Posts Tagged ‘Boom’

Over-Achievers have a different hit on mistakes

Friday, September 28th, 2012

If you have ever talked to an under-achiever their
story is all about fear and why they can’t do this
or that. They are afraid of making a mistake and
they view mistakes as bad thing.

On the other hand the over-achiever has a
different take on mistakes all together. They see
mistakes as the stepping-stones to their success.

Mistakes are just feedback you need to achieve any
goal. No one travels a straight line to success.
Anyone who becomes successful in life encounters
corrections on how he speaks, breathes, moves and

Losers fear mistakes. Winners look for them.

“Fail your way to success” that’s what Albert
Edison did. He kept on failing and failing until
boom he succeeded.

Losers get angry when they make a mistake and
refuse to listen to corrective feedback.

Winners take their time. They breathe, relax and
listen to what needs to be done to improve. Then
they work on adjusting what needs to be corrected.
The mistake acts like a life guide to the final
outcome of success.

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been
trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my
life. And that is why I succeed.”

A coach, teacher, Guru or mentor can say one
sentence and turn your life around, you just have
to be around and listen.
Are you ready to make some of the biggest changes
in your life?
If you are ready sign up and see if you can
qualify for the coaching program:

To be on Top in your field, no matter what it is–
you need to be on Top of your health, wealth and

Without health you got nothing.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

P.S. I am almost totally booked up for 2012.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Spring News

Monday, March 19th, 2012

I am really excited about what is
going to happen in the first week of April!
Mercury goes direct April 2nd. This is the
time when everything will get rolling again and
I have been working hard to put things in order
so that when Mercury goes direct I will be able to
send you some new products for half the price with
an instant delivery time. I have been working on this
with my web master for the last few months and we are
just about to be done. Look for them in April!

I produced 3 very exciting products, one I learned
from a Polynesian Shaman. The other one is a
program for people with a common condition that
disturbs their sleep and mind. The third one I am
really excited about! – A healing technique that I
learned from a Taoist master and it’s part of the medical
Qi Gong system that I use every day as prescriptive exercises
for my patients. The most exciting thing about these
programs that I have never shared like this before is that
they are going to be available as instant downloads.
You order it and BOOM! Withinin 5 minutes you
will be doing the exercise.

I will be writing you more about these programs and
special reports, what they do, how they can help you
and this way we can all save time, energy and money.
It all has to do with health, wealth and happiness.


A few weeks ago, one of my students
invited me to be on his radio show.
Zebulon Thomas is a great guy that started out with
an attitude that really wasn’t about gratitude and then
something happened. He made a big shift in his life and
now he has a book, does workshops, and travels all over.
I wanted to share this interview with you that we did last week.

Dr. Wu Dhi