Posts Tagged ‘Protein Power’

Setting A Positive tone for your life will make you Healthy

Friday, October 28th, 2011

What you do the first thing
in the morning will set the
tone for the rest of the day.

This is why it’s important to begin
your day with thoughts
of perfect Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Even before your feet hit the floor, you want to start
programming yourself into the realm of success.

No more procrastinating- get things done now!

The key to putting you on success course is
your daily goal – and that goes for
your fitness, health and diet.
The best way to achieve your target is to hit it first
thing in the morning, the earlier the better, and
then the rest of the day will be tremendous.

Before I go to bed I decide
what I want to accomplish the
next day and when I wake up I
know what I am going to do and hop right on it.

I not only stretch my body –
but my mind and spirit as well.

It’s the same with your food, the first thing you
put in your mouth will set your mood for the day
as far as your nutrition goes.

Here is what I do:
I start by drinking a few glasses of pure room
temperature water.
Then I begin my workout before any solids and
as soon as I am done, guess what?
More water!
This way I re-hydrate my body and flush my system
before I start eating anything.
Breakfast is a really important meal so don’t mess
it up with sugar and coffee.
Start out with a protein power drink with some
greens in it or maybe a few eggs, meat, or vegetable juice.
When I was in China we would start out the day with a
bowl of soup, although it’s not the typical Westerner’s
diet- it’s a good one especially as the days get colder,
try it once in awhile and see how you feel.

I bet you’d like some of that good old fashioned ENERGY.
Well, get it the old fashioned way!
Move, hydrate and nourish your body first
thing in the morning.

I recommend the
Recharging Qigong program
to all my patients and students to get a full workout
every day physically, mentally and spiritually.

Get this program and you will also receive a hoist of
free gifts that comes with the book and DVD’s.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

**The contents of this daily
email are not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before
beginning or changing any fitness