Posts Tagged ‘Job’

Is this the End of your Life or the beginning??

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

A few weeks ago I was walking in the park and a
woman who was raggedy dressed and looked like she
was down on her luck came up to me and said hello
to me. I thought maybe she was hitting me up for
some spare change. I said hi and thought nothing
of it. She then called me by name and told me who
she was, I looked into her eyes and apologized to
her and I said, I can’t remember how I know you.

She said, “It’s me Gloria you know me from high
school.” I still didn’t recognize her. I thought
to myself I don’t know this woman at all.

When She told me her full name and I was stunned.
I would have never recognized her in a thousand
years. She looked very old, with bags under her
eyes, she had straggly yellowish gray hair, a pale
complexion, and she was over weight and had a very
low vibration. I told her it was nice to see her.

Although I was shocked, I tried not to show it on
my face. She was a knockout in high school. Gloria
was tall, blond and beautiful and all the guys
were crazy about her.
She told me that she made some bad decisions in
her life and now is paying for them. She was now
divorced from a bad marriage, her family stopped
talking to her, she lost her job and went through
all her money, all bad news.

Although our encounter was brief it had a big
impact on me. I thought about her for days.
How such a beautiful girl could end up as a bag

It all comes down to what decisions we make and
how you orchestrate your life. The decisions you
make daily, weekly and through the years will
bring your future to you. Yes, we are in charge of
our own future.

Every decision you make affects your life for the
better or worse.

Most of my friends thought I had gone off the deep
end. (Many of them are not around any more) It
takes both energy and a willingness to stay on top
of your health and well-being,
It’s well worth it.

Do you want to learn how to make those Changes
That Will Last For A Life Time and
Keep You Up To Date With The Latest In
Energy Medicine. Training, Qi Gong,
Powerful Life Changing Meditations
Longevity practices and anti aging medicine?

I know I do!

Are you ready to Discover The Path To A Long And
Powerful Disease-Free Life?

The investment is in your life. Learn and practice
how to stay around for many more healthy years.
Join me in an adventure that will save your life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

This is the 7th year of the Qi Gong Inner Circle.
Make it your lucky 7 and join now!

Dr. Wu Dhi

What choices will you make this year?

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

What choices will you make this year?

Just last night, I received a call from Bryan
who lives in Northern California.
He has been wrestling with a multitude of problems
such as health, self-confidence, sexuality, money
and lack of knowledge on how to get out of the deep
hole he’s dug for himself.

Every time I suggested something he answered
with a phrase that blocked any positive input he said,
“Yes But” as if it were the cream in his coffee.
This went on until I had to stop the conversation
and point out that his “Yes BUT” answer was in the way
of making any movement and keeping him in the rut.

“Yes But” is a Killer Phrases that destroys ones
creative potential. I asked him if he was ready
to transform “Yes, But…” into “Yes, and…” and
ideas into reality!
Bryan’s self talk was blocking him on every level.
He was stuck knee deep in his own muck.
What ever you think about the most
is what you’ll bring into your life.

It makes no difference if it’s good or bad.
What ever you think about, say and talk about the
most often is what you will get… If you say,
“it’s going to be a bad day.” Guess what? It is!
On the other hand if you declare,
“it’s going to be a great day,
” it’ll be Great!

Brian wanted to tell me how his situation
blocked everything in his life. He went on
to tell me again, and again, and again that he had a
dysfunctional family. He doesn’t have any money or a job,
and he made sure that I knew that as he repeated it to me
3 or 4 times in the conversation.

“Many people are in a rut and a rut is nothing but a grave –
with both ends kicked out.”
Vance Havner quotes

I am 99 and 44/100% sure that the universe was listening
to his every word and following his instructions to the Tee.
He said, “I’ve been with depression and anxiety for as long
as I can remember. I’d say since about the age of 11 or 12,
and it’s only getting worse.” What he is really doing is
reinforcing his stuck situation and allowing the same dark
cloud to stay right over his head.

Self-talk can be the # 1 jamming process you do to yourself
or the it can be the key to having everything you want.
Over the past 25 years I have been teaching, coaching and
mentoring both individuals and groups on how to make
positive changes. It’s more than possible to
re-program oneself, and when you work with a coach
you can eliminate falling back into old patterns. You
make advancements quicker and have an objective
person moving you into what you want to be.

A coach can help pull you out of that rut.
No matter if it’s your health issues mentally,
physically, spiritually, or getting back on
purpose of reaching your true wants, needs
and desires. When we work one- on- one
there are major shifts that can happen
in ones life. A stronger bond is created
and a personal connection is established,
even if you are on the other side of the world.

Every month we have a personal Skype call, and go over
practices together. The goals to be accomplished and we
adjust them for maximum success; we look at where we are now,
where we want to go and how to do it… I have been working with
people outside of the box using meditation practices
and internal exercises like Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Shen Gong to
customize personal growth and health.

Your life can be easer and more powerful when you
can work at strategies with a teacher who comes
from a totally different tradition than most coaches.
Your choices may range from profound to trivial,
and each one has an effect that makes your life more fulfilling
or less fulfilling, more balanced or less balanced, that makes your
process of living more effective or less effective.
Coaching helps you learn how to make choices that
create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life.

As we work together we will connect your body,
head and your heart to help transform your hunger
for your dreams into action for your life. Take this
test and get a snap shot and see if the coaching
program is for you!

On a scale from 1 to 10, rate each of the following
statements: (if not applicable, score the item as a 5).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
Not at all Maybe Totally agree

• I am ready to create more balance in my life.

• I am ready to improve my sex life
and relationships.

• I am ready to make real and positive
changes in my life.

• I am ready to find and live my life’s purpose.

• I am ready and willing to overcome
self-limiting beliefs and behavior.

• I am ready to create plans and take action to
achieve my goals.

• I am ready to achieve a sense of fulfillment
at work and in my personal life.

• I am ready for more fun and pleasure in my life.

• I’d like to work smarter and make more money.

• I can benefit from someone who will help me
to stay on track.

What’s your total score?
Less than 33
 Coaching is not for you at this time.
33 to 64
 Coaching can assist you at looking at
your life from a different perspective, and help you
develop a plan to change what it is that you would like to transform.
If you decide to work with a coach and commit that you will
take the necessary action for your benefit, then it will be possible
for you to make lasting life-changing improvements.

Over 60
 Congratulations! You are ready for Coach!
You are willing to do whatever it takes to create the
life you deserve and desire. Please take a moment to
contact me right now for a FREE introductory
coaching session to find out what coaching can do for you.
This one click can change your life forever.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Don’t hesitate another moment click here
and fill out the questions.

We will set up a free personal coaching session!

How to Fire your Boss

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Chances are strong there’s a major part of
your life which is sapping your energy
and dumping negativity over you and
your family.
And this economy is only making things hurt worse.

I’m talking about slaving away at a 9 to 5 job.
If you’re happy with your work life,
I am happy for you and this unusual message isn’t for you.

If you DO feel like your job is slowly killing you,
let me reveal a little about myself:
I’ve been a practioner of Chinese Medicine for over
30 years, almost always working with my patients
But in the past few years, I’ve been able to open
a “clinic without walls” by sending my healing
messages straight to you with the power of the internet.

This is no accident.

I’ve been expanding my horizons and opening myself
up to new ways to increase my abundance by helping
people worldwide even if I can’t look you in the
eye and shake your hand.

And this has been possible because of a
friend of mine who builds these certain
kinds of websites.
With his help, I can communicate my message with
emails like this one, and have websites like
(his website) where I offer my life-changing
products and services.

Recently my friend stepped up to the plate to
share his story, and it might be eerily similar
to yours. He used to slave away in the corporate
world as an IT whipping boy before firing his boss
and selling his own products and services.

He just put up a free video telling his
inspiring story here:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth, and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. I realize this may not seem to be related
to health and longevity, but I’m enjoying helping
spread my friend’s message and I realize if
you feel at all beaten down and depressed about
your job, this video just might be that first
little step which turns everything around:

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi was born Sherwood Swartz but mostly known as ‘Woody’ to friends and family. As a student of various traditions he as received various names and titles over the years as is appropriate in those schools. Among these names was Wu Di, very similar to the pronunciation of Woody, in China the name means ‘has no enemies’. Wu Di was later renamed by a Tibetan Lama to Wu Dhi with an ‘h’. Although this may not seem like that much of a change from Wu Di or even Woody for that matter, it is in fact a high honor to receive such a name directly from a Lama. Dhi in this case is the Sanskrit seed syllable ‘Dhi’ and associated with the great wisdom holder Manjurshri.

Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R.China.

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Bay Harbor Fl.33154