Posts Tagged ‘Flu Shots’

Who is responsible for your health?

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Who is responsible for your health?

How many of you have an HMO insurance plan?
Most people who have health insurance in the USA
are covered by HMO, a Health Maintenance
Organization. In fact our government gives all the
American Indians who live on reservations the best
government HMO insurance and guess what! The
average of those receiving it live to 66 years
old. On the other hand people who don’t get
involved in the HMO insurance plans live 15 to 20
years longer.

I have been in the health field for 35 years and
we would think it is getting better every year.
Well it is for some, but if you are on the short
end of the stick, watch out.
Every time there is a new ruling from the FDA to
protect us, you have to wonder who they are trying
to protect. Is it our health or the drug industry?
They don’t seem to be concerned with what people
are eating, the side effects of drugs or how many
people are self-medicating at the drug store.
Could the lobbyists be controlling your health?
Let me tell you what I feel is happening. The
major drug companies, who like to be referred to
as pharmaceutical companies have a lot of money,
check it out!
These are the profits of the big drug companies in
$ Millions


2.Johnson & Johnson


4.Abbott Laboratories

5.Eli Lilly

6.Bristol-Myers Squibb


8.Gilead Sciences



11.Biogen Idec


These are millions of dollars

NICE Profit guys!

TV ads are full of commercials to promote their
products. They are distributed at every drug
store, grocery store and even Wal-Mart and Costco
are selling all kinds of drugs and flu shots. This
is BIG business and they are all on the stock
exchange making money for their investors. What do
you think they are in business for anyway, Your
Health? You would think that this program is
working fine if you were in the drug business, but
there is a problem.

People are getting sicker with more cancer, heart
conditions and diabetes then ever before and the
numbers are rising daily, there is something wrong
with this picture.

I am not saying that modern medicine is all-bad,
if you haven’t been following a good health
regiment or you were born with bad genetics, got
shot, or have been in an accident, modern medicine
is a blessing. Modern medicine has saved thousands
of lives both in wars and peaceful times; medicine
and can keep you going for years even if you were
on your deathbed.

Here is where the systems fails; the management of
disease. It stinks! They don’t know squat about
keeping you healthy.

Years ago I worked in a Psychiatrist office and
every patient that came into the office was told
that they needed to be on meds. If you see a
traditional Western doctor, for pain you are given
anti-inflammatory, pain pills and steroids or sent
in for psychological evaluation.

People have brain washed to believe they need to
be on medicine or something very bad will happen
to them.

Well it just ain’t-so!
I am not telling you to stop your medicine or
ignore your doctor but there is plenty you can be
doing to feel better and stay healthy but it takes

First, stop listening, reading or looking to any
commercials that are trying to suggest to you that
you need their medicine. No matter if it’s about
the flu, low T or sleepless nights. Start
exercising every day. If you are able, begin a Qi
Gong program, take a yoga class or start
meditation today. If you aren’t ready for that at
least walk.

The gym will keep you looking good but not
healthy. I dropped my membership years ago. There
were too many sick people all in the same room
coughing, sneezing and bitching about their
problems. Get-out in nature, breathe fresh air,
eat a healthy diet. No Fast Foods (they are a fast
way to the grave).

If you think I am being harsh try a few days in
the hospital with bad air, bad food, and a hoist
of diseases all locked up in the building with
you. No one goes to the hospital to get healthy.
I have created programs to keep all of us healthy,
younger, and happy.

I practice daily and so do thousands of students.
They are staying healthy, feeling younger more

I suggest you start out with the Flying Crane Qi
Gong Program

You will be able to learn that within weeks you
will be on your way to a healthy, stress free,
happy life. This was the first Qi Gong I learned
years ago and I still practice it daily.

Order it now and it will be in the mail tomorrow.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you are already doing internal exercises, get
the Recharging Qi Gong program

Dr. Wu Dhi

It’s worth 1,000 flu shots!

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

It’s starting to get cold up north and the
snow birds are flocking up to Florida once again.
Today I was busy with colds, flu’s, back aches,
sinus congestion, knee pain, and allergies.
When people come down to South Florida for the
first few weeks, no matter if they’re coming from
Europe or the northern states, when they get down
here they change their diet, their dress, and they are
exposed to all of the flowering plants and trees of
South Florida. That’s what keeps me busy all day.

My office is busy all day with people from all
over the world trying to balance their health issues.
The type of medicine that I practice is far different
than the traditional doctors. I never try to kill a disease,
a germ, or a virus. My practice is based on strengthening
the immune system. If you have a strong immune system,
you don’t get sick – you stay young, strong and vibrant!

Western medicine is built around the germ theory.
Trying to kill that germ, trying to kill the cancer,
trying to kill the bacteria or whatever the disease is.
To me there is really no logic in that medicine.
We’ve all been exposed to colds and flu’s before
and if we are emotionally upset, stressed out, or not
in balance, we end up with a disease. If you’re happy,
in love and filled with joy, even if you’re exposed to
the worst colds and flu’s, you usually don’t get it!

When you’re stressed out – that’s the time that
Dis-ease hits you. You’re not yourself.
You don’t have your usual strengths and power
that you usually have -you’re just out of balance!
And the slightest breeze or an unwanted sneeze can
make you sick. I have had patients report to me that
by doing the exercises and the meditations in the
Turn Stress into Power program, they eliminated
all of their colds, flu’s and fevers the entire winter!

This information is worth 1,000 flu shots!
Stay healthy all winter and order the
Turn Stress into Power program today!

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi