Posts Tagged ‘Diet’

Don’t be Tricked into getting Old!

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012


Don’t be Tricked into getting Old!

I can’t help but think about the plotting
little kids who come up with all those creative
ways for getting the most candy.
Deciding what route to take– sure you hit the
houses that give out the best and most
candy or going to a neighborhood with smaller
yards so you can “hit” more houses.
I’ve even heard of people changing into a second
costume so they can go to the same houses a
second time on their way back home.
If you check the internet you can find articles on
getting the most candy, advice on creating a
clever costume, why you shouldn’t linger at
house, if you get stuck with your younger
siblings go out early and then ditch them so you
can get back to the candy lust. The stuff you can
find online is amazing.

Funny how so much thought can go into getting as
much candy as possible. Yet, how many put
the same level of thought into keeping
yourself young and healthy?
Based on a fundamental understanding of what
motivates people to be healthy, and take good care
of body and mind or even eat the right things most
don’t care. When we are young we think we are

I hear older people saying, “If I knew I was going
to live so long I would have taken better care of
The first 50 years are the most important if you
want to avoid sickness, disease, pain and

When you are young that’s the time to establish
your dietary habits, your habits for exercise and
the way you see and act. When you take care of
yourself it will pay off big time in your later

Make yourself a “Health checklist” to
maximize your physical, mental and spiritual

Read all you can, study and most of all practice:
What the people who are a hundred years do
What Information can you read, learn and study.
What foods to avoid and what to put into your

I have found that the internal exercises are one
of the keys from the Chinese longevity practices.
I have devoted years to learn study and practice
daily to slow down the aging process and avoid the
suffering of old age.

If you have been still living like you are
invincible it’s time to make sure that your
superman costume doesn’t get tarnished!

Get the Flying Crane Qi Gong program today and
keep on practicing!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Taking Responsibility for your own Health

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Debbie came into the office and brought all of
her medicine with her.
She said, “Do I have to take all of this all of the time?”

I asked her how long she was taking these prescriptions
and when was the last time she saw her doctor. She said
that it was given to her by different doctors over the
years and she said, “I just keep refilling my prescription
and taking it year in and year out.”
I said, “When was the last time you checked with
your doctor to see if your medicine was still necessary?”

She told me it was last year and that is the last
time she had checked anything!

I said, “Debbie, it’s time that you took responsibility
for your own health. Half of your pills, you’ve been
taking over the last 4 years, and you don’t have a
clue what they’re for!”

She told me that she doesn’t really eat meals and
more or less grazes all day long. One of Debbie’s
biggest complaints is that she has acid reflex and
gets heart burn and is constantly burping. I asked her
if she knew what her pH was and she told me she didn’t
have a clue what that was.

I told her about a simple test that she could do herself.
Get a package of pH indicator paper and then every
morning when she wakes up, take one of the little strips
and on the first urination, dip the strip into the urine.
This will tell you if you are acid or alkaline.
It has been said that caner cannot live in an alkaline
system and that’s why we alkalize!

I always have these strips in my office available for patients.
There are a few great formulas that I use to change a persons
system from acid to alkaline. I also suggested to her that
she starts drinking vegetable juices, cuts out sugar and meat
if her body is acidic. This will help to get rid of things like
joint problems, tiredness, irritability, acid reflex and depression.

She can perform this simple test by herself
and make some changes in her diet.
You can take responsibility for your own health!

I asked Debbie what exercises she did?
“Do I have to do that?”

Exercise can put you in control of your health.
If you have a car and you drive it all the time it will ware
out soon and break down.

But our bodies are different!
If the body isn’t used it will break down sooner, that’s why
it’s so important to exercise and to do the right exercises to keep you healthy.

The Recharging Qi Gong is a series of exercises that takes less
than a half an hour to do. It works on three different levels.
To balance the body physically, to calm the emotions, and to
open up the spiritual channels. This takes about 15 minutes a
day and in less than 30 days you will be feeling great.

Get it today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Dealing with Stress

Monday, May 30th, 2011

Everyday I deal with stress.
I’m used to stress.
I do my practices and training and for the most part,
I use stress to my advantage and turn stress into power.
Last week, I had to go to Michigan as my eldest son was
stressing out and crashing after his son’s surgery
a few weeks ago. He was stressed to the max.

With his children, job, relationship, and business in general,
he had so much stress,
that he was unable to function and this stressed me.
The reason I’m telling you this story, is even if you don’t have
stress in your personal life, if friends or family are going through
a rough time, they defiantly pull on your strings and can pull
you off center easily.

I noticed in Michigan, I wasn’t following my diet,
let my practice go for three days in a row,
and I was wasted.
“If you don’t eat the energy,
the energy will defiantly eat you.”

Although I had a ton of things to do there,
as soon as I realized I wasn’t training,
I immediately went back to it, corrected my diet,
and began doing the exercises in the
Turn Stress into Power program,
and took the reigns
back on my own situation. This happens to many people,
when life throws you a curve ball, the tendency of most
people is to eat, drink, and talk excessively or to just
stay home and do nothing.

But neither one of these strategies
work to put you in a place of power. If you want to be in
charge and on top of your game, its imperative to recommit
to your practice daily and make sure that your health is # 1.
Sometimes, people think this is selfish but it’s not at all.
If you’re sick, you can’t help anyone else.
It’s true in all walks of life. If you see a drowning
man in the water, and you’re not trained as a lifeguard,
and jump in, he could pull you down. Even a lifeguard knows that
when he jumps in to save the drowning man, he always
brings a life preserver to assist the person not only the
person drowning, but to keep himself from drowning.

If you want to help others, you must help yourself first,
and that’s where training comes in. You build in a
muscle memory that brings you back to your training
and your practice. The Turn Stress into Power program
will give you exercises, meditations, mantras, and
strategies to pull yourself out of stressful situations and
keep you healthy strong and powerful.

Get your copy today

“He who fails to train, trains to fail” –Unknown

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi