Posts Tagged ‘Practice and training’

End Holiday Stress in Less than 1/2 hour a Day

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

I received a deluge of calls since the beginning
of the month.
People have been freaking out and they don’t
have a clue what to do.

The first thing I ask them is, have you been
practicing and training?
For the most part they haven’t been,
I can’t believe how many different excuses I hear
as to why they can’t or why they don’t practice.
Do they think that there was some kind of entitlement
to mental and physical health without doing anything?

There are formulas in just about every culture on how
to be balanced and to stay younger and healthy.

I don’t care if it’s Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Christians,
Muslim, Jewish or the ancient Egyptians.
Throughout the ages people strive for longevity and
there are tried and true formulas that work.

But you have to practice.

The formulas include diet, hygiene,
exercises, prayer, meditations and rituals.

The Key is Practice.

The month of December has stressed people to the max with
the holidays. The planet Mercury has been retrograde since
December 10th
and doesn’t go direct until December 30th.

This can cause delays in travel, communication and
mechanical breakdowns.

Last night there was a lunar eclipse.
That’s the eclipse of the Moon,
when the light of the Moon darkens at the brilliants of
a Full Moon.
Traditionally this has been viewed as a bad omen.
It can awaken illogical responses in people.

As a rule, women and family are generally more affected
by the lunar cycle.They say men are more affected by solar
eclipses and today is the Winter solstice.

The Winter Solstice has been celebrated in cultures all over the
world for over thousands of years. 

This start of the solar year is a celebration of Light and
the rebirth of the Sun.
One of the stronger days of the year to make changes in our lives.
As we welcome in the seasons we also have a great opportunity
to shift in our body and mind.

We can use all of these astrological aspects as excuses not to
practice and make positive changes, 
or we can move beyond all of
our expectations and have a great shift in body, mind and spirit.
There is an opportunity to use all the energy of the planets to
propel us to have all we ever wanted.
Make a commitment to yourself to be all you can be.

Practice! Practice! Practice!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. If you want to be trained in the very best of internal practices
get the Recharging Qi Gong program right now!
In Less than a 1/2 hour a day you will transform you stresses
and be a Power House of Energy

Don’t let the London Bridge fall down on you

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

In 1962, London Bridge was falling
down in Jolly old England.
Built in 1831, the bridge couldn’t
handle the ever-increasing
flow of traffic across the Thames River.
The British government decided to put
the bridgeup for sale.
Lake Havasu City, Arizona, and
Chairman of McCulloch Oil Corporation
submitted the winning bid of $2,460,000
and bought it.
That’s where I was for the last week.
But as good luck goes it was 80 degrees
all week and I missed the Florida freeze.

They dismantled the entire bridge,
each stone was numbered and everything
was shipped 10,000 miles to Long Beach,
California, and then trucked to
Lake Havasu.
Where the entire bridge was reconstructed.
Now,the London Bridge crosses a narrow
boating channel that connects with
Thompson Bay on the Arizona side.

Prior to the arrival of London Bridge,
the land upon which the bridge was
placed was a peninsula.
A large dredge was used to carve a
one-mile channel,removing over two
million cubic yards of rock and earth.
Water was then deverted from the lake,
under the bridge and then back into
the lake ,what an incredible project.

I met an old friend there, who I
haven’t seen in years.
It’s always good to connect with old
friends, and it’s a good way to check
in on your own growth.
On this retreat I did some
soul-searching and ask some questions
of myself.

1. Are you acting and living the same
way you were 10,20 or 30 years ago?
What can change to be?
2. Have you made some positive changes
in your life? Name them.
3. How is your Health?
4. Have you cleared out old habits that
don’t serve you any more?
5. What are you doing for the community
and the world??
6. Are you happy?

I know I eat a lot healthier now than
I did when in my younger years.
I eat organic, no soda, no fast food,
only coconut oil and olive oil to name
just a few.

Go to the blog at
for more good tips on health and longevity

As I look back on the years I can see that
my life style has improved in many ways.
What I eat and drink,who I spend my time
with and how productive I am.

I once heard a master say,
“We are somewhat like a plants-
We are either growing or dyeing.

Choose Life!”

I Choose Life! Choose life every day.
Root out anything that steals your
If it isn’t giving you energy,
it’s zapping your energy.

The study and practice of Qi Gong,
Yoga, Meditation and Internal Exercises
will improve the quality of life,
increase your brainpower, enhance
your sex life and change you into
a more powerful Person.

The Recharging Qi Gong program is
designed to make you more powerful
in body, mind and spirit.

Get the Program and start practicing
today. It will change your life for
the better,Guaranteed!

It has been said by great teachers
masters and Guru’s,that we only have
two things at the end of our life.
1.The amount of love you have given
2.The amount of energy you have stored.

Don’t be complacent with what you have.
You can always strive for more.

Energy = more Time=more Life.
Don’t waist one second of your life.

Don’t let your London Bridge fall down.

Train, Practice and be Thankful for
what you have.

Love and whenever you can enhance
others lives.

The more you give the more you’ll get.
Your growth
and your Time = Your Life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

Don’t let external forces restrict you in any way

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

In 1978 I made my first trip to Caracas, Venezuela, what
a charming place it was back then, tropical and yet the
perfect weather.
Caracas was a city filled with art, culture and
most every country had an embassy there.
Venezuela was a jewel, one of the Hot spots in
South America to visit.

I was invited there with a group to remarkable people
to teach Taoist and Buddhist meditations and introduce
alternative medicine.

In 1987 I moved to Caracas on the request of my Guru
for three wonderful years to teach and learn.
He said. ”This move will change your Karma”
I couldn’t resist the opportunity to see what would
happen. So off I went, even though I didn’t speak a
lick of Spanish the adventure was worth it.

One of the most valuable things that I brought away
with me from Venezuela is the long-term relationship
with students and friends

My assignment was to run the Ashram, lead daily meditation
classes and get a group of more than 50 advanced students
up to speed on alternative medicine and the practices
from both the Taoist and Tibetan schools.

The school was considered a work school
and we worked.

“The rewards of hard work is, more work”

Students came together to practice and study 5 days
a week in the morning and there was a special
teaching every Wednesday night for 3 or 4 hours.

On the weekends I taught intensive workshops on a
Multitude of subjects:
• Qi Gong,
• Internal meditations
• Meridian mastery
• Polarity therapy
• The Taoist Secrets of love
• Chua Ka (a form of self-healing
• Touch for Health
• Feel for Fun (just kidding)
• Leadership skills

Plus much more that I only can share with
the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle.

Most of my weekends were full from early morning
until late at night.
I met quite a few people in those years,
many of them are still students and friends
who train and practice daily.

Venezuela is a lot different today than it was in those
Golden Years. There government has changed radically
and it has been reported in the news that Caracas has
more crime on the streets than ever and is more violent
than Baghdad.

I asked a good friend who still lives there how she deals
with chaos.
She told me something very interesting.
” I wake up go to my studio do my practices
and then go to work.
I am self-contained the master of my own destiny”.

We can all easily accomplish that in our lives if we want it.
It doesn’t come naturally; it comes with work and practice.
If you’re willing to put in the time you can embody the work
and be the master of your own destiny.

In the Qi Gong Inner Circle
I teach the skills for you to become the master of your
own destiny, in the shortest amount of time.

It takes work, practice, training and education.
There is an old Buddhist saying.
“It takes two wings to fly.
One wing is the teaching
and the other is the practice.
If you don’t have both wings,
it’s not that you will only fly ½ as far,
you just flop around”.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Every Wed. night at 7:00 I teach a meditation class
at my office, located at 18205 Biscayne
Suite 2214
Aventura Fl. 33160
Call 786-271-0325

PSS. The New Qi Gong Class will start this coming
Saturday September 25 at 7:00 AM
For more information call 786-271-0325

Will Brain Qi gong training increase your longevity

Monday, August 16th, 2010

All day Friday, Saturday and Sunday I threw myself into a Brain Qi Gong training. I stretched, pushed, pulled, squeezed and twisted every part of my brain. It wasn’t comfortable and it wasn’t that easy, but it was necessary to my training. I have been serious about anti-aging practices for more than ½ of my life. Anti-aging Brain Qi Gong is a BIG part of longevity.

When you truly practice longevity exercises, it takes more than working your body. Both diet and nutrition are important, you have to work all the systems all the time, if you want the results of a long healthy life, and the Brain is the master of them all.

The knowledge I acquired in the three day seminar will surely help my patients and although the subject matter was challenging, that’s exactly what I was looking for, a brain challenge.

“Mastering the Thyroid” a subject that I knew very little about, but I know the importance of the thyroid. In Chinese medicine we think of it as being associated with the triple heater meridian, I’ll go into that at another time.

We have an epidemic of thyroid disease and it’s hardly understood by traditional doctors or the alternative ones, thyroid disease can have an autoimmune component to it and that’s barely addressed in thyroid disorders- usually you’re just put on meds for the rest of your life. But wait! There is still hope. There were over a hundred doctors in the workshop learning these advanced methods of diagnostic and treatment, but there were very few that took the workshop for the reasons I did.

If you want to stay young, there are multi tasks that one has to do. Yes, physical exercise both external and internal is a big part of anti-aging, so is diet and our social activities are all part of it. To stay young you have to work all systems- “Use it or Lose it.” The brain has to be stretched, feed and worked to keep it functioning at peak performance. That’s the big reason why I take seminars and workshops on un-familiar subject, to give myself a brain workout.

The doctor who taught us is a master in Endocrinology, Blood Chemistry, Immunology and Neurology. We studied Hashimotos disease, Graves disease, thyroid replacement, hormones, hypothyroidism and hyperactive, the cells and all the chemistry. Hour after hour with no breaks, no stories and no jokes it was all science and chemistry.

If you could have been watched me in the workshop you would have said that I was sitting and taking notes. That was true from the outside. My internal practice was quite different. I was observing both the teacher and myself keeping a second attention, that’s part of the Tibetan Buddhist meditation practices that allows your entire being to gather information and make it part of you in the least amount of time. You actually embody the information. Being able to hold a second attention allows you to be the observer of the class, the teacher, and the teachings and to monitor yourself all at the same time. That is a special teaching that is only taught one-on-one in the coaching program
and by DVD to the Qi Gong Inner Circle members.

If you want keep your brain and body years younger, join me and create your own Longevity.
You will receive the tools that will build a solid foundation, keep you disease free and strengthen your body, mind and spirit.

Make yourself uncomfortable. The comfortable ones will be in their grave long before you.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

PS. Private coaching sessions will be offered again in Mid September

Juicy and Hard

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Energy a little sluggish lately?
Maybe you’re getting tired after lunch-
you just don’t seem to have the punch you
used to and that bounce in your step isn’t bouncing.

Your “Un-balanced” Hormones could be the culprit.

It makes no difference male or female,
if your Hormone levels drop you could be pooped out
by mid-day.

Looking at our normal level of testosterone; they should
be between 350 and 1,000.
When we reach the age of 40 our levels start to drop,
you can lose about one percent a year-
a harmless decline in the short term, but there is a chance
you’ll be getting a fat belly, have weak bones, lose muscle
mass and your sex life may only bea fond memory by the
time you reach your early fifties.
When Testosterone levels are in the low- range this could
even increase your chances of dying of some
cardio-vascular disease.

You may be thinking that’s just for the sick and elderly.

Well wake up!

Both guys and gals in there thirties and forties are
reporting the same problems…

They can’t get a hard-on to save their lives,
and the woman’s vajayjay is dried out.
That desire for sex has gone bye, bye.

That’s when they run to my office all “Freaked out.”
Their adrenals are blown-out.

These things usually aren’t diagnosed until it’s too late.
Your hairy bagpipe is out of air and
your sexual desire is gone.
If you want to bring that Fire breathing dragon back to
life, the first thing to do is “Hightail” it to the doctor and
get your hormone level tested.

You can replenish your testosterone stores with injections,
creams, pills or patches, but if you’re supplying your body
with testosterone replacement, chances are your body will
shut down your natural production of the hormone.
Sounds like double- bind.
The side effects of testosterone replacement can be worse
than the original problem.

The ancient Chinese and Tibetans used a totally different
approach to keep vital, they were full of energy and were
ableto stay far younger than their years.
Armed with the knowledge of ancient internal exercises,
diets and meditations they have managed to stay young
and healthy throughout the ages.

These guarded secrets of longevity increase the
testosterone levels naturally.

It was back in the late seventies when I was invited by
my Master to a retreat center in the Catskills to learn
these formulas of sexual power, longevity and
internal spirit awareness.

I have been practicing and teaching these practices to my
students ever since.
If you have a burning desire to stay young, sexually strong
and vibrant in all aspects of your life,
I offer these teachings to a few selected students.

If you’re up for the adventure you can write me for more
details on the private coaching

Below are some hot tips designed to get juicy Lucy back online
andyour lazy joystick working well.

1. Lose that Jelly Belly

Carrying excess body fat elevates your estrogen levels.
That will cause your testosterone levels to drop.

2. The Best Sex is Morning Sex

Morning stimulation causes your circulating testosterone
to rise significantly.

3. Work your Legs

Working your butt and legs will increas testosterone.
If you are on that vitamin “Noassatall,”
it’s time to work your hindend.

4. Your Nuts

Nuts are good for your nuts. Make them your snack to
increase testosterone levels.

5. Hill Sprints

Run full out for 30 seconds to one minute.
Walk- for a full minute between sprints,
so you can regain enough strength to continue.
This will produce the greatest boosts in testosterone
Do at least two sets. Walk–sprint-walk-sprint walk.

6. Rest Hard

Six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep before midnight
will repair, replenish and boost your testosterone levels.
If you’re a party animal, don’t be surprised if you stop
craving sex and are just too tired.

7. Don’t over Train

If you over train -you don’t allow your body to recuperate
adequately between training sessions -your circulating
testosterone levels willplunge by as much as 40 percent.

8. Moderation & Balance

Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are the keys to turn
that lock.

9. Eat regularly

Eat five meals a day, low in sugars -balance between
protein, carbs, oils and fiber.

Incorporate these valuable tips into your daily routine
and they will help to balance your levels of energy and
increase your sexual appetite.

In China a healthy sexual appetite is the source of
anti-aging practices.

I wish you the best in your Health Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Private coaching is a one-on-one training that can be at
my office in Miami or at your location

Write me for more details and we can set up a phone meeting.

Dr. Wu Dhi

knowing when to act and when not to act=

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

It was less than a week ago when I received
this letter from a friend and mentor.
Here is what he said.
“All I want to do when I’m finished is stare at
The walls or look out the windows. Not moving.
Not doing anything.
Just looking, taking it in … and breathing.
Sit and stare straight ahead for long periods
of time …
Just sitting. Looking straight ahead.Breathing.
Doing nothing.”

It may sound like he is depressed, on drugs or
just spaced out,
But he is actually in a very high meditative
place of being. The Taoists call that state
of aware “Wu Wei”

“An action that does not involve struggle or
excessive effort”.
The concept of “effortless action” like
Qi Gong and the Internal Martial Arts.

“Wu” can be translated as without.
A better way to think of it is as a paradoxical

“The Action of non-action.”

Non doing is “what we mean by going with the
grain,rolling with the punch…”
– Alan Watts, The Watercourse Way

In China I was given the name of “Wu Di”
but when I returned to the homeland,
my spiritual master changed it from Di to Dhi.

Dr.Wu Dhi literally means,

“One who has no Enemies.”

The word “Dhi” is taken from the mantra (prayer)
to the deity that Manjushri,the Buddhist god who
stands for wisdom and knowledge,for the most
part the knowledge of linguistics and grammar.

God knows I need that.

Wu Wei means “Without action, action without action,

Effortless doing”.

The aim of Wu Wei is to achieve a state of perfect
equilibrium,or alignment with the Tao and,
as a result, obtain an irresistible form of
“soft and invisible” power.

One way to accomplish this state is to practice
the internal exercises like, Qi Gong, Nei Gong
and Shen Gong.

Students that come to me seek that stillness of
mind and internal power.

The Recharging Qi Gong Program.
builds the foundations to achieve the state of “Wu Wei”,
like getting the whole puzzle in a big box and
Qi Gong Inner circle programs shows you how
all the pieces fit together.

Now is the time to know, knowing when to act
will give you great advantages in your body,
minds and spirit.

Act Now order today

I Wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

The Circle is never ending

“I know I should be, but am not.”

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

At last the wedding day has arrived for Ryan & Faye. Monsignor Doyle is about to give the wedding Mass.         The music is starting and heads are turning to see the stunning young bride. The exchange of wedding vows will happen in the next few minutes. I am at Saint Rose Catholic Church in Miami, Florida. It’s a blessing to be here to celebrate this holy event.

On my way to the church, I ran into Faye’s cousin. We met a few times over the years. He’s a martial artist, well trained and disciplined in his art and dedicated to his practice. I asked if he was doing any internal training and he said.

“I know I should be, but am not.”

Big mistake dude! I am around 30 years his senior and no kidding we look around the same age. I can tell you why. I don’t know him very well but I know he practices a hard form. I am sure he gets a buzz from it, feels lots of juice and surges of energy. Although he is geeked up for now it won’t last.                                                                     He’s way too yang and burning himself out without even consciously realizing it. That much yang energy is only OK when you’re young but if you don’t cultivate yin you’ll be old before your time.

All of the old masters practice an internalform Qi Gong, Nei Gong, or Shen Gong it maybe under another         name if Japanese, Korean or Philippinebut every form has some kind of internal practice.

Basically Yang is fire and Yin is water. If you continually build your yang energy you will dry up the yin, then you’re in big trouble. The organs get too much heat and they dry up and so do you. Your body loses flexibility, the tendons contract and your joints will start to ache your skin gets old and so do you. There not a day when some martial artist comes into my office and complains of pain.

Doc. “I did Karate or Kung-Fu for years and now everything hurts, can you help me”?

They never practiced any internal work and they always got as yang as they could taking hot yang formulas over training to stay geeked up and now they are paying for it.

Well guys and gals it’s not too late to recover and start feeding like you were young again.

When they come into the office I start them with a special diet, yin nourishing tonics and teaching them the secrets of internal work. Most centers don’t teach it to their students for a few reasons; either they don’t know it or they hold information back from the student to keep the edge for themselves.                                                                 The internal exercises like the Recharging Qi Gong ones are the opposite of external exercise.                         External exercises like kung-fu, karate, boxing and wrestling often deplete the body and the internal organs.  This causes premature aging illness and loss of Qi.                                                                                                            There is a saying that I heard many years ago. ‘If you train externally you must train internally, but if you train internally you don’t need to train externally”.

I created the Recharging Qi Gong program and teach the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle an on-going program to keep them as young and powerful as possible. If you’re a martial artist, a weight lifter, swimmer, runner, boxer, dancer or just someone that’s wants to retain your youth and health join me and the members that are getting younger as they practice.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

What’s it Good for ?

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

 A few days ago, Shawn wrote to me inquiring about simple Qi Gong exercises for tendon, ligament, bone and fascia development.

He asked if the Recharging QiGong exercises addressed that.

Here’s what Dr. Wu has to say about that… Shawn,This is a great question, thanks for taking the time to write me. As a matterof fact, the Recharging Qi Gong exercises are designed to do exactly what you are looking for, tendon, ligament, bone and fascia development.

For example, Exercise #4 – The Wrist Twists, is a simple exercise that will help build structure and strengthen the bones, tendons and ligaments and it’s very simple to do.

   First, ya gotta have a good structure,

The stance is very important. It is the key and success to Qi Gong or any internal practice.

Make sure you pay attentionto the 9 point foot alignment, then knees, hips, chest, shoulders and chin.

Once you have the proper alignment, drop your energy below the ground. Then slightly twist both your knees outwards and imagine that you are driving giant screws into the ground. If you could picture yourself, you would look like an iceberg ¼ above and ¾ under.

Now you’re ready to turn on the juice…

Although this exercise might seem simple, You want to get maximum results.

    Place your attention on your middle finger as you rotate. You will feel the tendons work as you rotate which will build both tendons and ligament strength.

   Another very powerful exercise is Opening the Wings, exercise #10 .The secret to this one is turning of the arms in combination with the percussive breathing.

This is a heavy hitter.

It opens up spiritual centers and at the same time works all the deeper tendons in the arms and shoulders.

Stayed tuned!

I’ll be showing more of the tendon and ligament work to the Qi Gong Inner Circle members in the monthly DVD’s.

 I will also go over the critical pointers on the New Moon conference calls. It’s coming up on Feb.24 at 7:00 EST http://www.qigonginrcircle.comThe Recharging Qigong exercises have the foundation practices for the internal work and the secret teachings are built into the sequences.  You’ll become aware of the energy
 shift in your body in an incredibly short time of practice.

The purpose of these teachings is to give you the maximum strength, power andenergy to keep you healthy, improve the quality of your life and open the spiritual centers.  

If you work it, it will work for you.

If you haven’t come on board as yet and are on the edge, now is the time jump in. Go to and sign up now. It’s an investmentin your long life.