Posts Tagged ‘Receptors’

When Life Throws You a Curveball

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Natasha is one of my long term patients.
She would always come to see me for an
acupuncture face lift and treatments to
boost her immune system. Her whole life
has been focused around the arts, beauty
and having fun. She is married to a guy who
manages one of the top Rock and Roll groups
in the world and she is really good looking,
tall, slender and bubbly.

I have never seen her with any tensions,
stresses and she always has a smile on her face.
But, sometimes life throws you a curveball.
Some situation comes out of nowhere and can
turn your life upside down.

Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and has
been in and out of the hospital for the last
6 months. He is now fighting for his life and
Natasha is in charge of everything like paying
the bills, doing the taxes, driving back and forth
to the hospital, informing his family and friends
as to what is going on and his health!

She is now stressed to the max!
Her arms, shoulders, neck, back, legs, and feet
are clenched. That beautiful smile is gone.
There are dark bags under her eyes. She is
having trouble sleeping, has no appetite and
she is a wreck. I made a house call today and after
the treatment we talked a lot about how she is going
to handle the situation. I gave her some guidelines
and some exercises to help free up the tensions,
loosen up her body and give her some tools so she
can process all of this stress and handle everything
she has to handle.

It’s not like she can leave right now and go on
vacation. She is 100% in charge. I am sure many of
you have been in a situation similar to this where
you have to take charge even if you don’t want to.
I went over the tension release exercise and showed
her how to use the stress receptors to relieve the
tension and stress from her body. Although they say
that stress is a killer, if you use it to your advantage,
you can come out of the other end of a stressful situation.

You will be more energetic with more personal power no
matter what the situation if you have the right tools.
Natasha like so many of us certainly didn’t choose the
situation and never had to handle something quite as
challenging before in her entire life.

I spent about an extra half an hour with her today
showing her these exercises, meditations and stress
busters for her to be able to handle any situation
that may be thrown at her. If by chance you get
yourself into a situation or the universe puts you
in a situation that’s uncomfortable for you, there
are teachings and tools that can keep you stress
free so that you can transform your stress into Power.

Things like this happen to all of us now and then in
life and after teaching thousands of people these
exercises, I sat down and wrote the program
Turn Stress into Power. It consists of meditations,
exercises, and solutions that no matter what life
throws you, you can handle it! Most of my patients
say that this program is a MUST.

You can order today!

Turn Stress into Power

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

What’s making you fat?

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

The conference last weekend
brought up some shocking facts.
Did you know that the USA is
ranked # 50 in life expectancy?

Obesity and being Overweight
causes a multitude of serious illnesses
and close to 75% of Americans
are just too fat.
I was talking to a patient and
she was telling me that her weight
gain as well as her daughter’s all
had to do with their hormones
and nothing else.

Hormones are chemical
messengers in the body. They are
released into the blood stream in one
place, and travel to another place in
the body and provide information.
We have around 600 hormones in
our bodies. They are receiving sites and
receptor sites communicators between each other.
They are the lock and the hormone is the key.

A healthy person has 20,000 receptor sites
for the hormones to communicate too.
But most have less than 5,000 receptors.
That’s like having the key broken
in the lock.

Some of the factors that cause
the break down in communications
are in our foods, exercise and
life styles.

Things like:

-Excess hormones in animal products
– Taking birth control pills
-Pesticides sprayed on our vegetables
-Bug sprays
-Weed killers like round up/agent orange
-Plant fungus killers
-Being a couch potato or doing the wrong
-Poor sleeping habits
-Eating the wrong foods

The animals eat the plants and their
hormones get jacked up and when
you eat them it’s passed on to you.
There is a large connection between
hormones and chronic illness.
One of the keys is in the foods we eat
and the quality of that food.

According to Merrian-Webster Dictionary,
Food is material taken into an organism and
used for growth, repair and vital processes.
It is nourishment in solid form which is
something that nourishes and sustains.

The most important organ linked to
hormone communications and fat
burning is your LIVER.

If your liver is malfunctioning, it is
IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight.

Here are some liver issues
that you could have.
Even if your blood test comes back
normal, you could still have a liver
that’s not functioning even
with a normal blood test.

-Right shoulder pain
-Morning pain in your fingers
-Hard to get up in the morning / feeling grouchy
-Always craving fatty foods
-Joint problems
-Skin problems
-Yellowing of your eyes
-Sensations of fullness on the right side

What can you do to improve
the function of your liver?

-Read labels they put things in our food
that you would never eat if you were aware
of the hidden poisons
-If it comes in a box or a can don’t eat it
-Take all artificial sweeteners out of your diet
they will make you retain water and inhibit
both the function of your liver and the brain
-If the label doesn’t say “Non GMO’s” then don’t eat it
-Eat only grass feed meat and don’t over cook it
-Get a good night sleep
-Eat 50% of your food raw
-Exercise daily both internal and external
-Get natural treatments to help repair your liver
-Eat clean foods, organic locally grown

We don’t realize that things like steroids,
cortisone, growth hormones, hormone
replacement therapy, bio-identical
hormones, birth control pills and
HCG all cause the liver to function poorly.

We were brought up to believe that the government,
the Food and Drug Administration and the Medical
community were protecting us,our food and our
Well wake up!

If you are not taking responsibility for your
own health your in for a big shock.

The reason I teach, train and practice
daily is to give you and me tools to stay
Join me in staying fit mentally, physically and spiritually

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi