Posts Tagged ‘Stressful Situation’

When Life Throws You a Curveball

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Natasha is one of my long term patients.
She would always come to see me for an
acupuncture face lift and treatments to
boost her immune system. Her whole life
has been focused around the arts, beauty
and having fun. She is married to a guy who
manages one of the top Rock and Roll groups
in the world and she is really good looking,
tall, slender and bubbly.

I have never seen her with any tensions,
stresses and she always has a smile on her face.
But, sometimes life throws you a curveball.
Some situation comes out of nowhere and can
turn your life upside down.

Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and has
been in and out of the hospital for the last
6 months. He is now fighting for his life and
Natasha is in charge of everything like paying
the bills, doing the taxes, driving back and forth
to the hospital, informing his family and friends
as to what is going on and his health!

She is now stressed to the max!
Her arms, shoulders, neck, back, legs, and feet
are clenched. That beautiful smile is gone.
There are dark bags under her eyes. She is
having trouble sleeping, has no appetite and
she is a wreck. I made a house call today and after
the treatment we talked a lot about how she is going
to handle the situation. I gave her some guidelines
and some exercises to help free up the tensions,
loosen up her body and give her some tools so she
can process all of this stress and handle everything
she has to handle.

It’s not like she can leave right now and go on
vacation. She is 100% in charge. I am sure many of
you have been in a situation similar to this where
you have to take charge even if you don’t want to.
I went over the tension release exercise and showed
her how to use the stress receptors to relieve the
tension and stress from her body. Although they say
that stress is a killer, if you use it to your advantage,
you can come out of the other end of a stressful situation.

You will be more energetic with more personal power no
matter what the situation if you have the right tools.
Natasha like so many of us certainly didn’t choose the
situation and never had to handle something quite as
challenging before in her entire life.

I spent about an extra half an hour with her today
showing her these exercises, meditations and stress
busters for her to be able to handle any situation
that may be thrown at her. If by chance you get
yourself into a situation or the universe puts you
in a situation that’s uncomfortable for you, there
are teachings and tools that can keep you stress
free so that you can transform your stress into Power.

Things like this happen to all of us now and then in
life and after teaching thousands of people these
exercises, I sat down and wrote the program
Turn Stress into Power. It consists of meditations,
exercises, and solutions that no matter what life
throws you, you can handle it! Most of my patients
say that this program is a MUST.

You can order today!

Turn Stress into Power

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Ways to Succeed

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Yesterday I went to a new restaurant
that one of my friends suggested.
They said the food was really awesome!
When I walked into the place it looked a
little sabby to me so the first thing I did was
head to the restroom to wash my hands.
A man was walking out of the restroom just then.
No big deal, except I got a whiff of
what he was cooking.

Not pleasant.

It brought all sorts of ideas about
germs, disease and flu to mind.

My natural instinct was to get out of there;
I knew this was not the place for me.

My friend said I was just being negative and
I should have just burned through the
negativity and stayed.

What to do in the face of negativity?

Ignore it or do something about it?

The answer: Both.

You focus on what you want
instead of what you don’t
want – and then you take immediate
action to get what
you do want.

A restaurant is a good place to start.
So you picture it then go into your mind’s
eye and rearrange it the way you want it.

The same goes with any area of your life.
You close your
mind to the images and pictures of
negativity – you do
what is necessary to stop the
damage – and while doing
you open your mind to images of what you do want.

This formula works in good
times as well as bad. It
Works when you want to be in a
new career – and it
Works when you want to earn more money.

When your mind is open to possibilities,
you have freedom
To move and find a way to win.

So where do you find ways to succeed then?

In the Turn Stress into Power program

This book and CD program will open your
mind and give you new tools on how to
handel any stressful situation

Grab your copy now:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

A Stressful Situation

Friday, December 16th, 2011

How close are we really connected to each other?
Friday evening when the moon
was just about at its peak hours,
before the last lunar eclipse of 2011,
Anastasia’s little brother got into a bad
car accident and totaled the family car.

This was devastating to her family but the
ripples that it caused were enormous.
First of all it left the family with out a car and
extra expenses just before the holidays.
You can imagine that it is now much harder to get to work,
school and do the daily tasks for the whole family.

But here’s how the rippling effect
moved through the community:
Anastasia’s mother was an emotional wreck,
as she thought she may have lost her son,
the grandparents where shook up and Anastasia
was an emotional mess as well. The boy’s boss
had to work overtime and rearrange the schedules
of all of his other employees to cover for the time
he was in the hospital and his recovery.
School had to be put on hold during finals;
Anastasia had to leave work and had a hard
time being on time as the family transportation
was destroyed. Her boy friend was worried and
had digestive problems for the entire weekend
and her employer had to find extra help for the
holidays and the little brother went into a deep depression.

This is common in families when something goes a fluke.
It may happen in your life or in the lives of people you know.
It is part of life and lessons that we all have to learn
for our growth if we like it or not. We would all like
to be able to avoid such things as pain and suffering
but it is part of being a human and living on planet earth.
These lessons can drag you down or you can use the
energy of the moment to transform your life and
when dropped in a pile of manure, you come
out smelling like a rose.

You can change your stops into steps in a few
minutes and pull your self out of the muck and
mire by following these rules:

• Be grateful for what you have.

• Know that nothing is ever taken from you without
being replaced on a higher level.

• You can not attract more than you can handle

• Don’t allow anyone to lay a trip on you

I call these the rules of the game.
When you can live by these rules,
stress will not be an issue.
They are all in my book, “Turn Stress into Power”
The book is filled with meditations, exercises,
protections and stress relievers to keep you in
tip top shape no matter what happens in your life.
People have described the program as a way to steer
your life back into calm waters no matter how
big the storm gets.

Right now you can get the book and DVD sent to
you with a special offer attached-
Two-fers that’s right! Order the program now and
I’ll send you two of everything to give to a friend,
co-worker or loved one as a holiday gift.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

You Can Turn your Stress into Power!