Archive for the ‘Wealth is Health’ Category

How to use the Magic of the New Moon

Friday, September 14th, 2012

We are about to have another New Moon on September
15, 2012 at 10:11 pm. The new Moon is in Virgo and
it’s a great time to look at your daily routine
and see what needs alteration, changing or just a
tweaking. Take the time to slow down, and eat
more nourishing food. Virgo is about your health
and now is an ideal time to start a health
program. Virgo supports a deep cleanse of all the
toxins in your system, both body and mind.

Here are some ideas for the new Moon:

• Get a facial
• Clear your house of toxic products,
• Eat for health, even if it’s only a few days
• Take a sauna
• Drop a habit that you know isn’t good for you
• Start a detox program

You get the picture.
There are times to be listening to your body and
this is one of them. If something doesn’t feel
right, don’t do it. Virgo is a physically
sensitive sign that goes wild without release and
balancing. If you have any aches or pains, listen
to it. It’s usually a message that something
isn’t right and has to be attended to not
something to ignore. Get to the bottom of what
ails you now before it’s too late and correct it.

The Planet Mercury rules Virgo, which means not
only health issues will be on your plate but
communications and travel will be knocking at your
door as well. You should really be in the mood to
get things going and your ability to connect with
others can be really successful at this time.
Filter out what is not important and get things in
order and well organized. Virgo will help us fix
what we haven’t been able to fix until now.

This is the perfect time to start a health program:
detox, exercise, and unwind from useless
accumulated tensions. Start today and keep it
going until the next new moon, which is on October

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. If you are feeling stuck and just can’t get
started pick up a copy of the Magic Square
and I’ll show you a step-by-step instuctions on
how to get your life in order. The program
Carrier, Relationships, Family, Money, Spirit,
Travel, Projects, Health, Knowledge
and your Ultimate Success.

Dr. Wu Dhi

The 9 Poisons that Can Shorten your Life

Monday, August 27th, 2012

I always told my students It’s Not Bad Dying
but getting sick is the pits. To keep yourself
healthy there are some things that you really want
to avoid.

1. Stress– it can kill you
Stress will take its toil on you and may actually
shorten your life if you don’t know how to use it.

2. Smoking
Tobacco use remains the most preventable cause of
death. Smoking can rob you of 10 years of life
and if you get cancer or lung disease you will
find out what I meant by the pits.
But your body can bounce back sooner than you
would imagine. In fact blood pressure and
circulation improves the quickest after quitting,
and your can significantly reduce the risk of

3. Stop eating processed foods
When I was a child my grandmother seemed to always
be in the kitchen and so was my mother. They
canned fresh fruit, made jelly, put up tomatoes,
pickles, peppers and relishes. Over the last 30 or
40 years there has been a shift to consuming more
processed foods by large multinational
corporations along with processing comes an
increase in added sodium, more saturated fat, more
sugar, and less fiber. The result? More,
cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.

4. Sitting on your butt
Exercise, Exercise and more exercise. The more you
use your car the quicker it will ware out, but the
body is different. “Use it or loose it!” when we
exercise just 30 minutes a day five or more times
per week, you can extend your life by years.
Studies show that just 15 minutes a day can
increase your life span by another three years. So
get on your bike, roller blades, go to the gym,
take a walk and do something physical daily.

5. Anger
Anger can cost you years off your life. Levels of
stress hormone go up when you’re stressed or
angry, and cause havoc on your heart, metabolism,
and immune system. High cortisol has been
associated with greater mortality in a number of

6. Being a Hermit
Meet, Greet, visit friends and go out to eat!
Being social is a great longevity booster, it
boost your immune system, keeps you strong, while
being a hermit can be boring and put you in a
negative frame of mind and at risk of depression
and even heart attacks.

7. Letting Fear scare you to death
Fear can make your entire body contract causing
kidney problems, heart trouble and more. Chinese
medicine tells us that the opposite of fear is
gentleness. Exercises like yoga Tai chi and Qi
Gong can change your headspace bring more
gentleness into your life and keep you alive

8. Not sleeping
A good nights sleep can be worth Big bucks.
Getting a good night sleep can affect your
lifespan, not getting sufficient sleep or
disturbed sleep can effect your heart, cause
stress, depression, and heart disease.
Relaxing music and Meditation exercises can set
the stage for a good night’s sleep.

9. Good genes doesn’t always equal a long life

Work on health, avoid the 9 poisons

Having parents and grandparents who live into
their nineties and beyond is a blessing but it’s
only a third of the longevity secret.
Environmental and lifestyle, your diet and
exercise plus whether you’re exposed to toxins or
not and how much stress you experience play a big
roll in your longevity or lack of it. Also
relationships also play a huge role in how fast
you age and how long you might live.

Staying healthy is as changeling as you get older
and if you are still doing any of the 9 no, no ,
it’s time to wake up and start working on self
cultivation! You can change your health picture
around in no time at all and enjoy a quality life.
I have spent much of my life helping people turn
their health around for the better.

It’s a blessing to be healthy but you must work at

Health is a privilege!

If you are ready for a great life contact me and
I’ll give you a free consultation to make your
life better.

305-407-0120 Office

Private Coaching

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Knowing when to Act in an Emergency

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

Marissa is like a daughter to me. I’ve known her
since she was seven years old and we always adored
each. She is all grown up now and has kids, a
husband and all the trappings that go along with

She had some free time today. Her son was in camp,
husband went to work and she decided to take some
relaxing time and go to the mall.
Looking and shopping is fun when you aren’t
pressured for time or in a rush to buy a last
minute this or that.

It’s not my favorite activity but I suppose for
her it’s like hunting or maybe a walk in the woods
or the mountains.On her casual stroll she stopped for a delicious
little treat and that’s when all hell broke loose.
Marissa like millions of people is highly allergic
to Nuts!

The body’s immune system normally fights
infection, but when someone is allergic to tree
nuts or a peanut, the immune system overreacts to
proteins in these foods. Every time the person
eats a peanut or tree nut, the body thinks the
proteins are harmful invaders. The immune system
responds by kicking into high gear to fend off the
“invader.” This causes an allergic reaction, in
which chemicals like histamine are released in the

The release of these chemicals can cause
someone to have the following problems:
• Wheezing
• Trouble breathing
• Chocking
• Hoarseness
• Throat tightness

Nut allergies can cause a severe reaction leading
someone to have trouble breathing, and If it is
not treated, can be life threatening.

She knew she was having a reaction and went to the
drug store to get some Benadryl and lucky the
pharmacist saw what was happening and gave her a
Epinephrine injection for allergies’ and called

The ambulance was there in no time! They gave her
an IV and took her off to the hospital for
treatment. Thank God she is Ok! A little
drugged-up but safe and healthy.

The pharmacist was right on his game and knew
exactly what to do and did it; he may have saved
her life.

This is important in all aspects of life, knowing
when to act and doing it without any hesitation. I
am sure he saw this kind of thing before and was
trained to do what was needed.

When we are challenged with a situation that we
need to act upon, some people freeze up while
others take action.


It’s because of their training.

“If you fail to train, you are training to fail”

That’s why I train every day in Internal exercises
(Qi Gong), meditation and in my health and
wellness practice. When everything is going well
with blue skies above, nice breeze and there is no
stress in my life I am feeling great, there is no

But when you’re off your game and out of balance–
look out! You are bound to get a headache, a cold,
sore back, stiff neck, insomnia or worse. Stress
can do this to you in a New York second and that’s
fast. That’s why I train every day to Turn my
Stress into Power.


If you are like me you put a lot of importance on
your health and really can’t afford to be off your
game. That why I wrote the book “Turn Stress Into
Power” and then went back into the studio and made
a DVD of all the exercises so everyone would be
able to follow the easy to learn information. You
can simply order the program by clicking on the
order now and I’ll send it out today!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Want a nut? No thanks; hold on to your nuts!

The story of the two monks

Monday, July 16th, 2012

A long time ago, two devoted monks found themselves bound
together, travelling by foot across a vast land.

After travelling for many days without a break for many
miles, they came across a barely clothed woman sitting by the
side of the river, crying.

The woman turned to them and explained how she must get
back across the river to her children, but because she is too
weak and poor, with barely any clothes… she doesn’t think
she can safely overcome the river with it’s strong currents.

She asks if the monks can please help her across, letting them
know how grateful she would be.

The two monks pause and look at one another, and immediately,
the older monk picks up the woman and safely carries her across
the river.

When the older monk returns to his partner, some time later… the
younger monk is staring at him, horrified.

One of the many oaths these monks had taken, was to never
EVER touch a woman.

And the younger monk simply doesn’t understand how the older
monk could, in good conscience, violate this really important

Being too intimated to ask the older monk, the younger monk
says nothing, and the two of them continue on for the remainder of
their journey.

An hour passes… then a second… and then another.

And all during this time, there is tension building inside the
younger monk. He simply can NOT understand how the older monk
had the audacity to pick up that almost naked woman and carry her
across the river.

Finally, after hours and hours, the young monk can no longer
contain himself and he cries out, “How could you have picked
up that woman back there on the side of the river?”

The old monk smiles and replies, “Oh, are you still carrying her
around? I put her down four hours ago.”

We all carry around far too much stuff from our past,
for longer than we deserve to. Our backs are weighted down
with a sack FILLED with mistakes, guilty feelings, hurts,
failures, regrets over things you didn’t do or paths you didn’t
walk down, and fears about the future. And the sad thing is,
we carry these things around voluntarily.

My friend Wally told me the story that you just read, and he
asked me to share it with you, because in life it’s easy to get
caught up in the past…when you really should be moving
onto the future. When you’re focused on today your
energy is free to create your next move.

Wally used to be in a job that he hated, full of tension and
was just generally stressed out. He found a way to free his
energy and get beyond all the tension and has created a
really powerful video for you to see here:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth, and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. ANYONE can put down that sack filled with yesterday’s
regrets and start a new life, starting now:

Dr. Wu Dhi

Spring News

Monday, March 19th, 2012

I am really excited about what is
going to happen in the first week of April!
Mercury goes direct April 2nd. This is the
time when everything will get rolling again and
I have been working hard to put things in order
so that when Mercury goes direct I will be able to
send you some new products for half the price with
an instant delivery time. I have been working on this
with my web master for the last few months and we are
just about to be done. Look for them in April!

I produced 3 very exciting products, one I learned
from a Polynesian Shaman. The other one is a
program for people with a common condition that
disturbs their sleep and mind. The third one I am
really excited about! – A healing technique that I
learned from a Taoist master and it’s part of the medical
Qi Gong system that I use every day as prescriptive exercises
for my patients. The most exciting thing about these
programs that I have never shared like this before is that
they are going to be available as instant downloads.
You order it and BOOM! Withinin 5 minutes you
will be doing the exercise.

I will be writing you more about these programs and
special reports, what they do, how they can help you
and this way we can all save time, energy and money.
It all has to do with health, wealth and happiness.


A few weeks ago, one of my students
invited me to be on his radio show.
Zebulon Thomas is a great guy that started out with
an attitude that really wasn’t about gratitude and then
something happened. He made a big shift in his life and
now he has a book, does workshops, and travels all over.
I wanted to share this interview with you that we did last week.

Dr. Wu Dhi

“Do you want to change your Karma forever?”

Monday, March 12th, 2012

My Master called me and
asked, “Do you want to
change your Karma forever?”
He really tweaked my interest
and the next thing I knew I was
living in a strange land, speaking
a different tongue.

My assignment, – teach advanced
Tibetan and Taoist meditations
practices as well as health and
longevity practices.
My title-“the senior instructor” -in charge
of the Grace Essence Fellowship
meditation center in Caracas, Venezuela.

The group of 50 advanced students
needed to learn Buddhist and Taoist
healing and meditation practices.
I began to see patients every day and
teach meditations in the evenings and
every month I taught a weekend
workshop on Qi Gong, Meditation,
Stress reduction and a host of subjects
related to spiritual matters, anti
aging and longevity.

I was growing by leaps and bounds in
my practices and so were the students.
My days consisted of early morning
meditations, and then I saw patients
all day and taught at night.

Hey, wait a minute- that’s what
I am still doing!
I had the opportunity to explore the
customs and culture of Venezuela,
their medicine, herbs and healing techniques.

I studied the folklore and found out about a
I really wanted to meet this guy, but I was too late.
He was long gone before I got to Caracas
October 25, 1864 – June 29, 1919 before I was on the planet.

They say that Doctors and patients all around
the world have testified to his intercessory powers,
especially for those seeking a proper diagnosis and
healing under a physician’s care, in fact official
steps have been taken toward his sainthood.
He’s a Patron Saint of Venezuela and a
Patron Saint of medical students, diagnosticians,
doctors, and all of the patients requiring the
help of physicians for healing.
It is said that those who light a candle to
Dr. Jose Gregorio and carry his holy card with
them while going in for medical tests will
obtain a favorable diagnoses.

Medical students also seek his aid in this way
while they are taking tests. People who have
scheduled surgery have reported benefits
from keeping a DR. JOSE GREGORIO candle
burning in the home on the day of the operation.

Although I haven’t personally felt his energy,
my patients have told me that I have his touch.
I had the opportunity to meet and study with
great Shamans, Healers, Medicine men, Guru’s
and Lamas and study and learn from these teachers.
When I make a DVD, write a blog or hold a class,
I am drawing from years of practice.
If you are up for an adventure and want to change
your karmic address join me and the members of
the Qigong Inner Circle now.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr.Wu Dhi


I’ll be sharing more of my experiences
with the Shaman’s, Guru’s and Lama’s over
the next few weeks. If you haven’t turned your
friends and family on to this blog, now is the time.

Dr. Wu Dhi


Are You Too Overwhelmed To Looking Younger?

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

In my office, I get questions every day
from patients with all kinds of health problems:
Low energy, feeling bad, joints hurting, skin
looking older, it goes on and on.

I always give the best advice I can, but most of
all set a good example by practicing what I preach
and teach. Every day I work on myself, meditate,
and do exercises to keep my Qi flowing strong.
The downside is that it works so well, some of my
patients look at me and feel like there’s no hope for
them and that I’m too advanced or dedicated and
they can’t relate.

In fact, when you read my newsletter, you might feel
the same – like there’s no way you can practice
everything I do, and that I’m somehow special and different.

Believe me, that is not true.
Wait, actually I AM special and YOU are too!
What I mean is, the dedication I have is something
anyone can achieve as well if they want it enough.)

The truth is, I learned all of these techniques and
secrets over the years. I may look and feel young,
but I am a baby boomer so I’ve had plenty of time for studying.

When I first started, I focused on the few things which
would make the most difference. Only later on, when I
wanted to, did I add in more exercise, meditations,
and positive habits.

What I’m trying to say is: You can build a younger,
more energized, healthier body by starting with just one thing.

Just like one snowflake can start an avalanche, you can
cascade into the body you want.

So I understand you might feel overwhelmed, yet still
ready to take charge of your health, as long as you
know exactly what the first step to take is. Well, a man
I know was in the same position as you. In fact, he
used to be a total skeptic, and had tried all kinds of
methods to improve his health but didn’t stick with any
of them. Then he turned his health around with
just one exercise.
He made a video about it you can watch here:

If you get started with the one secret my friend discovered,
you’ll be so far ahead of the game, just weeks from now
you’ll be getting comments on how much younger and
healthier you look.

I wish you the Best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Wealth Formula

Monday, February 27th, 2012

I am back in Miami, busy as a
bee and I’m humming with energy!
Whenever I leave for a long weekend or
an extended trip I know when I return I am
going to be packed.

It has to do with a few things.
Of course patients who missed a treatment
now are jamming into the office, and my email
is full of questions about Qi Gong, health stuff
and what to do to slow down the aging process.
This will keep me moving at double-time for a few long days.

The magical part of traveling for me is the
Feng Shui aspect of it.
In the Chinese Ba Gua lie the internal teachings
of the Magic square. The Lo Shu Square as
it is called is part of the gift from the most ancient
Chinese mathematical geomancy concerned
with the placement of objects in relation to the flow of Qi.

In ancient China the people offered sacrifices
to the God of one of the flooding rivers, to try
to calm his anger. They say that a magical
turtle emerged from the water with the
interested pattern on its shell. The Lo Shu
pattern a series of circular dots and lines
giving a one through nine arrangements.
From this pattern the Emperor was able to
see a formula to divert the raging river and
save the city.

The Lo Shu is connected neurologically with the
trigrams in the Ba Gua. There are nine different
quadrants each one of them has to do with an
aspect of your life. The number six in northwest
direction has to do with travel and people of influence.
When we travel we meet people and when you open
to the spiritual aspects this draws in the energy from
the southeast bringing in fortunate blessings and wealth.

When I go on a journey it’s to see new places,
gather the energy and this last week was no
exception. Our ocean covers 71 % of the earth’s
surface and contains 97 % of the planet’s water.
When traveling on the ocean it’s easy to tune into
the vibrations of the water element, the greatest
energy source on the planet.
If you are ready to take a journey into the world of
Alchemy, Qi Gong, Fung Shui,
Taoist and Tibetan Buddhist meditation join
me in this adventure.


On March 11th the Flying Crane
Qi Gong 6 week class will begin in Miami.
Sign up today and you will learn how to
cultivate your energy, build your spiritual
digestive system and reverse the aging process.

Dr. Wu Dhi

What makes you Happy?

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

What makes you Happy?
Is it your health, relationships,
wealth, power or position?
A group of researchers came up
with a list of 10 of the most important
things in life that create happiness.

I discovered the article in
Reader’s Digest and began to think
a lot of what makes us happy.
Here is what they said:

“Over the last 70 years researchers
have been probing happy and unhappy
people, and they’re finally zeroing in on
the factors that make a difference.
What follows are the top ten. By the
way, the experts think your genes
account for about 50 percent of your
disposition; the other nine factors
make up the rest.”
1. Wealth-
Money can buy a degree
of happiness. But once you can afford
to feed, clothe and house yourself, each
extra dollar makes less and less difference.
Once your basic needs are met, money
only seems to boost happiness if you
have more than your friends,
neighbors and colleagues.

2. Desire-
How much stuff do
you need to feel good? In the 1980s,
political scientist Alex Michalos,
professor emeritus at the University
of Northern British Columbia in Prince George,
asked 18,000 college students in 39
countries to rate their happiness on a
numeric scale. Then he asked them how
close they were to having all they wanted.
He found that the people whose
aspirations — not just for money, but for
friends, family, job, health, the works — soared
furthest beyond what they already had,
tended to be less happy than those who
perceived a smaller gap. Indeed, the size of
the gap predicted happiness about five times
better than income alone.
This “aspiration gap” might explain why
most people fail to get much happier as
their salaries rise. Instead of satisfying
our desires, most of us merely want more.
The good life remained always just out of reach.

3. Intelligence-
Are smart people happier?
Intelligence has no effect. Some researchers
speculate that brighter people could have higher
expectations and thus be dissatisfied with
anything less than the highest achievements.
“Or maybe scoring high on an IQ test — which
means you know a lot of vocabulary and can
rotate things in your mind — doesn’t have
a lot to do with your ability to get along
well with people,” says Ed Diener, a
psychologist at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. He speculates that
“social intelligence” could be the real
key to happiness.

4. Genetics-
David Lykken, a behavioral
geneticist and professor emeritus of
psychology at the University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, believes our feeling of well-being
at any moment is determined half by what is
going on in our lives at that time and half by
a “set point” of happiness, which is up
to 90 percent genetically determined and
to which we eventually return after
dramatic events, our happiness set point is
largely determined by our genes.
They have found that genetic variation
accounted for between 44 and 55 percent
of the difference in happiness levels.
Neither income, marital status, religion
nor education accounted for any more
than about 3 percent.

5. Beauty-
Good-looking people really
are happier. The most attractive faces are
highly symmetrical, and there is evidence
that symmetry reflects good genes and a
healthy immune system. Beautiful people
are happier because they are healthier.

6. Friendship-
family and friends because
of the social support that arises from the
importance of the extended family.

7. Marriage-
Married people are consistently
happier than singletons. Happy people are
more likely to get married and then stay married.
But anyone can improve his or her mood by
getting married. The effect begins about a
year before the “happy day” and lasts for at
least a year afterward.

8. Faith-
Karl Marx was fairly close
to the mark when he described
religion as an opiate for the masses.
Of the dozens of studies that have
looked at religion and happiness,
the vast majority has found a positive link.
They even live longer.

9. Charity-
Several studies have found
a link between happiness and altruistic
behavior. But as with many behavioral
traits, it is not always clear whether
doing good makes you feel good, or
whether happy people are more likely
to be altruistic.

10. Age-
Why are old people happier?
Some scientists suggest older people may
expect life to be harder and learn to live
with it, or they’re more realistic about
their goals, only setting ones that
they know they can achieve. With
time running out, older people have
learned to focus on things that make
them happy and let go of those that don’t.

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always
told me that happiness was the key to life.
When I went to school, they asked me what
I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down
‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the
assignment, and I told them they didn’t
understand life.” -John Lennon

Not everyone is born with a sunny
disposition, but experts agree we can
all learn how to bring more meaning
and satisfaction into our lives.

I have spent many years in
perfecting meditations, exercises
and adjusting my diet and mental
outlook to staying healthy and happy.
I practice every day and do what I
say and say what I do. It’s no accident
that I am healthy and happy. I practice
and train to be there and stay
there and so can you.

With My Help It’s Easy to Better
Your Previous Best!
Each day I receive over a hundred
emails from men and women
from all over the world. And
these well-meaning people
want me to reply to them, give
them all sorts of advice on subjects
too numerous to list right now.

Truth is I would LOVE to be able
to answer all of the emails –
So I formed the Qi Gong Inner Circle –
a “Members Only” community
where you CAN get access to me
as well as many other experts who
are happy to answer your health
and fitness questions on longevity
and anti aging, as well as encourage
you and support your drive toward
more successful and healthy living.

If you already have any number
of my best-selling products – I can
assure you, compared to what you
are taught when you’re a member
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle, well,
there’s no comparison. I go a whole
lot further. Guiding. Instructing.
Addressing the personal and individual
needs you have that cannot be
addressed in a book or set of DVDs.
What you’re getting is an “interactive
experience.” That’s FAR different than
quietly reading a book with no
feedback from me.

Believe me, one piece of advice from
me as well as the many fabulous
members already in the QGIC – can
put you on the FAST TRACK to success
in a heartbeat.

So jump aboard, my friend.
You’ve truly got nothing to
lose and everything to gain.

Important: Don’t forget that this
offer expires very soon.
Maybe even later today.
Jump on it NOW!

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Make sure you click the link
below to enroll.

P.P.S. We will notify you in 24-72
hours to let you know your username
and password for the Qi Gong Inner Circle.
Some people, unfortunately, will not make
it in because they’re too slow to act.
Don’t be one of them.

In search of a Good Meal

Friday, January 27th, 2012

For the last few years I have been looking
for a good breakfast place near my house.
God knows I have tried everyone within a 5 mile
radius of my house and I am sorry to say there just
aren’t any good ones, but I kept on searching.

I knew there must be something around.
Most restaurants serve eggs, bacon, toast and coffee
but they don’t think about health. Breakfast is often
called the most important meal of the day and there
are good reasons for that.
When you wake up in the morning, your body has
been fasting, for hours.
Breakfast literally means, “Break the fast.”
A good breakfast gives your body and brain
the energy they need to function.
By eating breakfast, you’ll be less likely to overeat
later in the day. If you’re trying to lose weight,
don’t try to cut calories by skipping breakfast.
Studies have shown that most people who have lost
weight and kept it off eat breakfast every day.
Research has shown that those who eat a healthy
breakfast are more productive than those who don’t.
We know school reports that children who eat
breakfast get higher test scores and perform
better all year long.

What I prefer in the morning is protein like eggs at
least a few days a week with vegetables and
occasionally I’ll add some smoked salmon or turkey.
I usually do 2 whites to one whole egg.
A few mornings I just eat fruit and drink tea, and
this really gets the bowels moving and keeps the
system clean. As for the other days I drink a good
protein drink like I-5 from Zymogen -16 grams of
protein, all of the amino’s and the necessary vitamins.

I’ll add a scoop of “Greens First,” it’s filled with all of
the fruits and vegetables you’ll need for the entire day
in 1 scoop and I make sure I take my vitamins with it.

You can order the I5 and the Greens First
by letting me know and I’ll send it out the next day.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi