Posts Tagged ‘Exercise Stress’

The Most Important Blood Work

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Examinations at a doctor’s office are important to
determine what a persons
health picture is all about, and I do some very
traditional ones as well as more esoteric tests
like Medical Qi Gong,Chakras testing and
Applied kinesiology to determine what
needs to be addressed first.

I’ll use the Chinese pause technique, look at the
tongue, and observe the quality of the skin, nails, hair.
I’ll go over every inch of the body, looking for
clues on how to open the blockage and I ask a
ton of questions to see what’s going on internally.

On the physical level from a scientific stand point
there is no general screening test
that is more efficient, effective and affordable
than a comprehensive blood chemistry panel.
It allows me to quickly assess what’s going
on with your health at a glance.
It is the ultimate tool in biomedical laboratory
sciences to evaluate patients.

Your blood test can be the answer to identifying
imbalances in the body’s metabolism. If you’re
healthy, you should get your blood work done at
least every year. I get mine done every six months
and have the two tests compared to see if there are
any changes for better or worse.

Things like diet, exercise, stress and illness
will show up. If you are going
through a health crisis,
I’d check every three months just
to stay on top of things.
Many health problems can be
prevented and
managed effectively with early

In general we are not up to date on what’s going on
inside and a blood test will show the function
of the immune system, thyroids and if you
have a tendency for any hidden illnesses it
can be a good way to get an early look.

The longevity system in the USA hardly exists.
We are on a program of:
‘If it isn’t broken, don’t fix’ it and the
insurance companies like it just the way it is.

A decade ago the average annual lab work
ordered in a physical exam included a
Chem-24, CBC with differentials, TSH, and
a lipid panel. However, the healthcare model
today customarily performs a simple chem-7
and lipid panel. The addition of a TSH, a CBC,
or other tests are no longer a routine.
Physicians who order extra tests are
considered unqualified providers.
Who do you think is judging them?
Whoever they are, it’s not about your
health and longevity or the quality of your life.

I understand that many of us have given up on
the current healthcare model and are sick and tired
of being over-medicated. Many of us are now
looking for a more natural approach.
A comprehensive healthcare evaluation
and blood chemistry panel is a good place to
start and get you back on the road to good health.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

My office offers a complete
nutritional evaluation from your blood
work and if you aren’t able to visit my
office we can set up a consultation on
Skype or over the phone.
Contact Anastasia at 941-275-5105
and set up an appointment today.