Posts Tagged ‘Game’

Over-Achievers have a different hit on mistakes

Friday, September 28th, 2012

If you have ever talked to an under-achiever their
story is all about fear and why they can’t do this
or that. They are afraid of making a mistake and
they view mistakes as bad thing.

On the other hand the over-achiever has a
different take on mistakes all together. They see
mistakes as the stepping-stones to their success.

Mistakes are just feedback you need to achieve any
goal. No one travels a straight line to success.
Anyone who becomes successful in life encounters
corrections on how he speaks, breathes, moves and

Losers fear mistakes. Winners look for them.

“Fail your way to success” that’s what Albert
Edison did. He kept on failing and failing until
boom he succeeded.

Losers get angry when they make a mistake and
refuse to listen to corrective feedback.

Winners take their time. They breathe, relax and
listen to what needs to be done to improve. Then
they work on adjusting what needs to be corrected.
The mistake acts like a life guide to the final
outcome of success.

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been
trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my
life. And that is why I succeed.”

A coach, teacher, Guru or mentor can say one
sentence and turn your life around, you just have
to be around and listen.
Are you ready to make some of the biggest changes
in your life?
If you are ready sign up and see if you can
qualify for the coaching program:

To be on Top in your field, no matter what it is–
you need to be on Top of your health, wealth and

Without health you got nothing.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

P.S. I am almost totally booked up for 2012.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Don’t be Normal, It Will Kill You!

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

I run into naturally talented people every day
and believe it or not it can be the worse curse
to be naturally talented.
You may be asking yourself
You may be saying,
“I wish I was naturally talented at something,
but know, I have to work for everything
I get and that sucks.”

Mark Twain said,
“Talent is useless without training, thank God.

True talent plays a huge role
in being successful,but it takes more than talent.
It takes practice and dictation to reach the
top in what ever you do;

If you are willing to train more often,
as well as more passionately than anyone else
you have a good shot of being the best.

I know people with such increasable talent it
would blow you away, but do they train to perfect it?
Not usually and you know how the saying goes.
“Use it or loose it is.”
If you are not willing to do the training that
will develop your talent to its full poetical
it’s going to go away.

Usually those who really make it are those who
are ravenous to get to the top;
those who are willing to pay costs for lack of
talent with, something called
Unyielding Persistence make it.

Getting to the top through Unyielding Persistence
and commitment is only the first part of the
journey it takes;

Practice, Practice, Practice.

To stay on top of your game requires practice
and training all the time.
For a singer, practicing a hundred times a day
may be what will make them a star.
But it would be a major mistake to think for a
second that once you are there you don’t need
to practice. The more successful you are the
more you practice.

Your health and fitness is the same.

If you are lucky you’re born with a healthy body.
Then, through neglect, or ignorance of how to keep
it healthy, the you begin to let it crumble and
wear out; to get sick, fat and sloppy.

When you are young, you didn’t have to worry about
being fit, lean and healthy. You just are.
Then as you start to get older you became less
active and things started to change.
You may end up thinking all is lost and your doom
to be old, fat and sick.

But if you are willing to go against the grain,
to ignore all the so-called experts you can change
and reverse the aging process.

When it comes to health, Most conventional doctor’s
advice is totally wrong.
You don’t see a lot of healthy doctors and you
certainly don’t go to a hospital to get healthy.

If you want to stay healthy,
reverse the ageing process and lose body fat
and you’re willing to go against the norm
I can help you.

Yesterday, I just took the day to chill out
after the holiday.
Around noon I took a walk outside and did the
Recharging Qi Gong set, it took me less than
15 minutes.The rest of the day I could feel
my metabolism cruise at full throttle.
I did not achieve this metabolic transfer with
a wish and a prayer or a slow walk in the parks.

I accomplished it with the secret I reveal in
The Recharging Qi Gong Program.
When you follow this program you will be amazed
at how quickly your body changes.
So will your friends and family.

Get The Program Now

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Dealing with Stress

Monday, May 30th, 2011

Everyday I deal with stress.
I’m used to stress.
I do my practices and training and for the most part,
I use stress to my advantage and turn stress into power.
Last week, I had to go to Michigan as my eldest son was
stressing out and crashing after his son’s surgery
a few weeks ago. He was stressed to the max.

With his children, job, relationship, and business in general,
he had so much stress,
that he was unable to function and this stressed me.
The reason I’m telling you this story, is even if you don’t have
stress in your personal life, if friends or family are going through
a rough time, they defiantly pull on your strings and can pull
you off center easily.

I noticed in Michigan, I wasn’t following my diet,
let my practice go for three days in a row,
and I was wasted.
“If you don’t eat the energy,
the energy will defiantly eat you.”

Although I had a ton of things to do there,
as soon as I realized I wasn’t training,
I immediately went back to it, corrected my diet,
and began doing the exercises in the
Turn Stress into Power program,
and took the reigns
back on my own situation. This happens to many people,
when life throws you a curve ball, the tendency of most
people is to eat, drink, and talk excessively or to just
stay home and do nothing.

But neither one of these strategies
work to put you in a place of power. If you want to be in
charge and on top of your game, its imperative to recommit
to your practice daily and make sure that your health is # 1.
Sometimes, people think this is selfish but it’s not at all.
If you’re sick, you can’t help anyone else.
It’s true in all walks of life. If you see a drowning
man in the water, and you’re not trained as a lifeguard,
and jump in, he could pull you down. Even a lifeguard knows that
when he jumps in to save the drowning man, he always
brings a life preserver to assist the person not only the
person drowning, but to keep himself from drowning.

If you want to help others, you must help yourself first,
and that’s where training comes in. You build in a
muscle memory that brings you back to your training
and your practice. The Turn Stress into Power program
will give you exercises, meditations, mantras, and
strategies to pull yourself out of stressful situations and
keep you healthy strong and powerful.

Get your copy today

“He who fails to train, trains to fail” –Unknown

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi