Posts Tagged ‘Stomach’

Isn’t it time to reverse those negative life-stealing patterns

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

I’ve known Maryann since she was 9 years old.
She was always a very talented little girl. She
danced, sang, stared in plays and was highly
creative. She always demanded the best for herself
and so did her parents. As she grew-up all of her
friends knew she was an excessive compulsive type
with whatever she decided to do. It came natural
for her, as both of her parents are the same,
successful, and excessive with just about
Unfortunately Maryann has multitude hang-ups and
always had to push herself not allowing even a
smidgen for a mistake. If things didn’t go her
way she bitched and moaned making herself and
everyone around her miserable. At an early age she
developed a host of allergies and didn’t fit in
with other kids.
A year ago maybe a little longer she was at the
mall shopping and ate some ice cream. Within
minutes her throat started to close up and she was
whisked off to the hospital and filled up with
drugs to stop the allergic reaction, she just
doesn’t have good genes to eliminate toxins.

Although she has a strong will she has always been
highly susceptible to what she hears, reads and
watches on TV. Once she decides something was
good, or bad she went for it full force.
This can be a good quality or one that can pull
you apart.
Someone once told her that Honey was good for her
stomach and now she pours honey on everything she
eats- fruits, vegetables and even meat, and
chicken. When I asked her why all the honey she
said, “It’s good for my stomach.”
It’s true that all honey contains vitamins and
minerals, but some types of honey have a very high
glycemic index.

Honey has the same relative sweetness and chemical
structure as table sugar. One tablespoon is
considered a serving and it is not recommended
that you exceed 10 tbsp. in the course of one day.
This 10 tbsp. recommendation is for all added
sugars, including those hidden in foods.
Going over the 10 tbsp. daily limit causes gastric
problems such as stomach cramps, bloating and
diarrhea. Because of honey’s fructose content,
eating too much interferes with your small
intestines’ ability to absorb nutrients.

When you are consistently over-consuming honey, it
can have long-term negative effects on the
gastrointestinal tract. Nutrient absorption could
become a permanent problem. Honey also is slightly
acidic and prolonged exposure to acidic foods can
erode tooth enamel and the linings of your
esophagus, stomach and intestines, which can lead
to acid reflux disease. Excess honey consumption,
as with any excess sugar consumption, can result
in insulin insensitivity.

As with most excessive types it’s important to
pick your poison very carefully, as they will
dictate what kind of life you will have as well as
your mental and physical health.

To much of a good thing can kill you

To much of a good thing can kill you

someone suggests you change or stop a pattern,
your robot will fight tooth and nail not to change
its patterns. It happens with drugs, food,
alcohol, smoking and every little habit pattern
you have.
The same process goes on even when you establish a
good habit like practicing Qi Gong. You may excess
and spend hours a day practicing, go to every Qi
gong conference and then what happens you repeat
the healthy pattern over and over.
It’s a good habit and you will reap the benefits
of good health, longevity and a quality life.

Isn’t it time to reverse those negative
life-stealing patterns and feel good all over?
I invite you to join the growing group of students
who have discovered the benefits of Qi Gong and
Longevity today.

I will get you started today; get the Recharging
Qi Gong

the Flying Crane Qi Gong programs

I can guarantee you your life will change for the
better within weeks.
Order today and become younger tomorrow

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Opening the Flow

Monday, January 14th, 2013

I received this letter over the weekend and I
wanted to share it with you.

“Dear doctor
I want to thank you so much! For years I’ve been
having problems with my weight,gas,stomach aches and
constipation. As you can imagine this has not only
been uncomfortable but also embarrassing for my entire
adult life! Thanks to you and the product
Oxyhydrate, I have never been so happy and so
regular in my entire life!
Thank you,
Mrs. Jennifer Sydney”

Dear Jennifer,
Thank you for writing me and telling me about
your success! your not the only one who has written me
with such good results.


Dr. WuDhi
Yes Oxyhydrate has worked like a charm. Not only are people
becoming regular they are also losing weight,
have less bloating more energy and their
general health is getting better!
I have patients who think it’s normal to only have a
BM only two to three times a week, and THAT IS NOT NORMAL!!

You should be having a BM everyday, come rain or
If you look at food as fuel, and you’re
putting the proper fuel in you system – after the
fuel is used the exhaust has to come out! If it
was your car you would be at the mechanics the next
Oxyhydrate is not a laxative.
Oxyhydrate is a combination of carefully developed
minerals and vitamins that puts more moisture and oxygen in
your system, and has regulated thousands of people
with no adverse side effects at all.

Our office is one of the only distributors of
Oxyhydrate in the U.S.A today, and you can order
by clicking here,

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Why is Back pain so Common?

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

This problem is never ending!
You bend or reach for
something and you end up with a
sharp pain that feels like a knife is stabbing you.


It’s a fact that you will
experience back pain at some
point in your life, no matter
how healthy and fit you are.
I know I have!

It can happen from over reaching,
an unexpected sneeze, or lifting
even the lightest thing and there it

Why is back pain so common?
Our muscles have to work constantly to hold
us upright against gravity and to move us around.
These muscles can get tired,
and being overweight as well as out of shape
causes even more problems.
Strong muscles, in the central part of the body,
(the core muscles) help to carry body weight and
to prevent the spine from getting overloaded.
When, these core muscles get weak,
the spine must compensate and do extra work,
therefore causing pain.

Things like over sitting, muscle spasm and stress can be a real pain.

* Sitting is worse for the back than standing.
The load shifts onto the disc as you lean
forward causing more strain and the muscles become tired.

* When less oxygen reaches the muscle,
there is more waste built up.
These changes trigger the muscle to go
into a spasm; it keeps firing on its own.

* Stress and tension tighten up the muscles,
making them more susceptible to injury.

I have found that for the most part,
people don’t stretch enough
or they stretch wrong.
As soon as they make a wrong movement,
their back starts to hurt.

Stretching is one of the best solutions to a healthy
and pain free back!

You’ll need no dangerous pain pills,
no smelly creams and no Chiropractor.

Granted, it takes work, but remember there is
no free lunch.
You have to pay either way–
with the pain or by doing the work.

Back pain can be a never ending problem
or no problem at all.

Most traditional doctor’s treatment for back pain is
-pain-killers and anti-inflammatory, which will
jack-up your stomach.
Next, physical therapy, and if that
doesn’t work, surgery.

As we age our flexibility decreases and
our joints lose their range of motion.
This can cause tightness, spasms and a
number of back problems.

You can regain and maintain the
flexibility, as well as prevent nagging
back pain in only a few minutes a day.
I have unlocked stiff painful muscles in
only a few minutes with the right exercises
and nipped back pain in the bud with
long-term relief.

Here are a few exercises I recommend
that have worked wonders for
me and many of my patients:

1. Lying on the floor, place your right foot on the left knee.
Using your left hand, gently pull your right knee
towards the floor, twisting your spine and keeping
the left arm straight out, hips and shoulders on the floor.
Switch sides. Repeat 10 times.

2. Lie on your back and
bend both knees. Feet flat
on the floor, arms out at shoulder level.
Now, let your knees
drop to the left and turn your head to the right.
Repeat on the right side.
Repeat 25 times on both sides

3. Lie on the floor and place
your hands behind your head
with your legs touching each other
straight out. Begin to move your
Upper body from side to side.

4. Get a large rubber ball, around 3 feet
(you can find them at most sport stores).
Sit on the ball and then slowly
start to lie down on your back using the ball
for support. Lie on the ball from 1 to 3 minutes.

People are always pulling their backs
out, but if you get on a
good maintenance program and do the
correct exercises,
you can end your back pain forever.

Years ago, I hurt my back doing a flip on a trampoline
and no mater what I did I couldn’t seem to shake the pain.

I researched everything I could find about
back injuries and put together a program that really
works to keep the body flexible and pain free.

Dr. Wu Dhi’s “Eliminate Back Pain”
-How to strengthen your back naturally

I have students and patients who have been doing the
program for years and are pain free.
Order today and I’ll send you the
archive edition with your order-
Absolutely Free!

If you are suffering from pain, don’t
delay another day.

Get rid of pain now!

I with you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi