Posts Tagged ‘Spiritual Path’

Fire Magic and the Puja Fire

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Fire Magic and the Puja Fire

Many of you have written and asked me to share a

little more about fire magic and the Fire Puja is

very powerful and has many benefits for the
living, and the deceased.

The fire Puja ceremony fulfills wishers, removes
obstacles, improves health, and increases merit
and wealth. For the practitioners, making offering
to the fire deities helps the practitioner gain
accomplishments on the spiritual path. I have
found it can stabilize one’s meditation,
concentration and improve one’s spiritual

The ceremony is an excellent method of purifying
negative karma and attaining higher rebirth. You
can write the names of loved ones on a piece of
paper and put it in the fire or write your wishes
and toss them into the fire. The smoke emanating
from the fire is charged with vibrations and thevibrations travel for miles creating peace and
harmony in the world as it caries your prayers,
wishes and blessing along.

The Fire Puja also helps to avert and purify three
kinds of problems:

1. Clears past karma that affects your
life in your relationships, job, and business.

2. Dissipates and purifies internal
difficulties held in place by fear, doubts and
superstition. This can seriously affect health of
our body, mind and spirit

3.Undisclosed or unseen obstacles on the
path that keep one stuck like a vial of darkness
causing ignorance that obstruct our ability to
realize the true nature of existence

Fire, if directed properly can change water to
steam, steel into liquid and transform coal into
energy. Fire chemically changes the forms of
things it comes in contact with and it will
eventually become ashes returning the elements
back to the Earth.

Keeping a close eye on the fire is important and
can tell a story as well. As the wood is placed
piece by piece on the Puja grounds, a prayer or
mantra is placed on each and every piece. The
placement is important depending what you are
trying to accomplish. I have either been involved
in building Pujas that where 40 or 50 feet high
and small ones made of just matchsticks. There are
many different purposes: ceasing calamities,
increasing wealth, health and wisdom.

There are Puja’s to attract powerful people, bring
in powerful assistance and to attract the opposite
sex. There are even Puja’s to destroy opposition.
The Puja fire is a powerful tool in spiritual work
as well as clearing and purifying the physical
body and mind.

Want more info about these kinds of energie s?
You can join me and the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and go deeper into your practice of
energy medicine.

IMG_3674I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Qi Gong’s Influence on Health

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Qigong has influenced China for
thousands of years, although it has
been hidden from the public for the
most part. It has been passed
down from father to son and from
master to disciple with strict oaths
of secrecy- never to show or teach to outsiders.

In ancient times, when a practitioner
knew more than someone else it assured
them to make a good living. Herbal
formulas, special acupuncture treatments,
martial art forms and the most guarded
were internal practices of Qigong.

The exception to this rule was in the
monasteries, where the monks learned
Kung Fu meditations, internal work like
Qigong, Nei gong and Shen gong.
When the Communist government came
into power, all of this came to an end,
most of the books were destroyed and
many of the true masters were killed,
went into hiding or escaped out of mainland China.

When I was in China just a few years ago,
Qigong was still very much a kept secret to
the masses. Families held on to secret herbal
formulas like solid gold.

Change is good, although we may not think
so at the time it’s happening, but if it wasn’t
for the Cultural Revolution– all of those
Masters who fled China wouldn’t have had
the same willingness to share the secrets
of Qigong.

Today Medical Qigong has been proven to
work well on many illnesses that other
medical systems can’t even touch.
Emitting Qi from your hands may seem like
a remarkable feat to you now but with the right
education and training you can do it!
Qigong Masters can do it as easily as glancing at you.
I have spent years studying with such Masters and
the energy can kill cancer cells, alter brain waves, open up
spiritual path ways and much more.

The technology is no longer hidden in China.
There are books, teachers, DVD’s and classes
that will teach you how to cultivate the Energy
of Qi.

I was in the right place at the right time in the
early eighties to learn and practice these teachings.
I began an intensive study of Qi Gong with a
Master from China and worked intensely with
Lama’s from the Tibetan culture to learn and
eventually teach these precious techniques
to students from all over the world.

In my two programs:
Recharging Qi Gong

Flying Crain Qi Gong

I will show you step by step methods to
open your energy and help you develop your
spiritual digestive system. Don’t delay!
Start your program now and start learning how
to emit Qi and receive it at will.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth,
and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

“The “The Qi Gong Renaissance.”.”

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

There is a trend happening in China as we speak.

People are studying and practicing
more Qi Gong than in any previous time
in Chinese history.

In the past, Qi Gong was only available to the
wealthy, monks, priests, and nobility.
But now, Qi Gong is taught in schools,
practiced in parks, temples, clinics and
hospitals to anyone who is willing to l
invest their time and energy.

When I was in Beijing a few years ago,
every morning when I went down to the park
to do my Qi Gong practice, there were hundreds
of people practicing different forms of Energy
work and today there is even more.
It was incredible to see and feel the Qi
and this type of energy brings in more energy.

In fact, when I went into the bookstores
in China,I found hundreds of books, tapes, videos,
magazines, on just about every aspect of
Qi Gong.
*The Martial art forms

*Meditation forms

* Medical Qi Gong

All kinds of healing forms of
Qi Gong. I was there searching for practices
on healing, health and the Medical Qi Gong forms.

I was amazed to find that Medical Qi Gong was practiced
in every hospital I went to. When I first went to China
17 years ago, these practices were all secret,
but today there are large Medical Qi Gong
hospitals in all major cities of China.

China is the only country in the
world where Medical Qi Gong has been
truly integrated and accepted as part of
the healthcare system.

You may be asking what is Medical Qi Gong?
Qi means life -force -energy and Gong means skill.
Qi Gong is the practice of gathering,
cultivating and applying life force energy
to heal the body,mind and spirit.

Medical Qi Gong is the oldest of the four branches
of traditional Chinese medicine and provides the
foundation in which acupuncture, herbal
medicine, and massage originated.

The Qi is the spark that activates all the other
branches and opens up the spiritual path of self
realization. It is the best way to prevent or cure a
disease, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

In my practice of Medical Qi Gong, I send
energy/Qi into my patient’s physical and
energetic body to help transform their health.

If I do this all day, without recharging myself,
I would be wasted in no time. Practicing charges
up my batteries up and I do my energetic practices
every morning, if I didn’t I would be sick myself in
no time at all.

That’s why every morning I train, practice and teach to
renew my body mind and spirit. The foundation
of the practice is built on the meditation and spiritual
work and that’s what guides me.

When I am practicing
Flying Crane Qi Gong,
I always close the set by doing the automatic move
to balance my meridians and chakras. This balances
and roots the energy in the lower
Dantian, navel and Ming area of the body and
Is the storage place for Qi.

Pick up your copy of the
Flying Crane Qi Gong today at
and lets get started now.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi