Posts Tagged ‘Big Grin’

How to Party Day & Night and Still Stay Healthy

Friday, December 16th, 2011

Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la!!!!

You know what that means?
We eat, eat, eat and drink, drink, drink!

Over the holiday season, with all of
the festive activities and fun, we all have
the tendency to over-eat; over-drink, and
worst of all, eat all of the wrong foods.

Sugar cookies, sticky eggnog, basically
all fat and sugar!

This is a great way to spike your insulin
levels, clog your arteries and set you up for
the February Flu. It’s not that any of us are
going to miss any of the parties or any of the fun!
We are all going to eat some junk and enjoy it!
Let me tell you a little trick!

NEVER EVER put anything into your mouth
that you say is not good for you.
Let me give you an example:

I was out with Sherly the other day, and we
stopped at a little coffee shop to chat.
She ordered a big piece of chocolate cake
and a double espresso. She sat down and with
a big grin on her face, she said, “I know I shouldn’t
eat this, it will probably go right to my thighs!”
So, what Sherly did is she actually cursed the cake
and instructed it to make her thighs fat by eating it.
So many people do this, it’s amazing to me!!!

If you are going to eat something, the best thing
you can say is, “this is going to make me feel good,”
or that “this is going to make me healthy!”

That’s why it’s so important to say a little prayer
before you put anything in your mouth. It’s the
same with medicine, you never want to take a pill
and say, “this is killing me!”

When taking your medicine or your vitamins, you
should instruct the pill to do what you want it to do.

Let me give you an example:
When I take my vitamins, and I take them every day,
I always say to myself as I swallow them;
“I feel good, I feel great, these vitamins
will make my body radiate!”

You can tell your medicine or your vitamins
what you want them to do for you. You can use the
little jungle that I always use, or make up your own.

Over the holiday season, we all party and have fun,
but the one thing that you want to do is you want to
keep up on your nutrition. When we deprive
our body of good food, proper sleep, and days of
partying, we need to supplement. The easiest and
fastest way to keeping yourself healthy and vibrant,
is to get proper nutrition into your body.
Every day, I take my
vitamin packs in the morning and in the evening.

The Multi-Four is incredible!
Order yours today and stay
healthy all season long!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi