Posts Tagged ‘Happiness’

Meet-Up or Not

Friday, August 17th, 2012

I learned about Meet up a few months ago and felt
that it had a lot of merit so I joined. Meetup is
the world’s largest network of local groups. More
than 9,000 groups get together in local
communities each day, each one with the goal of
improving themselves or their communities.
Our group meets up once a month, there are 15
people in this one and we are sharing information
on a host of subjects. After going to the group
for the last three months and enjoying the
networking and sharing of ideas, I talked to a few
healers and holistic doctors in the area and
decided to host a group.

The focus will be Health care, stress reduction,
Mediation, longevity practices and anti-aging.
(Not sickness care) the group will meet the last
Wednesday of the month for a few hours and share
alternative techniques to stay healthy and avoid
illness. Meetup’s mission is to revitalize local
community and help people around the world to
self-organize. Meetup believes that people can
change their personal world, or the whole world,
by organizing themselves into groups that are
powerful enough to make a difference.

Click on the website and signup!

If you want to learn some interesting stuff about
your inner self, how to heal yourself and your
family, this meet-up will be a fun and a great
learning experience for all of us.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

The Best Foods for the Summer

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

The seasons are about to change again.
The summer solstice is upon us. It’s a time to
start eating more fruits and vegetables. One of
my favorite drinks in the summer is to take a
watermelon, cut it up and put it in the blender,
seeds and all. Then I strain it and drink it down.

It’s refreshing and cooling!

I’ve had many students ask me what type of
exercises they should be doing for the summer.
What I suggest, if you’re new and you really want
to start a great program, get the bundle packages.
You can download it right on your computer so that
you’ll get it instantly and start the program on
the first day of summer and keep it up until fall.

It will do a few things:
-Keep your healthy
-Build your immune system
-Start to change you from the inside out

Most of the exercises that we have learned in
school, like lifting weights, jumping jacks,
jogging- work well to keep your external body
looking good but they don’t really work on your health.
The internal exercises like Qi Gong are the exercises
that will give you a longer life and perfect health.

Here is how you order:

Happy Summer!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Make THIS Change To Get Your Dream Body

Friday, June 1st, 2012

I can’t believe I’m saying this,
but it’s almost June.
Time to admit 2012 isn’t just
starting…we’re almost halfway through.

Around this time of year, a lot of fitness
centers are ghost towns. And the reason’s
simple: At the beginning of every new year,
people sign up in droves, passionately wanting
to make THIS the year to get the body of their dreams.
But soon they give up, and by the time summer rolls
around, their dedication is a distant memory.

It’s like a revolving door:
They’ll just wait until next year.

I’ve got a better idea and I think you’ll
agree it’s a good one: Make THIS year different
– and it’s not too late to start. Choose a different
mindset, and step up to a different kind of workout
where you don’t have to join (or commute) to some
fitness center. Instead get fit the easy way in the comfort
of your own home. A friend of mine has discovered how to do
just that, and he made a free video for you which you can watch here:

I don’t set foot in any “commercial fitness center”
and my body is all the better for it. Yes, getting in
the gym’s better than nothing but if you take care of
your body the way I teach, you don’t need to.
And getting in the best shape of your life is a lot simpler,
and staying consistent a lot easier, when you remove as
many obstacles as possible.

But most people do the opposite: Try every fad diet they
can, and buy every exercise gizmo on the market which only
results in failure. My friend discovered a different approach
and it’s about as natural as you can get:

If you’ve let your health and fitness dreams fall
by the wayside, don’t beat yourself up. But make this
change to get your dream body: Get started again and
make the final half of 2012 a transforming one for you.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is your energy stuck?

Friday, March 30th, 2012

How many times have you just
wished you could break out of your
rut and gets on with it?
When your energy isn’t flowing
properly you just feel old and tired.
It has to do with trapped energy.

It’s not that you don’t have energy –it’s
just locked up and blocked! We have an
untapped resource just waiting to be unleashed
that lives inside of you and yet it’s
trapped in your cells waiting to be released.

Now, before I tell you what this untapped resource
is and how it’s going to change your entire life
for the better, I want you to think about something…

As We Mature in Life We Should Be Learning And Growing,
But With Constant Stress As Well As Toxic Build-up,
You May Be Ruining Your Health, Zapping Your Vitality,
And Aging Yourself Long Before Your Time!
And guess what? Just like there are foods you shouldn’t
eat and drinks you shouldn’t drink, we ingest the wrong
stuff and open to all kinds of low vibrational Dis-Ease.
Now there’s a way 
you can keep yourself healthy, 
and disease free…

I’m Going To Make An Offer Here That People
Are Calling
Me Crazy For Doing. I’m Going To Let
You In On
The Yin Set Exercises For A Total
Investment Of $19.95.

Right now I’m running a trial offer for the first 300
who jump on this offer. As soon as these 300 run out,
I’m going to take it off the market and then raise the
price significantly. Don’t miss out.

Order now

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Ways to Succeed

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Yesterday I went to a new restaurant
that one of my friends suggested.
They said the food was really awesome!
When I walked into the place it looked a
little sabby to me so the first thing I did was
head to the restroom to wash my hands.
A man was walking out of the restroom just then.
No big deal, except I got a whiff of
what he was cooking.

Not pleasant.

It brought all sorts of ideas about
germs, disease and flu to mind.

My natural instinct was to get out of there;
I knew this was not the place for me.

My friend said I was just being negative and
I should have just burned through the
negativity and stayed.

What to do in the face of negativity?

Ignore it or do something about it?

The answer: Both.

You focus on what you want
instead of what you don’t
want – and then you take immediate
action to get what
you do want.

A restaurant is a good place to start.
So you picture it then go into your mind’s
eye and rearrange it the way you want it.

The same goes with any area of your life.
You close your
mind to the images and pictures of
negativity – you do
what is necessary to stop the
damage – and while doing
you open your mind to images of what you do want.

This formula works in good
times as well as bad. It
Works when you want to be in a
new career – and it
Works when you want to earn more money.

When your mind is open to possibilities,
you have freedom
To move and find a way to win.

So where do you find ways to succeed then?

In the Turn Stress into Power program

This book and CD program will open your
mind and give you new tools on how to
handel any stressful situation

Grab your copy now:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Spring News

Monday, March 19th, 2012

I am really excited about what is
going to happen in the first week of April!
Mercury goes direct April 2nd. This is the
time when everything will get rolling again and
I have been working hard to put things in order
so that when Mercury goes direct I will be able to
send you some new products for half the price with
an instant delivery time. I have been working on this
with my web master for the last few months and we are
just about to be done. Look for them in April!

I produced 3 very exciting products, one I learned
from a Polynesian Shaman. The other one is a
program for people with a common condition that
disturbs their sleep and mind. The third one I am
really excited about! – A healing technique that I
learned from a Taoist master and it’s part of the medical
Qi Gong system that I use every day as prescriptive exercises
for my patients. The most exciting thing about these
programs that I have never shared like this before is that
they are going to be available as instant downloads.
You order it and BOOM! Withinin 5 minutes you
will be doing the exercise.

I will be writing you more about these programs and
special reports, what they do, how they can help you
and this way we can all save time, energy and money.
It all has to do with health, wealth and happiness.


A few weeks ago, one of my students
invited me to be on his radio show.
Zebulon Thomas is a great guy that started out with
an attitude that really wasn’t about gratitude and then
something happened. He made a big shift in his life and
now he has a book, does workshops, and travels all over.
I wanted to share this interview with you that we did last week.

Dr. Wu Dhi

When you are Smiling, the Whole World Smiles at you!

Friday, February 17th, 2012

I was living in the mountains at 8,0945 ft.
The winters were cold and the
terrain was rough.
I always had to drive a 4 wheel truck and
the town was small.
There were only 400 people living in the
entire town.

I left Michigan and moved to Telluride, Colorado
with my family the year before the ski area
opened and long before it became a popular attraction
for skiers from all over the world. Every morning at
around 6’oclock, I would leave the house and walk
down to the bakery shop.

The girl who ran the bakery shop was very beautiful!
Black hair that glistened in the sun and eyes that
looked like two black pearls in the ocean.
She was absolutely stunning!
Except for one thing, she NEVER EVER SMILED!

Pattie always had a frown on her face.
It wasn’t just me who noticed this. Everyone
told her how beautiful she was, but she never smiled.

People don’t realize that a smile comes from inside.
Deep down within our core, we have a muscle
that needs to be exercised all of the time.
It’s our smile muscle. To work the smile muscle,
every day when you get out of bed, you need to start
exercising your smile muscle. Here is the formula to
put a smile on your face every morning. Get a tube of
lipstick, it doesn’t matter the color, but bright red is a good one.
Go into the bathroom and with the
lipstick write on the mirror,
“I look so good, I must be going to a party.”
Every morning when you drag yourself out of bed,
and you walk into the bathroom, the first thing you
are going to read is that quote.
This will definitely put a smile on your face!

In the book, Turn Stress into Power, there is a special
meditation called, “the Smile Meditation.” It will help you
build your smile muscle and after a few weeks, you will be
smiling every day come rain or shine.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

What makes you Happy?

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

What makes you Happy?
Is it your health, relationships,
wealth, power or position?
A group of researchers came up
with a list of 10 of the most important
things in life that create happiness.

I discovered the article in
Reader’s Digest and began to think
a lot of what makes us happy.
Here is what they said:

“Over the last 70 years researchers
have been probing happy and unhappy
people, and they’re finally zeroing in on
the factors that make a difference.
What follows are the top ten. By the
way, the experts think your genes
account for about 50 percent of your
disposition; the other nine factors
make up the rest.”
1. Wealth-
Money can buy a degree
of happiness. But once you can afford
to feed, clothe and house yourself, each
extra dollar makes less and less difference.
Once your basic needs are met, money
only seems to boost happiness if you
have more than your friends,
neighbors and colleagues.

2. Desire-
How much stuff do
you need to feel good? In the 1980s,
political scientist Alex Michalos,
professor emeritus at the University
of Northern British Columbia in Prince George,
asked 18,000 college students in 39
countries to rate their happiness on a
numeric scale. Then he asked them how
close they were to having all they wanted.
He found that the people whose
aspirations — not just for money, but for
friends, family, job, health, the works — soared
furthest beyond what they already had,
tended to be less happy than those who
perceived a smaller gap. Indeed, the size of
the gap predicted happiness about five times
better than income alone.
This “aspiration gap” might explain why
most people fail to get much happier as
their salaries rise. Instead of satisfying
our desires, most of us merely want more.
The good life remained always just out of reach.

3. Intelligence-
Are smart people happier?
Intelligence has no effect. Some researchers
speculate that brighter people could have higher
expectations and thus be dissatisfied with
anything less than the highest achievements.
“Or maybe scoring high on an IQ test — which
means you know a lot of vocabulary and can
rotate things in your mind — doesn’t have
a lot to do with your ability to get along
well with people,” says Ed Diener, a
psychologist at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. He speculates that
“social intelligence” could be the real
key to happiness.

4. Genetics-
David Lykken, a behavioral
geneticist and professor emeritus of
psychology at the University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, believes our feeling of well-being
at any moment is determined half by what is
going on in our lives at that time and half by
a “set point” of happiness, which is up
to 90 percent genetically determined and
to which we eventually return after
dramatic events, our happiness set point is
largely determined by our genes.
They have found that genetic variation
accounted for between 44 and 55 percent
of the difference in happiness levels.
Neither income, marital status, religion
nor education accounted for any more
than about 3 percent.

5. Beauty-
Good-looking people really
are happier. The most attractive faces are
highly symmetrical, and there is evidence
that symmetry reflects good genes and a
healthy immune system. Beautiful people
are happier because they are healthier.

6. Friendship-
family and friends because
of the social support that arises from the
importance of the extended family.

7. Marriage-
Married people are consistently
happier than singletons. Happy people are
more likely to get married and then stay married.
But anyone can improve his or her mood by
getting married. The effect begins about a
year before the “happy day” and lasts for at
least a year afterward.

8. Faith-
Karl Marx was fairly close
to the mark when he described
religion as an opiate for the masses.
Of the dozens of studies that have
looked at religion and happiness,
the vast majority has found a positive link.
They even live longer.

9. Charity-
Several studies have found
a link between happiness and altruistic
behavior. But as with many behavioral
traits, it is not always clear whether
doing good makes you feel good, or
whether happy people are more likely
to be altruistic.

10. Age-
Why are old people happier?
Some scientists suggest older people may
expect life to be harder and learn to live
with it, or they’re more realistic about
their goals, only setting ones that
they know they can achieve. With
time running out, older people have
learned to focus on things that make
them happy and let go of those that don’t.

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always
told me that happiness was the key to life.
When I went to school, they asked me what
I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down
‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the
assignment, and I told them they didn’t
understand life.” -John Lennon

Not everyone is born with a sunny
disposition, but experts agree we can
all learn how to bring more meaning
and satisfaction into our lives.

I have spent many years in
perfecting meditations, exercises
and adjusting my diet and mental
outlook to staying healthy and happy.
I practice every day and do what I
say and say what I do. It’s no accident
that I am healthy and happy. I practice
and train to be there and stay
there and so can you.

With My Help It’s Easy to Better
Your Previous Best!
Each day I receive over a hundred
emails from men and women
from all over the world. And
these well-meaning people
want me to reply to them, give
them all sorts of advice on subjects
too numerous to list right now.

Truth is I would LOVE to be able
to answer all of the emails –
So I formed the Qi Gong Inner Circle –
a “Members Only” community
where you CAN get access to me
as well as many other experts who
are happy to answer your health
and fitness questions on longevity
and anti aging, as well as encourage
you and support your drive toward
more successful and healthy living.

If you already have any number
of my best-selling products – I can
assure you, compared to what you
are taught when you’re a member
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle, well,
there’s no comparison. I go a whole
lot further. Guiding. Instructing.
Addressing the personal and individual
needs you have that cannot be
addressed in a book or set of DVDs.
What you’re getting is an “interactive
experience.” That’s FAR different than
quietly reading a book with no
feedback from me.

Believe me, one piece of advice from
me as well as the many fabulous
members already in the QGIC – can
put you on the FAST TRACK to success
in a heartbeat.

So jump aboard, my friend.
You’ve truly got nothing to
lose and everything to gain.

Important: Don’t forget that this
offer expires very soon.
Maybe even later today.
Jump on it NOW!

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Make sure you click the link
below to enroll.

P.P.S. We will notify you in 24-72
hours to let you know your username
and password for the Qi Gong Inner Circle.
Some people, unfortunately, will not make
it in because they’re too slow to act.
Don’t be one of them.

Building the New You

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Did you set your New Year’s Resolutions?

I set mine a few days before
the New Year and now that we
are in 2012, several of us are
looking for a better life, with better
health, wealth and happiness in all
aspects of our lives.

Many of us have set our New Year’s
resolutions, but will you keep them?
It has been said that nearly four out of
five people will not keep their New Year’s resolutions.
More than thirty percent of all resolutions
never make it to the end of January
before being broken.

Why can’t people keep their New Year’s resolutions?
Maybe they were too drunk when they made them?
Or just have a lack of commitment?
People in general just have way too much
on their plate and although they want more,
better and easier life, change is always a changeling.

“Change is never loss-
It is change only.”
-Vernon Howard
From the Mystic Path to Cosmic Power

The number one resolution for the most
part is to make some positive changes.
It could be to lose weight, stop smoking
or give up something that has us hooked.

We are all habitual in nature
and that’s why it is so hard to
make the changes; we do the
same things day in and day out
-that’s because our human
design is robotic in nature.

It makes no difference if your habits
are good or bad– we are on automatic!
The critical key is how to change your
destructive habits to positive productive ones?

When a patient comes into my office
and needs to shift something in their life,
I start them off on small projects, easy to
do- exercises to help them build in a
foundation for more consistence. This will
establish a new habit pattern and once the
internal robot is programmed to do something
it will go on autopilot.

Even changing small things can
create big changes.
The Recharging Qi Gong Program was
designed to keep you on track with
your physical goals. The program has
build-in longevity practices to enhance
all of your internal organs and open up
the meridian flow. Those are the obvious
benefits that are built-into the program.
It is a system to keep you going and will
reestablish your regular training.

I’ve been using these techniques for
years to re-engineer many aspects of my life.
That includes overhauling my diet, regular
practice, eliminating energy sucking distractions,
and building my work routines.

Order your program today

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Weird Way To Stop Feeling Sad (free video)

Monday, December 5th, 2011

Several years ago, I met a young man who was
always sad –
always had a dark cloud hanging over his head.

He was a fitness fanatic and in pretty
good shape,but had never gone deep into the
kind of exercises
I teach, which transform your body on an
internal as well as external level.

After a couple years,he tried just one
of these exercises out.
He didn’t think much of it because it was
really easy to do, so he start with just
a minute or two per day.

Soon that became 5 minutes. Then 10.

And all of a sudden he was transformed.

He looked better, felt better,
and had more energy.
People even started liking him more –
automatically. And he never saw that
benefit coming!
All because he took a chance on
something new, and tried out an exercise
even though it seemed
too simple and easy to do.

Today he’s a changed man, and it all
started with one simple exercise.
Just recently,
he made a video about his story
which you can watch here:

Make sure your speakers are turned on so
you can listen to his enthusiasm as he
tells his tale.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi