Posts Tagged ‘Stress Reduction’

Do you trust the Health care system?

Monday, March 25th, 2013

We’d all like to believe that the healthcare
system we have is the best…
But is it?
Our doctors, hospitals, urgent care centers and
the pharmaceutical industry are about keeping us
healthy or at least you would think that the
health of people would be their first priority.
But it’s not.
The healthcare system is devoted to making money.
The number one focus is making profit. Sure, they
care about your health but that’s not what is
oiling the wheels. The Pharmaceutical industry
continues its booming business off of individuals
with conditions that are for a large part,

Cancer, heart conditions, stress and diabetes can
be greatly reduced with life style changes like
diet, Qi Gong, Yoga, positive visualizations,
meditation and stress reduction. But for the most
part people are not going to give up their big
mac, super sized soda or their coffee and donuts.
They would rather take a pill to control their
weight, calm our minds, balance the heart and get
that sex organs working.

Health isn’t free- it takes work, training,
practice and dedication. But if you are working on
your health, you won’t lose it.
Preventative style health-care is such a small
part of the over all picture that the drug
companies are laughing all the way to the bank.
Taking medicine is simply a creation of our
society, our nation, and our way of life and we
believe that we are being taken care of by the

Well guess what?
They are taking care of you like General Grant
took care of Richmond (He burnt the town to the
ground and killed all the woman and children).
You and I are not being taken care of.
Everyday the top advertising agencies are paid
huge sums of money to sell you on the idea that
you need medicine and if you don’t get your meds
you will die or something much worse.
We are being programmed and now it is or seems
like the norm, we are in a cultural trance. Let me
give you an example. My friend Frank had a heart
condition. 35 years ago this doctor told him to
take an aspirin every day. Everyone knows that you
need to take an aspirin everyday to prevent a
heart attach. It’s part of the trance. It’s the
norm. I am sure many of you take aspirin daily and
believe it’s good for you.

Now Frank has ulcers, digestive problems
hemorrhoids and to top all that he still has a
heart problem.
Take a look at this article
An Underappreciated Risk of an Aspirin a

By Neena Abraham, M.D.
If your physician has suggested you take aspirin
to reduce your risk of heart disease, it is
important to remember that even small doses of
daily aspirin — including “baby aspirin,” at a
dose of 81 milligrams daily — can increase your
risk of ulcers and bleeding. It is important to
remember that all Nsaids, including over the
counter aspirin, have the potential to damage the
tissue of the gastrointestinal tract. Damage can
occur anywhere, from mouth to anus.
However, it is important to remember that your
risk of aspirin-induced ulcer will further
increase if you have high-risk features such as:
• Being older than 60
• Having a history of gastric or duodenal ulcer
• Having active Helicobacter pylori infection
(the bacterium linked to ulcers)
• Taking aspirin at the same time as you take
full strength Nsaids (such as ibuprofen, Motrin
and naproxen), anticoagulants (such as warfarin)
or antiplatelet agents (such as clopidogrel or
• Taking aspirin if you are a chronic steroid

Aspirin is not a nutritional supplement — it is a
medication with real risks and side effects.
Isn’t it time to put down your Cheese Berger, dump
out your soda and take responsibility for your own
The culture is going to have to shift if we as a
notion want to avoid disease. We are going to have
to shift our mentality to health and make it the
Number 1 priority….

“If you don’t have your health you don’t have

We rely on food industry and the government to
inform us what is healthy. Wake up they are in it
for money not their or your health. It’s the big
corporate advertising that is ultimately educating
our population on what is good for you.
Get a piece of paper and write down the top 10
things you want to accomplish in your life, use
your imagination, no limits, go all out.
Now imagine that the paper you just wrote on was
your health. Take away the paper and the entire
list is gone. Yup you got it….no health you’re

Now is the time to make the lifestyle change. Work
on your diet, weight, and exercise, your mental
emotional being and cultivate your spirit.
Join me in being healthy, young, vibrant and aware
of how to avoid what the corporate giants have
planned for you.

Come to Florida and enjoy a weekend with me and
train on the program and you can change your
Longevity isn’t a dream. But if you are relying on
one of the systems to keep you healthy, you are

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you can’t join the Coaching Program
right now, don’t worry start small… order the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
and start practicing or get the Yin Set today and
stay young.If not these start something healthy today and stick to it, as if your health depended on it. It does!


The Secrets to Longevity

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Last Thursday I was at a client’s office and we
were going over some of the treatments and
exercises that I do to stay younger than my peers
as well as my secrets to avoid taking medicines
that have negative side effects. She asked me
about diet, exercise, meditation, stress reduction
and improving sexual vitality and just about
everything else that has to do with the anti-aging

We were really enjoying each other’s company and
the conversation, that’s when she asked if she
could ask a personal question about her own
health. As a doctor I am used to a lot of
questions and if I can be of help I will surely
give my professional advice.

She told me that she had just returned from Mexico
City and she had dinner at a new restaurant and
since then has had a stomachache, bloating and
excessive gas.

I told her I would be willing to take a look at
her and that’s where I went wrong.
When I am working in my office I always go through
a ritual to keep myself protected from absorbing
both pathogens and energetic disturbances. I do
this almost instinctively before seeing anyone and
it protects me and helps the patient to recover

As I was at her office I just forgot to protect
myself. Sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, I
picked up her stomach pain, it didn’t last for
long but definitely intense. images

When I wrote the book Turn Stress into Power
I included the protections to keep clear from
picking up all that junk.

Get yourself a copy of the program today and stay

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Meet-Up or Not

Friday, August 17th, 2012

I learned about Meet up a few months ago and felt
that it had a lot of merit so I joined. Meetup is
the world’s largest network of local groups. More
than 9,000 groups get together in local
communities each day, each one with the goal of
improving themselves or their communities.
Our group meets up once a month, there are 15
people in this one and we are sharing information
on a host of subjects. After going to the group
for the last three months and enjoying the
networking and sharing of ideas, I talked to a few
healers and holistic doctors in the area and
decided to host a group.

The focus will be Health care, stress reduction,
Mediation, longevity practices and anti-aging.
(Not sickness care) the group will meet the last
Wednesday of the month for a few hours and share
alternative techniques to stay healthy and avoid
illness. Meetup’s mission is to revitalize local
community and help people around the world to
self-organize. Meetup believes that people can
change their personal world, or the whole world,
by organizing themselves into groups that are
powerful enough to make a difference.

Click on the website and signup!

If you want to learn some interesting stuff about
your inner self, how to heal yourself and your
family, this meet-up will be a fun and a great
learning experience for all of us.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

“Do you want to change your Karma forever?”

Monday, March 12th, 2012

My Master called me and
asked, “Do you want to
change your Karma forever?”
He really tweaked my interest
and the next thing I knew I was
living in a strange land, speaking
a different tongue.

My assignment, – teach advanced
Tibetan and Taoist meditations
practices as well as health and
longevity practices.
My title-“the senior instructor” -in charge
of the Grace Essence Fellowship
meditation center in Caracas, Venezuela.

The group of 50 advanced students
needed to learn Buddhist and Taoist
healing and meditation practices.
I began to see patients every day and
teach meditations in the evenings and
every month I taught a weekend
workshop on Qi Gong, Meditation,
Stress reduction and a host of subjects
related to spiritual matters, anti
aging and longevity.

I was growing by leaps and bounds in
my practices and so were the students.
My days consisted of early morning
meditations, and then I saw patients
all day and taught at night.

Hey, wait a minute- that’s what
I am still doing!
I had the opportunity to explore the
customs and culture of Venezuela,
their medicine, herbs and healing techniques.

I studied the folklore and found out about a
I really wanted to meet this guy, but I was too late.
He was long gone before I got to Caracas
October 25, 1864 – June 29, 1919 before I was on the planet.

They say that Doctors and patients all around
the world have testified to his intercessory powers,
especially for those seeking a proper diagnosis and
healing under a physician’s care, in fact official
steps have been taken toward his sainthood.
He’s a Patron Saint of Venezuela and a
Patron Saint of medical students, diagnosticians,
doctors, and all of the patients requiring the
help of physicians for healing.
It is said that those who light a candle to
Dr. Jose Gregorio and carry his holy card with
them while going in for medical tests will
obtain a favorable diagnoses.

Medical students also seek his aid in this way
while they are taking tests. People who have
scheduled surgery have reported benefits
from keeping a DR. JOSE GREGORIO candle
burning in the home on the day of the operation.

Although I haven’t personally felt his energy,
my patients have told me that I have his touch.
I had the opportunity to meet and study with
great Shamans, Healers, Medicine men, Guru’s
and Lamas and study and learn from these teachers.
When I make a DVD, write a blog or hold a class,
I am drawing from years of practice.
If you are up for an adventure and want to change
your karmic address join me and the members of
the Qigong Inner Circle now.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr.Wu Dhi


I’ll be sharing more of my experiences
with the Shaman’s, Guru’s and Lama’s over
the next few weeks. If you haven’t turned your
friends and family on to this blog, now is the time.

Dr. Wu Dhi
