Posts Tagged ‘Life Style’

Removing Negative Energy

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Unknown Removing Negative Energy

You may call it just bad luck or karma but it
could just be negative energy from someone or
something else that you just walked into. It’s
like walking into a spider web, you don’t see it
and before you know it you are trying to pull it
off of your face and hoping that the spider
doesn’t take a bite of you.

Do you know what a psychic vampire is? Those
Negative people who will invoke a reaction from
you just to suck your energy, they can literally
suck your juices with their story of sadness,
unhappiness and despair to hook you and drain you.
They cling like a tick does to a dog until you
have exhaustion, fatigue, and even depression.
Just as we need to change our oil and the oil
filters in our cars to keep it running well, we
need our filters replaced or cleansed, to keep our
energy up. How often do you need to complete an
energy cleanse is dependent upon your life style,
work situation and the people you hang out with.

You never know when you may be slimmed by a
negative spirit, person or just a place with low
sucking energy that can drain you. Anywhere that
you spend your time and energy, good and bad is
attached to you.
Most of the time we can just brush it off–
Imagine you are being bathed in White Light or
depending upon your religious beliefs, you can
simply say a prayer. For the most part you will be
free. If you have a black cloud that has been
following around for awhile, it’s going to take
more work and a professional need to be contacted.

When it comes to our house or office, the
cleansing becomes a little more difficult and the
use of herbs, smudging, the five element clearing
may be necessary to free old spirits out of your

Because I work with people all day, with problems
both physical and mental, I Visualize a vortex of
energy swirling around me to keep myself free of
negative energy and clean my office space daily.

No matter how you decide to cleanse yourself, your
home or your office, remember, positive attracts
positive and negative. Negative, although you
cannot see the energy doesn’t mean it’s not there.

If you need to clear your space don’t wait another
moment, start today by cleaning out any old or
useless stuff you have lying around. Make sure you
get your garage and the basement as well and if
you are still feeling haunted contact me and we
can set up an appointment to free up any lingering

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Every month I make a DVD or a CD for the Qi Gong
Inner Circle members on the how to’s of
meditation, protection and cleansing of body, mind
and spirit.
Join today and I’ll send you a bonus DVD

Dr. Wu Dhi

Psychic Energy!

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Last Thursday evening I drove to the
Miami International airport to pick up
one of my good friends from Michigan.
He is an international known palmist and
psychic, a very interesting chap that you don’t
run into every day. He specializes in planetary
events and how that affects individuals.

Whenever I have a guest in my home I always
know that I am in for a unique experience and
when the guest is a psychic you can count on more
growth physically, mentally and spiritually.
Since he’s been here I’ve changed my entire
workout as well as meditations, practices, diet
and sleeping patterns.
Although this is a disturbance in my usual life
style it forces growth and flexibility for everyone.
One of the most important lessons I have been
learning from him is his dedication to service and love.
We have been going to all of the tourist spots around
Miami Beach and everywhere we go Frank stops
to help someone or give them a kind word.
Every time he sees someone that’s homeless or
having a hard time, he gives them either a positive
suggestion, a heart felt prayer or some change out
of his pocket.

When I asked him why he does this with everyone
he meets, he told me that life is all about serving
others and ending suffering wherever you can.
What he is doing is living life to its fullest and
showing others how to do the same.
I was talking to a good friend in Nevada this
evening and I asked him if he was having fun
and he replied NO!
Talking to a young lady I asked her the same
question, are you having fun? She also said NO!

Whenever you’re stuck in a place in your
life where you’re not having fun, it means that
you are not open to the people and things around you.
Your creativity is cramped, your flexibility is stifled
and most likely you are living in a closed system.
This is definitely not fun! When you are living in an
open system, you have flexibility, freedom, joy, love,
and you can be of service to others. This frees
you of worry, struggle, blame and can transform
your life into aim, contribution, and participation.
When I created the program Turn Stress into Power,
I had patients and students coming to me and asking
how can they change, how can they get out of their predicament?
I teach hundreds of people these meditations,
practices and exercises.

Like the tension release exercise, it clears blockages,
cures insomnia, relieves anxiety, calms the mind, and
eliminates stress. This powerful and spiritual exercise
has transformed people’s lives in less than 48 hours!
There are techniques like the Neuro-Vascular points – a unique
set of stress receptors that relaxes the body, clears the stresses,
reboots your system, and gives you more energy.
The book is crammed with exercises like these
that can transform your life!

Order today at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Why do I need Supplements? I eat only Organic.

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Joe’s energy was sagging for weeks on end. He called and made an appointment for some one-on-one coaching and we got together on “Skype”.  After going over his medical history and life style habits, we came up with a plan that pulled him out of his slump.   

This is what he said:
“Dr. Wu, for the most part, my energy is good and I am in good health.
Sure I get those nagging pains here and there, but all in all my systems are


Approximately 3 months ago I started noticing that after work I would come home and that was it. I didn’t want to go out, see people or even read a book. In fact every time I started to read I’d fall asleep.
This was unusual for me, as I am very social most of the time.
I would even train after work but that was no longer possible.
I had no idea what happened.
When you told me  about your Multi-Four vitamin pack I decided to try it and see if it would help.

Well, it did and I am back.
My energy is good again, I am working out every night and reading, as I just finished another novel .
I am back to my old self  again! 


I have found a common denominator in most of my patients.
They lack in energy, vitality and stamina for the most part.
They blow their Qi, and lack in good nutrition. 
We all start off fine, however with the poor food choices, stresses in our daily life, pollution in the air, water and food we eventually suffer.
Our health mentally, physically and spiritually needs to be nurtured.
It takes more than your workout, more than your loving relationships and more than your internal practices to make the right choices in your exercise, food, drink and the quality of both of these.

That’s why I spent hundreds of hours working on this vitamin pack to give you the extra boost you need to continue at full blast without burning out. 

Here is what is in the Multi-Four pack: 
These high powered  Multivitamins are a combination of three targeted nutritional formulas  to provide a comprehensive nutritional support.

Each packet has 4 pills in it containing:
  A high quality, hypoallergenic, proprietary Multi-vitamin mineral blend, activated vitamin co-factors and patented Albion chelated mineral complexes in easy to swallow vegetable capsules. 
This formulation is specifically designed to maximize energy
and optimize body composition by providing therapeutic levels
of specific nutrients for insulin and glucose utilization.
 The  Antioxidant Formula has a blend of RosemarinXTM and Berr-XTM ORAC botanicals to provide comprehensive nutritional support. 
  An ultra-pure, cold water fish oil sourced from the arctic
water of Norway.
This highly concentrated and cholesterol-free natural oil, provides 300 mg of EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids, which are a critical component to any foundation nutritional program.  It is stabilized with Vitamin E to maximize freshness.  For optimal compliance and absorption, it has been provided in a pleasant non-smelling enteric-coated soft gel.

The “Multi-Four” formula has been specially blended to give you all you will need to keep your system running smoothly and supplement your diet naturally. All come from the purest sources with the highest standards possible. 
The formula by Qi Essentials- “Multi-Four”
 They come individually packaged for freshness and quality.
Easy to swallow and all vitamins are 100% pharmaceutical quality.
All Qi Essentials Dietary Supplements are made according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) strictly followed to ensure that
Qi Essentials products are safe, properly identified, and of the highest quality.

Order now and receive your 30 day supply every month for optimum convenience and freshness.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness, 

Dr. Wu Dhi 
PS. Even eating all organic will not give you all the essential vitamins
and minerals we need now.
Supplements are now a must in todays world.

If you have questions please write me at