Posts Tagged ‘Living Room’

Making Life Fun

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

I Wish all of you a Happy New Years
I got a call this morning from John who was
bummed out.
He was complaining that he had to work today and
when on and on on how it was unfair.

So John I am sending out this blog to
let you know what the true meaning of work is
and how I feel about work, by the way I am at the
office working and having fun.

When I was a small boy growing up in Detroit
my father would come home every night after
work around 6:30 and before dinner he would  
play with my brother and me before doing
anything else.

We would beg him to stand on his head and
Dad who was in good shape would do a head
stand for us. He loved to stand on his head
like a yogi right in the middle of the living

Every time he did this, coins would fall from his

My brother and I would scurry around and grab
as much loose change as we could while my father
pretended to protest, “give me back my money” from
his inverted position.

In truth it was as much fun for him as it was
for us.

My father was the youngest of a family of eight
and being the baby of that family was always having
fun with siblings even into adulthood.

Life for him was about play and having fun.

Dad successfully instilled this outlook of life
onto me and my brother.

Even when we would go with him to work in downtown
Detroit we had fun, maybe even the most fun of all.

The word work and the drudgery that goes along with
it never made any sense to me or my brother because
of this.

People hate to work but they use this word for
stuff that isn’t even work. Did you ever notice
that everywhere it does get used people are really

Serious people in the gym are Working Out.
For serious training you go to a Workshop.
When you’re serious about beauty you call
it a Work of art. If you’re serious about
your Work they say you have Work ethic.
Some even practice Spiritual Work.

I’ve done my best to work and be conscious
over the years,I really have, but most of
the time I can’t help but
consider how much fun I’m having.

If I’m not having fun or moving to a higher
level of “fun”in the sense of being able to
contribute; making a difference; learning;
growing and to feel that I am  part of a
successful group that is making a difference
in the world, it’s usually not fun and I am
not doing it or at least not for long.

What I’ve learned is that you can’t push
other people to work they are either workers
or not, but you can make it rewarding and Fun.
This gets you and others to be much more protective.
Everyone loves to have Fun.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of reminding ourselves
that we’re having fun.

Try it.

There are many situations that are supposed to be
fun that we often add tension to and they instantly
become serious situations or work.

At these times simply say aloud “This is fun”.

You’ll either break the tension in the room or
you’ll actually change the
orientation of yourself and others from one of
seriousness to one of FUN.

If you saw me doing Recharging Qi Gong with my
students on the beach I doubt you’d say that looks
like a lot of work. It’s actually a lot of fun and
it looks like fun, feels life Fun and it is Fun too.

Big smiles on everyones face and some occasional
laughter is normal.

This is not your usual “Workout” and so far it’s been
producing unusual results in those that have gotten
the program
and started to use it.

If you want more vitality and pep in your step I
encourage you to make a change.

Go to
and find out how you can use these simple and gentle
movements every day to pump up you Qi power and invigorate
your internal organs

Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Sky is Falling

Monday, October 31st, 2011

It’s been raining in Miami for almost two weeks.
One day they said that we got as much as 10 inches of rain.
This is the end of the rainy season and we still got the
hurricane threats for the next three weeks. I live on one
of the barrier islands and if we get a storm, I have to evacuate.
Anyway, last week I was sleeping and I heard a strange
sound in my house. I couldn’t imagine what it was!
At first I thought that it was one of the stray cats that
got in or possibly a burglar.

I jumped out of bed, grabbed
my Samurai sword and went into the living room, and
much to my surprise, the roof was leaking! It was making
a clatter as well as a mess. I immediately put pots and pans
and anything that I had under all of the drips
and called the roofer.
He came out the next day and patched the roof. Then it took another

3 weeks before the dry wall guy came and the painter guy to fix the inside.

I spent all of last weekend finally cleaning the entire house.
Sunday I finally hung my artwork back on the walls and with a
feeling of completion I went to sleep.

Early Monday morning around 5 am I heard a giant crash,
I jumped out of my bed, ran into the living room and noticed
that 20% of the ceiling had fallen down and the house was
leaking again. I was not a happy camper.
In fact, I was beside myself!
I couldn’t wait until 8 o’clock to call the roofer and
report my findings. He told me that he couldn’t come
out for two weeks as he was on a job and there was
nothing you could do. That morning I went to the beach
and trained for 2 ½ hours to rebalance my energy. Once I
realized that the circumstances were out of my control, I
moved everything out of the living room, again. I covered the
floor with plastic, bought a de-humidifier, put buckets down
and moved to a nice hotel on the beach. It’s beautiful here, I’m
less than 100 feet from the ocean and I train in the morning.

“And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down.
Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.”
Author Unknown

In fact, I’m training more than usual, taking my vitamins, and
doing my meditations. This doesn’t change the situation with my
roof or my house, but I’m calm, relaxed and the situation that was
out of control is now being handeld by the roofer and the insurance company.
So I’ve taken a very stressful situation and turned it around to make
my health and well-being much more powerful.
I’ve turned my STRESS into POWER. Life is
always changing and we always have things that are out of control.
Nature causes floods, fires cause destruction and natural disasters
happen to all of us at one point or another in our life.

Students and patients often ask me, “How can I control my life, so
situations like this don’t cause me excess stress and ill health?”
I’ve been teaching these precious exercises to thousands of students
and patients throughout the years to teach them how to turn their
STRESS into POWER and now I have put together a program called
Turn Stress into Power!

It includes a book with all of these exercises, meditations and
ways to distress your body, mind and spirit and made a DVD to
show you exactly how to do the program. Grab your copy today at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi