Posts Tagged ‘internal organs’

Is your Energy Flowing or Not?

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm, I teach a
meditation class in my office.
It’s based on Internal exercises practices
They are the
opposite of external exercises like swimming,
boxing, wrestling, tennis, weight lifting, etc.
While external exercises may produce an attractive
body, they often do so by depleting the energy of
the heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys and liver. That
causes a number of illnesses and ages you quicker
than you would think. Internal exercises like Qi
Gong are designed to energize the entire body,
balance all of the energy levels and heal as well
as strengthen our internal organs. Internal organs
are designed to correct posture, keep you more
grounded and are based on the five element theory;
fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

One thing that I always emphasize and work on in
the meditation classes is the breathing and the
pathways of energy in the body known as the
meridians. Once a person gets proficient in the
micro cosmic orbit (the spiritual digestive
system)– they’ll easily be able to feel the
energy in the meridians and along the pathways to
balance the body, mind and spirit. When I do an
acupuncture treatment, I am always working with
the meridians, they are like a series of energy
rivers running through the body. There is one for
the lungs, large intestines, stomach, spleen,
heart, small intestines, bladder, kidneys,
pericardium, triple heater, liver and gallbladder
– plus more.

These rivers of energy carry the Qi or energy all
through our bodies. If there is a blockage
mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually or
psychologically, the rivers of energy get blocked
and the next thing you know you have some form of

When we work with the Qi Gong exercises,
meditations and breathing, we open up those
blockages and the Qi flows properly, balancing
body, mind and spirit.

Personally I practice these types of exercises
daily. I teach my patients and students these
exercises. I make videos about them like the
Flying Crane Qi Gong and Recharging Qi Gong and
much more to the Qi Gong Inner Circle.

If you are ready to turn your health around 360
degrees get on the program!

Join up and get the big three:

Flying Crane Qi Gong

Recharging Qi Gong

Qi Gong Inner Circle

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Loose belly Fat

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

If you have a Big Belly you are at high risk of
heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain
cancers. Look around you! Men and woman between
ages 50 and 80 look like they have a watermelon
under their shirt. Belly fat is the worst and
carries two kinds of ugly fat.

1. Subcutaneous fat- found beneath the outermost
layer of skin and is the protective wrap over the
body’s surface. It’s fat that can be measured
using body fat calipers, which provide a rough
estimate of total body adiposity. Subcutaneous
fat, which also is carried in the hips, thighs,
arms and legs, may be unwanted, but it’s not
particularly dangerous.

2. Visceral fat-also known as organ fat located
between the organs and contributes to dangerous
belly fat. It’s composed of several adipose
depots, which may contribute to insulin
resistance, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia,
hypertension and coronary artery disease. Several
studies have linked visceral fat to elevated
triglycerides levels as well. Visceral, or belly,
fat is hazardous to your health. Studies have
shown a link between a large waist and a higher
risk of death — even among people who aren’t
overweight. In fact, researchers now say your
waist size, which generally reflects the amount of
visceral fat you carry, may be a better predictor
of disease than your body mass index.
Here are a few tips to get rid of your belly and
maybe save your life:

· Walk 2 to 5 miles a day (at a fast pace
and some of the time I walk backwards)

· Take carbonated beverages out of your diet

· Eat 2 to 3 servings of green vegetables a

· Start doing internal exercises like Qi
Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga to strengthen your internal

If you are overweight it could be more dangerous
than you think, but like real estate, “It’s
location, location, location that really matters.”
If that fat, is around your midsection you are
headed for health problems sooner than you think.

Until recently, scientists thought fat cells were
simply storage units for excess calories. But
researchers now consider belly fat an active
organ. Belly fat actually hides hormones and
lipids such as triglycerides that are harmful to
the body.

It impairs the body’s ability to use insulin,
increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes and it
triggers the inflammation that can cause heart

A Fat belly may cause colon cancer. This
dangerous fat is associated with a higher risk of
rectal, pancreatic, endometrial and postmenopausal
breast cancer.
Recent studies also have linked belly fat to poor
brain health.

So how do you lose belly fat? Experts say there
is no magic formula, but it can be done, and it’s
not as difficult as you might think. When you use
the classic combination of diet and exercise,
belly fat often goes away first.

“If you do external exercises, you have
to do internal exercises, but if you do internal
exercises you don’t have to do external exercises”.

I train everyday and achieve my goals of perfect
weight and lots of energy. My secret is the
Recharging Qi Gong program.

Get it today!
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Summer Suffering Gone Forever

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

It’s just about summer in South Florida
again as the temperature and humidity hits the 90’s.
This is the time of the year when my office fills up
with patients suffering from migraines, headaches,
cramps, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and
low back pain.

The culprit is heat and humidity. Every day I
hear from people complaining about THE HEAT, they
have excess thirst, their face gets red and so do their
eyes and irritability is a nice word for what I hear.
In general, people are restless and not having fun.
If you’re a woman combine that with your once a month
cycle and all hell can break lose.

Heat is Yang or male in nature and tends to injure the
blood and Yin is the female aspect. Heat dries things out,
makes your internal organs wither and atrophied. Too much
heat in your body will appear as wrinkles on your face and
your skin will start to dry out and look old.

But all of this can be reversed or at least slowed down
naturally, some with homeopathic, herbal medicine or a
relaxing natural treatment.

Hear are a few things you can do to beat the summer heat
and cool everything down:

1.Stay well hydrated. Drink at least 6 glasses
of water a day. Skip the drinks with carbonation-
they will throw your PH off and will bring you
more age related problems

2.Increase your Vitamin C

3.Tea is better for you in the
summer than coffee, I find jasmine tea quite
cooling and calming as well.

4.Believe it or not that summer Bar-B-Q can
make you look older than you really are, it
puts too much heat in the body.

6.Summer heat combined with too much cold food
weakens the digestive organs. Coldness causes
contraction; it holds in sweat and heat, and
interferes with digestion. Avoid iced drinks
and ice cream.

In my office I treat people where the root of
the problem begins and together we can retain
our youth longer and stay healthy.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

PS Pick up a copy of turn Stress Into Power and
end your stresses now

Why I am YOUNG

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Yes it’s true,
I am in my sixties and still YOUNG and I have a face with
virtually zero wrinkles. I have 3 full time businesses and exercise daily.
Most of the women I go out with are twenty or thirty years younger than
me and they think I am in my forties’ or fifties. I know what they see and feel.

It’s the amount of energy I have– that’s why I feel young.
I train and practice daily when I move through these Eastern exercises;
in essence I take an iron to a wrinkled shirt and smooth out all of the creases
on my face and neck, strengthen my core and build my sexual energy.
My training program has a wonderful course designed to recharge the
internal organs from the inside out, including the skin, leaving you with a
healthier younger –you.

Recharging Qi Gong

After all, most people do NOT want to grow old and saggy.
They exercise to try and stay young and live longer.
Two of the
many benefits you receive when you invest in this course
are #1 more energy & #2 a better sex life.
There are many more benefits but you’ll have to get
the program to experience them.
How many bazillions of dollars has Cher and the rest of
Hollywood paid out to high priced plastic surgeons to stay young and vibrant.

It’s astronomical.
My premier course is a mere pittance in comparison.
And without ALL the underlying emotional baggage that
comes anytime you cut into the skin of your body.

And let’s say you are in your 40s or 50s and
you begin today on Dr. Wu’s course. How many years
can you take off by starting now as apposed to two years from now?
That number is up to you. Maybe you might hear from people that you
look 20 years younger than the last time they saw you.
That would be nice. Wouldn’t it? It’s possible and it happens all of
the time to people who make the intention to grow younger.
Be sure to jump at his current offer now as I am just looking out for you.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Live your life like you drive a Lamborghini!

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

In today’s International Business times
there is an article about the New Lamborghini SUV,
the impressive model, which appeared at the Beijing
trade show floor with a “Chinese Red” paint job.
They are expecting a high demand in both China and the
Middle East for these turbo-charged 600-horsepower version
of the 10-cylinder Gallardo engine and costs around $200,000.

Although the Detroit auto industry is coming back– somewhat
the big boys know that China is where the market is going to be.
When I was Studying in China you could feel the tremors of
excitement and energy growing in many aspects of business,
medicine and the over all consciousness and that was 20 years ago.

I was brought up in Detroit; we were the leading auto
manufacture in the world. Detroit was always known as
“The Motor City” all three of the major manufactures were Ford,
GM and Chrysler and that brought people from all over the USA to
work and live in the area. The big news in the auto industry was
always announced in Detroit first. We had the best manufacturing
companies, the best advertising people and the best doctors and
hospitals at that time.

But like everything else on this planet, if you aren’t keeping with
the times you will become a dinosaur before you know it.
Your practices can keep you healthy, young and sexy or you could
be drying out your internal organs, causing unnecessary joint damage
and aging yourself way before your time.

It’s not only the training and the practice; it’s what
kind of practices you’re doing.
In 2007 I was working with a group of martial artists.
They trained hard every day. Drill after drill, plus weights
and they ran 5 miles 7 days a week.
All of them were years
younger than me and in top shape on the outside.
When I did an exam on them guess what–
they were all burning themselves out!
They all had health problems, mostly in their joints and
injury after injury. There wasn’t a week that someone didn’t
hurt himself, have a cold or flu or was just pooped out.
Their discipline was good their forms were good they were just
“Yanged out with way too much heat in their organs and overly geeked up.
We worked together to build Yin, clear heat and nourish the joints and tendons.
The results were astonishing! First we cut down on injuries and started to change geeked –up into power and relaxation and within a few months their
practices improved 10 fold.

The program that I put together for them is called
the Recharging Qi Gong program.
Since that time I have had thousands of people all over the world
using this program to supplement their training.
I always remind you of the importance of practicing, but if you
are doing the wrong practice you may be aging yourself right now.
Pick up a copy and heal, strengthen and renew your body mind and spirit.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Happy New Year

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Getting ready for the water Dragon year
I started by inviting the Dragon into my home
last week. I hung up red Chinese lanterns,
bought all of the incenses, wine, and sweets and
set up the dragon fountain to honor and invite the
legendary animal in 2012. I woke up at 4:00 am to
honor the dragon energy and the new moon into my
home for good luck, health and wealth for the year.

Noodles are the traditional dish for the New Year
and I’ll cook fish for dinner. The Dragon is coated
with mysterious colors. Chinese consider that the
dragon is unpredictable, untouchable and people
cannot see its head and tail at the same time.
Therefore, we might see something unexpected
happening in 2012.
The water Dragon is an energetic year characterized
by movements and changes.

The Fung Shui experts are predicting an
increase in epidemics and health risks involving viruses.
Therefore, diet, hygiene and exercise will be very
important this year. The more responsibility you take
for your own health the better off you will be in the Dragon year.
As it’s a water dragon, pay more attention into
keeping your kidneys and bladder healthy.
There can also be stomach problems so eat healthy,
fresh and clean food. Get a good vegetable wash and
clean your fruits and veggies very well.
The water element sits on the earth element which
sounds like there will be a lot of mud stirred up.
I always urge you to practice, this year it will be the year to do so.

“Hang a metal wind chime in the South-East of
your home,”-that’s a Fung Shui protection.
We can expect more natural calamities such as
floods and earthquakes. The water element have
to do with fear on the negative side and gentleness
on the positive side, so be more gentle with yourself
and others and the year will be a lot smoother for you
and your family.
I have been spending more time working on
Yin practices like the Yin set that clears and tonifies
the internal organs. It is very gentle, calming and
works wonders on the
Lungs, Kidneys, Heart, Liver and Spleen.

You’ll find these magical exercises in the
Recharging Qi gong program.

Go to:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth ad Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Building the New You

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Did you set your New Year’s Resolutions?

I set mine a few days before
the New Year and now that we
are in 2012, several of us are
looking for a better life, with better
health, wealth and happiness in all
aspects of our lives.

Many of us have set our New Year’s
resolutions, but will you keep them?
It has been said that nearly four out of
five people will not keep their New Year’s resolutions.
More than thirty percent of all resolutions
never make it to the end of January
before being broken.

Why can’t people keep their New Year’s resolutions?
Maybe they were too drunk when they made them?
Or just have a lack of commitment?
People in general just have way too much
on their plate and although they want more,
better and easier life, change is always a changeling.

“Change is never loss-
It is change only.”
-Vernon Howard
From the Mystic Path to Cosmic Power

The number one resolution for the most
part is to make some positive changes.
It could be to lose weight, stop smoking
or give up something that has us hooked.

We are all habitual in nature
and that’s why it is so hard to
make the changes; we do the
same things day in and day out
-that’s because our human
design is robotic in nature.

It makes no difference if your habits
are good or bad– we are on automatic!
The critical key is how to change your
destructive habits to positive productive ones?

When a patient comes into my office
and needs to shift something in their life,
I start them off on small projects, easy to
do- exercises to help them build in a
foundation for more consistence. This will
establish a new habit pattern and once the
internal robot is programmed to do something
it will go on autopilot.

Even changing small things can
create big changes.
The Recharging Qi Gong Program was
designed to keep you on track with
your physical goals. The program has
build-in longevity practices to enhance
all of your internal organs and open up
the meridian flow. Those are the obvious
benefits that are built-into the program.
It is a system to keep you going and will
reestablish your regular training.

I’ve been using these techniques for
years to re-engineer many aspects of my life.
That includes overhauling my diet, regular
practice, eliminating energy sucking distractions,
and building my work routines.

Order your program today

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Sex and Longevity Magic

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

“Oh yes, wait a minute Mister Postman, Wait Mister Postman
Please Mister Postman, look and see
 (Oh yeah) 

If there’s a letter in your bag for me Please Mister Postman) 

Why’s it takin’ such a long time
 (Oh yeah)”

These are THE MARVELETTES lyrics – to a song of my childhood
‘Please Mr. Postman.’

I receive a ton of letters every day and
here is what a student wrote me yesterday.

“Dear Dr. Wu Dhi,
I was very pleased to find
this web-site. I wanted to thank you
for your time for this wonderful read!!
I am definitely enjoying every little bit
of it and I have you bookmarked to
check out new stuff you blog post”.

I really like hearing from all of you and I welcome your questions
On health, meditations and longevity practices.
This week I got a slew of letters
and emails asking for my secrets to longevity
and how to increase sexual energy. Maybe it was the full moon
that sparked the love vibe.

Gerald a 68 year old male from Las Vegas, Nevada wrote me and said:
“Dr. Wu,
I am suffering from low libido and
I just can’t seem to get it up when necessary.
So I always have a pocket of pills for those special moments.
My question is,
Do you think I can improve my
sexual health by taking these little helpers?

Dear Gerald,
The hard-on pills that are on the market are a Scam!
You heard me right -a Scam!
All they do is temporally increase the blood flow to
your love tool and if you don’t get a heart attack and
die- you are just pretending you’re a superman for a moment.

Your hard-on pill isn’t a cure and in fact can be a curse.
It certainly will not make you a
better lover. You may be able to slam it for a while
but you’re just fooling yourself.

Tere can be real magic in your bedroom if you
know how to use Qi the correct way to strengthen
your internal organs.
Let me tell you the real secret and how I learned it.

I found out that the Chinese would practice internal
Exercises to strengthen their kidneys –this is one of the secrets
To staying young, sexually strong and healthy.
You can keep your prostate healthy and your sex tool
working strong way into your seventies and maybe even to the eighties,
If you can keep the kidneys strong and healthy.

In the Recharging Qi gong program I teach the secrets
of strengthening the kidneys, keeping you strong and
sexually alive without any pills, medicine or creams.
Want to stay on top of your game for years?

Get the Recharging Qi gong program now and be all you can be.

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Keep Cool, Naturally

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

The National Weather Service
issued excessive heat warnings
for wide areas of central and
eastern United States, saying
that the combined heat and humidity
could push the “real feel” temperature
to 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 Celsius)
through Saturday.
The thermometer hit 91F (33C)
but it felt more like 112F (44C),
according to

By the weekend, the heat wave
is expected to cover half of the
United States and affect nearly
150 million people.


The low pressure system that
barreled east was expected to bring
powerful thunderstorms with hail
to northeastern states.

“Do not take this threat lightly,”
the National Weather Service

The extreme temperatures
are particularly dangerous.
When it gets that hot it’s really
important to stay hydrated, we
all know the importance of drinking
water, but there are some other
important things to know to keep
us from de-hydrating.
Drinks like alcohol,
soda,other high sugar drinks,
and even coffee will dry you out.

Pure H2O is the safest to drink
and water with electrolytes will
keep you cool and
well hydrated.

Eat fruit– this will also
help to cool your
body off, my favorites are:

Here are a few of my formulas
for cooling yourself down
when it’s this hot.

Buy an organic pineapple;
it’s really important that the
pineapple is organic. Pineapples
are so sweet and bugs love them
as much as we do, so they spray
them with poisoned chemicals,
lots and lots of sprays! When I
lived in Hawaii, you would see
them spray them all the time. My
friend Gail used to go down to the
tide pools that were below
the pineapple fields to soak every day.
Although the fields were a hundred
feet above little did she know that
all that poison was leaching down from
the pineapple field into the pools.
Before she knew it she was sick
from toxic poisons. She is still
beautiful on the outside, but her
internal organs are all suffering.

So make sure you get an Organic Pineapple.
cut off the outside skin and instead of
throwing it in the basket, wash it well
and then put it in water and boil it for
about ahalf an hour.
Then you strain it and
pour off the juice and put in the
It’s a very cooling drink for the summer,
needs no sweetener and will keep you
hydrated and cool.

Another one of my special cooling summer
formulas I learned from Dr. Fu Dhi he’s
from Harbin China. Although Harbin
is one of the coldest places in China in
the winter,the summers are hot and
humid and when I went to school,
there was no air-conditioner.

This recipe is most likely thousands of
years old.
We all like ice cold watermelon, the
sweet red meat is cooling and
refreshing and people all over the
planet eat it, drink the juice and
you may think that’s the trick.
But wait there is more to the watermelon
than you would ever think.

The rind is rich in silicon and its
outer green skin is concentrated
in chlorophyll.
Rind can be used to keep you
cool as well.
You can take the watermelon rind
which is the white part, cut it up
into about one inch squares, add a
little salt and put it in the refrigerator
to cool for an hour or so.
Once it’s chilled,
you can add it to either vegetable
or fruit salads.

Also watermelon
rind can be juiced and drunk 1 or
2 oz. of the juice 2 to 3 times a day-
it will also lower your blood pressure,
but if you have a heart condition
leave out the salt.

Stay hydrated can also keep you
When I’m doing my Qi Gong practice
this time of year,
I focus on the kidneys and the spleen.
That’s the water and earth elements.

The Recharging Qi Gong program
is the perfect program to do all summer.
It will tonify your organs and cool
down your body mind and spirit.

I wish you the Best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Why some exercises cause aging

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

I have been doing exercise all my life from running, weight
training, biking, swimming, jump roping, skiing, tennis, golf,
a little B-ball and the martial arts. Yes! I have been active.
When you meet me you’ll see for yourself I look at least 15
years younger than my actual age but the real deal why father
time has spared me from and early grave is “The Internal
When we are young we can run our body into the ground and eat
almost anything we want with no or little side effects. But as
we get older we start to age from the inside out.
Our internal organs start to age first.
Well as we get older the organs start to do a few things they
drop from gravity and lack of tone.
The organs also heat up and too much heat causes another
They atrophy.
That’s right they dry up like a prune and it will show in your
face your body and your lack of flexibility.
There is a solution and it is the Internal Exercises well known
in Asia as Qigong.
The Recharging Qi Gong is a collection
of the best of the best to keep you Healthier, Flexible,
Younger inside and out.
These exercises are fun and easy to learn.
Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness,
Dr. Wu Dhi
PS: Our first call for the Qi Gong Inner Circle was an awesome
success. I’m going to keep registration open for this
incredible program a little longer check it out at