Posts Tagged ‘University Of Colorado In Boulder’

Can LOVE keep you healthy?

Monday, October 8th, 2012

Yesterday in the Sunday review I talked about
dodge ball.
It’s natural that when someone sneezes or coughs
we all like to avoid them and getting sick.

In traditional medicine, we are always trying to
kill the germ or avoid the germ.
But that’s not really the problem. It all has to
do with our immune system.

when I was a kid, I did all the wrong things! I ate
junk food, stayed up all night and I never got
sick! I hardly ever got a cold!

I will tell you why. I have always been active,
exercised and generally found life to be fun. When
you are having fun and especially when you are in
love, you just don’t get sick. All of the cells in
your body are moving and grooving and you are
feeling good all over. I can remember when I was
20 years old. I was living in Michigan and gong to
school. My girlfriend called me; she was at the
University of Colorado in Boulder.

She said this to me: “I miss you so much, I wish I
could see you this weekend!”

The next thing I knew I was driving to Boulder, CO
– it was a 36 hour trip. I didn’t bother to sleep,
I ate all of my meals at the 7/11 and when I got
there I felt great! I was in LOVE!

When you are in love, every cell in your body is
smiling and vibrating. You are feeling great! The
old stale cells are kicked out and the new live
strong cells are vibrating! Your immune system is
at peak performance! So if you think about it,
it’s not all about diet, sleep, but it’s about
having a strong immune system and feeling good all

Now, we all know that diet and exercise is
important. When I put together the DVD’s every
month for the Qi Gong Inner Circle, I am vibrating
with energy. I love doing this stuff! Once you
become a member and start watching the DVD’s and
start practicing the exercises and meditations,
you will notice a shift in your mental, spiritual
and emotional bodies. If you are not a member yet,
now is the time to join and feel good all over.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi