Posts Tagged ‘Herbal Medicine’

Summer Suffering Gone Forever

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

It’s just about summer in South Florida
again as the temperature and humidity hits the 90’s.
This is the time of the year when my office fills up
with patients suffering from migraines, headaches,
cramps, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and
low back pain.

The culprit is heat and humidity. Every day I
hear from people complaining about THE HEAT, they
have excess thirst, their face gets red and so do their
eyes and irritability is a nice word for what I hear.
In general, people are restless and not having fun.
If you’re a woman combine that with your once a month
cycle and all hell can break lose.

Heat is Yang or male in nature and tends to injure the
blood and Yin is the female aspect. Heat dries things out,
makes your internal organs wither and atrophied. Too much
heat in your body will appear as wrinkles on your face and
your skin will start to dry out and look old.

But all of this can be reversed or at least slowed down
naturally, some with homeopathic, herbal medicine or a
relaxing natural treatment.

Hear are a few things you can do to beat the summer heat
and cool everything down:

1.Stay well hydrated. Drink at least 6 glasses
of water a day. Skip the drinks with carbonation-
they will throw your PH off and will bring you
more age related problems

2.Increase your Vitamin C

3.Tea is better for you in the
summer than coffee, I find jasmine tea quite
cooling and calming as well.

4.Believe it or not that summer Bar-B-Q can
make you look older than you really are, it
puts too much heat in the body.

6.Summer heat combined with too much cold food
weakens the digestive organs. Coldness causes
contraction; it holds in sweat and heat, and
interferes with digestion. Avoid iced drinks
and ice cream.

In my office I treat people where the root of
the problem begins and together we can retain
our youth longer and stay healthy.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

PS Pick up a copy of turn Stress Into Power and
end your stresses now

“The “The Qi Gong Renaissance.”.”

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

There is a trend happening in China as we speak.

People are studying and practicing
more Qi Gong than in any previous time
in Chinese history.

In the past, Qi Gong was only available to the
wealthy, monks, priests, and nobility.
But now, Qi Gong is taught in schools,
practiced in parks, temples, clinics and
hospitals to anyone who is willing to l
invest their time and energy.

When I was in Beijing a few years ago,
every morning when I went down to the park
to do my Qi Gong practice, there were hundreds
of people practicing different forms of Energy
work and today there is even more.
It was incredible to see and feel the Qi
and this type of energy brings in more energy.

In fact, when I went into the bookstores
in China,I found hundreds of books, tapes, videos,
magazines, on just about every aspect of
Qi Gong.
*The Martial art forms

*Meditation forms

* Medical Qi Gong

All kinds of healing forms of
Qi Gong. I was there searching for practices
on healing, health and the Medical Qi Gong forms.

I was amazed to find that Medical Qi Gong was practiced
in every hospital I went to. When I first went to China
17 years ago, these practices were all secret,
but today there are large Medical Qi Gong
hospitals in all major cities of China.

China is the only country in the
world where Medical Qi Gong has been
truly integrated and accepted as part of
the healthcare system.

You may be asking what is Medical Qi Gong?
Qi means life -force -energy and Gong means skill.
Qi Gong is the practice of gathering,
cultivating and applying life force energy
to heal the body,mind and spirit.

Medical Qi Gong is the oldest of the four branches
of traditional Chinese medicine and provides the
foundation in which acupuncture, herbal
medicine, and massage originated.

The Qi is the spark that activates all the other
branches and opens up the spiritual path of self
realization. It is the best way to prevent or cure a
disease, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

In my practice of Medical Qi Gong, I send
energy/Qi into my patient’s physical and
energetic body to help transform their health.

If I do this all day, without recharging myself,
I would be wasted in no time. Practicing charges
up my batteries up and I do my energetic practices
every morning, if I didn’t I would be sick myself in
no time at all.

That’s why every morning I train, practice and teach to
renew my body mind and spirit. The foundation
of the practice is built on the meditation and spiritual
work and that’s what guides me.

When I am practicing
Flying Crane Qi Gong,
I always close the set by doing the automatic move
to balance my meridians and chakras. This balances
and roots the energy in the lower
Dantian, navel and Ming area of the body and
Is the storage place for Qi.

Pick up your copy of the
Flying Crane Qi Gong today at
and lets get started now.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi