Archive for the ‘Ceremony’ Category

Eating & watching football is just a tiny part of what’s happening to all of us

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013
Thanksgiving day will be here tomorrow. Many of us
will be eating the Big turkey, stuffing ourselves
and sleeping on the couch, if not watching
football games. But if you look up to the sky
there is a lot more going on than eating turkey or
guys playing with their footballs.
The Comet ISON is streaking through the sky and it
should be visible with a pair of binoculars to
anyone who goes outside into the dark sky. ISON
will only be visible early in the morning before
daylight. Getting up early and  seeing the comet
will definitely be worth it, look to the eastern
sky before dawn.
The Comet ISON is estimated to be mile or so
across the comet, ISON, is as big as the
continental United States and if we could see the
comet in it’s entirety it is larger than our
planet Earth. It’s been so far away that only the
most powerful space telescopes have been unable to
capture images, until recently.  Look for a soft
glow; across the eastern sky at dawn, if skies are
dark enough, a faint tail may be visible as well.
The closer ISON gets to the sun, the brighter it
will be, If ISON survives its Thanksgiving day
trip around the sun, it is expected to dim as
quickly as it brightened over the next year as it
departures our solar system.
How will the Comet affect us?
The Comets bring change and transformation. They
shake everything up so ready or not here it comes.
In Medieval Europe a comet was a sign that
revealed God was changing his mood and this is
pretty much how it will feel.
“We can expect the comet to raise awareness,
promote healing, foster hope, inspire a quest for
peace and help us wake up to the potential for
higher consciousness.”
This comet is about disruption and change, but the
sort of change that you can’t really get a handle
on. It will feel as if something deep within the
bowels of your life is rumbling away, but you just
can’t identify it. You will experience something
entirely new.
This is the time when internal practices are so
important to keep you balanced. It’s time to be
thankful for what you have and open up to what’s
new and exciting about to come into your life. It
may be a new business opportunity, a new love
affair, a vacation or a windfall that you didn’t
It’s definitely a time to ground, focus and train
in internal practices.
Get your copy of the Flying Crane Qi Gong now and
practice, practice, Practice.
Have safe and Happy Holiday, be thankful for all
you have and take care of your health!
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr. Wu Dhi
Order today and let’s all stay healthy and retain
our youth

The Magic of the Thanksgiving Ceremony

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

I’ll be in Michigan for Thanksgiving and aside
from the joy of visiting my family and eating a
big meal with everyone I will be making a ritual
fire to harmonize things for my family, friends,
loved ones and you.

They predict old man winter will be there with
below freezing temperatures.


Burrrrr! But no matter what happens the ritual
will happen.
I like to make a large fire using 108 pieces of
wood that has been covered with ritual oil and a
prayer is said over each piece before it is
stacked up in the ritual fire pit.

The Fire Puja is very powerful and has many
benefits for the living and the deceased.
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to be grateful
for all we have and where we come from.

No matter if you are a Native of the land you live
on or you come from any other place on the planet,
the key is being grateful.

The Fire will be sending healing energy, love and
gratitude to all of you no mater where you are.
The fire Puja ceremony fulfills wishers, removes
obstacles, improves health and increases merit and

For everyone who tunes in, you can make an
offering by just writing your wishes and what you
are grateful for and around the same time I make
the fire 8:00 EST take your paper outside, light
it and let it burn. This will send your wishes
upward and will connect with the ritual fire I am
making. When you make an offering to the fire
deities it helps the student gain accomplishments
on the spiritual path. I have found it can
stabilize one’s meditation, concentration and
improve one’s spiritual practice.

The ceremony is an excellent method of purifying
negative karma and attaining higher rebirth.

The Fire Puja also helps to avert and purify three
kinds of problems:
1. Clears past karma that affects your
life in your relationships, job, and business.

2. Dissipates and purifies internal
difficulties held in place by fear, doubts and
superstition. That can seriously affect health of
our body, mind and spirit

3.Undisclosed or unseen obstacles on the
path that keep one stuck like a vial of darkness
causing ignorance that obstruct our ability to
realize the true nature of existence

Fire if directed properly can change water into
steam, steel into liquid and transform coal into
energy. Fire alchemically changes the forms of
things it comes in contact with and it will
eventually become ashes returning to the Earth

Keeping a close eye on the fire is important and
can tell a story as well. As the wood is placed
piece by peace on the Puja grounds a prayer or
mantra is placed in each and every piece. The
placement is important depending what you are
trying to accomplish.

I have either been involved in building Pujas that
were 40 or 50 feet high and small ones made of
just matchsticks. There are many different
purposes: Ceasing calamities, increasing wealth,
health and wisdom.

There are Puja’s that attract powerful people,
bring in powerful assistance and attract the
opposite sex. There are even Puja’s to destroy

The Puja fire is a powerful tool in spiritual work
as well as clearing and purifying the physical
body and mind.

Want more info about these kinds of energies?

You can, join me and the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and go deeper into your practice of
energy medicine.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Fire Magic and the Puja Fire

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Fire Magic and the Puja Fire

Many of you have written and asked me to share a

little more about fire magic and the Fire Puja is

very powerful and has many benefits for the
living, and the deceased.

The fire Puja ceremony fulfills wishers, removes
obstacles, improves health, and increases merit
and wealth. For the practitioners, making offering
to the fire deities helps the practitioner gain
accomplishments on the spiritual path. I have
found it can stabilize one’s meditation,
concentration and improve one’s spiritual

The ceremony is an excellent method of purifying
negative karma and attaining higher rebirth. You
can write the names of loved ones on a piece of
paper and put it in the fire or write your wishes
and toss them into the fire. The smoke emanating
from the fire is charged with vibrations and thevibrations travel for miles creating peace and
harmony in the world as it caries your prayers,
wishes and blessing along.

The Fire Puja also helps to avert and purify three
kinds of problems:

1. Clears past karma that affects your
life in your relationships, job, and business.

2. Dissipates and purifies internal
difficulties held in place by fear, doubts and
superstition. This can seriously affect health of
our body, mind and spirit

3.Undisclosed or unseen obstacles on the
path that keep one stuck like a vial of darkness
causing ignorance that obstruct our ability to
realize the true nature of existence

Fire, if directed properly can change water to
steam, steel into liquid and transform coal into
energy. Fire chemically changes the forms of
things it comes in contact with and it will
eventually become ashes returning the elements
back to the Earth.

Keeping a close eye on the fire is important and
can tell a story as well. As the wood is placed
piece by piece on the Puja grounds, a prayer or
mantra is placed on each and every piece. The
placement is important depending what you are
trying to accomplish. I have either been involved
in building Pujas that where 40 or 50 feet high
and small ones made of just matchsticks. There are
many different purposes: ceasing calamities,
increasing wealth, health and wisdom.

There are Puja’s to attract powerful people, bring
in powerful assistance and to attract the opposite
sex. There are even Puja’s to destroy opposition.
The Puja fire is a powerful tool in spiritual work
as well as clearing and purifying the physical
body and mind.

Want more info about these kinds of energie s?
You can join me and the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and go deeper into your practice of
energy medicine.

IMG_3674I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Labor Day 2013

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Labor Day

Its Labor Day and the last days of summer are here
and gone; we are about to move into Indian summer.

In Chinese medicine, they say it’s the time for
the earth element. It affects mostly the stomach
and the spleen. The negative emotion would be
worry; the positive emotion would be nurturing,
balance and cultivation. This is the time of the
year to start putting more root crops in your diet
like beets, squashes, and getting those soup
recipes out! We want to start feeding the earth
element at this time. If we strengthen the earth
element we can avoid colds, flues, coughs, as well
as avoid anxiety and keep ourselves strong and
healthy this entire fall.

1.)Wash you hands as often as possible

2.)Put a quarter of a cup of vinegar in a pan and
put it on the stove and let it boil. Although your
house will smell like vinegar, it will eliminate
many of the germs, and keep you healthy

3.)Walk everyday and get plenty of fresh air. Not
only will this build the lungs, but you can throw
off any viruses

4.)Make sure you keep your neck covered. Wind
cold invasion is when a cold breeze chills the
body and the next thing you know; you have a sore
throat or a cold. Keeping the neck covered will
help you avoid neck pain, colds, and sore throats

5.)This is a great time of the year to detoxify
the body. Clear out all the excess junk we ate all

This is the time of the year when we start putting
away the tools in the yard and harvesting things
from the garden, a quieting time before the long
winter. It’s a time to go more internal in your
body, mind, and soul. It’s a great time to set
your goals. I’m having all of my students and the
patients that come into the office use the One
through Nine goal setting program that is part of
the Bagua. If you are not familiar with this, pick
up a copy of the Magic Square workshop and I will
send you the two DVDs and all the notes.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

What to do for the Full Moon

Monday, July 22nd, 2013

It’s the full moon and it’s National Hot Dog Day.
What’s in a hot dog? Don’t’ ask,
and we won’t tell.
Sometimes, its best if you don’t know.
At least that’s what they say on the national hot dog website.
I haven’t had a dog in years I gave them up long ago;

But there are much more significant things going on
right now that we should all be aware of.
On July 22nd, 2013 at 02:15 pm EDT the Full Moon,
will be full in the sign Aquarius, what will mean
for us?

•It’s a great time to start networking with groups.
•Time to work on relationship with friends.
•Create something for yourself,something special
•Spent time with people you aspire to be like.
•It’s high time to put yourself around people
that you aspire to be like.

Join a group that has the same kind of goals
and interests that you have.
Like the Qi Gong Inner Circle

Saturn is currently in Scorpio.
This is the sign of power and money.
It is the values of others that we associate with.
Saturn holds us responsible for the company we keep.
Don’t put yourself around people that you don’t
want to be like.

Take sometime to set your goals and
know where you are going.
This is the best way to understand the flow
of energy and how to work things out.

Whatever comes up at this Full Moon,
which requires attention or release,
there are options that aid in the movement forward.

I was at a beautiful christening ceremony on Saturday
with a group of people who are Unknown.
These are the kind of people that you want to
associate with.
Although we don’t share the same religious believes we
share the same spiritual believes way different than
the dogma of the church.
We share a heart to heart connection.
They know 100% that they can count on me
and I them.

I invite you to join me and the members of the-
Qi Gong Inner Circle.

I wish you the best in your Health Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

PS. I guarantee you that you will get far more
than you ever expected.
Join today

An Unwanted Hitchhiker

Friday, July 19th, 2013

Jocelyn returned from a meditation retreat at the
Taoist monastery in China the last week of May.
She’s an old friend and called me when she
returned and shared her adventure with me.
She told me that she had the opportunity to visit
Tibet and see where the Sky burials take
Living in the western world we never hear much
about death and any burial practices. In the USA
we are sort-of born from nothingness and then die
into nothingness. It’s like it all takes place off
How many of you have witnessed a birth or been
with someone when they died? Not too many of us
get to see the comings and goings of birth and
She told me of The Sky burial, it’s a funerary practice in Tibet
wherein a human corpse is incised in certain
locations and placed on a mountaintop, exposing it
to the elements and predatory birds. This practice
is known as jhator, which means “giving alms to
the birds.”
According to tradition there is no need to
preserve the body, as it is now an empty vessel.
Birds may eat it, or nature may cause it to
decompose. Thus, the function of the sky burial is
simply to dispose of the remains.

Last week Jocelyn gave me a call and said she
wasn’t feeling very well. She reported that she
had no energy and just wanted to sleep all the
She said, Dr. Wu Dhi I just feel horrible it’s
almost like I am not myself.
She told me that she needed to see me ASAP. The
next day she came into the office and I hardly
recognized her. She was drained and after an
examination I suggested that I come over to her
house to clear the energy and see what’s going on

We found that she picked up a hitchhiker-spirit on
her travels and it followed her home and was now
having a feast with her energy.

We set up an appointment to clear her home office
and do some Medical Qi Gong to clean and clear
the energy and send the hungry spirit packing.

We don’t hear much about this in America. It
definitely exists here but it is usually treated
as a mental problem.

I had images
This week I will spend 3 or 4 hours at her home
clearing out all the cobwebs, using a combination
of special mantras, incents and rituals to clear
cleanse and purify the house and property.

Sound spooky to you? It is just part of the
Medical Qi Gong work
If you ever need this kind of special work done
contact me and we can have a conversation and see
if it’s right for you.


I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr. Wu Dhi

PS write me if you just can’t seem get over a long standing illness, a chronic problem can be much more than a dis-ease

How the Summer Solstice will affect your internal Energy

Friday, June 21st, 2013

The summer solstice is almost upon us again. It is
the longest day and shortest night of the year,
from the moment of the start of Summer Solstice,
on June 21st. The Sun immediately begins to wane
and the days will get shorter. In the Five
element system we are moving into the images,
which rules the heart, pericardium, triple heater
and small intestine.

In both body and mind.

I like a refreshing and tasty drink. I take cold
fresh Mint mixed with lemon juice, ice and a
little maple syrup as sweetener. It will help to
cool you down as things continue to heat up for
the next 3 months.

The formula:
¼ cup of washed fresh mint leaves
4 to 6 organic lemons
2 Quarts of filtered water
Maple syrup to taste

Squeeze the lemons, add juice to the water and
maple syrup, add ice and put in a blender with the
mint leaves and blend on high until smooth.

Midsummer has been one of the important solar
events throughout the evolution of humankind. It
was an indicator that the year was about to begin
waning, thus winter would be again returning. The
sun appeared to stand still in its northern
progression on the 21st

Whenever there is a change in the seasons and
especially on the winter and summer solstice it is
an opportunity to reset our internal clocks. It is
an excellent time to take a break from your usual
pace and allow oneself some quite time to reflect,
meditate or just relax.

Eat very light at these important junctions,
as it will help you move into the new system smoothly.

The Summer Solstice is the time to recharge your
spirit, building your personal power and fortify
your health.

This is an excellent time to detox the body mind
and spirit. I am doing the 7-day detox program
with a group of patients and students, called the
“Core restore program”.

It’s easy to do, will benefit your liver, kidneys
and digestive system. “The Core Restore program”
will cool your body down, relax your mind and
you’ll lose a few pounds to boot.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Have a great summer, stay cool, be safe and
have fun!

Returning to your Roots

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

I was in the Motor City, “Mo Town”, my old stopping
ground and it’s spring! The air is fresh, the
trees all have new buds on them and the spring
flowers are all in bloom — it’s breath taking!
Michigan has four of the Great Lakes, 62,798
natural and man-made lakes and after a long cold
winter it seems like everyone who has a boat or a
jet ski is buzzing around the lake, all the
convertible tops are down and people have a big
friendly smile on their faces. As soon as I got
off the plane I headed downtown to the Detroit
Institute of Art. This is one of the top six
museums in the USA Founded in 1885.

The DIA’s collection is among the top six in the
Museum. It is the perfect place to meditate and
get grounded after a flight back into my past.
There are a few master pieces that I just want to
commune with. I haven’t seen them since I lived in
Michigan 40 years ago. The Mexican artist Diego
Rivera’s Detroit Industry, Rivera considered his
most successful work, and a rare Korean Head of

From there I am headed to an unusual place for
most of us the Cemetery In the west we don’t really
have ancestor practices like they do in Asia.
It’s a form of worship which is at the top of people’s
religious practices in China, but not a religion. The main
importance of this practice is the communicate with
your ancestor and to have reverences for the
wisdom of your elders. It extends back before
1000 BC.

I always go to visit when I return to the
homeland. My family tree goes back to Hungary and
the roots lie in both warriors and gold traders. I
bet they pillaged villages hundreds of years ago,
took the gold and went into business. No one told
me that but it sounds adventurous and romantic.

My practices are to show reverence for my
Unknown, and all my relationships.
I make offerings, thank them for
paving the way for me and ask deep inside for
their help and guidance in this life and the next.

If this kind of meditation and ritual work
interests you, join me and the members of the Qi
Gong Inner Circle
and I’ll send you a new DVD every month on a
different healing, ritual and meditation practices
to make your life richer.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


When one returns home they have the opportunity to
reconnect with their roots and pull in good Qi from
their ancestors. When you are ready to work on
yourself on a deeper level, join me and the
members of the Qi Gong Inner circle.

Preparing for the Chinese New Year

Friday, February 1st, 2013

It’s already February!
The Chinese New Year is just about upon us. In China,
the celebration starts on February 4th this is
when most people take a vacation and travel to see
their family. They clean their house, put up
decorations, light incents and get fireworks ready
to bring in the New Year! the Year of the Black water Snake.
Usually,snakes are more comfortable when they are in their
own element of fire but this year the snake is in
the opposite element, the element of water so we
can look for imbalances in the weather, in the
environment and somewhat in our lives but don’t
fear. We can balance our own lives by staying
grounded, rooted in our meditation and our
practice. There are a few things that I always do
before the Chinese New Year at my house.

-Make sure that the house is clean in every room.
If there are any old things that you no longer
use, throw them out or give them away.

-Get some good incents and burn it every day from
the 4th until the 10th feeding the spirits and
harmonizing the house.

-I always put up decorations and you can get them
at the Chinese market or any of the Chinese
stores. I get colorful red lanterns and hang them
up. I will put pictures of Chinese Wealth and
prosperity symbols on my windows and doors

-Have sweets and wine available for both drinking
and offerings

-Every night for the entire week I will make
offerings of wine, incents, meat and sweets by
putting them on a plate outside to feed any hungry

-I make sure that I do my Qi Gong every day and
spend time in meditation every night bringing in
the New Year.

This year eat a healthier
diet, practice daily and put more attention into
your meditation and the offerings that you make to
others for their well-being.

The practice of Qi Gong will ground you and give
you a center that cannot be shaken no matter of
there are storms in the weather, internally or

If you are not practicing, it is time to get on
the stick before the snake bites you in the …..

Order the Flying Crane Qi Gong package today with
no delay:

Stay tuned for our next newsletter

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

There is a Big Black Water Snake Sale coming your way!
Stay tuned to get some incredible goodies!

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Magic of 12, 12, 12

Friday, December 14th, 2012

I want to thank all of you for wishing me a happy
This birthday was really special as the numbers
were 12-12-12
A very auspicious number in numerology and they
say that it’s one of the port wholes of energy.

I was directed to be in the “Big EZ’ New Orleans
and let me tell you how much fun I had!
It wad awesome!
New Orleans is known for its food, music and
culture and I took advantage of all three.
Although when I got there Thursday night I ate at
a great Gumbo restaurant and it was delicious! I
started my birthday out by waking early in the
morning and being thankful for everything in my
life and of course that includes all of you.

I was up early and did my Qi Gong Training long
before the city woke up and then I was off to a
great restaurant for breakfast and to walk around
the French Quarter and enjoy the beautiful
architecture, music and art.

I talked to as many people as I could and I even
had a chance to work on somebody who had a stiff
neck, so on my birthday I made sure that I did
everything that I want in the coming year. They
say that every 2 hours of the day of your birthday
will represent a month in the coming year.

I ate good food
I trained
I worked on people
I shared my energy
Saw beautiful artwork
Listened to great music
And I took in the real meaning of life – peoples’
joys, peoples’ pain and suffering and their

I made my special birthday a birthday of gratitude
and thankfulness.
I told you in my last letter that this year is
going to be focused on 2 things and health is #1!

I’ll be sharing more information than ever before
on internal work, meditation, vitality and
longevity practices with the members of the Qi
Gong Inner Circle

If you are not a member yet, don’t wait another
second! Join right now!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi