Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Smells can make your Memory Better

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

Some years ago my parents made a special
party for my friends and their parents. It was
my fifth birthday and I can still remember how much
fun it was. I was so excited! I received two special
gifts from my parents that I loved. A new wristwatch
with Roy Rogers picture on it and a big bottle of cologne
that smelled just like the one my dad wore.

After the kids went home the adults stayed to have their
own party and I was able to stay up late for the first time
I could ever remember. But the rule was, “I could be seen
but not heard.” I was bubbling with excitement about my new
gifts and kept asking my mother if I could say something,
I wanted everyone to smell my new cologne and hear my watch tick.
She said, no! Repeating the rule, “Kids are to be seen and not heard”
I wanted to tell everyone about my new presents, but my mother kept
telling me if I wanted to stay up until 10:00 O’clock she didn’t
want to hear a peep out of me. She said, “It’s now the adult’s time.”

Well, I kept bugging her until she agreed that I could say
something about my gifts and then I had to go right to bed.
I announced to everyone in my loudest voice.
“If you hear anything, or smell something, it’s ME!

“Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across
thousands of miles and all the years we have lived.”

— Helen Keller

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our thinking and
activity that we have lost touch with our senses.
The ol’ factory sense of smelling will bring us quickly
back to a moment in time. Remember the smell of cookies
baking in the oven around Christmas and the smell of the
pine trees? It brings us right back to those childhood memories.

Many of us have lost the scene of sensing as our
memory fades, but it can be recovered. In face You
maybe able to recover some long forgotten memories
if you set an intention to be aware of smells.

Focus on your nose awaken to its sensitivity.
In Chinese medicine the nose is related to the
lungs and large intestine and if unbalanced it
will leave you with the feelings of sadness and grief.
As you smell more consciously, let go of your judgment of the Aromas.

Don’t label smells good or bad; simply experience
them for their individual qualities. Smells can
restore old memories. The positive emotion of the
lungs is valor and courage. When I first stood up before
a large group and started teaching the Recharging Qi Gong
Exercises, I first did my deep breathing exercises to open
up my lungs to bring in the emotion of courage to move forward.
I encourage you to start every morning with deep breathing
like the percussive breathing.
The 36 exercises in the Recharging Qi Gong program will open
up your breathing for good, transform sadness and grief into
Valor and Courage.

“When you start using senses you’ve neglected, your reward
is to see the world with completely fresh eyes.”

-Barbara Sher

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

You can still get on the program today by
Ordering now:

Tired of the BS about Health?

Monday, May 21st, 2012

Our medical system is one
of the best in the world when
it comes to critical care.
If you get shot, stabbed or have
a bone crushing accident –
they can but you back together.

But if you get sick, watch out!
Our medical system has a long
way to go in treating disease and
preventive medicine, it is just
about non-existent.
Most chronic and degenerative
illnesses have reached critical
numbers with no cure in site.

Our lack of the right exercise,
poor nutrition, stressed life styles
and poor lifestyle choices are often
at the root of these conditions.

The medical community and
institutional funding focus largely on
surgical and drug-based interventions
and the problems just seem to grow
larger every day.

What can you do if you get sick or
want to prevent getting sick?
The traditional system doesn’t give us
much of a choice.

But don’t worry, there are plenty of
options to take the bull of the medical
community by the horns and get rid of
the bull once and for all.

I am not saying that medicine has
nothing to offer, they have made great
advancements over the years and
every day you hear more and more
of traditional doctors finally looking
into diet, exercise and a less invasive
way of treating.

Personally, I think the entire system
is broken and it’s damn hard to fix
something that is just broken.

If you want to take more
responsibility for your health,
stay young, vibrant, and develop
a strong immune system, you can!
My office has the state-of-the-art
tools for comprehensively evaluating
personal health influences and
delivering authentic solutions in
consumer-friendly fashion.
The personal health influences
we assess shows how the
biomarkers of work, stress, sleep,
dietary and other lifestyle habits
affect your over all health.

Once the information is analyzed
with the most current research
findings and advanced clinical
insights, a program will be
designed for you. That includes
diet, exercise, natural supplication
as well as goal setting and life
style reprogramming.

The result is a highly efficient and
cost effective method of bringing
the healthcare consumer and their
health professional’s attention to
proven health promotion steps.

I am offering a private
coaching program for those of
you who are ready to take
responsibility for your own health.

Private Coaching with Dr. Wu Dhi

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happinesss

Dr. Wu Dhi

This is a limited time offer for
the month of May and June!

I am only offering this to
the first 10 people that sign up!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Happy New Year

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Getting ready for the water Dragon year
I started by inviting the Dragon into my home
last week. I hung up red Chinese lanterns,
bought all of the incenses, wine, and sweets and
set up the dragon fountain to honor and invite the
legendary animal in 2012. I woke up at 4:00 am to
honor the dragon energy and the new moon into my
home for good luck, health and wealth for the year.

Noodles are the traditional dish for the New Year
and I’ll cook fish for dinner. The Dragon is coated
with mysterious colors. Chinese consider that the
dragon is unpredictable, untouchable and people
cannot see its head and tail at the same time.
Therefore, we might see something unexpected
happening in 2012.
The water Dragon is an energetic year characterized
by movements and changes.

The Fung Shui experts are predicting an
increase in epidemics and health risks involving viruses.
Therefore, diet, hygiene and exercise will be very
important this year. The more responsibility you take
for your own health the better off you will be in the Dragon year.
As it’s a water dragon, pay more attention into
keeping your kidneys and bladder healthy.
There can also be stomach problems so eat healthy,
fresh and clean food. Get a good vegetable wash and
clean your fruits and veggies very well.
The water element sits on the earth element which
sounds like there will be a lot of mud stirred up.
I always urge you to practice, this year it will be the year to do so.

“Hang a metal wind chime in the South-East of
your home,”-that’s a Fung Shui protection.
We can expect more natural calamities such as
floods and earthquakes. The water element have
to do with fear on the negative side and gentleness
on the positive side, so be more gentle with yourself
and others and the year will be a lot smoother for you
and your family.
I have been spending more time working on
Yin practices like the Yin set that clears and tonifies
the internal organs. It is very gentle, calming and
works wonders on the
Lungs, Kidneys, Heart, Liver and Spleen.

You’ll find these magical exercises in the
Recharging Qi gong program.

Go to:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth ad Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

At last it’s Turkey Day!

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

At last it’s Turkey Day!
You know that list that you
Started writing yesterday
about your New Moon goals?
Work on it a little today to refine
what you want. Moon magic is a powerful
way to stay in flow and have miracles manifest
in your life.

Make sure that you read them out loud, in a whisper
and then silently. This will charge your words
and give them power.
Do this everyday until the New moon on the 25th
On Friday 25th put your notes away and every
time you have a drink, no matter if it’s water
or wine; think about the 36 things that you wrote.

This is a way to program your body, mind and spirit to
receive what you want and give blessings to others.
I wish all of you a very happy and Thankful Thanksgiving.
May all of your wishes come true!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sunday Review

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Dr. Wu’s Sunday Review

It’s yet another Sunday!
I hope that all of you are enjoying
your weekend as it is a very interesting
and wonderful time of the year!
So many holidays are coming up and I
am sure all of you are preparing for them.
It is important to keep on practicing and
looking after your health through all of this
‘hectic’ time. During the holidays, we usually
tend to give our families and close ones
special attention. Well, consider your body,
mind and spirit part of your family,
because -well it is!

Over the past week we have learned
many wonderful things.
I encourage you to read these blogs today.
I am also reminding you to check your
emails every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday because that is when they come out.

Enjoy these blogs today and follow along
next week as I will have some very
interesting things to say.
Stay tuned :)

Change your Stops to Steps
“Then I wrote:
The “5 Things I Can Improve”
Let me tell you, I improved by leaps and
bounds in my practice,
my energy levels and by aliveness…..”

Psychic Energy
“Whenever you’re stuck in a
place in your
life where you’re not having fun,
it means that
you are not open to the people and
things around you.
Your creativity is cramped, your
flexibility is stifled
and most likely you are living
in a…..”

The Sky is Falling
“Students and patients often ask
me, “How can I control my life, so
situations like this don’t cause me
excess stress and ill health?”
I’ve been teaching these precious
exercises to thousands of students
and patients throughout the years
to teach them how…..”

Happy Sunday everyone!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Setting A Positive tone for your life will make you Healthy

Friday, October 28th, 2011

What you do the first thing
in the morning will set the
tone for the rest of the day.

This is why it’s important to begin
your day with thoughts
of perfect Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Even before your feet hit the floor, you want to start
programming yourself into the realm of success.

No more procrastinating- get things done now!

The key to putting you on success course is
your daily goal – and that goes for
your fitness, health and diet.
The best way to achieve your target is to hit it first
thing in the morning, the earlier the better, and
then the rest of the day will be tremendous.

Before I go to bed I decide
what I want to accomplish the
next day and when I wake up I
know what I am going to do and hop right on it.

I not only stretch my body –
but my mind and spirit as well.

It’s the same with your food, the first thing you
put in your mouth will set your mood for the day
as far as your nutrition goes.

Here is what I do:
I start by drinking a few glasses of pure room
temperature water.
Then I begin my workout before any solids and
as soon as I am done, guess what?
More water!
This way I re-hydrate my body and flush my system
before I start eating anything.
Breakfast is a really important meal so don’t mess
it up with sugar and coffee.
Start out with a protein power drink with some
greens in it or maybe a few eggs, meat, or vegetable juice.
When I was in China we would start out the day with a
bowl of soup, although it’s not the typical Westerner’s
diet- it’s a good one especially as the days get colder,
try it once in awhile and see how you feel.

I bet you’d like some of that good old fashioned ENERGY.
Well, get it the old fashioned way!
Move, hydrate and nourish your body first
thing in the morning.

I recommend the
Recharging Qigong program
to all my patients and students to get a full workout
every day physically, mentally and spiritually.

Get this program and you will also receive a hoist of
free gifts that comes with the book and DVD’s.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

**The contents of this daily
email are not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before
beginning or changing any fitness

You Are What You Say!

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Life is all about our communications, what we
say and how we use words determines our lives.
Our communication is who we really are and
it shows up in our health, moods,
wealth and happiness.
It’s said that our speech is the center
where karma is generated and where it can be modified.
Karma is based on language.
I came across this information based
on Fernando Flores’ work.
It was written by two of his students, Matthew Budd, M.D.,
and Larry Rothstein, Ed.D.
I found it of great value!

You Are What You Say!

Flores began his lecture with this
“In language we build our
own identities, our relationships
with others, the countries that we
live in, the companies we have and
the values that we hold dearly.
With language we generate life.
Without language we are mostly chimpanzees.”

According to Dr. Flores,
here are five kinds of linguistic “actions”

REQUESTS: A request is an
action that you take when you seek the
assistance of another in satisfying
an underlying concern that you
have. For example, “Please pick up
some flounder and broccoli at the
market for dinner tonight.”

PROMISES: A promise is what
you speak to indicate your commitment
to fulfilling what someone else has requested.
(“I will get the flounder
and broccoli.”) It implies that you
understand the request fully and
that you are competent and sincere
about fulfilling the request.

DECLARATIONS: A declaration
is an utterance in which someone
with the authority to do so brings
something into being that wasn’t there
before. Personal declarations such as
“I will lose 30 pounds by July
1st” have the power to shape our lives,
if followed by consistent

ASSESSMENTS: An assessment is a
judgment that you make about the world
in the interest of taking some action.
For example, in the interest of going to
a ball game, I might make the assessment,
“It’s a beautiful
day,” in which no wind and a temperature
of 8o degrees are my
standards. On the other hand, in the
interest of going sailing, my
assessment, “It’s a beautiful day”
means that the wind is blowing, the
harder the better. Assessments are never the truth.

ASSERTIONS: An assertion is a
statement you make for which you are
willing to provide evidence.
For example, if I say it is 68 degrees in
this room, I’m willing to show
this to you on a thermometer. We live
by the social agreement that this device
reflects temperature. In
other words, a society builds certain ways
of establishing and
asserting common, often quantitative values.
These assertions live for
us as “facts” -They are either true or false.

In this Friday’s letter I will share with you
“The Ten Linguistic Viruses.”
Stay tuned. I’ll be sharing more about
communications and how it affects our lives
with the Qi Gong Inner Circle group.
If you haven’t become a member yet, join now at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi


Soon I will be broadcasting the
Wednesday night meditation
class as a free bonus to all of you.
It will be at 7:00 pm EST.
To tune into the class, go to

Watch for the announcement coming up soon.

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Most Important Blood Work

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Examinations at a doctor’s office are important to
determine what a persons
health picture is all about, and I do some very
traditional ones as well as more esoteric tests
like Medical Qi Gong,Chakras testing and
Applied kinesiology to determine what
needs to be addressed first.

I’ll use the Chinese pause technique, look at the
tongue, and observe the quality of the skin, nails, hair.
I’ll go over every inch of the body, looking for
clues on how to open the blockage and I ask a
ton of questions to see what’s going on internally.

On the physical level from a scientific stand point
there is no general screening test
that is more efficient, effective and affordable
than a comprehensive blood chemistry panel.
It allows me to quickly assess what’s going
on with your health at a glance.
It is the ultimate tool in biomedical laboratory
sciences to evaluate patients.

Your blood test can be the answer to identifying
imbalances in the body’s metabolism. If you’re
healthy, you should get your blood work done at
least every year. I get mine done every six months
and have the two tests compared to see if there are
any changes for better or worse.

Things like diet, exercise, stress and illness
will show up. If you are going
through a health crisis,
I’d check every three months just
to stay on top of things.
Many health problems can be
prevented and
managed effectively with early

In general we are not up to date on what’s going on
inside and a blood test will show the function
of the immune system, thyroids and if you
have a tendency for any hidden illnesses it
can be a good way to get an early look.

The longevity system in the USA hardly exists.
We are on a program of:
‘If it isn’t broken, don’t fix’ it and the
insurance companies like it just the way it is.

A decade ago the average annual lab work
ordered in a physical exam included a
Chem-24, CBC with differentials, TSH, and
a lipid panel. However, the healthcare model
today customarily performs a simple chem-7
and lipid panel. The addition of a TSH, a CBC,
or other tests are no longer a routine.
Physicians who order extra tests are
considered unqualified providers.
Who do you think is judging them?
Whoever they are, it’s not about your
health and longevity or the quality of your life.

I understand that many of us have given up on
the current healthcare model and are sick and tired
of being over-medicated. Many of us are now
looking for a more natural approach.
A comprehensive healthcare evaluation
and blood chemistry panel is a good place to
start and get you back on the road to good health.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

My office offers a complete
nutritional evaluation from your blood
work and if you aren’t able to visit my
office we can set up a consultation on
Skype or over the phone.
Contact Anastasia at 941-275-5105
and set up an appointment today.

Training that’s as easy as Pie!

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Back in 1978 I was living in the mountains with my family. My friend Bob came to visit from Michigan on his way to Arizona. I’ve known Bob since I was 12 years old.
His family they lived just a few houses away from us.
Although I haven’t seen him in years, he heard that we moved to Telluride and showed up one afternoon at our door.
Bob went to school with me at the College for Creative Studies (CCS) and at that time it was called “The Center for Creative Arts” in downtown Detroit.

Somewhere along the way he picked up the skill of making pies and that night he made a few pies for our family and passed down his pie making secrets to me.

That spring the rhubarb came up in the high country and I decided to make a few delicious rhubarb pies. I picked a whole bunch of fresh organic rhubarb and brought it into the house and began my pie making magic. I started with a homemade organic lattice crust. You know, that crisscross kind?
It was just beautiful and it was filled with rhubarb and fresh strawberries. I put them in the oven and when they were ready I placed them on the table to cool.
I went into town to do a few things. When I came back both pies were gone, I asked my wife what happened to the two pies?
She said, “I had friends drop in unexpectedly and I served the pies.”
Me, “Both of them?”
She said, “Yep! They are gone and we really enjoyed them. Thanks.”
I asked her if she saved me a piece as those were the first rhubarb pies that I ever made and she said,” No there all gone.”
At first I was disturbed and in disbelief that they didn’t even save me a small piece.
It took me a few hours to make them and they were all gone!

But as we all know for every action there is a reaction.

The next day I was at the post office and one of the guys who came over to visit my wife and have a piece of pie, came up to me and was really pissed off.
He said after eating the pies he had stomach cramps and diarrhea all night.
I heard that from more than one of her guests.
Apparently, I got some of the leaves of the rhubarb into the pie and the leaf will give you the runs for sure– it’s considered a mild poison.
Although I never got to taste my first rhubarb pie it sure made me put a smile on my face.

In life there is always a reaction to everything we do.
The reason I train, meditate and eat a healthy diet is; I am creating a reaction in my body, mind and spirit. The reaction I am shooting for is openness, clarity, flexibility, awareness and optimal health.
We can all achieve these qualities but it comes with work and training It takes two wings to fly. One is the practice and the other wing is the training or education, to achieve your goals you need both. If you just have one wing you flop around on the ground and never get anywhere. But if you get the proper training and practice you will soar to new heights.
The purpose of the Qi Gong Inner Circle is to train serious students.

If you’re just starting to train and practice this isn’t for you right now.

Get the Recharging Qi Gong program and Turn Stress into Power and practice for 6 months first.
These programs will give you the foundation you will need to become part of the Qi Gong Inner Circle www.Qigonginnercircleqigong

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Good Days and Bad Days for 2011

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Ray and Frank flew in from Michigan last
night and missed a huge ice and snow storm.
I hear that the temp dropped
down to 4 degrees,that’s too cooool for me.

These incredible gentlemen travel all over
the world, counseling governments and
multi-national corporations on there possibilities
for financial growth, from a different prospective
than most.
They are masters at watching and predicting

They brought me Ray’s new book
“Forecast 2011” by Ray Merriman.
This is a really excellent overview of
the year 2011 with Special attention on
cycles with Geocosmic signatures related
to global and national economies,
stock markets, currencies, precious metals
markets,grain markets, crude oil, interest
rates, the United States and its President,
the federal reserve board and weather

Ray has developed a very interesting approach
to mastering cycles.

He is well versed in the language of both market
analysis and astrology.

In one part of the book I came across a list of
good days and bad days for 2011 that I’ll
share with you.
The good days indicate favorable
times to schedule important meetings,
gatherings,or anything that you wish
to proceed smoothly and harmoniously.
The bad days are just the

I’d like to share everything with you but
that wouldn’t be far to Ray so here
is a peek:

The Good times dates are May 2nd to June 5th
and July 18th to August 1st.

The bad days are February 2nd to 26th
and March 21st to May 1st

The book is full of goodies like that
but that’s all I can reveal.

I am not sure if there any books left
but you can try to pick up a
copy of Forecast 2011 by Ray Merriman
by calling Seek it Publications

Whenever I plan a workshop or even a
lecture, I always take a look at
his calendar and make sure that I am
on a good day and avoid all the
bad days.

The book has been really a good guide
for me and I am sure it can be
helpful for you too.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you are stressing out over what to do
and when to do it
It’s time to let go of all of that and
Turn your Stress into Power.
The book and DVD program that I put
together for my students and patients.

Every day I receive letters and cards
thanking me for this incredible program.

You can still grab your copy today while
they last at