Posts Tagged ‘Happiness’

Opening the Flow

Monday, January 14th, 2013

I received this letter over the weekend and I
wanted to share it with you.

“Dear doctor
I want to thank you so much! For years I’ve been
having problems with my weight,gas,stomach aches and
constipation. As you can imagine this has not only
been uncomfortable but also embarrassing for my entire
adult life! Thanks to you and the product
Oxyhydrate, I have never been so happy and so
regular in my entire life!
Thank you,
Mrs. Jennifer Sydney”

Dear Jennifer,
Thank you for writing me and telling me about
your success! your not the only one who has written me
with such good results.


Dr. WuDhi
Yes Oxyhydrate has worked like a charm. Not only are people
becoming regular they are also losing weight,
have less bloating more energy and their
general health is getting better!
I have patients who think it’s normal to only have a
BM only two to three times a week, and THAT IS NOT NORMAL!!

You should be having a BM everyday, come rain or
If you look at food as fuel, and you’re
putting the proper fuel in you system – after the
fuel is used the exhaust has to come out! If it
was your car you would be at the mechanics the next
Oxyhydrate is not a laxative.
Oxyhydrate is a combination of carefully developed
minerals and vitamins that puts more moisture and oxygen in
your system, and has regulated thousands of people
with no adverse side effects at all.

Our office is one of the only distributors of
Oxyhydrate in the U.S.A today, and you can order
by clicking here,

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

A Space is Open

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

Dr. Carola Cuenca was here for the last 3 days and
as you all know we had 9 spaces available and they
were all full! We got some great information!
She was able to discover some impending health
issues and correct them using advanced homeopathic
medicine. Let me tell you, my patients were all
impressed and so was I. I then treated each
patient with specifically what they needed. The
computerized regulation thermography machine that
Dr. Cuenca uses has been used in Europe for the
last 30 years and for some odd reason most doctors
in the United States don’t even know it exists.
You would wonder why?! I’ll tell you why. The
diagnostic equipment is setup to discover an
imbalance in the body before it happens as well as
a way to treat it naturally with no side affects
in the least amount of time and not kill you
financially. I asked Dr. Cuenca if she could
please see a few more of my patients after
Christmas and she agreed to stay for 2 days after
the holidays and open up her time for another 6
people. If you’re having any health issues that
have been chronic and your doctor can’t just
figure out what it is, call my office today and
schedule an appointment while you can!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Turn your Holiday Stress into Power

Monday, November 26th, 2012

‘Oh there’s no place like home for the holidays,
‘Cause no matter how far away you roam –
If you want to be happy in a million ways,
For the holidays – you can’t beat home, sweet

This is an old song that they play around this
time of the year that I have heard as long as I
can remember.
The holidays are about friends and family and my
trip to Michigan was all about that. I spent time
with my mother, my oldest son my grand children,
my aunt and a few cousins and even saw a few
friends. In 4 short days I drove more than 600
miles and that was after I flew home. That’s the
nature of the holidays.

. You want to get more
sleep even if it’s just a few catnaps here and
there. Stay hydrated. Those holiday sprits could
dry you up if you aren’t drinking a lot of water
and sugar can tip your balance.

Although we all love to kick back and party for a
few days, the holiday season will go on for around
40 days. Yea you can do it! But you want to do it
and stay balanced and centered with a day here and
there for some full out party time.

Before you get caught up in the festivities order
the Turn Stress into Power program and party on
with your own secret formula to stay healthy
through the entire season.

Turn Stress into Power:

I wish you the best in your health, wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Why is Black Friday black?

Monday, November 26th, 2012

No one really knows why black Friday is black.
Maybe it’s because all of the stores open early
before the sun comes up and close after the sun
goes down and the days are getting shorter. Soon
it will be the winter solstice, December 21st, the
shortest day of the year, so there will be a lot
more blackness. Nobody really consulted me about
the name, the day after Thanksgiving but if they
did I would call it, ‘THE THANKFUL SALE!’

I would
make this the season all about thankfulness!

I am so thankful for all of YOU!
For reading my blogs, for watching Dr. Wu Dhi’s
YouTube station and for all of your wonderful
comments and following my teachings to keep
yourself healthy and young!

I have spent more than half of my life working,
studying, researching longevity practices and I am
so thankful that I am able to share this with all
of you. I plan on doing a lot more this coming
year and sharing more information with you to keep
you healthy, strong and young!

I decided to offer you my most valued possession,

Although all of our time is limited and we can
never recover it, its everyone’s most valuable
possession, it’s how we use our time that will
make the difference in every aspect of your life.

This last year, I have coached many people on
their health, internal exercises, longevity
practices and meditation. In fact, I speak to some
of you on Skype every month to go over your
progress and keep you on track!

I have decided to offer you an incredible
opportunity at incredible savings!
Dr. Wu’s private coaching program!

Click here and check out the BIG THANKFUL SALE!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a day to be thankful for
everything in your life. Although we think of this
holiday as a time to eat and shop, there is a much
deeper meaning. It is being thankful for what you
have in your life which includes your family,
career, health and your friends. It is a time to
rejoice and really look around and see all of the
good things that you have and acknowledge
everything that you have. Whatever we are focused
on the most is what we have in our life.

If your focus is sadness and grief or worry and
blame, that’s what you will get more of, and if
your focus is all of the wonderful places and
people you have met along the path, everything
that has made you into the person that you are
today and you acknowledge all of the lessons that
you had are all part of your growth. In the East,
they call it Karma. We are all on this planet so
that we can learn and grow; we all have lessons to
learn for our growth. So, this Thanksgiving, be
thankful for everything that you have and allow
your heart to open more.

From my heart, I wish all of you the best. I am so
thankful that I am able to share this valuable
information with you.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to change your Stinkin’ Thinkin’

Monday, October 15th, 2012

What you do in the first few minutes of your day
sets the tone for the rest of it. This is why it
is important to begin your day with thoughts of
happiness, success, great health and prosperity.

As soon as your feet hit the ground, you want to
be hurled into the realm of success in all aspects
of your life – Mentally, physically and
spiritually. Accomplish something great today.

Don’t procrastinate for one second more.
Do it now. No more dawdling.

Set a daily goal especially a daily fitness goal.
And if you achieve that goal first thing in the
the rest of the day is going to be awesome.

Yesterday my friend Andy was in a slump.
He told me that he was going to hit the Gym the
first thing in the morning and he did!
He chose to make things work for him 100% and the
workout changed him.

I have a patient who is complaining about her
situation, her health and her husband. She said
her brain is not good. I told her it’s not your
brain that’s no good it’s the programming of your

Stinking Thinking, that’s what Zig zigler called

The type of thinking that causes problems:

1. All-or-nothing thinking
2. Over generalization
3. Pick out a single negative detail and dwell on it
4. Discounting the positive
5. Being negative when there are no facts to
support your conclusion
6. Magnification is the importance of your
7. Assuming that your negative emotions
necessarily reflect the way things really are
8. Blaming others and not taking responsibility
for an event, they blame other people or their
circumstances for their problems

Want to make changes in your Brain?
Become more flexible in body and mind.

I have two outside cats that I feed every morning.
They stretch hundreds of times per day and they do
it as soon as they wake up.

You, my friend, would be well advised to do

Doing so will not only increase you strength and
flexibility – but it will
ENERGIZE you for hours and will open some more
flexibility in your brain as well.

I’m betting you’d like some of that good ENERGY.
Move your body the way it wants to be moved.
Stretch like a cat and you’ll know why cats
stretch the way they do.

By the way, you can learn all about this form of
exercise in my Recharging Qi Gong Program book,
CD’s and DVDs.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

P.S. If you really want to make some changes in
your life join me and the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and be all you can be!

Over-Achievers have a different hit on mistakes

Friday, September 28th, 2012

If you have ever talked to an under-achiever their
story is all about fear and why they can’t do this
or that. They are afraid of making a mistake and
they view mistakes as bad thing.

On the other hand the over-achiever has a
different take on mistakes all together. They see
mistakes as the stepping-stones to their success.

Mistakes are just feedback you need to achieve any
goal. No one travels a straight line to success.
Anyone who becomes successful in life encounters
corrections on how he speaks, breathes, moves and

Losers fear mistakes. Winners look for them.

“Fail your way to success” that’s what Albert
Edison did. He kept on failing and failing until
boom he succeeded.

Losers get angry when they make a mistake and
refuse to listen to corrective feedback.

Winners take their time. They breathe, relax and
listen to what needs to be done to improve. Then
they work on adjusting what needs to be corrected.
The mistake acts like a life guide to the final
outcome of success.

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been
trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my
life. And that is why I succeed.”

A coach, teacher, Guru or mentor can say one
sentence and turn your life around, you just have
to be around and listen.
Are you ready to make some of the biggest changes
in your life?
If you are ready sign up and see if you can
qualify for the coaching program:

To be on Top in your field, no matter what it is–
you need to be on Top of your health, wealth and

Without health you got nothing.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

P.S. I am almost totally booked up for 2012.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Has the ‘SANDMAN’ been passing you by?

Friday, August 31st, 2012

I have patients complaining that they can’t get a
goodnight sleep, and when that happens their body
just can’t recover from the stresses of life.
More than 50 % of Americans have trouble sleeping
at night.

Insomnia is such a huge problem that even the
famous Hollywood celebs like Elvis and
Michael Jackson who are
now pushing-updaisies died trying to
get a good nights sleep.

Our Sleep is a natural part of life. Our bodies
regulate sleep in much the same way that they
regulate eating, drinking, and breathing. Sleep
serves a critical role in our health and
well-being – but the drug companies don’t want you
to know that. They’d rather have you hooked on
sleeping pills for life. And they want you to believe
that their pills are a norm to
getting a good night’s sleep.

I have a friend who thought taking sleeping pills
was normal too until they almost killed him, too.

Then he discovered the secret to a sound sleep –
and his life changed for ever.

No more drugs. No more sleepless nights and his
stress seemed to just melt away.

He now sleeps through the night with ease, no
matter where he is
and he can show you the same method he uses.

Watch his video now and get rid of sleepless nights

Discover how to get a good
night’s sleep, every night, on command.

I Wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. By the way, stress and obesity is directly linked
Sleepless nights can make you fat.
The better you sleep the more fat you burn.

Check out his program is great
Dr. Wu Dhi

Once in a Blue Moon

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

I was looking at the calendar in my office and I
realized that this Friday August 31st is a Blue

How Auspicious!

There is only one real way you can harness the
power of the Blue Moon.
And no, it’s not Taoist yoga or a Tibetan ritual.
It comes from you – and when it does it can change
your life.
You see, “Once in a Blue Moon” is a common way of
saying not very often, but what exactly is a Blue

The average interval between Full Moons is about
29.5 days, and the length of an average month is
roughly 30.5 days. This makes it very unlikely
that any given month will contain two Full Moons,
though it does sometimes happen.
On average, there will be 41 months that have two
Full Moons in every century, so you could say that
once in a Blue Moon actually means once every
two-and-a-half years.

The calendar that we use to measure the days and
the nights is very special to us when we realize
that we measure our lives by the calendar as well.
How many natural events do you know of that happen
once every couple of years?
How many Blue Moons have you seen in your

How many more have you got?
Where will you be in your personal health,
vitality, and happiness at the time the next Blue
Moon rolls around?

Start something new this Blue Moon and stick with
it. Not for a month, or a year, but stick with it
for a full Blue Moon and I’m sure the Blue Moon
will never be the same for you again.
The next full moon will be on the 31st of August
and this will be a Blue Moon, that’s this Friday!

This full moon is highly auspicious
a time to make some changes in your life
and stick to the program for at least the next
blue moon in 2.5 years . Start a program today and
stay with it,
The Recharging Qi Gong Program will change your life it
you practice it. Get a copy today
Go there now, open your wallet, pull out that
little piece of plastic, type in the numbers, take
a deep breath and visualize how healthy and vital
you want to be two and a half years from now, and
click the “submit” button.

Laugh if you must, that makes you younger too, but
the power of the Blue Moon will instantly start
streaming your way immediately.

Not because I said so, but because you say so.
By making this Blue Moon special, every Blue Moon
will be a special reminder that we have to
practice and play every day to live a long and
healthy life.

Check out everything I’ve put in it here in a Blue Moon

Is it better to be where you are or where you want to be?

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

Two friends encountered each other traveling in
opposite directions on a street.
They each asked where the other was going. One
said, “To see a woman,” and the other said, “To a
religious gathering.”

The first friend said to the other, “Why are you
going to go see that woman. Come to the religion
gathering—there will be a preacher, singing,
dancing, storytelling, and more.”
The other replied, “You should come with me. I can
hook you up with my woman’s sister—she is really

They both presented their cases, but both friends
decided to go their originally planned way.

When the first friend went to the , he was preoccupied thinking about what
a good time his friend must be having with his
woman, and he regretted his decision to come to
the religious gathering.
And while the second friend was with his woman, he
was preoccupied thinking of how his friend was
having fun at the religious gathering and doing a
good deed, and he regretted not going with him.

What is better for you? Getting the Recharging Qi
Gong program and practicing everyday or getting
the Recharging Qi Gong program and not practicing
at all?
I believe you would be better off practicing every
day and making your life better and feeling more
in charge of everything you do.

Why? Because you will be more decisive, more
grounded and your decision making skills will be

Order it now

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi