Archive for the ‘Coaching’ Category

Creating positive energy in your life!

Monday, January 21st, 2013

If you have been reading my blogs, you know that
last week I had to go up to a family’s house in
Boca Raton and clear out all of the negative
energies and vibrations from their house.
Interesting enough I found out that the people who
lived there before lost one of their loved ones to
cancer and they were living in the downstairs part
of the house.

We found this out just by chance when their real
estate agent who sold them the house brought over
a house warming gift and the couple asked of there
were any illness or deaths and the real estate
agent told them the story.

which affected her life and sent her into a deep
depression. In the Chinese system the lungs have
to do with sadness and grief and the liver, anger
and rage. Apparently that’s the energy that
permeates the house. No one would have known this
but as we investigated we got a better picture of
the energies of the house.

Once we knew this the focus was to balance and
harmonize the house with the emotion of valor and
courageousness which is the positive emotion of
the lungs and kindness, the positive emotion of
the liver.

We were able to free the stale energy in the house
and lift the black cloud of negativity and bad
luck that surrounded their family.

Often you will find that if there is a sickness or
death and especially if it involves suicide, the
entity or spirit will linger for years unless it
is freed. We may never see the actual spirit but
the energies may just feel strange, dark and not a
comfortable place to be in.

This type of work is very typical in China as well
as many of the Islands in the Caribbean and in
Europe. You may have not heard of this type of
work in the Untied States as people have a lot of
hidden fears and would rather not talk. I received
a lot of letters from many of you asking if I
would be willing to clear the energies in their
house, their property and even in some offices.

I consider this part of my practice and an
important aspect in someone’s overall health. If
you would like to find out more, you can write me
Or, call the office at 305-407-0120 to setup an
appointment with me and my staff to handle every
aspect of your health.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

What choices will you make this year?

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

What choices will you make this year?

Just last night, I received a call from Bryan
who lives in Northern California.
He has been wrestling with a multitude of problems
such as health, self-confidence, sexuality, money
and lack of knowledge on how to get out of the deep
hole he’s dug for himself.

Every time I suggested something he answered
with a phrase that blocked any positive input he said,
“Yes But” as if it were the cream in his coffee.
This went on until I had to stop the conversation
and point out that his “Yes BUT” answer was in the way
of making any movement and keeping him in the rut.

“Yes But” is a Killer Phrases that destroys ones
creative potential. I asked him if he was ready
to transform “Yes, But…” into “Yes, and…” and
ideas into reality!
Bryan’s self talk was blocking him on every level.
He was stuck knee deep in his own muck.
What ever you think about the most
is what you’ll bring into your life.

It makes no difference if it’s good or bad.
What ever you think about, say and talk about the
most often is what you will get… If you say,
“it’s going to be a bad day.” Guess what? It is!
On the other hand if you declare,
“it’s going to be a great day,
” it’ll be Great!

Brian wanted to tell me how his situation
blocked everything in his life. He went on
to tell me again, and again, and again that he had a
dysfunctional family. He doesn’t have any money or a job,
and he made sure that I knew that as he repeated it to me
3 or 4 times in the conversation.

“Many people are in a rut and a rut is nothing but a grave –
with both ends kicked out.”
Vance Havner quotes

I am 99 and 44/100% sure that the universe was listening
to his every word and following his instructions to the Tee.
He said, “I’ve been with depression and anxiety for as long
as I can remember. I’d say since about the age of 11 or 12,
and it’s only getting worse.” What he is really doing is
reinforcing his stuck situation and allowing the same dark
cloud to stay right over his head.

Self-talk can be the # 1 jamming process you do to yourself
or the it can be the key to having everything you want.
Over the past 25 years I have been teaching, coaching and
mentoring both individuals and groups on how to make
positive changes. It’s more than possible to
re-program oneself, and when you work with a coach
you can eliminate falling back into old patterns. You
make advancements quicker and have an objective
person moving you into what you want to be.

A coach can help pull you out of that rut.
No matter if it’s your health issues mentally,
physically, spiritually, or getting back on
purpose of reaching your true wants, needs
and desires. When we work one- on- one
there are major shifts that can happen
in ones life. A stronger bond is created
and a personal connection is established,
even if you are on the other side of the world.

Every month we have a personal Skype call, and go over
practices together. The goals to be accomplished and we
adjust them for maximum success; we look at where we are now,
where we want to go and how to do it… I have been working with
people outside of the box using meditation practices
and internal exercises like Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Shen Gong to
customize personal growth and health.

Your life can be easer and more powerful when you
can work at strategies with a teacher who comes
from a totally different tradition than most coaches.
Your choices may range from profound to trivial,
and each one has an effect that makes your life more fulfilling
or less fulfilling, more balanced or less balanced, that makes your
process of living more effective or less effective.
Coaching helps you learn how to make choices that
create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life.

As we work together we will connect your body,
head and your heart to help transform your hunger
for your dreams into action for your life. Take this
test and get a snap shot and see if the coaching
program is for you!

On a scale from 1 to 10, rate each of the following
statements: (if not applicable, score the item as a 5).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
Not at all Maybe Totally agree

• I am ready to create more balance in my life.

• I am ready to improve my sex life
and relationships.

• I am ready to make real and positive
changes in my life.

• I am ready to find and live my life’s purpose.

• I am ready and willing to overcome
self-limiting beliefs and behavior.

• I am ready to create plans and take action to
achieve my goals.

• I am ready to achieve a sense of fulfillment
at work and in my personal life.

• I am ready for more fun and pleasure in my life.

• I’d like to work smarter and make more money.

• I can benefit from someone who will help me
to stay on track.

What’s your total score?
Less than 33
 Coaching is not for you at this time.
33 to 64
 Coaching can assist you at looking at
your life from a different perspective, and help you
develop a plan to change what it is that you would like to transform.
If you decide to work with a coach and commit that you will
take the necessary action for your benefit, then it will be possible
for you to make lasting life-changing improvements.

Over 60
 Congratulations! You are ready for Coach!
You are willing to do whatever it takes to create the
life you deserve and desire. Please take a moment to
contact me right now for a FREE introductory
coaching session to find out what coaching can do for you.
This one click can change your life forever.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Don’t hesitate another moment click here
and fill out the questions.

We will set up a free personal coaching session!

Pain is mandatory, Suffering is optional

Friday, November 16th, 2012

If you hit your thumb with a hammer — that’s pain
for sure, but after it heals if you are still
talking about how much it hurts and how it has
screwed up your life — that’s suffering.
It is clear when one considers the number of
people who suffer with conditions that happened
years ago and yet they are suffering on a regular

Conditions, such as migraine, anxiety and
depression can be triggered by real things and of
course having an injury is as real as it gets
however, studies have shown that life events are
required to trigger these conditions. The
biomedical approaches to pain management,
including pain medications, injection techniques,
and surgical and chemicals but these have also not
been shown to be successful in some cases.
Therefore a new model for these disorders is
needed, the mind-body model in which these
disorders are considered to be related to
individual reactions to stressful and traumatic
even events and unresolved emotions.
Evidence indicates that pain can originate in the
absence of a tissue disorder in the area where
pain is being felt as seen in phantom limb
syndrome. Pain initiated by the brain is
identical to pain originating in tissues.
Learned pain pathways can develop after an injury
even a mild one or can be created during times of
significant stress and emotional reactions.
Although most injuries heal within a reasonable
amount of time, pain pathways can become “wired”,
thus creating chronic pain that is often stubborn
to most treatments.
The Unravel the Pain program consists of a mixture
of cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness, and
emotional expressive techniques. The Unravel the
Pain program has been shown to reverse and even
erases the problem forever.
Individuals who have endured significant childhood
and adult stressors and who have suffered with
chronic pain often have a negative view of
themselves and low levels of self-esteem and
self-efficacy. Therefore, an overarching theme
for guiding individuals to health is the
development of love and kindness toward oneself.
This can be accomplished by positive affirmations,
by meditations and visualizations.
In the Turn Stress into Power program

I show you how to unravel many of these problems
through meditations and exercises. Of course it
would be best to come into the office for a
treatment to unravel old programs and get back to
health but if you are unable to meet with me I
highly suggest picking up the Turn Stress program

“Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you
respond to it.” -Unknown

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

The door has just swung tight to the hinges

Friday, November 9th, 2012

Remember when you were a kid and you visited that
family member’s home where you could go
everywhere… except for ONE room?
You know… the room where the door
was always shut every time you were there?

It drove you nuts, didn’t it? Because you just
knew there was something REALLY cool behind that
door… but there was no way to get inside to find
out – at least not without suffering some serious
(and potentially unpleasant) consequences.

Well, another door has just swung tight to the
hinges – the door is on November’s Private
coaching Program.

Every spot is full up for November. These lucky
people that opted-in for the year of coaching will
receive every single one of my programs as well as
the training that goes with it. As for me, I am
taking a few days off to see my Mom and kids in
Michigan for Thanksgiving and we are in December
and in a blink of an eye it will be 2013.
Every time the weather starts to get cold up
north people flock to Florida– “Snowbirds”
The term snowbird is used to describe people from
the USA and Canada who spend a large portion of
winter in along the Sun Belt region of the
southern USA and I don’t blame them. Cold winters,
bad driving conditions and a black and white world
for months is a drag mentally and physically.
In the past, snowbirds were frequently wealthy
people with independent incomes and shifted
residence with the season but now you can hop on a
plane and get out of winter in a few hours. I have
two weekends open in December and all of this can
be written off your taxes as a business expense if
you pay before December 31.

If you’re one of the November people –

Oops I forgot the most important thing -we will be
going over their blood work and working on all
aspects of health from an energetic and physical
prospective. You won’t want to miss out on this.

To reserve your seat for this incredible session,
click the link below and I’ll send you all the

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Health? Wealth and the Pharmaceutical Industry(Their wealth)

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

I was reading Sunday’s Miami Herald and I saw a
very interesting add that I found most
informative. Most of us when we think of medicine,
we think of it as something to heal our body, get
rid of a dis-ease and bring us back to health, but
that’s not exactly true.

Here are some of the laws of the pharmaceutical

1.The pharmaceutical industry is not a health
industry, but an investment business. Its primary
focus is not to increase the health of the people
– but the shareholder value of its owners.

2.The pharmaceutical industry is not a naturally
grown industry – but an artificially created
investment business launched more than a century
ago by globally operating financial groups.

3.The defined market place of the pharmaceutical
industry is our body – but only as long as it is

4.The continuation and expansion of diseases as
drug markets is the precondition for the continued
growth of the investment “business
with disease”

5.The key legal tools and economic instruments on
which this multi-trillion dollar investment
industry is built are patents. They allow the drug
makers the arbitrary fixing of their own mark-ups
(“royalties”) for a new drug which are a driving
factor for exploding health care costs.

6.Because patents are only granted for news,
synthetic molecules, the drug industry focuses its
research on developing synthetically designed,
patented chemicals – and markets them as
prescription drugs.

7.Most of these chemical substances are unknown
to the human body which considers these ‘foreign’
substances as toxins and eliminates them. Thus,
the principal of patenting is ultimately
responsible for the epidemic of dangerous side
effects caused by prescription drugs.

8.In order not to endanger their multi-trillion
dollar disease markets, the pharmaceutical
companies almost exclusively develop drugs that
merely ameliorate symptoms – but hardly ever
correct the root cause of diseases.

9.Based on this deceptive strategy, the
investment circles behind the pharmaceutical
investment business have been able to portray
themselves as global “purveyors of health” –
while, in fact, thriving on the promotion of
diseases as the basis f multi –trillion dollar
drug markets.

10. Most importantly, without this analysis – and
without understanding the essence of what is wrong
– the people of the United States and beyond will
not be able to create a new, effective, safe and
affordable health care – with a clear focus on the
prevention an elimination of diseases.

That was really a slam of the drug companies, but
a lot of it rings true.
As you can see, the pharmaceutical industry isn’t
about your health. In my practice, I keep
medications to a minimal, treating all of my
patients naturally with herbs, vitamins, exercise,
acupuncture and neural-therapy and one of the most
important medicines that most of us do every
day—that’s the food we eat. Diet can change your
entire health picture. If you are eating at any of
the Fast Food restaurants, chances are they are
not thinking about your health when they hand you
that hamburger, French fries, or bubbly soda. It
is a business to make money! Just like the
pharmaceutical companies, they are giving you
chemicals with more side effects than you can
shake a stick at. If you want to stay healthy, and
avoid the pitfalls of old age and dis-ease, you
need to take responsibility for your own health.

I have been a health coach and practitioner for
some 35 years, using all natural products on all
of my patients and especially on myself. I do
internal exercises every day and when I eat, I eat
to give my body and mind the most energy and you
are definitely not going to get a lot of energy
from a donut! Healthy food, the right exercises
and mind set can be the most effective anti-aging
program anyone can be on. I coach all of my
students and patients on how to stay healthy!

Every month, I make a DVD and send it out to
hundreds of people all over the world to improve
their health mentally, physically, emotionally and

Qi Gong Inner Circle:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Don’t be Tricked into getting Old!

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012


Don’t be Tricked into getting Old!

I can’t help but think about the plotting
little kids who come up with all those creative
ways for getting the most candy.
Deciding what route to take– sure you hit the
houses that give out the best and most
candy or going to a neighborhood with smaller
yards so you can “hit” more houses.
I’ve even heard of people changing into a second
costume so they can go to the same houses a
second time on their way back home.
If you check the internet you can find articles on
getting the most candy, advice on creating a
clever costume, why you shouldn’t linger at
house, if you get stuck with your younger
siblings go out early and then ditch them so you
can get back to the candy lust. The stuff you can
find online is amazing.

Funny how so much thought can go into getting as
much candy as possible. Yet, how many put
the same level of thought into keeping
yourself young and healthy?
Based on a fundamental understanding of what
motivates people to be healthy, and take good care
of body and mind or even eat the right things most
don’t care. When we are young we think we are

I hear older people saying, “If I knew I was going
to live so long I would have taken better care of
The first 50 years are the most important if you
want to avoid sickness, disease, pain and

When you are young that’s the time to establish
your dietary habits, your habits for exercise and
the way you see and act. When you take care of
yourself it will pay off big time in your later

Make yourself a “Health checklist” to
maximize your physical, mental and spiritual

Read all you can, study and most of all practice:
What the people who are a hundred years do
What Information can you read, learn and study.
What foods to avoid and what to put into your

I have found that the internal exercises are one
of the keys from the Chinese longevity practices.
I have devoted years to learn study and practice
daily to slow down the aging process and avoid the
suffering of old age.

If you have been still living like you are
invincible it’s time to make sure that your
superman costume doesn’t get tarnished!

Get the Flying Crane Qi Gong program today and
keep on practicing!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Over-Achievers have a different hit on mistakes

Friday, September 28th, 2012

If you have ever talked to an under-achiever their
story is all about fear and why they can’t do this
or that. They are afraid of making a mistake and
they view mistakes as bad thing.

On the other hand the over-achiever has a
different take on mistakes all together. They see
mistakes as the stepping-stones to their success.

Mistakes are just feedback you need to achieve any
goal. No one travels a straight line to success.
Anyone who becomes successful in life encounters
corrections on how he speaks, breathes, moves and

Losers fear mistakes. Winners look for them.

“Fail your way to success” that’s what Albert
Edison did. He kept on failing and failing until
boom he succeeded.

Losers get angry when they make a mistake and
refuse to listen to corrective feedback.

Winners take their time. They breathe, relax and
listen to what needs to be done to improve. Then
they work on adjusting what needs to be corrected.
The mistake acts like a life guide to the final
outcome of success.

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been
trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my
life. And that is why I succeed.”

A coach, teacher, Guru or mentor can say one
sentence and turn your life around, you just have
to be around and listen.
Are you ready to make some of the biggest changes
in your life?
If you are ready sign up and see if you can
qualify for the coaching program:

To be on Top in your field, no matter what it is–
you need to be on Top of your health, wealth and

Without health you got nothing.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

P.S. I am almost totally booked up for 2012.

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Fly Pass the Crowds and get What You Really Want and Need

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Do you remember book Think and
Grow Rich?
There is a story about a man who packed up all his
belongings and headed west years ago to stake his
clam and find gold.
He left his family and friends and went west to
dig for gold and got rich during the gold rush.
After weeks of hard work and digging, he
discovered a piece of Gold.
He needed machinery to go deeper, so he discreetly
covered up the mine, returned home and hatched a
plan with his relatives and neighbors.
They pooled their money, bought the needed
machinery and had it shipped to the place
where the mine was located. He returned to
the mine and began working.
After filling their first car of the shining ore,
they discovered that they had one of the
richest gold mines in Colorado. A few more
cars of ore would clear their debts and set
them up to start clearing enormous profits.
But when the drills went down again, the
gold had disappeared. They continued
drilling hoping to find something, but
came up empty handed.
They finally quit and sold the machinery to
a junk man.

The junk man was no dummy.
He called a mining engineer to look at the
mine. After some calculating, the mining
engineer advised the junk man that the
project had failed because the owners were
not familiar with fault lines.
His calculations showed that if the first miner
had drilled just three more feet, they
would have hit the vein of the gold mine.
Following the mining engineer’s advice, the
junk man drilled three feet over, struck
gold and made millions.

How many times have you been so close to winning
the big prize and given up?
If you would have just pushed one extra pound or
walked just one more block your life could be
totally different.

When it comes to our health and well being some
people just give up. They can’t stand the pain,
or the pressure or whatever it is for them and
just like a stubborn mule they bray, and bray and
sit down not to be moved by heaven or earth.
They are stuck in their body, mind and spirit.
Some times it seems like the universe deals us a
bad hand and we fold.

Well my friend, if you just dig a few more feet
you may discover GOLD.
We all need encouragement, positive reinforcement
and a goal to get us where we want to go.
That’s why I spend my time and energy putting
together programs to make our lives better in
every way. That’s why I end every letter with “I
wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

That’s why I started the Private Coaching Program
to make all of our lives better, Healthier and
more Prosperous.
This program isn’t for everyone…
It’s only for the one’s who want to go beyond the
Pass the crowds; get Out of the Ruts and Make Your
Life work to its Optional Potential.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. I want you to take advantage of a free one-
on- one call with me.
A formula to determine what you need and the best
and quickest way to get it.
Go to the link and sign up today and let’s
discover what you need and how you’re going to get

Dr. Wu Dhi

Lucky 13

Friday, July 13th, 2012

Friday the 13th is an unlucky day to many superstitious folks and most don’t even know why.
Even floors in buildings often skip the 13th floor.
13 has deep roots in both the Christian and Pagan culture.
Many Christians have long believed that Friday was unlucky because it was the day of the week when Jesus was crucified. The number 13 was believed to bring bad luck because there were 13 people at The Last Supper.

On Friday, October 13, 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the arrests of Jaques de Molay, Grand Master of the Knights Templers and sixty of his senior knights in Paris. Thousands of others were arrested elsewhere in the country. After employing torture techniques to compel the Templers to “confess” to wrongdoing, most were eventually executed and sympathizers of the Templers condemned Friday the 13th as an evil day. The number 13 has lucky and unlucky meanings all over the world.

I find it interesting that the fathers of our country who were very metaphysical started the USA with 13 colonies. The original flag had thirteen stars, one for each state. The American flag to this day has thirteen horizontal stripes.

The number thirteen always became a number related to the country’s symbols.

The Great Seal on the US dollar bill is one perfect example:
*13 Stripes on the Seal’s emblem
▪ Leaves on the olive branch (as well as thirteen olives)
▪ Arrows in the other grip
▪ Characters making up the dictum, E Pluribus Unum
▪ Characters making up the dictum, “Annuit cœptis”
▪ Breast coverts on the bird
▪ Layers of bricks in the truncated pyramid

It seems that the number 13 has scared people for years and probably for a good reason. It’s a magical number that can help control the masses. It’s associated with the Great Goddesses, and therefore, regarded as the sacred essence of luck and good fortune. It is always easy to hide something if you put it before someone’s nose.
Friday the 13th is ultimately the celebration of the lives and loves of Lady Luck.
This Friday is my sons 40th birthday and a lucky day for me.
Let’s make it a lucky day for you too by having a Friday the 13th sale!
For the next 24 hours I will send you the entire Recharging Qi Gong program for ½ off. Order now and get Lucky for Friday the 13 th!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr .Wu Dhi

Setting your Goals and Accomplish them in 6 weeks

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

he 4th of July is here and gone again.
Half of 2012 is finished and it’s time to take an inventory of what you have accomplished over the
last 6 months. Let’s take a look at the 8 major aspects that can affect us and make sure you are
going in the direction you want to be going. First ask yourself a few questions:

• Do I have a solid plan in place?
• Does that plan have checks and balances that will keep me on target?
• Do I know what I want?
• Do I know why I want it?
• What action do I need to accomplish this?

According to ancient Chinese, Feng shui the Bagua is used to determine the balance in all of the
characteristics of life. It’s one of the main tools used to analyze the energy of any given space,
as well as all aspects of your life. Bagua literally means “8 areas.” The 9th area is the spiritual
aspect. Take a look at your carrier, relationships, family, your finances, spirit, travel, projects,
self cultivation and your success patterns. Are they in balance?
When you are balanced every aspect of your life will be working in harmony.

Many years ago my Master spoke to me about moderation. At that time I didn’t have a clue of what he
was talking about. I was more of the excessive compulsive type. If one was good 2, 3 or 4 seemed
better to me.

Luckily I had some good habits established. As a young man my father enrolled me in marshal arts
classes before I was even a teenager. My excessiveness was exercise, healthy diets, and study. I
thought I was just doing great but years later I see what my master was talking about.

My excessive diets, over training and studying for hours were burning me out. I was using up
valuable energy and burning Qi quicker than I could produce it. Eventually I woke up from these
excessive patterns and my life started to balance. My business got better, I received the
acknowledgements, degrees and rewards I was looking for.
My career took off, my relationships opened up and my health internally and externally came into
balance. Balance doesn’t happen on its own. It takes some work and some guidance. It was back in
1984 when the “Lama on the mountain” first taught me this Bagua formulas and things started to come
together. I learned how to look at every aspect of my life and have all bases covered. I have been
using the formula ever since to balance my life and have shared the formulas with thousands of
patients, students and friends.

Here is what we have found- when there is a system in place:
-You become more accountable to yourself
-You get more of what you want
-Your health mentally, physically and spiritually gets better
-You accomplish more with grace and ease
-You invoke growth and establish patterns of success

I taught a 2-day workshop in Miami Beach on how to use the formulas and apply them into your life.
The two days were video recorded and professionally edited and I have put these DVDs into a learning
package which includes all of the notes that shows you the how’s and the why’s.

Ready to change things around to give you more energy, vitality, balance finances, and your

If, the Answer is YES, this program is for you.

Order this week and I’ll also send you a free bonus Bagua to keep your house and office in harmony
and perfect balance.

Get your program today:

I wish you the best in
your Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi