Posts Tagged ‘Gold Mines’

How to Fly Pass the Crowds and get What You Really Want and Need

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Do you remember book Think and
Grow Rich?
There is a story about a man who packed up all his
belongings and headed west years ago to stake his
clam and find gold.
He left his family and friends and went west to
dig for gold and got rich during the gold rush.
After weeks of hard work and digging, he
discovered a piece of Gold.
He needed machinery to go deeper, so he discreetly
covered up the mine, returned home and hatched a
plan with his relatives and neighbors.
They pooled their money, bought the needed
machinery and had it shipped to the place
where the mine was located. He returned to
the mine and began working.
After filling their first car of the shining ore,
they discovered that they had one of the
richest gold mines in Colorado. A few more
cars of ore would clear their debts and set
them up to start clearing enormous profits.
But when the drills went down again, the
gold had disappeared. They continued
drilling hoping to find something, but
came up empty handed.
They finally quit and sold the machinery to
a junk man.

The junk man was no dummy.
He called a mining engineer to look at the
mine. After some calculating, the mining
engineer advised the junk man that the
project had failed because the owners were
not familiar with fault lines.
His calculations showed that if the first miner
had drilled just three more feet, they
would have hit the vein of the gold mine.
Following the mining engineer’s advice, the
junk man drilled three feet over, struck
gold and made millions.

How many times have you been so close to winning
the big prize and given up?
If you would have just pushed one extra pound or
walked just one more block your life could be
totally different.

When it comes to our health and well being some
people just give up. They can’t stand the pain,
or the pressure or whatever it is for them and
just like a stubborn mule they bray, and bray and
sit down not to be moved by heaven or earth.
They are stuck in their body, mind and spirit.
Some times it seems like the universe deals us a
bad hand and we fold.

Well my friend, if you just dig a few more feet
you may discover GOLD.
We all need encouragement, positive reinforcement
and a goal to get us where we want to go.
That’s why I spend my time and energy putting
together programs to make our lives better in
every way. That’s why I end every letter with “I
wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

That’s why I started the Private Coaching Program
to make all of our lives better, Healthier and
more Prosperous.
This program isn’t for everyone…
It’s only for the one’s who want to go beyond the
Pass the crowds; get Out of the Ruts and Make Your
Life work to its Optional Potential.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. I want you to take advantage of a free one-
on- one call with me.
A formula to determine what you need and the best
and quickest way to get it.
Go to the link and sign up today and let’s
discover what you need and how you’re going to get

Dr. Wu Dhi