Archive for the ‘Diet’ Category

The Flu Shot Myth

Monday, October 28th, 2013

The flu vaccines that are being sold at every drug
store, Wal-Mart’s and even the grocery stores are
supposed to protect you from getting sick may
actually get you sicker if you take it. It’s just
a flip of the coin. With or without the shot your
chances are 50/50. The effectiveness of the flu
shot was found to work in just 56% across all age
groups reviewed—in essence; the flu vaccine is a
coin toss.

I read that if 100 people get the vaccine only one
will be able to avoid the flu. The odds are
horrible. Most deaths attributed to the flu are
actually due to bacterial pneumonia, and bacterial
pneumonia can be effectively treated with advanced
medical care and therapies like respirators and
antibiotics. The vaccine is just about 50%
mercury, which is very toxic. Now I know the
companies are in business to make money. It
doesn’t seem like they are in business to keep you
healthy. The focus is still killing the
virus—that never has worked, that never will

The whole concept is out of whack. images I see patients in my office daily for
immune boosting treatments, non-toxic homeopathic
injections, clearing their lymphatic system and
supporting a healthy immune function. Treatments
like this usually cost hundreds of dollars if you
can even find a qualified doctor who knows how to
keep you well.

Dr. Wu’s Seasonal Immune Building program includes
an acupuncture treatment, oral sprays, homeopathic
injections every month through the whole season
and it is only $149.95

Call my office today and schedule an appointment.
If you can’t come to Florida, I can send you the
oral lymphatic spray to clean the lymph system and
detox the body as well as the immunex oral spray
to support the immune system for only $59.95

ORDER NOW and stay healthy all season.
Call: 305-407-0120

Office address:
Whole Life Health and Wellness
18205 Biscayne Blvd suite 2214
Aventura, FL 33160

Is your Cholesterol too high?

Monday, September 16th, 2013

The more you read and study what’s going on in the
American medical system and who they are in bed
with, (the drug companies) you begin to wonder…
“What happens if I get sick? Who can I trust?”
I was speaking to Linda last week and she told me
a story that I could hardly believe. She went to
see her doctor for her annual check up. A few days
later her doctor’s office called and wanted her to
make another appointment to go over her blood
work. When she got to the office she was told that
her LDL cholesterol was over 200 and she had to go
on drugs immediately.

Linda has been healthy most of her life; she eats
a good diet and exercises every day and really
didn’t want to go on medicine that has been proven
to cause liver damage and many other side effects.
She told her doctor thank you but I am not going
to take the medicine.

A few months later she got a cancellation notice
from her health insurance company claiming that
she was at high risk and they could no longer
cover her.

Linda said, I have been with this company since I
was living with my parents and that’s been years
and years ago. So she called to find out what
happened, it seemed that the insurance company got
a notice that she refused to take the drugs
prescribed by her medical doctor and stated she
was at risk for heart disease.

They strongly suggested to her that if she
refused to follow her doctor’s advice and take her
medicine they would be forced to drop her.
For decades, there has been a concern about the
relationship between LDL cholesterol and heart
disease and how it has affected everything from
the food we eat to the drugs we take to the test
results we get back and the worries we have about
our health.

1. Cholesterol forms part of cellular membranes
and is involved in allowing or preventing critical
nutrients from entering the cell and this in turn
affects cellular function.
2. The brain and central nervous system are mostly
made of cholesterol.
3. The sex hormones: progesterone, estrogen and
testosterone are all derived from and structurally
related to cholesterol.
4. The sex hormones and the adrenal glands are
derived from cholesterol.
5. Cholesterol is also a p recursor for Vitamin D

The LDL (bad cholesterol) preachers have many of
us swallowing the most-prescribed class of drugs
in recent history.

Americans spend more than $14 billion on
cholesterol-lowering medications a year and it’s
growing each year. In fact Cholesterol control has
become the main focus of health care in the United
States. No mater if it’s necessary or not, if your
blood work is out of range you are going to be
prescribed a cholesterol-lowering drug… Bottom
line it’s making a lot of money for the drug

Of course some cholesterol are relatively safe and
some are dangerous. If you treat them all the
same, you aren’t going to get the true story but
many people are going to get medicated need it or

There are many natural ways you can try to handle
your cholesterol without taking drugs:

1.Drink a cup or two of green tea daily
2.Use a dry brush on your body daily
3.Jump on a small trampoline for 5 minutes a
4.Try Red Rice yeast and niacin
5.Quit smoking
6.Take Herbs
7.Lower your intake of meat, butter, cream milk
and cheese to lower saturated fats in your diet.
8.Take Omega 3 fatty acids
9.Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables to add
more soluble fiber to your diet.
10.Reduce Sugar
11.Lose Weight
12.Drink vegetable juices

Take responsibility for your own health and
without a doubt you will get healthier. But you
must work at it! Exercise daily, eat more
vegetables, and drink clean water.
I coach many people on internal exercise, diet,
meditation and sexual practices on a one on one to
regain their youth. Sign up and see if you

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you can’t travel to Florida for the coaching
program we can still work together. Check out the
Qi Gong Inner Circle and receive a teaching on a
DVD every month:

How to Stay Thin

Friday, July 26th, 2013

How to Stay Thin
The cheapest sweetener you can buy is High
Fructose Corn Syrup. Corn sweeteners are both
cheaper and sweeter and that’s why it is in just
about everything you buy.
I was in Michigan a few months ago and went to the
store to pick something up. My granddaughter and
her girl friend wanted to go with. When we got
there she asked. Can we get something? I told her
you can get what ever they want, as long as it
doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup. They
looked around the entire store reading labels and
they both came back to me and said everything has

I did some research my self and found out that
most corn in the USA is Genetically Modified and
that’s an entirely different problem that I will
address later.

I found an article by Dr. Mercola very
“A 2009 study from University of California, Davis
takes its place in a growing lineup of scientific
studies demonstrating that consuming high-fructose
corn syrup is the fastest way to trash your
health. It is now known without a doubt that sugar
in your food, in all its myriad of forms, is
taking a devastating toll. Fructose in any form —
including high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and
crystalline fructose — is the worst of the worst!
Fructose, a cheap sweetener usually derived from
corn, is used in thousands of food products and
soft drinks. Excessive fructose consumption can
cause metabolic damage and triggers the early
stages of diabetes and heart disease.
Some of the side effects are
Insulin resistance and obesity

• Elevated triglycerides and elevated LDL

• Depletion of vitamins and minerals

• Cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer,
arthritis, and gout

• High Blood Pressure

It isn’t that fructose itself is bad — it is the
MASSIVE DOSES you’re exposed to that make it
dangerous. There are two reasons fructose is so

1. Your body metabolizes fructose in a much
different way from glucose. The entire burden of
metabolizing fructose falls on your liver.
2. People are consuming fructose in enormous
quantities, which has made the negative effects
much more profound.

The FDA classifies fructose as GRAS: Generally
Regarded As Safe. Which pretty much means nothing
and is based on nothing. There is plenty of data
showing that fructose is not safe — but the
effects on the nation’s health have not been
immediate. That is why we are just now realizing
the effects of the last three decades of
nutritional misinformation.

If you really want to lose weight and keep it off
it’s easy if you are willing to make a life style
change. But if you are not about to change your
eating habits you may just be on the yoyo program
where you loose a few pounds and gain them right
back. I sure you know that one.
I have found that there are a few things that
really work well.

a. Read all the labels before you buy it. If you
see high fructose corn syrup don’t buy it.
b. If it’s pastoralized take it out of your
diet. Dairy products will make you fat.
c. Most of the wheat in the USA and Canada is
GMO. Forget it! They are not going to keep you
slim or healthy. Not only will you keep stacking
on pounds your health maybe in danger.
d. Start detoxing your body on a regular basic.
I do a detox every 3 months for a week or two.
Summer, fall, winter and spring are the best
times. If you haven’t ever detoxed , most likely
you are toxic from the air you breath, the water
you drink and the foods you are eating. I found
the core Restore Program to be one of the best and
easy to do.

e. Begin an exercise program and do it 4 times
a week for 90 days. I have found that the internal
exercises work wonders on balancing the mind and
the body. Yoga, Tai chi and Qi Gong keep you
strong and flexible in body, mind and spirit.
Start off with the Flying Crane Qi Gong it’s easy
to learn and will open up the hand centers in
weeks, and you will feel the Qi

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


How to increase your Qi to go deeper in your meditations

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Detox It was a great weekend!
I am on the “Core Restore liver cleanses”, a 7-day
program to clean out toxins out of my body.

Although the first two days were a little rough
and I needed to get a lot more sleep, I feel good
and now my energy level is way up! My head is
clear, I dropped more than 5 pounds and my
meditations are much deeper.

Every morning long before the sun comes
I walk down to the ocean and begin my
Qi Gong practices.
It’s usually still dark and very quite
it’s the best time to train and your meditations
will be much stronger.
My focus this week has been slow moving Yin
exercises, like the Yin Set
and the Flying Crane QiGong.

When you are around large bodies of water you can relax deeper
and it’s much easier to open up your spiritual centers
The water element is very grounding. You just need to take
time to embrace the energy.
Our internal Qi should flow downward like water.
When you are around water let your energy sink
down. This will keep your body relaxed, your mind
calm and keep you rooted.

I am sure that we all want to go deeper in our
meditations and generate more Qi. Try the 7 day
detox program. It will enhance your body, mind and

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


On July 3rd I will announce some great news!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Why you should avoid Cottonseed oil

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013


There is a seemingly harmless substance that you
may be eating every day of your life. It is found
in a variety of processed foods. It is so cheap
and in fact it costs producers next to nothing to
manufacture. Why? Because cottonseed oil is
nothing more than a product of industrial waste
produced during cottonseed processing. Because it
is not considered a food product they can poison
it with sprays, weed killers and there is no
restrictions to how much.

Cottonseed oil is also genetically modified which
is grown from GMO seeds as well. It’s in processed
foods you are eating such as cookies, crackers,
salad dressings, desserts, and other foods, but
also in cotton swabs, clothing, personal care
products, and more.

In the early 1900 one of the world’s most
well-known products was born, “Crisco”,
Manufactured by Procter & Gamble, a company owned
by William Procter – a candle-maker, and his
brother-in-law James Gamble, a soap-maker.

Here is the story: A hundred years ago or so the
meat packing monopoly began regulating the pricing
of lard and tallow, which had formerly been the
primary ingredient used in the manufacturing of
candles and soap. Another factor affecting candle
sales was the growing use of electricity. Both
events were responsible for a decline in candle
and soap making and the market for these products
experienced a downturn.

P & G sought other ways to make some bucks by
1905; the company had ownership of eight
cottonseed mills in Mississippi. That’s when: Fat
in a can, Crisco was first introduced into the
market place.

What happened as results of this new cheaper

We had an increase in heart disease, infertility,
learning disorders, and a huge rise in cancer. You
are probably eating cottonseed oil and don’t even
know it. Check it out. Start reading every label
before you consume that next candy bar, or eat
your next cookie — you’ll be surprised. You can
just blow it off, but you are slowly poisoning
yourself and sooner or later you will feel the

Here are some products you will find that contain
cottonseed oil:

• Peanut butter

• Boxed cereals

• Crackers

• Cookies

• Packaged breads

• Salad oils

• Mayonnaise

• Dressings

• Marinades

• Margarine

• Other fake fats like shortening and artificial
“butter” products

On an annual basis, the U.S. uses over one billion
pounds of this toxic cheap cottonseed oil.

What are the other health hazards of cottonseed

Cottonseed oil is also absolutely loaded with
pesticides and other harmful chemicals, as used by
the cottonseed industry to ensure the mass
production of crops to keep up with demand. Also,
the cottonseed plant composition is high in Omega
6 content – one of the reasons people in the
developed world have such high numbers in obesity,
heart disease, and other degenerative diseases
like cancer. So why then, are these products so
ubiquitously found on the food markets? After
reviewing the history of the development of these
types of products, the answer should be clear –
it’s all hinged upon moneymaking and the success
of corporations seeking to use cheap, industrial
by-products as a means for generating profit.

What are better alternatives to cottonseed and
other industrial oils?

For cooking or frying:

• Coconut oil (use refined for high heat cooking
or frying)

• Palm oil

• Butter

• Ghee

Let me tell you why I am all over the cotton seed.
A few months ago I endorsed a product “So
Delicious” ice-cream. It taste great and as I was
eating this delicious treat I read the label and
sure enough it had toxic cotton seed oil in it.
Bummer. These days you have to read everything and
if you don’t know what it is check it out or don’t
eat it. If enough of us do that they will stop
selling junk food that destroys health.

“The food industry does not care about your health
and the health industry for the most part doesn’t
care about your food.”

When I teach someone an exercise, a meditation or
suggest a vitamin, mineral or food, I check it
out, use it myself and know what’s in it and how
it will affect your body/mind and spirit.

Join me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner

and learn the latest and the best meditations,
internal exercises and what will keep you healthy,
young and happy.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Today there will be a meditation class at 7:00 pm
in my office.

The address is 18205 Biscayne Blvd #2214
Aventura, Fl 33160

You don’t want to miss this one!
Call Anastasia at 305-407-0120 to
let us know you are coming as space is
limited. See you there!

Dr. Wu Dhi

It’s against our nature to eat less

Friday, May 24th, 2013

This morning Shelly wrote me a long heart felt
letter about why she can’t shed any weight. She
said, “I tried everything and I am still fat,
please help!”

Shelly, we all instinctively eat more than we need
to. This instinct was passed down from our
ancestors. If there was food everyone would feast
and in lean times we would fast. Food is the key
to survival. You have to look at food as fuel. It
may be part of our DNA to eat whenever we can and
I am sure in ancient times we never knew when we
were going to get our next meal. Now a day we
still tend to eat excessively, maybe it’s due to
our modern lifestyles, stress or just plain
nervousness and anxiety. Social eating and
snacking is one of the biggest causes of being
over weight.

Excessive compulsive eating is just a nervous
habit like biting your nails or popping your
knuckles all day long.

We will do just about anything to lose weight.
Most of those Fad diets tell you to eat an
unnatural and unhealthy diet; like the cookie
diet, the protein diet and there is even an ice
cream diet.

What’s funny is they all work for a short time
because of the low caloric intake, but there is
absolutely no way you can keep those pounds from

Before you know it your body and mind will rebel
and take revenge on you and your waistline if you
eat those FAD diets. To keep the weight off we
need proper nutrients and the right exercise.

Those 500-calorie diet practices can cause
malnutrition, organ damage, slow metabolic rate
and imbalances within the body, mind and even your

You can decrease the amount of food that you eat
and increase the amount of energy using the
ancient method of acupuncture.

The Chinese for the most part don’t have an
obesity problem. At least they didn’t before
Mickey Dee’s and the Colonel showed up.

Acupuncture promotes better digestion, smooth
emotions, reduces appetite, improves metabolism
and eliminates food cravings.

The root of excess weight is an imbalance of the
spleen and liver.

The Acupuncture Weight loss system addresses the
root cause of excess weight; the imbalance caused
by malfunctioning of the spleen and liver.

Our Spleen is responsible for the proper
functioning of the digestive system, ensuring that
the food we eat is transformed into Energy. When
there is dis-ease of the spleen you will have
symptoms like fatigue, slow metabolism, water
retention, loose stool and a feeling of heaviness.

2. When the Liver is out of balance, the emotion
of anger will be heightened and with our
fast-paced lifestyles and excess stress, it will
negatively impact the liver’s ability to function
properly and smoothly, which, in turn, can cause
the spleen and the whole digestive system to
function poorly and decrease your metabolism.

If you have been struggling with your weight and
you live in South Florida, come into my office and
we will put together a program that will work for
you. Call and make an appointment today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you can’t come in to see me, call 305-407-0120 and we can
put together a program that you can do in your own home for
the maximum healthy weight loss .

Get ready for some Big changes on our Planet

Friday, April 19th, 2013

imagesIt seems like the world is getting stranger and
stranger; the Boston bombing, the explosion in
Texas and the 7.8 earthquakes in Iran all in a

I hate being the messenger of doom and gloom,
that’s not what I am about because I know that in
reality we are very fortunate to be born at this
time and grow from all these lessons.

We are constantly being bombarded with calamity
and disaster and it seems like it will continue
until we make a shift in the global consciousness.

Doesn’t it seem like everyone is just going
bonkers or could it just be a shift to planet
Earth as a whole? Appropriately enough in the year
of the snake we are molting our old skin of the
past and feeling growing pains into our new
planetary conscious, (Grow pains). The lesson at
hand is to nurturer each other and ourselves.

Stay on the path, practice daily, eat clean
healthy food, drink clean water , take vitamins,
exercise and meditate. These are no longer an
option, they are mandatory to stay healthy in
body, mind and spirit. One thing that I am certain
of is if you and I don’t start connecting to
others and yourself on a conscious level, you are
going to feel the intense insanity and pressures.

There is good news, if you have been on a path of
goodness; it is going to become easier as we are
propelled into the new age. All the work you have
been doing will pay off. You will be Healthier,
Happier and Wealthier.

I met with Carola last week and I couldn’t help
noticing how she looked really good and really
optimistic about life.

She told me she was keeping up with everything:
diet, supplements, exercise, and meditation. She
said, ” I am doing everything I can do to make my
life better daily. Even though there are some
obstacles in the way, now and then. I keep a
positive and enthusiastic attitude. I am changing
my Stops into Steps.

She continued, “I’m definitely at the healthiest
I’ve ever been physically, mentally, emotionally
and spiritually and I feel better than ever.”

Our conversation was elevating and inspiring for
both of us to keep on keeping on, we inspired each
other to keep getting better and better.

Every day I meet with people from all over the
world at my office on the phone, Skype and Email
to support them in their practice, their health
and their meditations.

The ones who work on themselves daily are reaping
the rewards in all aspects of their lives.

Are you ready to get it on?

Join me in a private coaching session

If you can’t come to Miami right now, pick up my
three best selling programs

Recharging Qi Gong

Flying Crane Qi Gong

Turn Stress into Power

and I’ll go through them in a one on one Skype
call with you for an hour to go over all the fine

Dr. Wu Dhi

Your Body needs a Spring Cleaning

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

I am expecting Dr. Cuenca from Santa Cruz
California to be in my office on April 4th for a
few days to test patients and determine where the
blockages are held in the body. I have had this
test numerous times over the years and it gives
you a picture of your health long before any
symptoms show up.

By the time you are getting symptoms the dis-ease
is well rooted in your body and much harder to
The beauty of images-1is
that you can find hidden blockages and treat it
6 months to a year before anything shows up.

CRT is a test is used in most clinics in Europe and is then
treated naturally with homeopathic, herbs, neural therapy and diet
to keep healthy and dis-ease free.

Dr. Cuenca forwarded this spring cleaning for me
to share with you.

Are you suddenly having the urge to organize the
closets, start a new project, or begin a cleanse?
If so, you are in alignment with the energy of
Spring. It’s the time for spring cleaning out
your closets and detox your liver, too!
During this time of year, the body naturally
begins cleansing itself from excess oils, fats,
salt, carbohydrates, and animal proteins by
releasing a flu or cold. Some may suffer
mysterious bodily aches and pains, and don’t
understand why. This is the liver’s way of
releasing toxins and cleaning house.

We can aid our liver through this natural
cleansing process by eating lightly prepared
meals, less food overall, eliminating animal
products for a specific period of time, and/or
fasting from food entirely.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the spring
correlates with the Liver and Gallbladder
meridians. Fasting can help relieve the pent-up
stagnation of winter (physically, emotionally and
spiritually). Spring-cleaning the body is
essential for physical and spiritual healing.
Every spring, begin to eat lighter foods (salads,
sprouts, spring soups, fish) and reduce heavy
animal proteins and fats for a few weeks. You
could follow that up with three days of The Master
Cleanser (lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne
pepper, water).

While doing the Master Cleanser, abstain from food
entirely and only drink the liquid for a short
period of time (three days). I feel that the body
and soul are pretty clear and 72 hours works
perfectly for most body systems.

Here is a partial list of what you can do to start
your “Spring Cleaning”:

Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Add ¼ tsp.
vitamin C crystals to each glass of water (it’s a
natural heavy metal toxin chelator).
Have a dark leafy vegetable salad every day
One cup of miso soup with sea vegetables the night
before you begin the cleanse
Make a liver tonic: 4 oz hawthorn berries, 2 oz
red sage (salvia), and 1 oz of cardamom seeds.
Steep 24 hours in 2 qts. Water. Add honey. Take 2
cups daily.

For the next 3 days…

On rising: take 1 lemon squeezed in water; or 2
tbsp. cider vinegar in water with 1 tsp. honey.
Breakfast: carrot-beet-cucumber juice. Add 1 tsp.
spirulina to any drink.

Mid-morning: take a green veggie drink; or an
organic green super food powder in water or
vegetable juice.

Lunch: have a glass of fresh carrot juice, or
organic apple juice, or a cup of liver tonic.

Mid-afternoon: mint or green tea.

Dinner: have another carrot juice or a mixed
vegetable juice, or hot vegetable broth

Before bed: a pineapple/papaya juice with 1 tsp.
Royal Jelly

The best detox foods for spring:
▪ Asparagus
▪ Dandelion
▪ Dark greens tender leaves
▪ Scallions
▪ Strawberries
▪ Cabbage
▪ Broccoli
▪ Leeks

Avoid “bad” fats:
Avoid trans fats and saturate fats and choose
cold pressed vegetable oils such as olive,
hempseed or flaxseed oils.

Eat what’s in season: Seasonal cooking is one of
the best way to eat fruits and vegetables at their
peak freshness, making them more delicious and
nutritious than ever.

Eat more raw food:
Raw food brings you vitamins, minerals and
precious enzymes that could otherwise be
destroyed by cooking. Eating more raw fruits and
vegetables is also a great way to detox

Go vegan:
Heavy food such as meat can be difficult to

It also creates more metabolic waste that
your body has to detox afterward. Give your body
a break by introducing more vegan and
vegetarian meals in your diet.

Drink water:
Water is the ultimate detox food. It’s probably
one of the easiest and cheapest things to do to
kick-start a healthy detox diet; drink more water.

Lemon water:
Start out the day with a half glass of warm lemon
or lime water without any sweetener. The warm
lemon/lime water stimulates a sluggish liver and
alkalizes your tissues.

Tender greens:
Spring brings bright green new shoots. It’s the
ideal time to introduce you to new delicious and
alkalizing greens. Dark leafy greens have a
milder flavor when they are young. Add baby
spinach and other young field greens for a
mineral-rich liver cleansing diet.

Milk thistle and dandelion root:
These two natural herbs are commonly used to
protect and cleanse the liver. Milk thistle is the
protector, and dandelion root is the cleanser.

Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is great for liver health. Studies have
shown large quantities of vitamin C flush out
fats and repair liver damage.

B complex:
All the B’s are helpful, especially B12, which
has been used to help hepatitis patients.

Avoid or minimize alcohol and all over the
counter and prescribed pain suppressant drugs
containing acetaminophen, a known liver toxin.

This toxic world stresses our livers. Restoring a
tired liver and maintaining its healthy cleansing
functions are vital for overall health.

If you would like to begin your journey into a
younger you contact my office and schedule an
appointment for the testing and treatments.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

If you haven’t been tested yet, call me today 305-407-0120 and
discover your anti-aging program today.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Opening the Flow

Monday, January 14th, 2013

I received this letter over the weekend and I
wanted to share it with you.

“Dear doctor
I want to thank you so much! For years I’ve been
having problems with my weight,gas,stomach aches and
constipation. As you can imagine this has not only
been uncomfortable but also embarrassing for my entire
adult life! Thanks to you and the product
Oxyhydrate, I have never been so happy and so
regular in my entire life!
Thank you,
Mrs. Jennifer Sydney”

Dear Jennifer,
Thank you for writing me and telling me about
your success! your not the only one who has written me
with such good results.


Dr. WuDhi
Yes Oxyhydrate has worked like a charm. Not only are people
becoming regular they are also losing weight,
have less bloating more energy and their
general health is getting better!
I have patients who think it’s normal to only have a
BM only two to three times a week, and THAT IS NOT NORMAL!!

You should be having a BM everyday, come rain or
If you look at food as fuel, and you’re
putting the proper fuel in you system – after the
fuel is used the exhaust has to come out! If it
was your car you would be at the mechanics the next
Oxyhydrate is not a laxative.
Oxyhydrate is a combination of carefully developed
minerals and vitamins that puts more moisture and oxygen in
your system, and has regulated thousands of people
with no adverse side effects at all.

Our office is one of the only distributors of
Oxyhydrate in the U.S.A today, and you can order
by clicking here,

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

The door has just swung tight to the hinges

Friday, November 9th, 2012

Remember when you were a kid and you visited that
family member’s home where you could go
everywhere… except for ONE room?
You know… the room where the door
was always shut every time you were there?

It drove you nuts, didn’t it? Because you just
knew there was something REALLY cool behind that
door… but there was no way to get inside to find
out – at least not without suffering some serious
(and potentially unpleasant) consequences.

Well, another door has just swung tight to the
hinges – the door is on November’s Private
coaching Program.

Every spot is full up for November. These lucky
people that opted-in for the year of coaching will
receive every single one of my programs as well as
the training that goes with it. As for me, I am
taking a few days off to see my Mom and kids in
Michigan for Thanksgiving and we are in December
and in a blink of an eye it will be 2013.
Every time the weather starts to get cold up
north people flock to Florida– “Snowbirds”
The term snowbird is used to describe people from
the USA and Canada who spend a large portion of
winter in along the Sun Belt region of the
southern USA and I don’t blame them. Cold winters,
bad driving conditions and a black and white world
for months is a drag mentally and physically.
In the past, snowbirds were frequently wealthy
people with independent incomes and shifted
residence with the season but now you can hop on a
plane and get out of winter in a few hours. I have
two weekends open in December and all of this can
be written off your taxes as a business expense if
you pay before December 31.

If you’re one of the November people –

Oops I forgot the most important thing -we will be
going over their blood work and working on all
aspects of health from an energetic and physical
prospective. You won’t want to miss out on this.

To reserve your seat for this incredible session,
click the link below and I’ll send you all the

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi