Posts Tagged ‘Driving Conditions’

The door has just swung tight to the hinges

Friday, November 9th, 2012

Remember when you were a kid and you visited that
family member’s home where you could go
everywhere… except for ONE room?
You know… the room where the door
was always shut every time you were there?

It drove you nuts, didn’t it? Because you just
knew there was something REALLY cool behind that
door… but there was no way to get inside to find
out – at least not without suffering some serious
(and potentially unpleasant) consequences.

Well, another door has just swung tight to the
hinges – the door is on November’s Private
coaching Program.

Every spot is full up for November. These lucky
people that opted-in for the year of coaching will
receive every single one of my programs as well as
the training that goes with it. As for me, I am
taking a few days off to see my Mom and kids in
Michigan for Thanksgiving and we are in December
and in a blink of an eye it will be 2013.
Every time the weather starts to get cold up
north people flock to Florida– “Snowbirds”
The term snowbird is used to describe people from
the USA and Canada who spend a large portion of
winter in along the Sun Belt region of the
southern USA and I don’t blame them. Cold winters,
bad driving conditions and a black and white world
for months is a drag mentally and physically.
In the past, snowbirds were frequently wealthy
people with independent incomes and shifted
residence with the season but now you can hop on a
plane and get out of winter in a few hours. I have
two weekends open in December and all of this can
be written off your taxes as a business expense if
you pay before December 31.

If you’re one of the November people –

Oops I forgot the most important thing -we will be
going over their blood work and working on all
aspects of health from an energetic and physical
prospective. You won’t want to miss out on this.

To reserve your seat for this incredible session,
click the link below and I’ll send you all the

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi