Posts Tagged ‘Chinese Medicine’

The Yin & Yang Path to Longevity Practices

Monday, April 16th, 2012

The Yang aspect of the Yin and Yang symbol has to do
with Fire and the Heart.
Although the organs in traditional Chinese medicine
do not literally correspond to the anatomical organs
Instead, they are better understood in terms of the functions
they perform, which incorporate energetic,
emotional and spiritual aspects as well as physical.

The Heart is Often called the Emperor of the body,
the heart rules over blood circulation and vessels,
and controls sweating.
Shen, the mind or spirit, resides in the Heart,
and is responsible for mental processes, thinking, memory,
sleep and dreams.

Our heart is ruled by the element of fire.
Each organ in the body has a sense organ connected to it.
The Lungs open to the nose, The Spleen manifests on our lips,
The Kidneys have to do with our ears,
the Liver opens up to the eyes and the Hearts is associated
with our tongue.
If there are memory problems, insomnia, excessive dreaming,
forgetfulness or amnesia it is all to do with an unbalanced Heart.
The heart govern the mind not just the brain but also the whole

If our heart is functioning properly, the blood flows smoothly
and our personally is usually balanced.

When a patient comes into see me I always look at their tongue.
It shows pathologic changes in the heart.
If the tongue is pale there is a usually some deficiency in the body.
If I see a purple tongue it means there is blood stagnation
and a bright red tongue means there is too much heat in the body.
To be a good diagnostician one must learn how to observe
others and put the signs together.

There is a story about a professor who was teaching a group
of first year medical students the importance observation.

He passed out cups on the first day of class and instructed
the students to follow his instructions to the T.

Each student was told to go into the restroom and urinate
in the cup and return with the sample in hand.

They all followed his instructions and upon returning the professor,
again stressed the importance of good observation and instructed
them to follow closely.

The professor put his finger into the cup and very deliberately
stirred clockwise for 10 seconds, the students followed.

Then he stuck his finger in his mouth and the students all
followed. The professor said,
“The lesion here is to learn the importance of observation,
if you were paying close attention you would have
noticed that I was stirring the urine with my ring
finger and then I sucked my middle finger”.

“You can observe a lot just by watching.”
Yogi Berra

When I see a patient or work with a student the first thing
I do is observe their balance of Yin and Yang.
There needs to be a mutual support and communications
between the Yin and Yang.
If there is a disharmony:
“The heart and kidneys aren’t communicating”
And that means trouble.

The fire of the heart should warm the kidneys and the water
of the kidneys should irrigate and moisten the heart.
The kidney should cool the head and the heart should
warm the feet.

When the Fire and Water are in harmony they work together
the heart yang energy will nourish the kidneys and the
kidney yin energy will nourish the heart.

To make the most effective changes in your health or
longevity practices it takes both the patient and doctor
working together to bring the body/mind and spirit back
into balance and harmony.

That’s why prescriptive exercises are so very important;
it’s a way to keep your self-balanced.
The healing powers of the Recharging Qi Gong program
can pull one out of a multitude of health problems no
matter if it’s a disease that is affecting the body,
mind or spirit.
But you must practice.
It takes two wings to fly, one wing is the teaching that
I can coach you on,
but the other wing is the practice and that’s your part.
A bird doesn’t fly half as far with only one wind,
he just lies on the ground flapping around.
It takes two wings to fly and it takes both the teaching
and the practice to grow.

Get on the path to longevity and
order the Recharging Qi Gong program right Now

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dh

The Keys to Vital Energy

Friday, April 13th, 2012

I want to thank all of you who wrote to me
asking for more information about the meridians
and how they are used in Chinese medicine and how
all of this applies to Qi Gong longevity practices.

Lets face it, we are all getting older every day and
unless you do something about it you are headed for the
traditional medical treatments, that’s a program that we
would all like to avoid. A lifetime of drugs and surgery
can and will ruin the quality of your life and make you old.

We all know the symbol for Yin and Yang –it’s very popular today
in Kung Fu schools, tattoo parlors and even in the media.
But do you know what the real meaning of the symbol is?

“The ancients envisioned their world in two halves – masculine and feminine.
Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power, Yin and Yang.
When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world.
When they were unbalanced there was chaos.”
― Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code

In Chinese medicine it stands for two of the most important organs in our
bodies, the Kidneys water and the Heart Fire.

The kidneys are considered the root of life, the Yin aspect of life.
They store the jing (our sexual energy) they are ruled by the water
element and if your kidneys are weak you’ll most likely have a sore back,
loss of your libido, hearing problems, hair loss and even sore knees.

The kidneys are the source of all Yin and Yang in the body.
The kidneys also have to do with psychic authority or will,
memory, cleverness and knowhow.

If you are having problems with your bones, and teeth, the root
cause can be the kidneys.

People that come into my office every day
with one big problem, BACK PAIN.

Here is what they say, “I can’t do the things I used to because
I have no Umpf, my get up and go has got up and gone.”

Most of these problems come from weak kidneys. But you can rejuvenate
and revitalize your kidneys and your back and improve your energy from
the inside out. I put together a program in the seventies that restores
your back and gives you your power back and I still use it
today with amazing results.

Yes I updated it and added more exercises and now it’s being used by
thousands of people all over the world to eliminate their back pain and
regain their energy. I will show you how you can instantly strengthen
and relax the muscles, tendons and ligaments of your back with simple
but highly effective exercises that you can do in just a few minutes every day.
I’ve made this program so easy for you to get.

You will receive Dr. Wu Dhi’s
“Eliminate your Back Pain DVD” within days.

Enroll NOW by placing an order for the
‘Eliminate Back Pain’ and feel good again.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happinss

Dr. Wu Dhi

Dr. Wu Dhi’s Longevity Secrets

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

I was reading the “Baby Boomers guide to Longevity”
and I was impressed on what they had to say about how
you can increase your life span and improve your health.
Here is a summary of what they said about
‘The Time Honored Energy Practice Qi Gong:’

“We know that stress ages us. It tires out and weakens the
immune system. Eventually, chronic stress will start to show
up in our joints and aging skin. This makes Qi Gong, an ancient
energy practice from China, an especially effective Anti-Aging Remedy.”

In China, Qi Gong is the name given to the study, practice, and
cultivation of Qi (chi), which mean’s “Created Energy.”
The word ‘Gong’ comes from GongFu, which refers to energy and time.
Although there are different ways to perform Qi Gong, most practices
involve breathing exercises and a series of carefully choreographed
movements or gestures designed to facilitate the flow of Qi (chi).
A consistent Qi Gong practice has the ability to strengthen physical
power, increase mental alertness, endurance, and promote long life.

As it relates to longevity, Qi Gong is especially important because,
in addition to restoring and moving lost Qi, it also replenishes the
blood. As we age, our blood supplies dwindle and our bodies become dry,
brittle, and less elastic. In both Western and Chinese medicine, it is
our bone marrow that maintains healthy levels of red and white blood cells
– the fluid that protects and nourishes the body. The Qi Gong exercises that
I teach and practice restore the suppleness of this marrow, which in turn
strengthens the brain and enhances our mental capacity.

In addition, medical studies have found that Qi Gong practice reduces
sympathetic activity (the fight -or-flight responses that are activated
under stress) in the central nervous system. At the same time, Qi Gong
increases parasympathetic activity, which is restorative and most active
during periods of rest. Qi Gong is considered a viable therapy for
protecting the heart, lowering blood pressure, and reducing anxiety,
all without the need for drugs!”- Well said.

Personally, I have been practicing and teaching Qi Gong for 35 years and
have a Masters in Medical Qi Gong from the International institute of Medical Qi Gong.
I can say without a doubt that my practices have kept me younger and healthier.
I take no medicine, feel great I haven’t had any operations and my sexual
energy is great! I have to say that all of my organs function well.
My brain and memory are only getting better and I want to share this with you.

Yes, you can avoid dangerous medicine, going under the surgeon’s knife and restore your health.

I have two ways that you can learn this wonderful system. On Sunday
March 11, 2012 at 8:00 AM I will offer you an opportunity to restore
your youth by joining the 6-week Flying Crane Qi Gong class in Miami Beach.
If you’re out of town and can’t make it to Miami, don’t worry I have you covered.
The Flying Crane Qi Gong program has been professionally recorded and edited in an
easy to learn format that you can play on your TV or computer. You will also
receive some great free gifts with your program!

Order your copy today to make your body, mind and spirit look and feel younger!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Call Anastasia at 305-466-1977
to sign up for the class and receive your free gifts!

Unleash your Sexual Power!

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Whenever Billy gets close to scoring,
the game is over before it even starts.
Now he stays away from sexual encounters as
he is embarrassed and within minutes of getting
excited he blows his goo. He told me that sometimes
he looses it even before intercourse.

This can happen to anyone, regardless of age.
It affects sex life big time and the overall
satisfaction of the partners as well.
According to western medicine, premature ejaculation
is due to a heightened sensitivity to touch which
results in quick ejaculation and thus sex can’t be
continued for long.

The causes for premature ejaculation can be:
• Emotional aspects
• Stress
• Mental instability
• Depression
• Blood
• Excess Medicines or drugs
• Over drink Alcohol

Most men experience premature ejaculation at
some point in their lives. It becomes a serious
health condition only if it persists over a period of
time and may be a precursor to impotency.
Most cases of premature ejaculation remain
undiagnosed and untreated because of the stigma
associated with this condition. ?? ?

Current evidence supports an average intra-vaginal
ejaculation potential time of six and a half minutes in
18-30 year olds. If it’s below this time, this is
considered premature ejaculation

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) see’s Premature Ejaculation
most commonly caused by a Kidney disorder.

There are many other patterns associated with this disorder
but most commonly have an underlying kidney deficiency.

Kidney deficiency with Liver Qi Stagnation:

Kidney is deficient in general, plus emotional factors
stagnate the Liver, like anger. This can lead to heat which forces
an already weak Ming Men Fire, (“The Door of Life”) It’s located
just beneath the two kidneys, and exactly opposite the navel, and
it is associated with the water element. These people are generally
depressed, have a bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, and blurred vision.
Chinese Herbal Formula: see your Chinese herbalist

Kidney Yin deficiency with Fire Rising:

Excessive amounts of sexual activity, which leads to
this condition of premature ejaculation.
There are general symptoms of hot feet, night sweats,
red cheeks, mild anxiety, and low back ache.

Kidney Qi deficiency:

This type of premature ejaculation revolves around fatigue.
Although there is also low libido, when this individual can
achieve an erection it will not last long and will experience
premature ejaculation. The body will show signs of poor energy,
low back ache, dribbling urine or frequent urination, urination
at night, weak knees low sex drive and possible sense of cold,
especially the feet.

Fear/Shock injure Kidney:

Premature ejaculation occurring after a traumatic event in ones life.
There is a sudden feeling of fear or fright, which changes the
behavior of the individual. There also may be insomnia, fear of
crowds or similar uneasy feelings.

What can one do to hold on to your goodies:

• The Dear Exercise
• Chinese sexual weight lifting
• Deep thrill exercise
• Sexual male massage
• Sexual enhancement diet
• Sexual Qi Gong exercises

If you want to be all you can be in the bedroom I can
Show you the way on how to stay in the BEDROOM.

Join the members of the Qi gong Inner circle
and get ready to be more than you have ever been

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Best is Yet to Come

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Did you know that originally the days
were named after the planets in the night sky?

In Chinese Medicine most of the planets
are also related to the 5 elements and you
can plan your days according to the planets
to give you the maximum insight and personal power.

Monday is ruled by The Moon.
Many of the lunar Goddesses,
like Hecate and Cerridwen are also associated with
magic and the intuitive nature of women. The moon
represents the emotional side of our existence. It is
unconscious, introverted, negative,
and female side of yourself.

Tuesday is ruled by the Fire element
which is the planet Mars.
It’s considered independent and quick,
and when activated, nothing stops it.

Wednesday is ruled by the planet
Mercury -the God of Games, Business, and
Story Telling. Mercury rules communications,
travel, the intellectual part of your personality,
and the functioning of the mind.

Thursday is ruled by The Planet Jupiter which
represents expansion and spiritual growth, –
The Wood Elements. Thursday is named after
THOR, the strongest of all the gods, a protector
of mankind since with his magic hammer; he fought
the battles of the good gods and mankind against the evil giants.

Friday is the metal element and ruled by Venus.
Venus is all about fertility, love and pleasure.
Venus is the goddess of Love, Beauty and a metaphor
for sexual love. Venus shows the ability of relating
to others, and the nature of the desire.
Venus can indicate the type of people we are
attracted to, or the nature of our sense of attraction.
It rules close partnerships and also marriages.

Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn and the
Earth Element is linked to your Karma. Saturn deepens
feelings of isolation, sadness, and depression.
Once the dark side of Saturn is recognized; its bright
side can be brought into view and enhanced. Saturn is
the symbol for Father Time, for he brought all things to
an end that have a beginning. Saturn’s domain is patience,
stability, maturity and realism. Saturn affects us by
delaying rewards until they are earned.

Sunday: The name comes from the Latin dies solis,
meaning “Sun’s day:” The Sun is about Energy- the god
of gift and sight. The sun represents your will or life force.
It is the conscious, extroverted, positive,
male side of yourself.

I like to cross train and I often break up my routines.
Doing something different each day of the week
It keeps my training exciting and can be a
lot more fun as well as an incentive to ‘keep on keeping on.’
Monday and Friday I put more emphasis on Yin
practices as it relates to the moon and Venus.

Tuesday is a much more vigorous workout because
it’s a Mars day and there is a lot of raw Yang energy.

Wednesday I spend more time practicing and studying
as communications are ruled by Mercury and it’s the time
for travel studying, learning or teaching.
This is the day that I do my ‘out of the office stuff.’

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter and this is my day for
expansion and meditation of all internal practices.

Saturday is my day for discipline’s holding my Qi Gong
stances as well as lots of reading and studying.

Sunday is full of energy as it’s ruled by the Sun and although
it is typically a day of rest in the western world, I do most
of my aerobic exercises on Sunday to recharge my heart.

This is a good way to schedule your week and get
the maximum practice.
One of the reasons behind the creation of the
Recharging Qi Gong set
is that it encompasses all of
the planetary aspects of a great workout.

Order it now and have a great week every week!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Fire your Boss

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Chances are strong there’s a major part of
your life which is sapping your energy
and dumping negativity over you and
your family.
And this economy is only making things hurt worse.

I’m talking about slaving away at a 9 to 5 job.
If you’re happy with your work life,
I am happy for you and this unusual message isn’t for you.

If you DO feel like your job is slowly killing you,
let me reveal a little about myself:
I’ve been a practioner of Chinese Medicine for over
30 years, almost always working with my patients
But in the past few years, I’ve been able to open
a “clinic without walls” by sending my healing
messages straight to you with the power of the internet.

This is no accident.

I’ve been expanding my horizons and opening myself
up to new ways to increase my abundance by helping
people worldwide even if I can’t look you in the
eye and shake your hand.

And this has been possible because of a
friend of mine who builds these certain
kinds of websites.
With his help, I can communicate my message with
emails like this one, and have websites like
(his website) where I offer my life-changing
products and services.

Recently my friend stepped up to the plate to
share his story, and it might be eerily similar
to yours. He used to slave away in the corporate
world as an IT whipping boy before firing his boss
and selling his own products and services.

He just put up a free video telling his
inspiring story here:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth, and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. I realize this may not seem to be related
to health and longevity, but I’m enjoying helping
spread my friend’s message and I realize if
you feel at all beaten down and depressed about
your job, this video just might be that first
little step which turns everything around:

Dr. Wu Dhi

Befriend me on Facebook:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel:

Dr. Wu Dhi was born Sherwood Swartz but mostly known as ‘Woody’ to friends and family. As a student of various traditions he as received various names and titles over the years as is appropriate in those schools. Among these names was Wu Di, very similar to the pronunciation of Woody, in China the name means ‘has no enemies’. Wu Di was later renamed by a Tibetan Lama to Wu Dhi with an ‘h’. Although this may not seem like that much of a change from Wu Di or even Woody for that matter, it is in fact a high honor to receive such a name directly from a Lama. Dhi in this case is the Sanskrit seed syllable ‘Dhi’ and associated with the great wisdom holder Manjurshri.

Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R.China.

Golden Skies Productions (

1120 98th. Street
Bay Harbor Fl.33154

“Yeh Ming Ju” The Energy Gem

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

It’s still hot here in South Florida.Today, the temperature was in the 90’s.
When you live in “The Sunshine State” you get use to the heat and the rain.
This weather will continue for at least another month or two until it starts to get cold up North. Then we will start to feel a sudden change of the
weather as we go from a hot and steamy summer to a more mild heat once the fall moves in.
The ocean will then cool off and I will again be living in paradise, a beautiful 70 degrees with no humidity. From November to May the weather here is perfect.This is when all the snow birds return to Florida and the tourist season begins again.

It’s strange to me that some people who live here all year long don’t venture outside in the summer to enjoy the energizing weather of the tropics.
It’s even harder to believe that some people never give
themselves the opportunity to swim in the ocean.
I make sure to spent much of my time outside.

In the early morning, long before the sun comes up,
even as we move into the winter months, I still go into the ocean.
The beautiful and rejuvenating ocean is why I moved to
South Florida many years ago. In fact, I tell most of my
patients to spend at least twenty minutes soaking in the ocean water, two or three times a week.

The salt water of the ocean has many healing and therapeutic qualities.

-It helps to detox the entire system.

-It keeps the lymphatic system moving and helps to
massage the intestine.

-It keeps the skin soft.

-It de-stresses the body, mind and spirit.

-Just standing in the ocean is the ultimate form of meditation
and provides your body with complete relaxation.

I spend most of my day busy with a full time Chinese
medicine practice, book and blog writing, DVD producing,
and personally training and coaching students and patients
in matters of health and longevity.
It makes no difference how busy I am or how many projects
I am involved in, I always make sure that my health is my number one priority.

When you spend so much time outside like I do, you not only
have the opportunity to experience nature, but also to become energetically sensitive.

The more energy you are aware of the more energy you can
cultivate and use for the growth of your health and spirituality.
You learn what kind of energy to avoid and when to put yourself
right in the middle of positive energy.

My friend Peter Dragon who trains in Qi Gong everyday,
knows how energy works and how to cultivate it.
I just received a new package from him today all the way from China.

I was happy to find that the package contained more of the
magical gems “. The Chinese know all about Yeh Ming Ju. Although most have never seen the gems in person, many would like to have one to enhance their Health, Wealth and Happiness.

When I wear my Yeh Ming Ju I feel like I am protected by body armor.
Since wearing these magical gems my energy and endurance
have increased greatly, I sleep better, and my creativity and awareness have been heightened.

Yeh Ming Ju is considered to be the ” King of the Energy Gems.”
These gems are infused with Rare Earth Elements and once they
are charged up by the Sun they hold and radiate Qi. In a sense they are alive and have their own awareness.
I was lucky enough to get a few of them for myself and some of my students. People have been writing to me from all over the world asking
how they can own one of these “energy gems”.
Like any rare gem they are hard to get and are “worth their
weight in gold”.
In ancient times only members of the Chinese Royal family
were allowed to own this rare gem and it has never left China until just recently. The last batch I received sold out in two days.

The more energy workers that become aware of the gems
the quicker the price will go up and the more difficult they
will become to obtain. It’s as simple as supply and demand.
In this recent shipment I was lucky enough to secure some
really choice pieces.
If you are interested in energy and better vitality you’ll definitely
want to own one of these amazing gems. Write me at
and reserve your energy gem today. I have small beads, large beads and
some really powerful necklaces available.
This is the last shipment I will receive until next year.
Don’t miss your opportunity to get one as they sell out fast.

Peter Dragon is currently finishing his first book on Energy
Gems and it will soon be available.
I’ll make sure that you are well informed as I get more information
on it’s release.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Dr Wu Dhi

Harvest moon Detox

Monday, September 12th, 2011

I took a long walk under the great ball of Yin light,
The Harvest moon to balance my energy and cultivate energy

On September 12 at 5:27 a.m. EDT the moon will
be at its fullest.

This moon is celebrated across many cultures.
It’s an especially powerful moon for meditations,
lasting changes and moon magic.

The moon represents Yin the female force.
In the Taiji symbol Yin is represented by the dark half
with the seed of white in it.
The Chinese character means the dark side of a hill which
shows us the roots of the philosophy in the natural world.
It’s the perfect time for making new changes in your life.

As we move into a Fall season things will naturally change
on the planet. Fall is the time for closure, harvest and to
start preparing your body and mind for the winter.

In Chinese medicine Fall is when the lungs and large intestine
are most active.
We are coming into the colds and cough season and it’s
perfect time to strengthen your immune system.

From simple to elaborate, celebrating the harvest moon is part of
clearing the clutter in your mind body and spirit .

A time to turn your thoughts to the comforts of your home as the
cold weather arrives, think of ways to bring your attentions into
the area in your home. Focus your energy on creating the changes that make your life more balanced.

I’ll am personally start a six day detox program to clean out
my system and move into the Fall season as smoothly as possible.

I started my ritual cleanse today, as I do every time the seasons change.
This gives my digestion system a rest and helps to detox the liver, kidneys and lungs.

I started this morning with deep breathing exercise on the beach and
when I got home I started drinking apple juice and water 8 oz. of each
I drink at least a quart of apple juice a day for the next
6 days, with a two day liver flush next weekend.

The liver flush formula:
*Pink grapefruit
*Olive oil
Organic is best if you can get it

Take 4 oz. of fresh grapefruit juice
1/2 lemon
2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 piece of fresh garlic
Blend the mixture until smooth and drink it down. Yum!

It will help to clear potential stones out of the liver and
clear out the colon.
I’ll do this for a few days and follow up with the
two week homeopathic detox kit.

This is a great ritual and gets the body ready for the changes in
the season and to help avoid colds, flu and the fall crud.

If you have any questions send me a note at

Note: you can cut the apple juice with water for a few days,
as not to shock your system with to much sugar.

Remember: Before you jump on the band wagon
It’s always a good idea to check with your health
professional before starting any detox programs.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Balance is the key

Shen Disturbance or just flipped out?

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

Last Friday I left the office around
3 O’ clock and took a five hour drive
up north to The Academy for
Five Elements Acupuncture School
in Gainesville, Florida, the home of the Gators.

I spent the weekend with 50 students from
all over the country to study with a
Master of Medical Qi Gong.

Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson, the founder of
The International Institute of Medical
Qi Gong flew in from California to
teach an intensive on Shen disorders.

In acupuncture, depression, mood
disorders, mental health problems and
emotional disturbances is associated with ‘

Shen’ Disturbance

A Shen disturbance can be manifested by
patients with depression, mental health
problems and emotional disorders.

In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),
the Shen is our spirit.
Shen lives in the heart, not in the brain.
Mental disharmony often indicates that the
Shen is unsettled or troubled.
We call this condition ‘Disturbed Shen.’

When there is an energetic knot in the
heart, from lust filled desires, fear, hate
filled guilt and blame, an energetic knot
is formed causing a Shen distribution.

In this workshop, we learned to remove
energetic parasites, how to form and use
energy balls and how to remove unhealthy spirit.
This may sound a little strange to you but there
is more going on with our health and well
being all the time and it’s not all physical.
Sometimes an imbalance will appear in
your dreams or show up in a host of
disturbances in your life, long before it
shows up as a physical disease. Cancer
is a good example of this, a mental
emotional disturbance that is on going,
and eats away at us until one day it raises its
ugly head and sick is all around us.

In Western medicine, they are treated with
drugs that sedate the patient until they come
out of the disturbed mental state, if not;
they are medicated for their entire life.
We all know this is no cure, but it is done
to millions of people daily.

I believe that some of these disturbances
come from spiritual openings or spiritual
blocks that most of us have no idea how to handle.
Working with Medical Qi Gong over the past years,
I have learned how to redirect these
energies to open up the heart and balance the mind.

Medical Qi Gong offers us prescriptive
exercises that will balance the body, mind
and spirit and which brings peace and harmony
back to the person in a pure non-invasive way to heal.
These exercises are prescribed to patients
to recover from illness, but why wait until
you are sick? Learn the exercises now and
keep yourself and your family healthy.

For thousands of years, these secret
teachings were shared with the elite only.

In the Recharging Qi Gong Program
there are specific exercises to re-balance your
body, mind and spirit and keep you dis-ease free.

People in Asia, Europe, North America,
South America, Australia, and Africa are
practicing The Recharging Qi Gong program.
Those students who practice the program have
reported more of a balanced mental state,
relaxed mind, clearer head and a more
powerful body. Now we are truly fortunate
to have an open access to this ancient technology
of Qi Gong as a method to reclaim our health
and balance our energetic resources.

Don’t be left out. Get your program today:

I Wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

“The “The Qi Gong Renaissance.”.”

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

There is a trend happening in China as we speak.

People are studying and practicing
more Qi Gong than in any previous time
in Chinese history.

In the past, Qi Gong was only available to the
wealthy, monks, priests, and nobility.
But now, Qi Gong is taught in schools,
practiced in parks, temples, clinics and
hospitals to anyone who is willing to l
invest their time and energy.

When I was in Beijing a few years ago,
every morning when I went down to the park
to do my Qi Gong practice, there were hundreds
of people practicing different forms of Energy
work and today there is even more.
It was incredible to see and feel the Qi
and this type of energy brings in more energy.

In fact, when I went into the bookstores
in China,I found hundreds of books, tapes, videos,
magazines, on just about every aspect of
Qi Gong.
*The Martial art forms

*Meditation forms

* Medical Qi Gong

All kinds of healing forms of
Qi Gong. I was there searching for practices
on healing, health and the Medical Qi Gong forms.

I was amazed to find that Medical Qi Gong was practiced
in every hospital I went to. When I first went to China
17 years ago, these practices were all secret,
but today there are large Medical Qi Gong
hospitals in all major cities of China.

China is the only country in the
world where Medical Qi Gong has been
truly integrated and accepted as part of
the healthcare system.

You may be asking what is Medical Qi Gong?
Qi means life -force -energy and Gong means skill.
Qi Gong is the practice of gathering,
cultivating and applying life force energy
to heal the body,mind and spirit.

Medical Qi Gong is the oldest of the four branches
of traditional Chinese medicine and provides the
foundation in which acupuncture, herbal
medicine, and massage originated.

The Qi is the spark that activates all the other
branches and opens up the spiritual path of self
realization. It is the best way to prevent or cure a
disease, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

In my practice of Medical Qi Gong, I send
energy/Qi into my patient’s physical and
energetic body to help transform their health.

If I do this all day, without recharging myself,
I would be wasted in no time. Practicing charges
up my batteries up and I do my energetic practices
every morning, if I didn’t I would be sick myself in
no time at all.

That’s why every morning I train, practice and teach to
renew my body mind and spirit. The foundation
of the practice is built on the meditation and spiritual
work and that’s what guides me.

When I am practicing
Flying Crane Qi Gong,
I always close the set by doing the automatic move
to balance my meridians and chakras. This balances
and roots the energy in the lower
Dantian, navel and Ming area of the body and
Is the storage place for Qi.

Pick up your copy of the
Flying Crane Qi Gong today at
and lets get started now.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi