Posts Tagged ‘April 18th’

The Super Hero formula

Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Back in the days growing up in Detroit, my Superhero was
‘The Man of Steel’- Superman. I can still remember
the superman saying word for word.

“Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a
locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Who disguised as Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter
for a major metropolitan newspaper fights the
unending battle for truth, justice, and the
American way.”
It stills brings a tingle to my
entire body when I hear that.

April 18th was the 75th 
anniversary of
Superman’s first appearance in Action Comics #1.
Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster in 1932
in Cleveland, 
the co-creators developed the
first and what many say is the greatest superhero.

People love Superman so much they couldn’t wait to
get the next comic book about his feats.
In fact, this love for Superman is so enduring
that he has appeared 
in nearly 1,000 Action
Comics and has evolved with the times, appearing
in a 1940s radio serial, TV series beginning as
early as the 1950’s and frequent appearances in
Hollywood movies including the newest movie “Man
of Steel” due to be released 
in June.

Why Hero’s are important?
Every culture has them no matter if it’s an American
hero like Superman,Batman, Wonder Woman or Crocodile Dundee
in the land down under. My grand kids love the modern
day heros like Harry Potter and Dragon Ball`s from Japan.

I remember going to the movies with my brother to
see Raiders of the lost ark years ago and we were
both totally glued to the big screen watching
Indiana Jones with his bullwhip and gun in hand.

Those who do not have a taste for fiction or
fantasy may have a hero in their own father,
mother, grandfather or even a brother or a sister.
Whatever the case, it has to be admitted:

Everyone needs a hero.
Now, have you ever wondered why that
is? Surprisingly enough, people need heroes
because a hero equals HOPE, a ROLE model to
follow, and a certainty that things will fall into
their rightful place.

To our subconscious mind, a hero represents what
you feel is right, what is good. People
unconsciously, are always trying to find that role
model, that great example to follow: A pattern, a
blueprint of goodness.

When we practice internal exercises they change us
from the inside out. We feel younger, stronger and
they give us a feeling of power, youth and
They change you from the inside out.

I can tell you this for a fact, I know I have
been practicing for over 30 years and I still feel
young, flexible and strong. It’s not too late for
you to start, but you must start and the sooner
the better.
Old age will not wait for you. He’s a
coming for you right now.

Order the Recharging Qi Gong Program today and
become that hero to yourself and your family.

I Wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. You may be a hero to your children, your
cousins or the kid next door. Don’t let anybody
put Kryptonite in your path and weaken you
Order right now and regain your strength