Posts Tagged ‘Health care’

Meet-Up or Not

Friday, August 17th, 2012

I learned about Meet up a few months ago and felt
that it had a lot of merit so I joined. Meetup is
the world’s largest network of local groups. More
than 9,000 groups get together in local
communities each day, each one with the goal of
improving themselves or their communities.
Our group meets up once a month, there are 15
people in this one and we are sharing information
on a host of subjects. After going to the group
for the last three months and enjoying the
networking and sharing of ideas, I talked to a few
healers and holistic doctors in the area and
decided to host a group.

The focus will be Health care, stress reduction,
Mediation, longevity practices and anti-aging.
(Not sickness care) the group will meet the last
Wednesday of the month for a few hours and share
alternative techniques to stay healthy and avoid
illness. Meetup’s mission is to revitalize local
community and help people around the world to
self-organize. Meetup believes that people can
change their personal world, or the whole world,
by organizing themselves into groups that are
powerful enough to make a difference.

Click on the website and signup!

If you want to learn some interesting stuff about
your inner self, how to heal yourself and your
family, this meet-up will be a fun and a great
learning experience for all of us.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Is Health care a Luxury?

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

Health care is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

Melody Barnes, director of the White House
Domestic Policy Council states,
“Health care costs are exploding.
Many people are bringing in less income
every month and seeing their premiums go
up at the same time.
It’s affecting the bottom line and businesses.
It’s also affecting the fiscal well-being of
our country.”

We all want a good health care system that’s
affordable and as long as I can remember
our government has been trying to come up
with a solution with not much luck.
Some of us want it to be up to the individual,
while others think it’s a government problem.
Our health care system has many aspects to it
that we aren’t looking at and for the most
part don’t want to.

To tell you the truth they are looking
for a solution that will never happen.

In the west we are trying to kill the
disease no matter what it is,a common
cold, the flu, or cancer.
Kill! Kill! kill!
It will never work in a 100,000 years.
We will never be able to fix a system
that is built on the wrong premise.

Our government,the drug companies
and the large corporations are in
business to make money and that’s
what they are doing….

They are not educating us about health.
they are hiding as much as they can.

I believe when they say they want to
cure a disease like cancer they are
speaking metaphorically.
In Spanish there is an expression
(Con de los dientes para fuerat)
‘they speak from the teeth out.’

We all have heard the saying that
food is our medicine. We eat every
day, at least most of us do.
In the United States McDonald’s,
Burger King, Jack in the Box,
Wendy’s Taco Bell, and all those
chicken places are not there for
your health.
They serve cheap unhealthy food that
people are eating on a daily basis.

Food is medicine and if you’re eating
unhealthy, sooner or later you are going
to be unhealthy. You either have to pay
more by only buying organic food, taking
soda,meat and most restaurants out of your
life or you have to pay with sickness and
an early death.

People ask me all the time,
‘isn’t our government protecting us
from unhealthy food?’ Hell No!
We now have heavily poisoned chemicals
on most food grown in the USA and even
worse in other countries.

Our food is being genetically engineered.
GEO for short this is an organism whose
genetic material has been altered using
genetic engineering techniques affecting
the DNA of the food.

At this time we have no idea what this
will do to our health.
For the most part this is banned in
Europe and the rest of the world.

If you want to have good health care it is
up to you.

You have to take responsibility for your
own health.
Eat a healthy diet; drink a lot of clean
water,exercise every day and educate

Think about your health not about
your belly
-if you think about your cravings like
pies,chocolate brownies,cake,fried foods,
hamburgers and fried chicken
you’re going to end up with some form of
disease and then complain about the poor
health care you are getting or they are
not giving you.

Grow a garden, eat food that grow in your
area, eat organic as much as possible, stay
out of fast food places and stop complaining.

You are in charge of your own health or
you’re out of control.

They are not going to fix it; they don’t
want to fix it.
If you want the best health care start
reading labels, ask questions and stop
buy junk food.
If no one buys it- it will go away.
Demand healthy food.

I know if you bought a new sports car
you wouldn’t put the cheapest gas in it,
would you?
You’d buy the best yet you put more poor
fuel into your mouth daily.

I wish you the best in your Health Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. The Magic Square workshop is this
weekend Saturday Nov.13 from 10:00-2:00
There are only 2 spaces left. Don’t miss it!
Call today to register

PSS If you are not able to attend the
Magic Square workshop don’t worry.
It is all being recorded and the DVD’s
will be ready mid December.

Dr. Wu Dhi