Posts Tagged ‘Slump’

How to change your Stinkin’ Thinkin’

Monday, October 15th, 2012

What you do in the first few minutes of your day
sets the tone for the rest of it. This is why it
is important to begin your day with thoughts of
happiness, success, great health and prosperity.

As soon as your feet hit the ground, you want to
be hurled into the realm of success in all aspects
of your life – Mentally, physically and
spiritually. Accomplish something great today.

Don’t procrastinate for one second more.
Do it now. No more dawdling.

Set a daily goal especially a daily fitness goal.
And if you achieve that goal first thing in the
the rest of the day is going to be awesome.

Yesterday my friend Andy was in a slump.
He told me that he was going to hit the Gym the
first thing in the morning and he did!
He chose to make things work for him 100% and the
workout changed him.

I have a patient who is complaining about her
situation, her health and her husband. She said
her brain is not good. I told her it’s not your
brain that’s no good it’s the programming of your

Stinking Thinking, that’s what Zig zigler called

The type of thinking that causes problems:

1. All-or-nothing thinking
2. Over generalization
3. Pick out a single negative detail and dwell on it
4. Discounting the positive
5. Being negative when there are no facts to
support your conclusion
6. Magnification is the importance of your
7. Assuming that your negative emotions
necessarily reflect the way things really are
8. Blaming others and not taking responsibility
for an event, they blame other people or their
circumstances for their problems

Want to make changes in your Brain?
Become more flexible in body and mind.

I have two outside cats that I feed every morning.
They stretch hundreds of times per day and they do
it as soon as they wake up.

You, my friend, would be well advised to do

Doing so will not only increase you strength and
flexibility – but it will
ENERGIZE you for hours and will open some more
flexibility in your brain as well.

I’m betting you’d like some of that good ENERGY.
Move your body the way it wants to be moved.
Stretch like a cat and you’ll know why cats
stretch the way they do.

By the way, you can learn all about this form of
exercise in my Recharging Qi Gong Program book,
CD’s and DVDs.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

P.S. If you really want to make some changes in
your life join me and the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and be all you can be!

Why do I need Supplements? I eat only Organic.

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Joe’s energy was sagging for weeks on end. He called and made an appointment for some one-on-one coaching and we got together on “Skype”.  After going over his medical history and life style habits, we came up with a plan that pulled him out of his slump.   

This is what he said:
“Dr. Wu, for the most part, my energy is good and I am in good health.
Sure I get those nagging pains here and there, but all in all my systems are


Approximately 3 months ago I started noticing that after work I would come home and that was it. I didn’t want to go out, see people or even read a book. In fact every time I started to read I’d fall asleep.
This was unusual for me, as I am very social most of the time.
I would even train after work but that was no longer possible.
I had no idea what happened.
When you told me  about your Multi-Four vitamin pack I decided to try it and see if it would help.

Well, it did and I am back.
My energy is good again, I am working out every night and reading, as I just finished another novel .
I am back to my old self  again! 


I have found a common denominator in most of my patients.
They lack in energy, vitality and stamina for the most part.
They blow their Qi, and lack in good nutrition. 
We all start off fine, however with the poor food choices, stresses in our daily life, pollution in the air, water and food we eventually suffer.
Our health mentally, physically and spiritually needs to be nurtured.
It takes more than your workout, more than your loving relationships and more than your internal practices to make the right choices in your exercise, food, drink and the quality of both of these.

That’s why I spent hundreds of hours working on this vitamin pack to give you the extra boost you need to continue at full blast without burning out. 

Here is what is in the Multi-Four pack: 
These high powered  Multivitamins are a combination of three targeted nutritional formulas  to provide a comprehensive nutritional support.

Each packet has 4 pills in it containing:
  A high quality, hypoallergenic, proprietary Multi-vitamin mineral blend, activated vitamin co-factors and patented Albion chelated mineral complexes in easy to swallow vegetable capsules. 
This formulation is specifically designed to maximize energy
and optimize body composition by providing therapeutic levels
of specific nutrients for insulin and glucose utilization.
 The  Antioxidant Formula has a blend of RosemarinXTM and Berr-XTM ORAC botanicals to provide comprehensive nutritional support. 
  An ultra-pure, cold water fish oil sourced from the arctic
water of Norway.
This highly concentrated and cholesterol-free natural oil, provides 300 mg of EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids, which are a critical component to any foundation nutritional program.  It is stabilized with Vitamin E to maximize freshness.  For optimal compliance and absorption, it has been provided in a pleasant non-smelling enteric-coated soft gel.

The “Multi-Four” formula has been specially blended to give you all you will need to keep your system running smoothly and supplement your diet naturally. All come from the purest sources with the highest standards possible. 
The formula by Qi Essentials- “Multi-Four”
 They come individually packaged for freshness and quality.
Easy to swallow and all vitamins are 100% pharmaceutical quality.
All Qi Essentials Dietary Supplements are made according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) strictly followed to ensure that
Qi Essentials products are safe, properly identified, and of the highest quality.

Order now and receive your 30 day supply every month for optimum convenience and freshness.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness, 

Dr. Wu Dhi 
PS. Even eating all organic will not give you all the essential vitamins
and minerals we need now.
Supplements are now a must in todays world.

If you have questions please write me at