Posts Tagged ‘Friends And Family’

Is your house in order?

Friday, February 22nd, 2013


This week I had at least 30 people contact me and
ask me if there was something strange going on in
the stars. People have been telling me that their
house, their lives and their friends and family
all seem to be in chaos.
Does any of this sound familiar?

If you haven’t noticed, people in general, don’t
do what you say, what they do is what YOU do!

We all seem to follow behavior patterns that
others do around us. That’s why it is so important
to keep good company, good friends and try to
remove yourself from negative situations as often
as you can. We are influenced already by the
collective consciousness. What other people are
thinking around us, in our city, in our state, in
our country and even in the world! Just last week
about 1,000 people were killed when a meteor fell
out of the sky and devastated people’s lives in
Russia! If you saw the pictures on the Internet,
you would think it’s from a movie scene and
although it affected those people on the other
side of the world, it affected you and me as well.

You never know when something will just fall out
of the sky and ruin your life. This last week, I
traveled to Jacksonville to clear 3 homes of what
the owners considered “bad energy”. Energy is not
bad, energy is just energy. We just need to know
how to work with it. Part of working with energy
is called Feng Shui or Geomancy. It’s like doing
an acupuncture session on a piece of property or
someone’s home. When you do this work, it
harmonizes the energy and makes everything
peaceful again. If you want to know more about
this work, contact me at my office at 305-407-0120
and if you would like to learn the basic
principles, you can pick up my DVD package called
The Magic Square:

You might wonder how Dr. Wu Dhi knows about
clearing these energies. About 30 years ago, I
started studying intensively with some very
powerful Tibetan Buddhist teachers who showed me
how to rid negative energies and bring our lives
back into harmony. When I started my study of
Medical Qi Gong with the Daoist’s, there was a big
emphasis on clearing negative energy from our
bodies, mind and the places we live and work!

Sometimes they referred to these as
spirit/energetic possession. All of these Daoist
studies dove-tailed with the Buddhist teachings.
It’s amazing that they don’t even talk about this
stuff in the West. Clearing your home can be a big
part of our health and happiness.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Turn your Holiday Stress into Power

Monday, November 26th, 2012

‘Oh there’s no place like home for the holidays,
‘Cause no matter how far away you roam –
If you want to be happy in a million ways,
For the holidays – you can’t beat home, sweet

This is an old song that they play around this
time of the year that I have heard as long as I
can remember.
The holidays are about friends and family and my
trip to Michigan was all about that. I spent time
with my mother, my oldest son my grand children,
my aunt and a few cousins and even saw a few
friends. In 4 short days I drove more than 600
miles and that was after I flew home. That’s the
nature of the holidays.

. You want to get more
sleep even if it’s just a few catnaps here and
there. Stay hydrated. Those holiday sprits could
dry you up if you aren’t drinking a lot of water
and sugar can tip your balance.

Although we all love to kick back and party for a
few days, the holiday season will go on for around
40 days. Yea you can do it! But you want to do it
and stay balanced and centered with a day here and
there for some full out party time.

Before you get caught up in the festivities order
the Turn Stress into Power program and party on
with your own secret formula to stay healthy
through the entire season.

Turn Stress into Power:

I wish you the best in your health, wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi