Archive for the ‘Internal practices’ Category

How to Maintain Your Balance

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

The sun’s magnetic field is just months away from
reversing. Get ready, we are about to have
enormous effects in the solar system.
The sun’s magnetic field changes polarity
approximately every 11 years. The last one was
around 2002 when Mount Nyiragongo erupted in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, displacing an
estimated 400,000 people. We also had an
earthquake in wester n Iran measuring 6.5 on the
Richter scale killing more than 261 people.

During a magnetic field reversal, “the sun’s polar
magnetic fields weaken, go to zero and then emerge
again with the opposite polarity.”
There are already signs of the reversal happening,
and this time there’s a twist: the sun’s two
hemispheres are out of sync, with the North Pole
already beginning to change and the South Pole
racing to catch up. That means that for now, at
least, the sun effectively has two South Poles.
What Does a Reversal Mean?

images As the Earth orbits the sun, our
planet dips in and out of the wavy current and the
transitions can s tir up stormy space around us.
This may affect the cloudiness and climate of
Earth. As far as our mental, physical and
spiritual balance – hold on.

If you aren’t doing yoga, Tai Chi, meditation or
Qi Gong your world may start to seem upside down for the next few
months or more.

Balance is the key!

It is a critical time to stay centered.
I have been doing the Flying Crane Qi Gong
and the Yin Set
and will continue until 2014.

Don’t hesitate for
one more moment get on board while you can.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Super Hero formula

Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Back in the days growing up in Detroit, my Superhero was
‘The Man of Steel’- Superman. I can still remember
the superman saying word for word.

“Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a
locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Who disguised as Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter
for a major metropolitan newspaper fights the
unending battle for truth, justice, and the
American way.”
It stills brings a tingle to my
entire body when I hear that.

April 18th was the 75th 
anniversary of
Superman’s first appearance in Action Comics #1.
Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster in 1932
in Cleveland, 
the co-creators developed the
first and what many say is the greatest superhero.

People love Superman so much they couldn’t wait to
get the next comic book about his feats.
In fact, this love for Superman is so enduring
that he has appeared 
in nearly 1,000 Action
Comics and has evolved with the times, appearing
in a 1940s radio serial, TV series beginning as
early as the 1950’s and frequent appearances in
Hollywood movies including the newest movie “Man
of Steel” due to be released 
in June.

Why Hero’s are important?
Every culture has them no matter if it’s an American
hero like Superman,Batman, Wonder Woman or Crocodile Dundee
in the land down under. My grand kids love the modern
day heros like Harry Potter and Dragon Ball`s from Japan.

I remember going to the movies with my brother to
see Raiders of the lost ark years ago and we were
both totally glued to the big screen watching
Indiana Jones with his bullwhip and gun in hand.

Those who do not have a taste for fiction or
fantasy may have a hero in their own father,
mother, grandfather or even a brother or a sister.
Whatever the case, it has to be admitted:

Everyone needs a hero.
Now, have you ever wondered why that
is? Surprisingly enough, people need heroes
because a hero equals HOPE, a ROLE model to
follow, and a certainty that things will fall into
their rightful place.

To our subconscious mind, a hero represents what
you feel is right, what is good. People
unconsciously, are always trying to find that role
model, that great example to follow: A pattern, a
blueprint of goodness.

When we practice internal exercises they change us
from the inside out. We feel younger, stronger and
they give us a feeling of power, youth and
They change you from the inside out.

I can tell you this for a fact, I know I have
been practicing for over 30 years and I still feel
young, flexible and strong. It’s not too late for
you to start, but you must start and the sooner
the better.
Old age will not wait for you. He’s a
coming for you right now.

Order the Recharging Qi Gong Program today and
become that hero to yourself and your family.

I Wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. You may be a hero to your children, your
cousins or the kid next door. Don’t let anybody
put Kryptonite in your path and weaken you
Order right now and regain your strength

How Neural Therapy can affect Qi and Blood flow

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Energy medicine has deep roots in acupuncture
meridian therapy. The meridians are like a series
of rivers running through the entire body. They
flow to every organ, muscle and channel of our
bodies. If there is a blockage mentally,
physically, emotionally or spiritually it will
affect the smooth flow of Qi and a blockage of
energy will surely ensue, resulting in some form
of dis-eas of body, mind or spirit. A good point
to remember is blood always follows Qi. If there
is a blocked Qi flow (Qi stagnation) you will soon
see what we call in Chinese medicine (blood

Clinical manifestations of blood Stagnation are:
• A Dull/dark complexion, purple lips, purple
• Pain that has the quality of boring in, fixed
and stabbing and may be worse at night
• Abdominal masses that do not move
• Bleeding with dark blood and dark clots
• Polycythemia – thrombotic disorders as
myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral vascular
disease and deep vein thrombosis; an increase in
blood viscosity that leads to reduced blood flow,
splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, acne rosacea,
urticaria, leg ulcers, loss of vision
• Essential Thrombocythemia – spontaneous
bruising, epistaxis, mucosal bleeding, thrombotic
occlusion of arteries, myocardial infarction,
stroke, gangrene, intestinal infarction, splenic
• Platelet Defects – easy bruising, epistaxis,
intestinal bleeding, persistent menorrhagia,
mucous membrane bleeding in the mouth
• Vascular and Nonthrombocytopenic Purpura – easy
bruising, epistaxis, excessive bleeding after
surgery or during menstruation; result of scurvy
(Vitamin C deficiency)
• Disorders of Blood Coagulation
• Coagulation factor defects – hemarthrosis with
hotness, redness swelling and pain and muscle cuff
atrophy; compression neuropathy, cerebral
hemorrhage; intrarenal bleeding & hematuria,
intestinal bleeding and obstruction
◦ Vitamin K Deficiency- newborn hemorrhagic
disease, hemorrhage
◦ Thrombophilia – venous thrombosis,
arterial thrombosis

If there is a disturbance in the body there could
very well be a blockage in the flow of Qi and

Scars from an old injuries or operations can cause
the Qi to stagnate or be blocked, that can lead to
blood stagnation and a host of health problems.
When I was in Switzerland I had the opportunity to
spend some time at Dr. Thomas Rau’s clinic where
they have combined many of the eastern theories,
like the flow of energy in the meridians with
traditional medicine. One of the most successful
treatments that I brought back with me is neural
therapy to open up Blocked Energy Fields. (BEF)

is both an effect method of
diagnosing and treating illness and pain caused by
disturbances of the body’s electrophysiology.
(Cardiac electrophysiology is the science of
elucidating, diagnosing, and treating the
electrical activities of the heart.) These
electrical disturbances, called “Blocked Energy
Fields (BEF) are manifestations of cell membrane
instability and typically cause abnormal autonomic
nervous system responses. A blocked energy field
may be found in scars, the ganglia, teeth, or an
internal organ.

(BEF) is blocked energy that has an unbalanced
electrical potential than surrounding tissues. The
smooth flow of Qi is disturbed and dis-ease can
result in the nervous system, cause chronic pain
and dysfunction of normal systems.
A scar may cause back pain, migraine headache,
chronic stomach pain or cellular disturbances
affecting the immune system as well as sexual
When a patient comes into my office for the first
time, I examine the entire body for scars from old
injures and operations. This is an over looked key
to unlocking a patient’s health problems. The
blocked energy in a meridian changes circulation
to a body part when a trauma affects that area of
the body. (BEF) develops when the system control
does not return to normal after the trauma.
You can find a blockage by palpate over scars and
trouble spots as well as testing the patient’s
muscle strength using applied kinesiology,
computerized regulation thermography, heart rate
variability or some of the other advanced energy
measuring devices.

If the tissue is not receiving adequate
circulation, from a blocked energy field, it will
be less energetic and not have as strong an
electromagnetic charge.
If I find a BEF, I’ll inject it with a local
anesthetic and maybe a homeopathic as well to open
the blocked energy. Caine anesthetics are cell
membrane stabilizers and act on interference
fields in the same way that lidocaine does in
treating irregular heartbeat.
I have found that the effect of injecting the
blocked energy fields is almost immediate. There
is sometimes sudden relief of symptoms—but
typically this will occur within a few days.

Occasionally, patients will feel faint for a few
minutes after neural therapy injections. This may
be triggered by, low blood pressure caused by the
injection or the fear of needles. Use a very small
needle (27 gage) and this cuts down on the fear
factor for most patients.

If your patient is on anti-inflammatories,
anti-depressants, anti-hypertensives medications,
you may get a poor response with neural therapy
treatments. They tend to block the autonomic
nervous system, antibiotics; poor nutrition, lack
of mineral and vitamin deficiencies must be
corrected to achieve the best results. Also toxins
like, drugs, tobacco and alcohol may cause a poor
response to neural therapy. Environmental toxins
such as solvents, herbicides and fungicides affect
some people so ask in your initial intake about
all environmental hazarders like cleaning supplies
even perfumes can block the energy flow.

The metals in dental amalgam fillings, especially
mercury, poison the autonomic nervous system and
may defeat neural therapy as well.
For more information you can contact me at or Google Dr.
Thomas Rau in Switzerland.
I Wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Dr Wu Dhi

If you have seen every doctor in town and are not happy with results you are getting or you have been popping pain pills, sleeping pills, steroids and living on antibiotics it may be time for a FREE revaluation of your health picture.

Click here for more information

Dr. Wu Dhi

Finding a Good Spiritual Teacher

Friday, June 1st, 2012

How do you find a good teacher
when it comes to internal practices?
Meditation and Spiritual work in general?

“It is said that when the student is
ready the teacher will appear.”

Although I believe this is true, when
you are ready your teacher you need to
be prepared for their arrival.

I grow an organic garden every year filled
with a multitude of vegetables radishes,
tomatoes, eggplant, peppers,
cucumber, lettuce, garlic and onions,
spinach, squash, zucchini and a lot of
green leafy stuff that I don’t know the name of.

I don’t just through the seeds in and
expect to get food. It takes work. I first
have to turn the soil over, add fertilizer,
dig the holes, plant the seeds or plants and
then I have to water them and just the right
amount and there has to be lots of sunshine
but not too hot. I am continually picking
bugs and slugs and snails off and pulling
weeds out and this gives me a nice garden
with plenty of great organic food.

It’s the same with spiritual WORK. One
needs to cultivate a practice daily, meditate,
exercise, diet, right thinking and reading the
right kinds of books. It takes seeking; going to
lectures, joining with right minded people and
then a teacher has a place to land in your life.

I know this because I spent years studying,
reading, practicing and praying to be open
enough so a teacher could come into my life
and I was lucky as many showed up. I have
studied with different teachers–with a host of
teachings from many different schools and
traditions Taoist teachers, Buddhist teachers,
Hindu, Sufi, Jewish and Christian.
Every one of these teachers had a valuable
lesson for me to learn. Spiritual teachings
are like a giant puzzle, it seems like every
teacher has a piece and they are all valuable
and fit somewhere in your life to make you
the person you are today.

I consider myself fortunate to have worked
with Spiritual teachers for a greater part of
my life and the teachings I have learned I
share in these letters, in the meditation classes
I teach, the workshops I give and to the
members of the Qi Gong Inner circle.

If you feel you are ready to receive more
pieces to your puzzle, I invite you to join
me and the members of the
Qi Gong inner Circle.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi

How to Clean your Spiritual Objects

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Whenever I bring something new into
my home or office, if it is going to be
used for healing or spiritual purposes,
I make sure that I take the time to clean
it energetically.

The other day I was at the organic market in
Coconut Grove and there is a guy there that sells crystals,
Shiva lignums, gems and a host of unusual things.
I was eyeing a little Buddha for some time that seemed to
have some extraordinary Qi. Its cast of combination of
different metals seemed to resonate with interesting energy.
So, we cut a deal with the merchant and it’s
now part of my collection.
Before I brought it into my home I made sure it
was cleansed of any negative energy.

Here’s what I did:
Once you have cleaned an object physically, the next step is
to cleanse it of unwanted vibrations and energies that come from
other people handling it in packing, transportation, unpacking and
display before it has actually reached to you. With all the people
at the market touching, holding and looking at this Buddha, it needs
to be cleaned. Objects tend to take on energy indiscriminately and
like wearing someone else’s shoes, you can feel what’s not
the right energy for you.

I like to use a salt-water bath to purify these types of objects.
I live a few short blocks from the Ocean so going down to the
beach and cleaning my spiritual and healing objects is quite
easy for me. Salt is really good for removing negative
energy from most things.

You don’t need to soak the objects very long in salt water.
If it has a good vibe in the first place I’ll hold it in the
Ocean water for just a few minutes or sometimes I’ll bring home
a bucket of water and soak the object for a day or so.
When I do some really, really heavy clearing, I will soak the
objects in salt water for 3-4 days. Usually, an 8-hour bath every
now and then is just fine. If you don’t have access to seawater get
a bowl large enough to hold what you want to purify and fill the bowl
with water to cover it by about 1 inch. Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt.
But if you have genuine seawater, that’s the best!

When you pour off the salt water, do not touch the water or you can
transfer the negative energy back on yourself. Remember to thoroughly
rinse off any salt residue.

I’ve also smudged different objects with sage, sweet grass or
incense to cleanse them. This is especially good for things
that cannot be soaked in salt water.

After it’s clean I’ll put the object in the Sunlight.
It re-charges the ultraviolet light from the sun and
restores the depleted energy.
There are many other methods of cleansing spiritual
and healing objects. Some with water, sounds, light,
earth, color and fire. I share these spiritual teachings
with the members of the Qi Gong Inner circle as well as how
to use the tools methods and internal practices.

If you are seeking these teachings join us at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi

When Life throws you a Curve Ball

Friday, April 20th, 2012

Everything was going just find today, I walked down to the beach before
daybreak to start my meditation and trained. It was around 6: O’clock and
everything was beautiful quite and still.

I practiced for a little over an hour and then headed to breakfast.
Now that’s a great way to start your day. By 8:00 am
I was home showered, dressed, relaxed and ready to start my day.

I got to the office and that’s when the she -it hit the fan.
Anastasia is in her last days of school.
In fact this Saturday she graduates from Miami-Dade Honor collage
and Top of Her Class.


Little did I know that I was totally booked with patient,
appointments and everyone had an emergency of some sort
or another.

I even had a few new people walk in at the end of the day in major
neck pain going on, I guess when your busy you just get busier.

Around the busiest time of the day Anastasia received a call
from her classmate and much to her surprise and mind she was
told that they had switched her meeting from Saturday to today
and she had to go to school to finish her last project.
I was really not too happy that she was leaving last minute in the middle
of the workday.

But sometimes in life these unexpected things happen and
you just have to handle them like it or not.

Now if I didn’t start my day with the calm relaxing meditation
and training. I could have really stressed myself out and been
the one with the sore neck.

The morning training and meditation are one of the best ways to
protect you from STRESS.
You can actually put a protective bubble around yourself
and change your stress into power.

Don’t let those curve balls in life hit you below the belt.
You can use the stress and extract Power out of any situation.

Take the time right now and order the Turn Stress Into Power program
and grab the Power it’s there for the taking .

I wish you the best in your Health, wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

The Best is Yet to Come

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Did you know that originally the days
were named after the planets in the night sky?

In Chinese Medicine most of the planets
are also related to the 5 elements and you
can plan your days according to the planets
to give you the maximum insight and personal power.

Monday is ruled by The Moon.
Many of the lunar Goddesses,
like Hecate and Cerridwen are also associated with
magic and the intuitive nature of women. The moon
represents the emotional side of our existence. It is
unconscious, introverted, negative,
and female side of yourself.

Tuesday is ruled by the Fire element
which is the planet Mars.
It’s considered independent and quick,
and when activated, nothing stops it.

Wednesday is ruled by the planet
Mercury -the God of Games, Business, and
Story Telling. Mercury rules communications,
travel, the intellectual part of your personality,
and the functioning of the mind.

Thursday is ruled by The Planet Jupiter which
represents expansion and spiritual growth, –
The Wood Elements. Thursday is named after
THOR, the strongest of all the gods, a protector
of mankind since with his magic hammer; he fought
the battles of the good gods and mankind against the evil giants.

Friday is the metal element and ruled by Venus.
Venus is all about fertility, love and pleasure.
Venus is the goddess of Love, Beauty and a metaphor
for sexual love. Venus shows the ability of relating
to others, and the nature of the desire.
Venus can indicate the type of people we are
attracted to, or the nature of our sense of attraction.
It rules close partnerships and also marriages.

Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn and the
Earth Element is linked to your Karma. Saturn deepens
feelings of isolation, sadness, and depression.
Once the dark side of Saturn is recognized; its bright
side can be brought into view and enhanced. Saturn is
the symbol for Father Time, for he brought all things to
an end that have a beginning. Saturn’s domain is patience,
stability, maturity and realism. Saturn affects us by
delaying rewards until they are earned.

Sunday: The name comes from the Latin dies solis,
meaning “Sun’s day:” The Sun is about Energy- the god
of gift and sight. The sun represents your will or life force.
It is the conscious, extroverted, positive,
male side of yourself.

I like to cross train and I often break up my routines.
Doing something different each day of the week
It keeps my training exciting and can be a
lot more fun as well as an incentive to ‘keep on keeping on.’
Monday and Friday I put more emphasis on Yin
practices as it relates to the moon and Venus.

Tuesday is a much more vigorous workout because
it’s a Mars day and there is a lot of raw Yang energy.

Wednesday I spend more time practicing and studying
as communications are ruled by Mercury and it’s the time
for travel studying, learning or teaching.
This is the day that I do my ‘out of the office stuff.’

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter and this is my day for
expansion and meditation of all internal practices.

Saturday is my day for discipline’s holding my Qi Gong
stances as well as lots of reading and studying.

Sunday is full of energy as it’s ruled by the Sun and although
it is typically a day of rest in the western world, I do most
of my aerobic exercises on Sunday to recharge my heart.

This is a good way to schedule your week and get
the maximum practice.
One of the reasons behind the creation of the
Recharging Qi Gong set
is that it encompasses all of
the planetary aspects of a great workout.

Order it now and have a great week every week!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Don’t let the London Bridge fall down on you

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

In 1962, London Bridge was falling
down in Jolly old England.
Built in 1831, the bridge couldn’t
handle the ever-increasing
flow of traffic across the Thames River.
The British government decided to put
the bridgeup for sale.
Lake Havasu City, Arizona, and
Chairman of McCulloch Oil Corporation
submitted the winning bid of $2,460,000
and bought it.
That’s where I was for the last week.
But as good luck goes it was 80 degrees
all week and I missed the Florida freeze.

They dismantled the entire bridge,
each stone was numbered and everything
was shipped 10,000 miles to Long Beach,
California, and then trucked to
Lake Havasu.
Where the entire bridge was reconstructed.
Now,the London Bridge crosses a narrow
boating channel that connects with
Thompson Bay on the Arizona side.

Prior to the arrival of London Bridge,
the land upon which the bridge was
placed was a peninsula.
A large dredge was used to carve a
one-mile channel,removing over two
million cubic yards of rock and earth.
Water was then deverted from the lake,
under the bridge and then back into
the lake ,what an incredible project.

I met an old friend there, who I
haven’t seen in years.
It’s always good to connect with old
friends, and it’s a good way to check
in on your own growth.
On this retreat I did some
soul-searching and ask some questions
of myself.

1. Are you acting and living the same
way you were 10,20 or 30 years ago?
What can change to be?
2. Have you made some positive changes
in your life? Name them.
3. How is your Health?
4. Have you cleared out old habits that
don’t serve you any more?
5. What are you doing for the community
and the world??
6. Are you happy?

I know I eat a lot healthier now than
I did when in my younger years.
I eat organic, no soda, no fast food,
only coconut oil and olive oil to name
just a few.

Go to the blog at
for more good tips on health and longevity

As I look back on the years I can see that
my life style has improved in many ways.
What I eat and drink,who I spend my time
with and how productive I am.

I once heard a master say,
“We are somewhat like a plants-
We are either growing or dyeing.

Choose Life!”

I Choose Life! Choose life every day.
Root out anything that steals your
If it isn’t giving you energy,
it’s zapping your energy.

The study and practice of Qi Gong,
Yoga, Meditation and Internal Exercises
will improve the quality of life,
increase your brainpower, enhance
your sex life and change you into
a more powerful Person.

The Recharging Qi Gong program is
designed to make you more powerful
in body, mind and spirit.

Get the Program and start practicing
today. It will change your life for
the better,Guaranteed!

It has been said by great teachers
masters and Guru’s,that we only have
two things at the end of our life.
1.The amount of love you have given
2.The amount of energy you have stored.

Don’t be complacent with what you have.
You can always strive for more.

Energy = more Time=more Life.
Don’t waist one second of your life.

Don’t let your London Bridge fall down.

Train, Practice and be Thankful for
what you have.

Love and whenever you can enhance
others lives.

The more you give the more you’ll get.
Your growth
and your Time = Your Life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

A Powerful Workshop on The Magic Square

Friday, October 8th, 2010

What do you tell the person who
feels unloved? Who feels beaten down?
The person who lost hope and doesn’t
feel acknowledged?

Linda knows that I am an acupuncturist,
but when she came into the office the
first thing she said was,
“Doc I don’t want any needles stuck in me,
but I need your help.
I feel alone and unloved by my husband-
and the kids only want me to do things
for them and they don’t give back.
Not even a thank you! I think they feel
that they are entitled to all my time
and energy.

Can you please HELP?”

“Linda, it was back in 1974 when
I first learned about a Chinese system
called the Magic Square that helped
me, as well as many of my students
and patients sort things out to bring
their lives back into balance.
It’s a rather simple system,
but very profound and most powerful
at the same time.

The Master’s that I studied with,
were skilled in Black Hat Fung Shui –
the most mystical and spiritual
of all the Fung Shui practices.
That’s where I received the pith
teachings and the bulk of my knowledge.
They say that the Magic Square formula
goes back to Emperor Yu who was the first
Emperor of China and was credited with the
discovery of the Magic Square.
It has been said that the Emperor was trying
to tame the unruly Yellow River.
He saw a giant tortoise emerge from
the river. On the shell, there was a
pattern of nine lines near the head,
one line near it’s tail,
four lines near its left foot,
two lines near its right fore foot,
eight lines near its left hind foot,
six lines near its right hind foot,
and five lines in the center.

These lines contain the keys to the
magic square. The patterns found were
so unique that in any direction-
horizontal,vertical, or diagonal,
the numbers all add up to fifteen.
This is said to represent the fifteen
days in each of the 24 cycles
of the Chinese Year.

From the discovery of the Magic Square
evolved the I Ching, Feng Shui, Nine Star
Ki, Geomancy, Chinese Astrology and Chinese

There are many hidden secrets in the use
of the magic square; the one that I
practice and teach my students comes
from the deep roots of the Chinese
Medical Qi Gong.
Once you understand how it works,
you can balance your health,relationships,
wealth, career, success patterns, family,
and open up your inner creativity.
Interesting enough everything in the formula
must move through spirit to make it work.
The keys to success is in the balance of
the spiritual energy.

On November 13, 2010
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m,
I will be teaching a workshop
on The Inner teachings of The
Use and practice of the Magic Square.

How easy it is to successfully work
with this ancient system to help
balance the nine domains of your life.

The class will include:
*The formulas
*How to work the patterns
*The internal exercises of Medical Qi Gong
* Yin set- a powerful exercise to
strengthen the internal organs and
facilitate the integration of the
teachings into your every day life.

Miami Beach is the place to be on Nov 13th,
this workshop is a must if
•You work with people
•You want to transform Stress
•Increase your power of attraction
•You want to be More Powerful

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Call to register NOW – There are only 12 seats left

Don’t let external forces restrict you in any way

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

In 1978 I made my first trip to Caracas, Venezuela, what
a charming place it was back then, tropical and yet the
perfect weather.
Caracas was a city filled with art, culture and
most every country had an embassy there.
Venezuela was a jewel, one of the Hot spots in
South America to visit.

I was invited there with a group to remarkable people
to teach Taoist and Buddhist meditations and introduce
alternative medicine.

In 1987 I moved to Caracas on the request of my Guru
for three wonderful years to teach and learn.
He said. ”This move will change your Karma”
I couldn’t resist the opportunity to see what would
happen. So off I went, even though I didn’t speak a
lick of Spanish the adventure was worth it.

One of the most valuable things that I brought away
with me from Venezuela is the long-term relationship
with students and friends

My assignment was to run the Ashram, lead daily meditation
classes and get a group of more than 50 advanced students
up to speed on alternative medicine and the practices
from both the Taoist and Tibetan schools.

The school was considered a work school
and we worked.

“The rewards of hard work is, more work”

Students came together to practice and study 5 days
a week in the morning and there was a special
teaching every Wednesday night for 3 or 4 hours.

On the weekends I taught intensive workshops on a
Multitude of subjects:
• Qi Gong,
• Internal meditations
• Meridian mastery
• Polarity therapy
• The Taoist Secrets of love
• Chua Ka (a form of self-healing
• Touch for Health
• Feel for Fun (just kidding)
• Leadership skills

Plus much more that I only can share with
the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle.

Most of my weekends were full from early morning
until late at night.
I met quite a few people in those years,
many of them are still students and friends
who train and practice daily.

Venezuela is a lot different today than it was in those
Golden Years. There government has changed radically
and it has been reported in the news that Caracas has
more crime on the streets than ever and is more violent
than Baghdad.

I asked a good friend who still lives there how she deals
with chaos.
She told me something very interesting.
” I wake up go to my studio do my practices
and then go to work.
I am self-contained the master of my own destiny”.

We can all easily accomplish that in our lives if we want it.
It doesn’t come naturally; it comes with work and practice.
If you’re willing to put in the time you can embody the work
and be the master of your own destiny.

In the Qi Gong Inner Circle
I teach the skills for you to become the master of your
own destiny, in the shortest amount of time.

It takes work, practice, training and education.
There is an old Buddhist saying.
“It takes two wings to fly.
One wing is the teaching
and the other is the practice.
If you don’t have both wings,
it’s not that you will only fly ½ as far,
you just flop around”.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Every Wed. night at 7:00 I teach a meditation class
at my office, located at 18205 Biscayne
Suite 2214
Aventura Fl. 33160
Call 786-271-0325

PSS. The New Qi Gong Class will start this coming
Saturday September 25 at 7:00 AM
For more information call 786-271-0325