Posts Tagged ‘Holiday Season’

Turn your Holiday Stress into Power

Monday, November 26th, 2012

‘Oh there’s no place like home for the holidays,
‘Cause no matter how far away you roam –
If you want to be happy in a million ways,
For the holidays – you can’t beat home, sweet

This is an old song that they play around this
time of the year that I have heard as long as I
can remember.
The holidays are about friends and family and my
trip to Michigan was all about that. I spent time
with my mother, my oldest son my grand children,
my aunt and a few cousins and even saw a few
friends. In 4 short days I drove more than 600
miles and that was after I flew home. That’s the
nature of the holidays.

. You want to get more
sleep even if it’s just a few catnaps here and
there. Stay hydrated. Those holiday sprits could
dry you up if you aren’t drinking a lot of water
and sugar can tip your balance.

Although we all love to kick back and party for a
few days, the holiday season will go on for around
40 days. Yea you can do it! But you want to do it
and stay balanced and centered with a day here and
there for some full out party time.

Before you get caught up in the festivities order
the Turn Stress into Power program and party on
with your own secret formula to stay healthy
through the entire season.

Turn Stress into Power:

I wish you the best in your health, wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to stay Slim during the Holidays!

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

How to stay Slim during the Holidays!

I was sure that the Thanksgiving holiday was going
to be an incredible amount of fun! Seeing family,
eating, and relaxing… then the reality hit,
everybody wanted to add their 2 cents: “Who’s
gonna make the turkey? I don’t like this cranberry
sauce, I like that cranberry sauce! I don’t like
this can of sweet potatoes or pumpkin pie; I want
an apple pie and a pecan pie!

I thought my relatives have totally flipped out on
this day of thankfulness, but it’s in the
collective consciousness… everyone that I’ve
talked to seems to have the same issue. Turkey
wars, pumpkin pie with whipped cream or not, it
seems like everybody forgot to be thankful and
it’s all about the food. It’s incredible! I heard
this from my patients, my secretary and my
friends! Everybody is going through family stress,
and it’s supposed to be a holiday of being
Hasn’t anybody figured that out yet?!
We’re supposed to be thankful that we even have a
turkey to eat, or a piece of pumpkin pie, but no…
it’s seems like it’s going to be the Great
American Eat again!

Sounds a little negative doesn’t it? A little bit
of darkness, let’s see how we can shine a light on
this and bring back the joy of the holiday season
where we can be grateful, thankful and loving to
each other – where we can open up our hearts.

We have to look at food as an energy source for
the human body, the process of breaking down food
and converting it into a form that we can absorb
into our system. To ensure your body properly
digests and absorbs the needed nutrients found in
the foods we eat, one must keep the digestive
system healthy and clean. By following a
well-balanced diet, eating a small meal regularly,
reducing the amount of refined fats and refined
sugars, and drinking plenty of fluids between
meals, one can keep their digestive system on

Now we all know, during the holiday season, we all
like to eat and drink and we are definitely going
to be fasting or cutting down on what we eat at
this time of the year! But don’t worry, there is
still hope! The key is exercise.

Here are some simple steps to follow:

1.After ever meal go for a walk at least 100
steps. This will get your digestive juices moving
and help to curve some of those extra calories.

2. Have a cup of mint tea. It helps the digestive
system and settles the stomach.

3.Have a glass of water before the BIG EAT. This
will fill you up a little and you won’t over stuff
yourself like we are doing to the turkey.

4.Believe it or not, a cup of coffee without
sweetener is great to have in the morning. It
speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose

5. Fiber! You want fiber in your diet to make sure
that everything is moving properly.

6. Laughter!! This is one of the keys to
longevity. It gets all of your organs moving,
especially your abdominal muscles, gets your heart
pumping and it allows your digestive system to
work more efficiently.

The exercise that I focus on when I have so much
to do and there are so many family obligations and
my time is limited, I ALWAYS to the Yin set. It
increases the flow of Qi in the body. The lungs,
heart, kidneys, spleen, liver – these are the 5
Yin organs. When you do the Yin set, it activates
all of the 5 Yin organs which activate the 5 Yang
organs. They’re easy to do, they are fun and you
can have your whole family do them!

You can download them right on your computer:

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Party Day & Night and Still Stay Healthy

Friday, December 16th, 2011

Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la!!!!

You know what that means?
We eat, eat, eat and drink, drink, drink!

Over the holiday season, with all of
the festive activities and fun, we all have
the tendency to over-eat; over-drink, and
worst of all, eat all of the wrong foods.

Sugar cookies, sticky eggnog, basically
all fat and sugar!

This is a great way to spike your insulin
levels, clog your arteries and set you up for
the February Flu. It’s not that any of us are
going to miss any of the parties or any of the fun!
We are all going to eat some junk and enjoy it!
Let me tell you a little trick!

NEVER EVER put anything into your mouth
that you say is not good for you.
Let me give you an example:

I was out with Sherly the other day, and we
stopped at a little coffee shop to chat.
She ordered a big piece of chocolate cake
and a double espresso. She sat down and with
a big grin on her face, she said, “I know I shouldn’t
eat this, it will probably go right to my thighs!”
So, what Sherly did is she actually cursed the cake
and instructed it to make her thighs fat by eating it.
So many people do this, it’s amazing to me!!!

If you are going to eat something, the best thing
you can say is, “this is going to make me feel good,”
or that “this is going to make me healthy!”

That’s why it’s so important to say a little prayer
before you put anything in your mouth. It’s the
same with medicine, you never want to take a pill
and say, “this is killing me!”

When taking your medicine or your vitamins, you
should instruct the pill to do what you want it to do.

Let me give you an example:
When I take my vitamins, and I take them every day,
I always say to myself as I swallow them;
“I feel good, I feel great, these vitamins
will make my body radiate!”

You can tell your medicine or your vitamins
what you want them to do for you. You can use the
little jungle that I always use, or make up your own.

Over the holiday season, we all party and have fun,
but the one thing that you want to do is you want to
keep up on your nutrition. When we deprive
our body of good food, proper sleep, and days of
partying, we need to supplement. The easiest and
fastest way to keeping yourself healthy and vibrant,
is to get proper nutrition into your body.
Every day, I take my
vitamin packs in the morning and in the evening.

The Multi-Four is incredible!
Order yours today and stay
healthy all season long!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Travel can Bring You Riches

Sunday, July 31st, 2011

Traveling is an education in it

Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Cat Swipe, Money cat, or Fortune Cat;

Travel can bring Good Fortune

it’s good for your soul,
and it has the power to change your life.

Travel is part of an ancient formula to bring you prosperity.

The magic square in Chinese Fung Shui
shows that travel can bring you riches on the spiritual
and emotional level as well as monetary wealth.

You maybe asking yourself, how can travel bring me wealth?
When you travel you meet people from all over the world.
Interesting people who are adventures, who are seeking
to see, learn and exchange ideas with you.
This exchange of goods, cultures and new ideas opens us
new wonderful opportunity, if we are open.

I have learned more on my travels than in any class room.
There can be more wealth in the connections,
friendship and experiences than you could imagine.

Everything is different when traveling.
Breaking habits becomes a habit in itself,
you are almost forced to be flexible.

When you are flexible and open you will be given
a piece of real freedom.

You will be living outside of your comfort zone
and that forces you to grow.

When I travel I am always trying something new and
unknown, that opens up new doors.

I have spent a greater part of my life traveling around our
planet as a student, an adventurer and a seeker of wisdom.

In 1987 my Master called me and asked me to move to Caracas
for 6 months, to run the Ashram and teaching a group of students
advanced meditations and healing techniques.
Although I didn’t speak a word of Spanish.

I agreed and in 3 days I packed my bags
and moved to Caracas to teach, learn and
open to the adventure.

When the holidays rolled around I was
invited to a friends coffee plantation
to relax and enjoy the country.

It was a few weeks before the holidays and I
can remember calling my Mother on December 21
to wish her a happy holiday. I was excited to tell her
that I was going to spend the Holiday season relaxing
off the coast of South America on the plantation.

Thats when my world got turned upside down and my
tropical New year turned into a cold winter,
working at my fathers pawn shop in the inner city
of Detroit, Michigan.

My younger brother worked with my father in the family
business and one cold icy day crashed his new Porch into
a wall and broke his arm and leg.
He was hospitalized and couldn’t work at the busiest time
of the year.

The next thing I knew I was on a flight headed to a freezing
winter and saying good by to my tropical sun tan.

Trying to travel any where at that time of the year bring in
it’s own problems and this holiday season was no exception.
The only ticket I could get, last minute was first class from
Carcass to New York and off I went to fulfill some past karma.

The good news came when I got to my seat.
The gentleman that I sat next to was the CEO for a large bottling
company and we struck up a conversation about traveling,
learning and why I was in his country.

It turned out that his company was changing and management
and wanted to incorporate a healthier attitude into their work force.
I told him of the workshops I was teaching on
“Health in the work place”
and before we got to NY, we had a verbal contract for a series of
workshops at their world headquarters.
I didn’t get back to the tropics until late February,
but when I did my life had changed around for the better.

One never knows when opportunity will knock at your door,
but it is best to always be prepared.
When ever you get a chance to learn,
study or train jump on it.

The opportunity may never come again.

Today there is an opportunity for you to become a member
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle and receive years of teachings
that I have spent a life time learning.

These teachings didn’t come easy,
it took me years of seeking for the right teachers,
and going to hundreds of seminars and retreats.
I worked, practiced and trainings to weed out the phonies
and find the real goods.
I have spent hundred of thousands of dollars of my own money
to gather this knowledge.
The adventure was long and exciting,
sometimes even dangerous but nothing ever stopped me.

I am offering these teachings to a select group of people
who have been reading my news tips and my blogs and no others.
If you are ready for an adventure sign up today.

I Wish you the best in your Health, wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. I have reduced the cost of the program to make it easy to
become members.

This offer will only last until the planet Mercury
goes retrograde on Aug. 2

If you are thinking of joining ACT NOW
and Become a Member today.

Dr. Wu Dhi