Posts Tagged ‘Lifestyle Choices’

How do you train without a trainer?

Monday, April 8th, 2013

The weather in South Florida is great. At this
time of the year it’s usually hot and humid but so
far it is in the 50’s and 60’s and the perfect
weather to train. I have been getting up earlier
and spending a few hours practicing Qi Gong every
morning and I can feel the difference! The key is
consistency; you want to train every day to build

Our body’s nervous system sends a message to the
muscles to take action; the results can be
positive or negative. When it is impossible to act
on the message for whatever reason, the body’s
next reaction is to freeze.
Tension in the body creates areas of hardness,
pain, constriction and decreases the range of
motion. Over a long period of time, the body
adjusts to this tension, and symptoms of disease,
disorder and illness begin. Many times, symptoms
begin after an emotionally traumatic event. Anger,
sorrow, grief, joy and fear, which are stored
because of the freeze response, begin to manifest
as symptoms of imbalance in the body we actually
have a “BODY MEMORY” that holds all of this in

In his book, Waking the Tiger, Psychologist Dr.
Peter Levine, describes how humans can remain in
the freeze response long after the threatening or
overwhelming experience has passed, which is why
many people remain ill, despite medical or
pharmaceutical intervention, professional therapy,
exercise and smart lifestyle choices. Most modern
medical techniques are incapable of releasing the
freeze response because it maintains muscle
guarding, even during sleep. We are constantly
over stimulated by both internal and external
forces, and difficult cases may not respond to
therapy, due to tension in the body’s tissue
systems as well as energetically and spiritually.
Such cases may have a history of sexual abuse,
violence, post-traumatic stress disorder, past
traumatic events, depression, anxiety, digestive
problems, headaches, migratory bodily pain,
accidents and surgical trauma. These symptoms can
all be effectively treated and eliminated.

Back in the late 70’s I worked with a group of
Doctors/Healers/Shamans and Individuals dedicated
to longevity, of course we were in California.
A brilliant teacher “Larry Short”, who was light
years a head of his time created a system called
“Total Person images” where we combined a
unique recipe of performance consisting of NLP,
applied kinesiology, deep tissue work, to free the
body of these traumas as well as guided fantasy,
body reading, bone and joint mobilization,
corrective exercises, homeopathic medicine,
meditations and much, much more. Even today the
system would blow you away. In these techniques,
we learned not only how to clear the body of past
traumas; we learned how to build in the muscle
memory to give you optimal performance of
body/mind and spirit.

Our goal was and is Longevity and Awareness. Over
the past 40 years I have worked with this system
adding my own personal touch, as well as another
25 years of experience of Chinese Medicine and
Medical Qi Gong to create a system of Anti Aging.
Dr. Wu Dhi’s private coaching program is a one on
one coaching program.
We will address these frozen traumas and replaces
these deep seeded traumas with muscle memories
that will encourage a long healthy life.
Check it out!

You will receive much more than you expect and
will grow by leaps and bounds.
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Tired of the BS about Health?

Monday, May 21st, 2012

Our medical system is one
of the best in the world when
it comes to critical care.
If you get shot, stabbed or have
a bone crushing accident –
they can but you back together.

But if you get sick, watch out!
Our medical system has a long
way to go in treating disease and
preventive medicine, it is just
about non-existent.
Most chronic and degenerative
illnesses have reached critical
numbers with no cure in site.

Our lack of the right exercise,
poor nutrition, stressed life styles
and poor lifestyle choices are often
at the root of these conditions.

The medical community and
institutional funding focus largely on
surgical and drug-based interventions
and the problems just seem to grow
larger every day.

What can you do if you get sick or
want to prevent getting sick?
The traditional system doesn’t give us
much of a choice.

But don’t worry, there are plenty of
options to take the bull of the medical
community by the horns and get rid of
the bull once and for all.

I am not saying that medicine has
nothing to offer, they have made great
advancements over the years and
every day you hear more and more
of traditional doctors finally looking
into diet, exercise and a less invasive
way of treating.

Personally, I think the entire system
is broken and it’s damn hard to fix
something that is just broken.

If you want to take more
responsibility for your health,
stay young, vibrant, and develop
a strong immune system, you can!
My office has the state-of-the-art
tools for comprehensively evaluating
personal health influences and
delivering authentic solutions in
consumer-friendly fashion.
The personal health influences
we assess shows how the
biomarkers of work, stress, sleep,
dietary and other lifestyle habits
affect your over all health.

Once the information is analyzed
with the most current research
findings and advanced clinical
insights, a program will be
designed for you. That includes
diet, exercise, natural supplication
as well as goal setting and life
style reprogramming.

The result is a highly efficient and
cost effective method of bringing
the healthcare consumer and their
health professional’s attention to
proven health promotion steps.

I am offering a private
coaching program for those of
you who are ready to take
responsibility for your own health.

Private Coaching with Dr. Wu Dhi

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happinesss

Dr. Wu Dhi

This is a limited time offer for
the month of May and June!

I am only offering this to
the first 10 people that sign up!

Dr. Wu Dhi