Posts Tagged ‘Northern States’

It’s worth 1,000 flu shots!

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

It’s starting to get cold up north and the
snow birds are flocking up to Florida once again.
Today I was busy with colds, flu’s, back aches,
sinus congestion, knee pain, and allergies.
When people come down to South Florida for the
first few weeks, no matter if they’re coming from
Europe or the northern states, when they get down
here they change their diet, their dress, and they are
exposed to all of the flowering plants and trees of
South Florida. That’s what keeps me busy all day.

My office is busy all day with people from all
over the world trying to balance their health issues.
The type of medicine that I practice is far different
than the traditional doctors. I never try to kill a disease,
a germ, or a virus. My practice is based on strengthening
the immune system. If you have a strong immune system,
you don’t get sick – you stay young, strong and vibrant!

Western medicine is built around the germ theory.
Trying to kill that germ, trying to kill the cancer,
trying to kill the bacteria or whatever the disease is.
To me there is really no logic in that medicine.
We’ve all been exposed to colds and flu’s before
and if we are emotionally upset, stressed out, or not
in balance, we end up with a disease. If you’re happy,
in love and filled with joy, even if you’re exposed to
the worst colds and flu’s, you usually don’t get it!

When you’re stressed out – that’s the time that
Dis-ease hits you. You’re not yourself.
You don’t have your usual strengths and power
that you usually have -you’re just out of balance!
And the slightest breeze or an unwanted sneeze can
make you sick. I have had patients report to me that
by doing the exercises and the meditations in the
Turn Stress into Power program, they eliminated
all of their colds, flu’s and fevers the entire winter!

This information is worth 1,000 flu shots!
Stay healthy all winter and order the
Turn Stress into Power program today!

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi