Posts Tagged ‘Benefit’

Weird Way To Stop Feeling Sad (free video)

Monday, December 5th, 2011

Several years ago, I met a young man who was
always sad –
always had a dark cloud hanging over his head.

He was a fitness fanatic and in pretty
good shape,but had never gone deep into the
kind of exercises
I teach, which transform your body on an
internal as well as external level.

After a couple years,he tried just one
of these exercises out.
He didn’t think much of it because it was
really easy to do, so he start with just
a minute or two per day.

Soon that became 5 minutes. Then 10.

And all of a sudden he was transformed.

He looked better, felt better,
and had more energy.
People even started liking him more –
automatically. And he never saw that
benefit coming!
All because he took a chance on
something new, and tried out an exercise
even though it seemed
too simple and easy to do.

Today he’s a changed man, and it all
started with one simple exercise.
Just recently,
he made a video about his story
which you can watch here:

Make sure your speakers are turned on so
you can listen to his enthusiasm as he
tells his tale.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi