Posts Tagged ‘Decades’

The 3 Rules of Longevity

Friday, May 17th, 2013

When I was in Michigan last week I ran into a high
school sweetheart who I hadn’t seen in over a
decade. She was sooo excited to see me she couldn’t
contain herself and before I knew what was
happening,she planted a big wet kiss right on my
mouth. She wanted to know what I was up to for
the last few decades and asked if I was doing some
kind of facial treatment or drugs. She said, “You
don’t have any wrinkles on your face, what are you

No, not the kind of drugs that make you feel
loopy, burn vital Qi, damage your organs and speed
up the aging process.

The kind of drugs she assumed I was on are the
kind you inject into your face. (You know the ones
I’m talking about, I won’t even mention them
directly as it might cause this email to be
flagged as spam.)

She said “You look great, and I’m turning into a
wrinkled old prune. Tell me what kind of
treatments you’re getting done and don’t lie to

I wasn’t offended. I took it as a compliment.

She doesn’t know any better. She never learned the
Qi Gong or any of the meditations from me.

What she may never know is that it’s not just the
upper half of me that’s looking good and working
great. I have Qi Gong exercises that keep my
manhood manly and I don’t use a drug for that

Qi Gong is good for a lot of things.

What she doesn’t know, like most Americans, is
that a few simple exercises (i.e. The Recharging
Qi Gong)

When done every day will be sufficient to keep you
looking WAY younger than the rest of your high
school classmates even 50 years after graduation.

Most Americans have been brainwashed into thinking
that the only way to get rid of wrinkles or start
looking younger is to inject your face full of
toxic goo or have the skin on your face cut.

I live and work in Miami Beach, and let me tell
you, it’s the world’s capital of surgical
augmentation and manipulation.

Any surgery you can imagine being done to a man or
woman in order to try and make them look young I
have seen done. And I know the catastrophic
results first hand.

Let me tell you how those things DON’T work.

Pay attention and warn your friends that may be
tempted to try and “fix” their face instead of
vitalizing the one they got.

If you put any kind of junk in your body that
doesn’t belong there, your body has to do extra
work to get rid of it.

The energy that should keep you full of child-like
enthusiasm is wasted on toxic clean-up.

Worse yet, people that get hooked on this stuff
end up deformed or looking like their face was
frozen in plastic.

Taking a knife to your face is only good for a

The tighter you stretch the skin and muscles over
you’re skull the more everybody is going to see
you’re skull, you don’t end up looking younger!

Even a little plastic surgery will end up looking
like goo, five years down the road.

There’s really only one path you want to take for
your own vitality and well being, this is how it

• Smile

• Breathe

• Drink water

• Eat good healthy “Food”

• Stretch

• Walk

• Run

• Play

• Meditate

• Sleep

Make time for all of the above every day of your
life and do it in a conscious and loving way.

What do I mean by that?

What I mean is:
Look at your body – every
inch of it,
Listen to your body – even when
it’s quiet,
And Love your body – it’s your
only true home.

These are the 3 L’s of longevity. I hope they
serve you well.

Wishing you Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS: If you don’t have a copy of the Recharging Qi
Gong program

Order yours today. I have just printed the 4th
edition and there are only ½ of them left.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are you staying young?

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

imagesWe all want to live as long as we can without
suffering and to have our body, mind and spirit in
good condition for as long as possible.

Why do some of us crumble under pressure and have
sickness and old age creep up while others live to
a ripe old age? Is it fate, luck or do you believe
when your time is up you’re gone?

I have spent decades exploring the Eastern systems
of longevity, diet, exercise and meditation and
now at last there are scientific advances from the
Western systems of health that may bring the two
systems together.

To extend your life and improve its quality there
are a host of things you can start today, even if
you have been sick you can redirect your health
and longevity picture. What you are doing now is
what counts; the good news is you can positively
affect your health and longevity, if you are

We all have genes that are affected by our
lifestyle and the environment we live in. If you
have been spending your days working in a factory
filled with toxic chemicals and you are a
worrywart, still smoking cigarettes and filling
your gut with beer, sodas and fast foods, the
chances of you breaking down quicker is very good.

A man ninety years old was asked to what he
attributed his longevity.
I reckon, he said with a twinkle in his eye, it’s
because most nights I went to bed and slept when I
should have sat up and worried.
-Garson Kanin

Unfortunately we don’t make it easy for longevity
in the West. Our older population is pushed to
the side and so are the sick and handicapped. Our
society is all about constant stimulation and
selling product with no regard for the long-term

The Eastern traditions are more about prevention
and wellness and staying in balance. Acupuncture,
herbs, diet, Qi Gong, yoga and meditation have
been around for thousand of years and the focus is
longevity, health and the quality of life.
Here are some of the things that you can start
today to insure your long life and keep you

• Cut down on your calorie intake- Much
research has shown that reduced calorie intake can
increase health and longevity.

• Eat 80% vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
More or less eat a semi-vegetarian diet 20%

• Practice meditation –It will calm your
spirit and having a relaxed spirit is one of the
secrets of longevity.

• Less weight- more life: drop some weight
and your energy will increase

• Practice Abdominal breathing daily –it will
keep you centered, build inner strength and give
you a sense of stability.

I have been practicing Qi Gong and meditation for
years and I can tell you without a doubt you can
reverse the aging practice, you just have to start

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Order a copy of Recharging Qi Gong today and lets
grow younger together.

Don’t Ever limit your training.

Monday, July 11th, 2011

Don’t limit your training.

For the next few weekends I am
totally engaged in seminars on
meditation, acupuncture, nutrition
and Medical Qi Gong.
I am always training my
body mind and spirit.

“He who fails to train,
Trains to fail.”

This is the way we grow by working
outside of the box and pushing ourselves
to learn and get trained as often as we can.

If you ever took a peek at my Biography on
you will see that I am no stranger when it
comes to trainings, seminars or educating myself.
I have spent years being coached, practicing
and training myself and I continue where
I can and whenever I can.

It’s not always about just physical training and
energetic training, it’s about training in all aspects
of your life. To grow we need to touch on
every aspect of our lives and use all the
tools that are available.

“It takes two wings to fly.”
One is the training and the
other is the practice.
If you just have one wing
you just flop round on the ground.


For over 4 decades, I spent every
summer doing spiritual retreats.
Trainings that involved standing
practices, sitting practices and
chanted prayer or mantra which
is what they are called in the
eastern systems.

I learned to incorporate many of the
different modalities to enhance my
mind and over the years I learned how
to develop my learning and growing
experiences. Learning how to learn is an art.

In Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP)
they call that VAC (visual, auditory and kinesthetic).
This way you start to get as many modalities
as you can involved in learning experience.

1. Visually- you want to be able to
picture it in your minds eye.
See it, see yourself already having it.

2. Auditory- hear it.
What does it sound like?
Does it ring a bell?
Sing it, hum it play it on the piano.

3. Kinesthetic- feel it.
Get some movement into the learning experience.
Dance it, run it, touch it,
and get it into your body.

The more of the senses you can
activate the quicker you can learn
and retain that information.
Years ago I asked my Master to
teach me the inner workings of a
special meditation; he agreed but
told me that I had to repeat the
mantra 100,000 times before he
would give me the entire teaching.
I thought about it for a few days and
did the math. I wasn’t going to get
the teaching for over a year and this
didn’t sit well with me at all.

The next day I met with a friend for
dinner and he was telling me about a
doctor that he met, who was working
on “subliminal programming” of the mind.

The following day I contacted his doctor
and made an appointment.
When I got to his office I
had 100,000 questions.

He explained to me what subliminal
programming could do and how
it worked.
He said, “Our minds have so called
guards that block out useless and
harmful information, sometimes this
is good and some times not so good
as we are always get programmed
by outside influences.”

He gave me the analogy of a guard
standing at a guardhouse, who only
lets in the right things for us, but
sometimes things sneak in from
our subconscious mind, our guard
doesn’t even see it. He told me this
can be easily done with the right
suggestions to the subliminal mind.
He went on to say that the advertising
industry does this all the time to sell us
product that we had no idea we even wanted.”

I asked him if I plan to get the 100,000
repetitions of the mantra in my mind
could it be done?

He said, “I don’t see why not.
Just have a subliminal CD made and
listen to it over and over and you will
program your mind.”

I learned that I could have my own
custom subliminal program CD made
to get the mantra into my mind in
record time, so I set up an appointment
to meet with the recording company
and I explained what I wanted to do.

I wanted to produce a subliminal
program that would repeat the mantra
100,000 times in one hour. I worked
with them on getting the exact mantra
played down on the tracks and then waited.

It was a few weeks before they got it
back to me with the finished product
and then I got to work, I spent the
next few weeks listening to the
program for only an hour a day
1/2 hour when I woke up and
1/2 hour just before I went to sleep.

When I returned to see my Master,
I told him that I had completed the task.
He doubted me at first and said that it was
impossible, until I explained what I did.

He congratulated me on my unique
approach and said, “This was definitely
thinking outside of the box.”
He gave me the entire teaching!

Since that time I have taught hundreds
and hundreds of students
“The Internal Mantra Program” and
gave them the CD. I recommend this
program for all beginners as well as
well seasoned mediators to deepen the
understanding of the teachings as well
as the subliminal practice CD to
embody the practice.

The Internal Mantra program teaches
you the six most powerful words that
will reprogram your mind and open up
your locked spiritual energy. This is
not about any religion, it’s about
unlocking your spirit to receive more
energy no matter what your tradition
and training is.

Order your program today and
reprogram your body, mind and spirit.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi