiritual Objects

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Whenever I bring something new into
my home or office, if it is going to be
used for healing or spiritual purposes,
I make sure that I take the time to clean
it energetically.

The other day I was at the organic market in
Coconut Grove and there is a guy there that sells crystals,
Shiva lignums, gems and a host of unusual things.
I was eyeing a little Buddha for some time that seemed to
have some extraordinary Qi. Its cast of combination of
different metals seemed to resonate with interesting energy.
So, we cut a deal with the merchant and it’s
now part of my collection.
Before I brought it into my home I made sure it
was cleansed of any negative energy.

Here’s what I did:
Once you have cleaned an object physically, the next step is
to cleanse it of unwanted vibrations and energies that come from
other people handling it in packing, transportation, unpacking and
display before it has actually reached to you. With all the people
at the market touching, holding and looking at this Buddha, it needs
to be cleaned. Objects tend to take on energy indiscriminately and
like wearing someone else’s shoes, you can feel what’s not
the right energy for you.

I like to use a salt-water bath to purify these types of objects.
I live a few short blocks from the Ocean so going down to the
beach and cleaning my spiritual and healing objects is quite
easy for me. Salt is really good for removing negative
energy from most things.

You don’t need to soak the objects very long in salt water.
If it has a good vibe in the first place I’ll hold it in the
Ocean water for just a few minutes or sometimes I’ll bring home
a bucket of water and soak the object for a day or so.
When I do some really, really heavy clearing, I will soak the
objects in salt water for 3-4 days. Usually, an 8-hour bath every
now and then is just fine. If you don’t have access to seawater get
a bowl large enough to hold what you want to purify and fill the bowl
with water to cover it by about 1 inch. Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt.
But if you have genuine seawater, that’s the best!

When you pour off the salt water, do not touch the water or you can
transfer the negative energy back on yourself. Remember to thoroughly
rinse off any salt residue.

I’ve also smudged different objects with sage, sweet grass or
incense to cleanse them. This is especially good for things
that cannot be soaked in salt water.

After it’s clean I’ll put the object in the Sunlight.
It re-charges the ultraviolet light from the sun and
restores the depleted energy.
There are many other methods of cleansing spiritual
and healing objects. Some with water, sounds, light,
earth, color and fire. I share these spiritual teachings
with the members of the Qi Gong Inner circle as well as how
to use the tools methods and internal practices.

If you are seeking these teachings join us at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi

The Loss Son

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

“A young widower, who loved his five year old
son very much, was away on business when bandits
came and burned down the whole village and took his
son away. When the man returned, he saw the ruins and
panicked. He took the burnt corpse of an infant and cried
uncontrollably. He organized a cremation ceremony,
collected the ashes and put them in a beautiful little bag
that he always kept with him. 

Soon afterwards, his real son escaped from the bandits
and found his way home. He arrived at his father’s new
cottage at midnight and knocked at the door.

The father, still grieving asked: “Who is it?”
The child answered, it is me Papa, open the door!”
But in his agitated state of mind, convinced his son
was dead, the father thought that some young boy was
making fun of him. He shouted: “Go away” and
continued to cry. After some time, the child left.
Father and son never saw each other again.

After this story, the Buddha said, “Sometime,
somewhere, you take something to be the truth.
If you cling to it so much, even when the truth comes
in person and knocks on your door, you will not open it.”
I gave a lecture last week to a group of people at the gym;
most of them work out 5 days a week and look good on the
outside, but are starting to get health problems like heartburn,
aches, diabetes and sexual dysfunctions.

I explained the longevity benefits of doing Qi Gong to
them, and how it would balance out their workout,
improve their sexual power health, and slow down the
aging process.

Arthur stood up and said,” I don’t get it? I workout
everyday at the gym, run 4 miles a day 5 days a week
and do 10 miles on the weekend, I eat well and I feel great!
What will Qi gong do for me– I am in great shape?”

Well Artthur, I did the same program for years
with my friend Gary. He was my workout partner
and never learned the internal arts of Qi Gong or
meditation. He said it was too slow for him and he
needs the adrenal rush of a heavy workout.
Gary wishes he had followed my example and
learned the softer style of Qi Gong years ago.
Although the physical workout of running and
weight training is good you need a balance.

There is an old Taoist saying:
“If you do External Exercises, you need to do
Internal Exercises, but if you do Internal Exercises
you don’t have to do External Exercises.”

When we only do sports, aerobic and weight training,
we create too much heat in our bodies and overheat
the internal organs. After awhile, the organs start to
dry out and later feel like a plum that was left in the
sun for weeks– it turns into a prune!
The same thing happens to us with constant overheating
and aging, you can see it on a person’s face –the wrinkles
are the pruning effect. You can delay the aging process and
re-dehydrate the organs by doing Qi Gong.

I told Arthur it’s time to get on a program because the
universe is knocking on your door. I know he heard
what I said and acted on it.
He placed an order for both Flying Crane Qi Gong
and the Recharging Qi Gong program that night.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi