Archive for the ‘Ceremony’ Category

The Two Most Powerful Meditation Practices

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015

The Two Most Powerful Meditation Practices

If you want to become really great at something,
whether it’s a sport, learning a mathematical
formula, or doing a meditation, it takes practice.
When you want to attract something, you have to
start living it. That’s how the power of
manifestation works.

When I first learned to meditate, I practiced
morning, noon, and night until I owned the
practice. That’s called “Embodying the Work”. We
all know meditation is good for us and has
benefits that will reduce stress, like opening up
our spiritual centers, calming the mind, and much
more. But, how do we do it and get the benefits we

When we start a meditation practice, we try to
clear the mind, and yet, our mind never seems to
stop chattering. This has been referred to as the
“monkey mind”, that jumping from one thing to
another, never focused, never centered. How can
you clear the mind to be focused and be calm?

I started learning meditation at a very young age,
and I have explored many schools and teachers and
have sat with many masters over the last 40 years.
In fact, I have invested most of my life in
practices to open up my spiritual centers, and
move through blocked energy, chattering mind, and
other things that seem to hold us back in our
practices. What I found are two very powerful
techniques that really work to tame the monkey
mind. One is the Microcosmic Orbit Meditation, and
the other is the Internal Mantra program When you order the Internal
Mantra Program in the shopping cart, they will ask
you for special instructions on shipping. Just put
in the word, meditation, and you will receive the
Microcosmic Orbit Meditation as a FREE gift.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Opening -up- to- your- inner- self


Dr. Wu Dhi

The Memorial Day Hoax

Monday, May 25th, 2015

The Memorial Day Hoax

The official federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. I am not a big fan of war and believe it’s not necessary at all. I know that we as Americans pissed off a lot of people and our corporations aren’t thinking about people’s health or wellbeing. The focus is profit and they are doing bang up job of that. But if we like it or not war is going to continue for one BIG reason. “PROFIT” and it’s not going to be your profit or mine.
Lets look at who is making all the money. There are 10 big companies who are getting very rich selling arms to the highest bidders. The business of war is profitable, those companies sold over $208 billion in war toys and they sure as hell don’t want to stop making those BIG BUCKS. You can bitch and moan all Memorial Day you want, but they are still going to send your young men to war.
What do we get out of it? A day of remembering and morning our fallen solders, we hang our heads in sorrow and then celebrate another day in their honor, Shame on you Big war machine. To me this is just BS the big companies are blowing smoke up your ars.
It’s been long enough that hate, envy and greed rules man. There is a much better way to make our planet work; we have to work together as a unit. We can feed the people of earth, clean up the pollution in the oceans, and learn how to heal Mother Nature, if we can only let go of our primitive nature of survival. Humans are developing faster then ever, our knowledge is growing exponentially and with it our technology has far surpassed any other culture that we know of today. . But we still have the instincts, and in particular the aggressive impulses, that we had in the days of primitive man.
Here is where the problem lies. Our modern technology has allowed us much advancement for the good, but we now can easily wipe out humanity in a single day. Sure aggression was necessary at one time for our survival, but now we put our earth at risk.
Humans have the awareness and the intelligence to reason and plan for our future and the futures of our families. You would think that man would be thinking of the future of the entire human race. It’s time to wake up before it’s to late. The focus of this holiday “Memorial Day” should be a time to wake-up humanity from the greed, jealousy and envy of others and work together to make this planet a model for the universe. I often wonder if beings are watching us from outer space and deciding if we are worth enough to join the planetary community as an asset, or are we just going to be food for some little green beings.
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. In Honor of all those who have served in making this planet a better place to live I would like to offer you something special. Order “ Turn Stress into Power”
in the month of May and I will send you as a gift 2 additional CD’s to calm your mind, heal your body and relieve your stress.

It was Beautiful Night for a Wedding

Saturday, May 23rd, 2015

It was Beautiful Night for a Wedding…

It’s always a joy to see young couples commit to
each other and tie the knot. Last Sunday night, my
dear friend, Anastasia, got married. I am sure, in
no time at all, the new couple’s family will be
growing. A few years ago, she told me she wanted
to have 6 kids. Oh my! I hope her new husband is
ready for that. The reception was a lot of fun! I
found a good dance partner and danced the night
away. The next day, my calves were sore, but in a
good way. I had a great night and a great workout
as well.

I was at dinner a few years back in Boca Raton
with a friend. We had a few glasses of wine and
had a little buzz going on. When we walked out of
the restaurant, there was a wedding reception in
the next room where the band was playing “Come
Dance With Me”. So, naturally, being buzzed, we
just walked in and started to dance.

Dancing is the main reason I go to weddings and
big parties. As John Travolta puts it, “Dancing’s
part of my soul. I enjoy it, it makes people
happy, and it makes me happy.”

Dancing has so many physical and mental benefits
that will surprise you:

• Improved condition of your heart and lungs
• Increased muscular tone, strength, endurance,
and motor fitness
• Increased aerobic fitness
• Weight management
• Stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
• Better coordination, agility, and flexibility
• Improved balance and spatial awareness
• Increased physical confidence
• Improved mental functioning
• Improved general and psychological well-being
• Greater self-confidence and self-esteem
• Better social skills

I am sure that if people would dance more, they
would be happier and healthier.

One of the reasons I started doing Qi Gong is it
has many qualities to it just like dancing. When
you practice Qi Gong, you are moving your body in
a rhythmic way as you relax into the energy and
the Qi opens. Dancing has similar prosperities to
it and, if you are a Qi Gong practitioner and do
meditation, dancing will take on a whole other
dimension to it. Let the dance go on forever. Get
your copy of the Flying Crane Qi Gong today
and let the dance begin.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Internal vs. External Exercises

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Internal vs. External Exercises. We work and save our money and eventually invest
it to get a return on it. We want our money to
work for us, not always having to work for our
money. If we are wise, the investments we make
will give us a nice income, and we can live on the
interest and never touch the principal. Our
investment can actually take care of our needs,
pay our bills, and even give us financial security
for years to come. This is what we strive for – to
have financial freedom. But when it comes to your
health, you may forget to invest, and you end up
spending the principal. When that’s gone, so are

Are you investing in your own health? Do you watch
what you eat? Do you exercise? What about your
headspace? Are you putting positive energy into
your health bank? The investment you make in your
health will keep on paying you interest for years.
But if you spend the principal, you will age
faster than a Jack Rabbit.

Maybe you never put too much attention into your
health when you were younger, or you thought you
were doing everything right, and it turned out
that your exercise of running, weight lifting, and
sports turned out to cause more harm than good.
Now, you are getting problems like back pain and
shoulder pain, shin splints, joint problems or
even worse.

Last week, Joe stopped at my office. He is a
healthy guy in his early fifties. I have known him
for years and he only eats organic foods. He runs
3 to 6 miles a few times a week, swims a few miles
a week, and likes to go to the gym and throw
weights around a few times a week. If you saw him,
you would say that he is as fit as a fiddle. He
looked a little worried when I saw him. He wasn’t
his usual self. He told me that his heart was
giving him some difficulty and, although he hasn’t
felt anything different and the tests came back
negative, there was something wrong as his heart
skipped a beat now and then and it seemed to be
getting worse.

I told him I’d come over to his house this
weekend, and talk to him and his wife about the
program I have been doing for the last 35 years. I
showed up around noon and told him about the
internal exercises that I do daily. They work on
keeping your organs healthy. I explained that when
we do the common Western exercises, we can build
muscle and create a lot of internal heat. Too much
heat can cause an imbalance in the Fire and Water
elements which are your heart and kidneys,
respectively. They also put excessive strain on
our joints. The internal exercises are an
expression of the art of self -healing. This means
that these exercises will revitalize the organs
and keep them healthy.

Don’t think that you are bullet-proof and won’t
get hit by some illness sooner or later. By doing
the internal exercises like the Flying Crane Qi
you can protect your health and well-being.

If you don’t practice, you are training yourself
to fail. But if you are training, you are training
yourself to be the best that you can be.

I wish you the best inimages your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Train daily,make it a habit and you will look younger, feel younger and be younger

The Luckiest Number of All

Friday, October 24th, 2014

The number nine is the highest single-digit number
in base ten; it stands for completeness and
eternity. In ancient China the emperors wore
Nine-Dragons on his ceremonial robe to show great
power, and hope for longevity. When I was in China
I visited the Forbidden City in Beijing. My guide
pointed out the 9 dragons on top of each building
with the emperor in front of them. The Forbidden
City is considered a palace of Nine and has 9,999
rooms. The three major halls; the Hall of Supreme
Harmony, Hall of Central Harmony, and Hall of
Preserved Harmony are all of a height of 9 Zhang
and 9 Chi ancient Chinese length units. There are
81 doornails in nine rows and nine columns on each
gate. The number of almost all the stairs is nine
or a multiple of nine. In fact the Summer Palace
and the Temple of Heaven are also based on number
nine. The number 9 is about understanding the
connections between all of mankind. In Feng Shui
the number nine represents heaven and perfection.
It’s the most powerful single number and is also
seen as a very lucky number. Whenever I perform a
house blessing or space clearing, I always chant
the blessings and chime the bells 9 times before
and after the blessing ceremony.
Make this your lucky day. If you are moving into a
new space or notice your house has a creeping
feeling in a few rooms, contact me and we’ll
clean, clear, and bless your space and bring back your luck and good fortune.


Dr. Wu Dhi


The Five Realms of Energy

Friday, September 12th, 2014

In ancient times, Masters divided Qi into five
• Minerals
• Plants
• Animals
• Man
• Divine

The Divine is the highest vibration of all the
realms but it is made up of all the other realms.
It is believed that it is possible to enhance the
nutritional value of what we eat by having a deep
respect for the plants and animals that give us
life force energy. The blessing and the preparing
of food are most important. When I am preparing
food or cooking for myself, friends or family, I
always make sure I have a loving attitude or I
don’t cook. This will allow for maximum absorption
of the vitamins and minerals contained inside and
make the meal far more delicious and nutritious.

Blessing your food is an absolute must if you are
at a restaurant. Here is why: Let’s say, the cook
is having a bad day or he’s pissed at his boss,
co-worker or his wife. As he cooks with an
attitude of anger, it goes right into your food.
Or if your waiter or waitress is depressed — yep!
That vibration is served along with your meal.
That’s why, it is so very important to change that
vibration before you put it in to your mouth. You
don’t want to chew on someone’s negative
vibrations. Once you become aware of the Divine
energy field, you can begin to experience the
refined vibrational energy field of the minerals,
plants and animals on an entirely different level.

Want to learn more about this vibrant energy we
call Qi? Join me and the members of the Qi GONG
imagesINNER CIRCLE and boost your spiritual growth.

I wish you the best in your Health,Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Changing Your Karmic Address Forever

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

I got a call from my cousin who lives in Southern
California today thanking me for a picture that I
sent him. I came across a picture of him and his
younger sister that’s 65 years old. I snapped a
picture of it on my i-Phone and sent it to him.
About an hour later, he called me all choked up.
He was so thankful as his little sister passed
away when she was just 4 or 5 years old, just a
week after his Dad died.

I know those were hard times for him and something
happened with the family that seemed to alienate
his mother from the rest of the family. But my dad
being the youngest in the family still made sure
that he came over and visited the family every
week. So, for me, my older cousin was always part
of my family. The last time I was in Detroit, I
went to visit my ancestors at the cemetery as my
Dad always took me there when I was a child. It’s
just the way I was brought up and, later I found
out that in Asia, it’s very important to show
respect to your ancestors. This isn’t typically
done in the Western world. But, in Asia, people
are very much aware of spirit, where you come
from, and the respect and honoring your family.
You respect your mother and father, your elders,
and of course, your ancestors.

My family has been in the retail jewelry business
for three generations, maybe four. When I decided
to make a switch and practice as a physician and
healer, I went to the cemetery and asked my
grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and cousins who
had passed on to help me move energetically from a
retail merchant to a physician that heals people
and makes their lives better. When you do this
type of work, you have to ask deep within your
heart because you’re asking guidance from your
ancestors to make your life and other people’s
lives better.

I’ve been writing to you a lot about Dr. Jerry
Alan Johnson’s workshop that’s coming up on the
25th of July. He will touch on many of these
practices that will help your life for the better.
I urge you to attend this workshop. It will change
your karmic address forever. You can start
changing your health, your wealth and your
happiness by following some of these ancient
Daoist principles and in tuning yourself to your

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. The definition of insanity is doing the same
thing that you’ve been doing for years and
expecting a different outcome. Step out on the
limb and do something daring and different today
and make your life work better than ever.

P.S.S. There are only 5 days left and we have a
few spaces available for the workshop. Call Isaac
Goren at 954-732-5050 or call me at 786-271-0325
and I will walk you through the process.images

Why Your Health Fails

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

images-1 If the spirit is out of balance, sooner or
> later, you will get sick. However, Western
> medicine believes it’s all a complex mechanism
> that can be understood and fixed like a machine.
> This belief has been ingrained into modern society
> and is lived out like it is 150% true. Well, it’s
> not! The human body, mind and spirit are one, and
> if you have an imbalance, you are bound to
> experience a dis-ease now and then, and if it’s
> not addressed, you will have a disease before you
> know it. “Sickness is a disruption, imbalance and
> the manifestation of malevolent forces in the
> flesh. Health is a state of balance, harmony, and
> for most societies, spiritual equilibrium. Yes,
> spiritual! That’s why, people pray for you when
> you get sick, and that’s why, they send you
> blessings. Whether they know it or not, they are
> sending energy to your spirit or soul. In Western
> society, this is very seldom addressed. But yet,
> it exists and we bless people all the time, even
> when they sneeze. This undercurrent of spiritual
> energy affects our lives on a daily basis. And
> yet, like ostriches, we bury our heads on the
> ground for the most part. The reason I have
> invited Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson to Florida is to
> address some of these issues so you can stay
> healthy at your place of work, your home or your
> place of worship. None of these places are bad but
> they accumulate stale energy that can affect your
> health and well-being. I encourage you to sign up
> for this workshop today. Here’s how to do it: Call
> Dr. Isaac Goren at 954-732-5050 or Dr. Wu Dhi at
> 786-271-0325. The seminar’s being held at the
> Renaissance Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. You can call
> for room reservation at 954-472-2252. Click on the
> link for the workshop’s flyers,
> I wish you the best for your Health, Wealth and
> Happiness!
> Dr. Wu Dhi
> images

Fourth of July Money Magic

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

It’s the 4th of July and it’s going to be hot and
steamy and the beach is going to be crowded. The
long weekend will bring everyone to the sea to
cool down and to have some fun. But, most likely,
I’ll be missing the rush as there are only a
handful of people who get to see daybreak. That’s
when I like to start my day.

A wind came up out of the sea, And said, “O mists,
make room for me.” 

It hailed the ships, and cried, “Sail on,Ye
mariners, the night is gone.” 

And hurried landward far away,
“Awake! it is the day.” 

It said unto the forest, “Shout!
Hang all
your leafy banners out!” 

It touched the woodbird’s folded wing,
said, “O bird, awake and sing.” 

And o’er the farms, “O chanticleer,
clarion blow; the day is near.” 

It whispered to the fields of corn,
down, and hail the coming morn.”
It shouted through the belfrytower,
O bell! proclaim the hour.” 

It crossed the churchyard with a sigh,
said, “Not yet! in quiet lie.”
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I’ll get up around 5:00 AM and take a morning
walk when it’s still dark. Everything is still at
that time. The birds haven’t even woken up yet. We
don’t see daybreak until around 6:00 and the
sunrise is 6:30ish in the summer months. There is
usually a cool breeze in the morning in the low
70s until and around 8:00, then the thermometer
steadily goes up to the high 80s or low 90s, and
the humidity seems to stay around 90% all summer.

The two best times to train is just before
daybreak and around sunset, the beginning of the
day and the end when there is less noise and air
pollution. Most people are still sleeping and
there is very little traffic. This is the best
time to do your Shen Gong practice (meditation).
As the day opens up, I do more Qi Gong and
internal power exercises. I find that the Yin Set
is a great way to begin the day no matter if you
are in the woods, on a mountain, in the desert or
by the sea. The Yin set cools and cleans all the
organs and works alchemically to transform
negative emotions to power positive energy. Check
it out at

I wish you a very happy 4th of July and a great

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. And don’t forget! The Summer Solstice Sale is
still going on for only another 3 days! Don’t let
it slip by. Pull out your credit card and buy!

How to get what you want!

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

ace_cupsYou need to dream about what you want, then,
believe that you can do what you dream of, and
finally, achieve your dream by going out and doing
what needs to be done. The power of manifestation
is something that man has been striving for
through the ages. How do we get what we want? Most
of us already know what we don’t want and that’s
our main focus. Think about it for a second. When
you’re a little child and you wanted a bicycle,
you want a bicycle with the red frame, white wall
tires, and the tussles on the handle bars. You
wrote a letter to Santa Claus. You asked the
Easter Bunny. You told your friends long before
you had it. You drew pictures of it. And then like
magic, one Christmas morning, it was under the
Christmas tree. That is the true power of
manifestation. Knowing what you want and believing
that someone is going to give it to you without a
doubt, even if it’s Santa Claus. There is an exact
formula that works, and usually, when we were a
child, we know it. But as we get older, we start
doubting the true power of manifestation.

I have people come to my office with a multitude
of problems and they focused on what they don’t
want instead of what they want. What do they end
up with? What is on their mind the most and that’s
usually all the stuff they don’t want. They doubt!

Whatever we think about the most is what we get.
If you don’t believe me, try this experiment. Get
a fishing pole and some bait and go fishing and
say to yourself, “I won’t catch anything because I
am a bad fisherman,” or “There is too much sun,
the fish won’t be biting”, or any other excuse you
can think of why you won’t catch any fish. It’s
the same in every aspect of our life. If we don’t
think we are going to get our wish, we won’t. But,
on the other hand, if you believe you will, you
will. That’s the power of manifestation.

Here’s a formula that I learned years ago from
many different teachers. Some were spiritual
teachers, and others were self-help teachers. If
you ever read the book, “Think and Grow Rich”, by
Napoleon Hill, he has similar formulas that will
bring you everything you’ve always wanted. Here is
the 7-step formula that has worked for me time and
1. Decide exactly what you want.
2. Determine who or what can give it to you.
3. Determine what they want in return.
4. Decide when you want it to happen and give it a
specific date and time.
5. Declare that you are ready to receive it.
a. Ask as specific as possible.
b. Ask for what you want, not what you don’t want.
c. Be ready to grow and change as needed.
6. Ask precisely what you want to the person or
thing that can give it to you and offer what the
person requires.
a. If you don’t know who to ask, ask the unknown
or ask for the Giver to be revealed to you.
7. Open and receive your wish with gratitude.
a. If you don’t receive your wish, determine what
rule you violated and repeat the process from that
point. The only thing that you have to give up to
get what you want is the idea that you can’t have

This is a tried-and-tested formula that has worked
for hundreds of millions of people all over the
world. But, remember to focus and ask for exactly
what you want, not what you don’t want.

In the Magic Square Workshop,,
I spelled out an ancient formula to get exactly
what you want and how to bring it into your life
effortlessly. If you are ready to change your life
for the better, order the Magic Square Workshop
today and make the life you want to manifest.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. The Magic Square Workshop is a precise
formula that will give you the key to Feng Shui